Extracting data using regex from bank feed - regex

I am looking to extract some text from a raw credit card feed for a workflow. I have gotten almost where I want to but am struggling with the final piece of information I'm trying to extract.
An example of the raw feed is:
I am looking to extract this from the above:
with the brackets representing the two groups I am after. The consistent parts across all instances of what I'm trying to extract is:
DIGITS (TEXT) DATE TEXT AMOUNT includesconversioncommissionof
I have been able to use the regex:
to get me the date and the amount. I am struggling to find a way to get as per the example above the words ICGROUP,INC.MELBOURNE
I have tried putting \d\d(.*) before the above regex but that doesn't work for some reason.
Would appreciate if anyone is able to help with what I'm after!

The closest I think we can get (PCRE) is something like:
[\d,.]+ # a currency value to bookend
(.+?) # capture everything in-between
[A-Z][a-z]+\d+ # a month followed by a day, e.g. "June5"
.+? # everything in-between
([\d,.]+) # capture a currency value
includesconversioncommissionof # our magic token to bookend
The technique here is to pit greedy expressions against non-greedy expressions in a very deliberate way. Let me know if you have any questions about it. I would be extremely hesitant to put this in production—or even trust its output as an ad-hoc pass—without rigorous testing!
I'm using the pattern [\d,.] for currency, but you can replace that with something more sophisticated, especially if you expect weird formats and currency symbols. The biggest potential pitfall here is if the ICGROUP,INC.MELBOURNE token might start with a number. Then you'll definitely need a more sophisticated currency pattern!

Here's what I've got (in php).
$cleaned = preg_replace("/^(LEO'SFINEFOOD&WINEHARTWELL)([A-Za-z]{3,9})(\.|\d)*/", "", $string);
echo $cleaned;
what it returns is: ICGROUP,INC.MELBOURNEJune5UNITEDSTATESDOLLARAUD50.07includesconversioncommissionofAUD1.469.96WOOLWORTHS3335CHADSTOCHADSTONE
Which you can then use and run your own little regex on.
The \w{3,9} is used to remove the month which may be 3-9 characters long. Then the (\.|\d)* is to remove the digits and dots. I'm thinking that we could parse the month/date better using your regex to extract that June 5 part but from your example given, it shouldn't be necessary.
However, it would be much more helpful if you could provide at least 3 examples, optimally 5, so we can get a good feel of the pattern. Otherwise this is the best I can do with what you've given.


Regex, Grafana Loki, Promtail: Parsing a timestamp from logs using regex

I want to parse a timestamp from logs to be used by loki as the timestamp.
Im a total noob when it comes to regex.
The log file is from "endlessh" which is essentially a tarpit/honeypit for ssh attackers.
It looks like this:
2022-04-03 14:37:25.101991388 2022-04-03T12:37:25.101Z CLOSE host=::ffff: port=21590 fd=4 time=20.015 bytes=26
2022-04-03 14:38:07.723962122 2022-04-03T12:38:07.723Z ACCEPT host=::ffff: port=64475 fd=4 n=1/4096
What I want to match, using regex, is the second timestamp present there, since its a utc timestamp and should be parseable by promtail.
I've tried different approaches, but just couldn't get it right at all.
So first of all I need a regex that matches the timestamp I want.
But secondly, I somehow need to form it into a regex that exposes the value in some sort?
The docs offer this example:
Afaik, those are named groups, and that is all that it takes to expose the value for me to use it in the config?
Would be nice if someone can provide a solution for the regex, and an explanation of what it does :)
You could for example create a specific pattern to match the first part, and capture the second part:
^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+\s+(?P<timestamp>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+Z)\b
Regex demo
Or use a very broad if the format is always the same, repeating an exact number of non whitespace characters parts and capture the part that you want to keep.
Regex demo

