Unreal C++ Controller Input: Yaw Rotation - c++

I'm setting my game character camera via c++, and I came across this, and even though it works, I don't understand why the code uses DeltaTime. What is the function of GetDeltaSeconds actually doing?
void AWizardCharater::LookX(float Value)
AddControllerYawInput(Sensitivity * Value * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds());
Here is the api ref : https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/API/Runtime/Engine/GameFramework/APawn/AddControllerYawInput/index.html

Using delta time, multiplied by some sensitivity value, is a standard method used throughout games to provide a consistent movement rate, independent of framerate.
Consider the following code, without using delta time:
If you had a framerate of 10 FPS then you'd be doing 10 degrees per second. If the framerate increases to 100 FPS, you'd be doing 100 degrees per second.
Using delta time makes the movement consistent regardless of framerate, as the time between frames decreases with faster framerate, slowing down the movement.


Basic example of how to do numerical integration in C++

I think most people know how to do numerical derivation in computer programming, (as limit --> 0; read: "as the limit approaches zero").
//example code for derivation of position over time to obtain velocity
float currPosition, prevPosition, currTime, lastTime, velocity;
while (true)
prevPosition = currPosition;
currPosition = getNewPosition();
lastTime = currTime;
currTime = getTimestamp();
// Numerical derivation of position over time to obtain velocity
velocity = (currPosition - prevPosition)/(currTime - lastTime);
// since the while loop runs at the shortest period of time, we've already
// achieved limit --> 0;
This is the basic building block for most derivation programming.
How can I do this with integrals? Do I use a for loop and add or what?
Numerical derivation and integration in code for physics, mapping, robotics, gaming, dead-reckoning, and controls
Pay attention to where I use the words "estimate" vs "measurement" below. The difference is important.
Measurements are direct readings from a sensor.
Ex: a GPS measures position (meters) directly, and a speedometer measures speed (m/s) directly.
Estimates are calculated projections you can obtain through integrating and derivating (deriving) measured values.
Ex: you can derive position measurements (m) with respect to time to obtain speed or velocity (m/s) estimates, and you can integrate speed or velocity measurements (m/s) with respect to time to obtain position or displacement (m) estimates.
Wait, aren't all "measurements" actually just "estimates" at some fundamental level?
Yeah--pretty much! But, they are not necessarily produced through derivations or integrations with respect to time, so that is a bit different.
Also note that technically, virtually nothing can truly be measured directly. All sensors get reduced down to a voltage or a current, and guess how you measure a current?--a voltage!--either as a voltage drop across a tiny resistance, or as a voltage induced through an inductive coil due to current flow. So, everything boils down to a voltage. Even devices which "measure speed directly" may be using pressure (pitot-static tube on airplane), doppler/phase shift (radar or sonar), or looking at distance over time and then outputting speed. Fluid speed, or speed with respect to fluid such as air or water, can even be measured via a hot wire anemometer by measuring the current required to keep a hot wire at a fixed temperature, or by measuring the temperature change of the hot wire at a fixed current. And how is that temperature measured? Temperature is just a thermo-electrically-generated voltage, or a voltage drop across a diode or other resistance.
As you can see, all of these "measurements" and "estimates", at the low level, are intertwined. However, if a given device has been produced, tested, and calibrated to output a given "measurement", then you can accept it as a "source of truth" for all practical purposes and call it a "measurement". Then, anything you derive from that measurement, with respect to time or some other variable, you can consider an "estimate". The irony of this is that if you calibrate your device and output derived or integrated estimates, someone else could then consider your output "estimates" as their input "measurements" in their system, in a sort of never-ending chain down the line. That's being pedantic, however. Let's just go with the simplified definitions I have above for the time being.
The following table is true, for example. Read the 2nd line, for instance, as: "If you take the derivative of a velocity measurement with respect to time, you get an acceleration estimate, and if you take its integral, you get a position estimate."
