Django Twitter callback goes to IP-address, not domain - django

I suddenly got a problem with the twitter redirect going to the IP-adress of my site, not the actual domain, after authorization. This has been working as expected before.
I am using Django for my project, and the IP-adress is in the ALLOWED_HOSTS list. The twitter application itself is correctly figured with the domain, not any IP-adress, it just "chooses" to use the IP, it seems.
Have I misconfigured something server-side maybe? Im a bit of a Django newbie.
Thanks for any suggestions.


Django web site URLS gets "?next=" randomly after deployed to heroku

After deploying django app on heroku the url after every form submission or link in site been press resulting with "?next=" inserts into the URL address, I don't understand from where it comes and why heroku keep inserting them in a random way, running the application locally just working perfectly.
I've deleted the application from heroku and upload it again, the fault persists.
There's no http errors what so ever. If I keep submitting the form eventually will works.
For example: pressing the log button in the django admin console results with this URL:, hitting it quite a bit will finally make it work with the correct url display:
Switching from heroku postgres to AWS RDS postgres didn't help.
Help will be very appreciated.
When a user hits a page requiring authentication, they get redirected to the login URL with a ?next= indicating the page they were trying to access. This way, after they've logged in, they'll get the page they intended to access.
In your case, it seems like /admin/login/admin/ requires a login and the login is actually at /admin/login/. I'm guessing you have a bad link to /admin/login/admin/ somewhere when you intended to just have /admin/login/?
Well, struggling for days just to understand it's heroku backend issue and there's not enough information that could help me solving it (i did try to contact heroku support directly but I'm on a free account).
Finally I decided to deploy it using elastic beanstalk. The implementation took some time with long learning curve but now my site works and works great!
Thanks for trying to help Tim.

django oscar paypal redirect

I am using Django Oscar Paypal for payment. I am having an issue with redirecting back to my website on the production mode.
I have successfully set up in the development mode and I have tried two different IP address for runserver : and -> both worked corrected and redirected to whatever server I was running.
I turned off Sandbox mode and I have a website that has https:// working correctly. I try to make a payment on but it redirects to******* when I am redirected to paypal website for payment and click on Continue. (This happens for cancelling as well).
I have checked the views in the paypal app and it has 'reverse' code written correctly. If I paste /checkout/paypal/preview/13/?token=******* part after, it seems to be working correctly.
Is there a way to redirect back to
Many Thanks
I just tried to switch to sandbox mode in the production but it doesn't redirect me to sandbox paypal! It keeps going to proper paypal payment site even with sandbox API... I am getting confused now.
Could this be because I haven't done python migrate and makemigrations?
Oscar uses the Django sites framework to determine the appropriate return URL.
You probably have the wrong domain ( configured on your Site.
Edit the site from the admin (at to set the domain that you use in production. Once you change this the redirect from Paypal should work.

Referrer Spoofing in Django

I have been searching internet for some good docs/articles on how to implement referrer spoofing using django or django templates.
The project that we are working right now is a dynamic website, where in we get results from mysql database based on the search done by the user.
I am not getting any idea of how to implement this or know of any packages to do this.
If the original url in mysql database is and my website is
The link that I should show is which will redirect to google.
Note: I am not posting any code/or what I tried because I am not getting any ideas on how to implement this.
Please help me.
I wrote a redirection script. The steps are:
Setup some url handler.
Setup a view for this handler.
Setup a meta refresh html template.
Metarefresh template will blank the referrer before sending the end user to the target url.
If you want to get an idea, follow this question and the accepted answer: django get complete url in query string

django-allauth and twitter integration - Social Network Login Failure

I am trying to work with django-allauth. I followed the instructions at github page and done following:
Added allauth urls into
urlpatterns += patterns ('',
url('^accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
url('^accounts/profile/$', ProfileView.as_view(), name='ProfileView'),
url('^login/$', login, name='account_login'),
url('^logout/$', logout, name='account_logout'),
url('^login/cancelled/$', login_cancelled, name='socialaccount_login_cancelled'),
url('^login/error/$', login_error, name='socialaccount_login_error'),
Added Key and Secret for twitter in the Social apps table.
Copied django-allauth templates to my app's directory and modified it. I can see all the templates working fine like /accounts/signup/ and /accounts/social/connections/.
Now, from connections or signup when I click Twitter link /accounts/twitter/login/ I ended up with the following error:
Social Network Login Failure
An error occured while attempting to login via your social network
Am I missing something? May be some stupid mistake (Twitter login url? No clues!). I also tried to find some tutorials based on the latest codebase but unable to find any. django-allauth example on github wasn't of any help. Please help. Also, please feel free to provide me any links or tutorials based on the latest codebase.
Thanks in advance.
I am a beginner so you can expect some stupid mistakes from people like me but I try to learn. I spent many hours trying to resolve this. Finally the issue turns out to be Twitter App Key Settings:
I get "Social Network Login Failure" error because my Twitter App settings are not configured for the localhost. Make sure you have the following settings configured in your Twitter App for your localhost (development machine):
Callback URL:
NOTE: If you want to use it for production server then you need to set Callback to your domain name as follows:
Callback URL:
OR better use another set of Keys specifically for production use only.
BONUS : If you are using django-social-auth and you don't have these settings configured then you may end up with 401 Unauthorized error.

Django, from php to Django

I have a website done with Django, that was previously done with PHP and CodeIgniter. I've moved the website to Webfaction, changed the DNS and all other configurations, but now my email is full of errors like this:
Error (EXTERNAL IP): /index.php/main/leer/7497
I don't know why the Django app is looking for pages from the PHP app, specially since the PHP app was in another host.
Are those URLs from your old site? That's probably a case of people having stale bookmarks, trying to navigate to them, and getting 404s. You might want to consider catching those, and redirecting to the new URL with response code 302.
I can't imagine those errors are caused by Django (except in the sense that the reports are from Django reporting 404s, which it does for free).
I agree with above. Just want to add you should use django.contrib.redirects to move the redirects.
You can read more about it here