Matching within matches by extending an existing Regex

I'm trying to see if its possible to extend an existing arbitrary regex by prepending or appending another regex to match within matches.
Take the following example:
The original regex is cat|car|bat so matching output is
I want to add to this regex and output only matches that start with 'ca',
I specifically don't want to interpret a whole regex, which could be quite a long operation and then change its internal content to match produce the output as in:
or run the original regex and then the second one over the results. I'm taking the original regex as an argument in python but want to 'prefilter' the matches by adding the additional code.
This is probably a slight abuse of regex, but I'm still interested if it's possible. I have tried what I know of subgroups and the following examples but they're not giving me what I need.
Things I've tried:
It may not be possible but I'm interested in what any regex gurus think. I'm also interested if there is some way of doing this positionally if the length of the initial output is known.
A slightly more realistic example of the inital query might be [a-z]{4} but if I create (?<=^ca([a-z]{4})) it matches against 6 letter strings starting with ca, not 4 letter.
Thanks for any solutions and/or opinions on it.
EDIT: See solution including #Nick's contribution below. The tool I was testing this with (exrex) seems to have a slight bug that, following the examples given, would create matches 6 characters long.
You were not far off with what you tried, only you don't need a lookbehind, but rather a lookahead assertion, and a parenthesis was misplaced. The right thing is: Put the original pattern in parentheses, and prepend (?=ca):
In the second example (without | alternative), the parentheses around the original pattern wouldn't be required.
Ok, thanks to #Armali I've come to the conclusion that (?=ca)(^[a-z]{4}$) works (see https://regexr.com/3f4vo). However, I'm trying this with the great exrex tool to attempt to produce matching strings, and it's producing matches that are 6 characters long rather than 4. This may be a limitation of exrex rather than the regex, which seems to work in other cases.
See #Nick's comment.
I've also raised an issue on the exrex GitHub for this.

Extract only the text field needed

I am at the beginning of learning Regex, and I use every opportunity to understand how it's working. Currently I am trying to extract dates from a text file (which is in fact a vnt-file type from my mobile phone). It looks like following:
=0A13.11.=0A13.12.=0A12.01.=0A03.02. Grippe=0A06.03.=0A04.04.2015=0A0=
I want to extract all dates, so that the final list is like that:
and so on. If the date has also a year, it should also be displayed.
I almost found out how to detect the dates by the following regex:
But it only detect very few of the dates. The result is this:
Then I tried to add a question mark which makes the .+ not greedy, as far as I read in tutorials. Then the regex looks like:
But the result is still not what I am looking for:
For someone who is familiar with regex I am pretty sure this is very easy to solve, but I don't get it. It's very confusing when you are new to regex. I tried to find a hint in some tutorials or stackoverflow posts, but all I found is this: Notepad++ how to extract only the text field which is needed?
But it doesn't work for me. I assume it might have something to do with the fact that my text file is not one single line.
I have my example on regex101 too.
I would be very thankful if maybe someone can give me a hint what else I can try.
Edit: I would like to detect the dates with the regex and as a result have a list with only the dates (maybe it is called substitute?)
Edit 2: Sorry for not mentioning it earlier: I just want to use the regex in e.g. Notepad++ or an online regex test website. Just to get the result of the dates and save the result in a new txt-file. I don't want to use the regex in an programming language. My apologies for not being precisely before.
Edit 3: The result should be a list with the dates, and each date in a new line:
I want to extract all dates, so that the final list is like that:
I suggest this pattern:
This makes use of the \G flag that, in this case, allows for multiple matches from the very start of the match without letting any single unmatched character in the text, thus allowing the removal of all but what's wanted.
If you want to remove the extra matches as well, add |.* at the end:
regex101 demo
In N++, make sure the options underlined are selected, and that the cursor is at the beginning. In the picture below, I replaced then undid the replacement, only to show that matches were identified (16 replacements).
You can try using the following pattern:
This will match day.month dates of the form 18.07., but it also allows such a date to be followed by a four digit year, e.g. 18.07.2017. While it would be nice to make the pattern more restrictive, to avoid false fire matches, I do not see anything obvious which can be added to the above pattern. Follow the demo link below to see the pattern in action.

Regular Expression to find CVE Matches

I am pretty new to the concept of regex and so I am hoping an expert user can help me craft the right expression to find all the matches in a string. I have a string that represents a lot of support information in it for vulnerabilities data. In that string are a series of CVE references in the format: CVE-2015-4000. Can anyone provide me a sample regex on finding all occurrences of that ? obviously, the numeric part of that changes throughout the string...
Generally you should always include your previous efforts in your question, what exactly you expect to match, etc. But since I am aware of the format and this is an easy one...
This matches first CVE- then a 4-digit number for the year identifier and then a 4 to 7 digit number to identify the vulnerability as per the new standard.
See this in action here.
If you need an exact match without any syntax or logic violations, you can try this:
You can run this against the test data supplied by MITRE here to test your code or test it online here.
I will add my two cents to the accepted answer. Incase we want to detect case insensitive "CVE" we can following regex

Reg Ex Facebook

I am trying to extract some information from facebook using Regex. Here is a link with an example:
I was interested in what would the regular expression be in order to extract just the number of likes from this string.
I have tried for example this expression:
Thank you in advance for any advice regarding this matter,
You should follow "#Hope I helped" comment and use a json parser. You can't be sure the text is going to be formatted always the same way:
Are you always going to have a single space between : and the number ?
By the way, here is the error you are looking for, your current regex matches a single figure, not a multiple digit number, you should use something like: [0-9]+ and probably remove the $ which is not correct in your example, as you have a comma after the number.