Derivatives and integrals of position
Measurement, y Derivative Integral
Estimate (dy/dt) Estimate (dy*dt)
----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
position [m] velocity [m/s] - [m*s]
velocity [m/s] acceleration [m/s^2] position [m]
acceleration [m/s^2] jerk [m/s^3] velocity [m/s]
jerk [m/s^3] snap [m/s^4] acceleration [m/s^2]
snap [m/s^4] crackle [m/s^5] jerk [m/s^3]
crackle [m/s^5] pop [m/s^6] snap [m/s^4]
pop [m/s^6] - [m/s^7] crackle [m/s^5]
For jerk, snap or jounce, crackle, and pop, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth,_fifth,_and_sixth_derivatives_of_position.
1. numerical derivation
Remember, derivation obtains the slope of the line, dy/dx, on an x-y plot. The general form is (y_new - y_old)/(x_new - x_old).
In order to obtain a velocity estimate from a system where you are obtaining repeated position measurements (ex: you are taking GPS readings periodically), you must numerically derivate your position measurements over time. Your y-axis is position, and your x-axis is time, so dy/dx is simply (position_new - position_old)/(time_new - time_old). A units check shows this might be meters/sec, which is indeed a unit for velocity.
In code, that would look like this, for a system where you're only measuring position in 1-dimension:
double position_new_m = getPosition(); // m = meters
double position_old_m;
// `getNanoseconds()` should return a `uint64_t timestamp in nanoseconds, for
// instance
double time_new_sec = NS_TO_SEC((double)getNanoseconds());
double time_old_sec;
while (true)
position_old_m = position_new_m;
position_new_m = getPosition();
time_old_sec = time_new_sec;
time_new_sec = NS_TO_SEC((double)getNanoseconds());
// Numerical derivation of position measurements over time to obtain
// velocity in meters per second (mps)
double velocity_mps =
(position_new_m - position_old_m)/(time_new_sec - time_old_sec);
2. numerical integration
Numerical integration obtains the area under the curve, dy*dx, on an x-y plot. One of the best ways to do this is called trapezoidal integration, where you take the average dy reading and multiply by dx. This would look like this: (y_old + y_new)/2 * (x_new - x_old).
In order to obtain a position estimate from a system where you are obtaining repeated velocity measurements (ex: you are trying to estimate distance traveled while only reading the speedometer on your car), you must numerically integrate your velocity measurements over time. Your y-axis is velocity, and your x-axis is time, so (y_old + y_new)/2 * (x_new - x_old) is simply velocity_old + velocity_new)/2 * (time_new - time_old). A units check shows this might be meters/sec * sec = meters, which is indeed a unit for distance.
In code, that would look like this. Notice that the numerical integration obtains the distance traveled over that one tiny time interval. To obtain an estimate of the total distance traveled, you must sum all of the individual estimates of distance traveled.
double velocity_new_mps = getVelocity(); // mps = meters per second
double velocity_old_mps;
// `getNanoseconds()` should return a `uint64_t timestamp in nanoseconds, for
// instance
double time_new_sec = NS_TO_SEC((double)getNanoseconds());
double time_old_sec;
// Total meters traveled
double distance_traveled_m_total = 0;
while (true)
velocity_old_mps = velocity_new_mps;
velocity_new_mps = getVelocity();
time_old_sec = time_new_sec;
time_new_sec = NS_TO_SEC((double)getNanoseconds());
// Numerical integration of velocity measurements over time to obtain
// a distance estimate (in meters) over this time interval
double distance_traveled_m =
(velocity_old_mps + velocity_new_mps)/2 * (time_new_sec - time_old_sec);
distance_traveled_m_total += distance_traveled_m;
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_integration.
Going further:
high-resolution timestamps
To do the above, you'll need a good way to obtain timestamps. Here are various techniques I use:
In C++, use my uint64_t nanos() function here.
If using Linux in C or C++, use my uint64_t nanos() function which uses clock_gettime() here. Even better, I have wrapped it up into a nice timinglib library for Linux, in my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo here:
Here is the NS_TO_SEC() macro from timing.h:
#define NS_PER_SEC (1000000000L)
/// Convert nanoseconds to seconds
#define NS_TO_SEC(ns) ((ns)/NS_PER_SEC)
If using a microcontroller, you'll need to read an incrementing periodic counter from a timer or counter register which you have configured to increment at a steady, fixed rate. Ex: on Arduino: use micros() to obtain a microsecond timestamp with 4-us resolution (by default, it can be changed). On STM32 or others, you'll need to configure your own timer/counter.
use high data sample rates
