How to Enter PayPal information into NetSuite with Web Services? - web-services

I am having an issue getting PayPal Payment information into NetSuite via Web Services. After setting up PayPal within NetSuite and setting up all of the Test Accounts with PayPal we have all of the external endpoints functioning properly with PayPal on our web site. When we go to try and import the Sales Order with the new PayPal Payment information most of the data doesn't transfer.
Specifically the "payPalStatus" and "paypalAuthId" fields available to us through web services are both left blank in NetSuite. The "payPalTranId" field is the only one that remains populated upon submitting the order Via Web Services. When trying to Capture against this Authorization inside of NetSuite we cannot.
If anyone can point us in the right direction on how to resolve this issue it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You for your time!

AFAIK those fields are for when you are using a Netsuite hosted web site and their PayPal integration. You can try filing a case.
If you have the payPalTranId you can write an integration against the PayPal API to capture your sales. The PP API is pretty straight-forward.


Implementing Stripe with React-native and Django

I am using React-native for mobile app and Django as server. How to implement stripe payment gateway? How I can make a payment and send the response to the backend so that in backend I can handle which user is now subscribed?
In web we can do that using stripe-session url. We can hit the url and after successful payment it's return an id, I have to just post the id to the server.
How can I do that with react-native because by doing so I am kicked out from my app and the session url opens in the browser, i can make the payment successfully but cannot redirect to the app.
How to successfully I can implement this with react-native and django?
According to the Docs, React Native provides the Fetch API. You should be able to make POST requests to your Django back-end that way.
You may run into issues with authentication (since Django POST request require CSRF tokens). There are many docs about this topic and you should be able to find a solution that meets your needs with a few searches.
As for how to implement your Stripe payment flow, that depends on how you want to collect payment details for your subscriptions. Stripe public docs have many useful examples from using a Stripe hosted Checkout page, using Stripe Payment Elements, or using the basic Quickstart example to get you started. The Python back-end uses Flask instead of Django but it is not difficult to understand how to translate the functionality from one framework to another.
As a back-up and general best practice, consider utilizing webhooks to ensure your back-end is aware of changes to Stripe records. Financial networks include many asynchronous processes and it's a good idea to not just rely on the Request <-> Response loop.

Stripe integration with Django rest and Angular/Cli

I want to create a stripe payment integration using Django Rest Framework as backend and Angular/Cli as frontend. And also I want to confirm the payment using stripe webhooks. I could not able to find Angular documentation just for the only frontend. And also the Stripe docs are generally has written for flask and not for the rest framework. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I've found a library and some newer docs that I think will solve your issues:
Using the ngx-stripe library as a wrapper, you can setup the publishable key on your front end. The library then offers a StripeService.
If you setup some custom endpoints on your backend to handle the dirty work (accept payments, create customers, etc), you can have then have the StripeService listen for the response and react accordingly (create a checkout session, display payment successful message, etc.)

Django payments guide

I am trying to make my own payment gateway django application.I went through many payment gateway websites like paypal, razorpay. But I'm facing issues like how the processing should be and how the workflow should be.
I just need to integrate this with my other website, so this is secondary i need help that how can I create payment gateway django application.Any resources for the same or any online prebuild Github/Gitlab etc repository available.
I have some experience in django but i need to do this project within 10 hours.
I need to implement very basic functionality of what payment gateways does. No need to api. Just locally I will connect my payment gateway app to my other website.
I just want to show how payment gateway work locally means creating my own very basic payment gateway app. Credit card details etc will be fake. No real money transaction.
Remember: fake payments and I just want to develop and show how payment gateway work. A basic local app. Without real payment thing but virtual and fake.

How to create shipping labels using FedEx web services?

I have created FedEx developer account for testing and now i would like to create shipping labels using FedEx web services. I can not find an example of creating shipping labels, ideally i would like to post a HTTP request and get the shipping label as response or achieve the same result by a SOAP request.
For a beginner like me the FedEx documentation is confusing any help will be appreciated.
The documentation is a bit confusing, but it's the best resource there is for FedEx web services. That documentation is available here.
You'll be using the "Ship Service" to create shipping labels. The FedEx services can take either SOAP or plain XML requests. I prefer to use plain XML. In that case you can POST a request to (the test/development server). For SOAP I think you use
There are some example request/response pairs in the documentation to get you started. Look in the section Ship Service -> Sample Transactions.
I hope this is enough to get you started.

How does a web beacon(web bug) work?

Can anybody explain exactly how a web beacon works? I know they're generally used by advertising platforms but i can't really find a good explanation on how they're working.
I know that cookies aren't accessible cross-domain. A web beacon is an image that sends a request to the server, and the server adds a cookie to the response, right? So how can it be accessed on different domains?
When an HTML page is downloaded the browser parses the page and looks for additional resources needed to display the page, such as images. For each image it finds the browser makes another request to a server in the background. When servers receive requests, they usually log the request to monitor load on the server, and record information about who sent the request and where it came from. A web beacon is a tiny invisible graphic that generates a request to the tracking firm's server. They record the request in their logs and then analyze their logs to see who went where and did what and when.
When returning the image from their servers to the browser, they can also send down information to be added to a cookie. There are third-party cookies that can be tracked across domains. If you come back to the site, and the beacon request is made again, that cookie will also be sent up in the request to the server and the tracking firm will have more information about you.
Think about this. Even though you are visiting the web beacon image is being requested from The cookie they create is assigned/locked to their domain, But if you then surf over to, and they too are sending web beacons to, the cookie will essentially be shared between the two sites. There are more considerations here, but that is the basic premise.
Bug bug (also known as Web beacon) is very important tools commonly used by online advertiser as marketing or advertisement analysis tool for tracking and monitoring the activity of users on a website or marketing content i.e: blog or email. An expert advertiser inserts web bug in his content (usually on website and email) in order track how many people opened a particular content, on which application and country his content is being viewed. So, whenever advertisement display by third-party just know that you are being tracked for marketing analysis purpose.
Bug bug tools are provided freely or premium mostly by CRM service providers like Hubspot CRM, Freshsales CRM, Salesforce CRM, etc. However, a Web bug PHP code can also be used for this if tracking service by CRM provider is not available. Continue reading
And instead of going off and creating one using Php and Apache redirects, my vote is that you go to and create one, use it, and track it. No cost either.