Taking data samples as fast as possible in a sample loop is a good idea, because then you can average many samples to achieve:
Reduced noise: averaging many raw samples reduces noise from the sensor.
Higher-resolution: averaging many raw samples actually adds bits of resolution in your measurement system. This is known as oversampling.
I write about it on my personal website here: ElectricRCAircraftGuy.com: Using the Arduino Uno’s built-in 10-bit to 16+-bit ADC (Analog to Digital Converter).
And Atmel/Microchip wrote about it in their white-paper here: Application Note AN8003: AVR121: Enhancing ADC resolution by oversampling.
Taking 4^n samples increases your sample resolution by n bits of resolution. For example:
4^0 = 1 sample at 10-bits resolution --> 1 10-bit sample
4^1 = 4 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 11-bit sample
4^2 = 16 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 12-bit sample
4^3 = 64 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 13-bit sample
4^4 = 256 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 14-bit sample
4^5 = 1024 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 15-bit sample
4^6 = 4096 samples at 10-bits resolution --> 1 16-bit sample
So, sampling at high sample rates is good. You can do basic filtering on these samples.
If you process raw samples at a high rate, doing numerical derivation on high-sample-rate raw samples will end up derivating a lot of noise, which produces noisy derivative estimates. This isn't great. It's better to do the derivation on filtered samples: ex: the average of 100 or 1000 rapid samples. Doing numerical integration on high-sample-rate raw samples, however, is fine, because as Edgar Bonet says, "when integrating, the more samples you get, the better the noise averages out." This goes along with my notes above.
Just using the filtered samples for both numerical integration and numerical derivation, however, is just fine.
use reasonable control loop rates
Control loop rates should not be too fast. The higher the sample rates, the better, because you can filter them to reduce noise. The higher the control loop rate, however, not necessarily the better, because there is a sweet spot in control loop rates. If your control loop rate is too slow, the system will have a slow frequency response and won't respond to the environment fast enough, and if the control loop rate is too fast, it ends up just responding to sample noise instead of to real changes in the measured data.
Therefore, even if you have a sample rate of 1 kHz, for instance, to oversample and filter the data, control loops that fast are not needed, as the noise from readings of real sensors over very small time intervals will be too large. Use a control loop anywhere from 10 Hz ~ 100 Hz, perhaps up to 400+ Hz for simple systems with clean data. In some scenarios you can go faster, but 50 Hz is very common in control systems. The more-complicated the system and/or the more-noisy the sensor measurements, generally, the slower the control loop must be, down to about 1~10 Hz or so. Self-driving cars, for instance, which are very complicated, frequently operate at control loops of only 10 Hz.
loop timing and multi-tasking
In order to accomplish the above, independent measurement and filtering loops, and control loops, you'll need a means of performing precise and efficient loop timing and multi-tasking.
If needing to do precise, repetitive loops in Linux in C or C++, use the sleep_until_ns() function from my timinglib above. I have a demo of my sleep_until_us() function in-use in Linux to obtain repetitive loops as fast as 1 KHz to 100 kHz here.
If using bare-metal (no operating system) on a microcontroller as your compute platform, use timestamp-based cooperative multitasking to perform your control loop and other loops such as measurements loops, as required. See my detailed answer here: How to do high-resolution, timestamp-based, non-blocking, single-threaded cooperative multi-tasking.
full, numerical integration and multi-tasking example
I have an in-depth example of both numerical integration and cooperative multitasking on a bare-metal system using my CREATE_TASK_TIMER() macro in my Full coulomb counter example in code. That's a great demo to study, in my opinion.
Kalman filters
For robust measurements, you'll probably need a Kalman filter, perhaps an "unscented Kalman Filter," or UKF, because apparently they are "unscented" because they "don't stink."
See also
My answer on Physics-based controls, and control systems: the many layers of control

Is it okay to call SDL_RenderCopy() for each sprite?

This is a followup to my question here: Is it okay to have a SDL_Surface and SDL_Texture for each sprite?
I made an class called entity each having a SDL_Texture, which is set in the constructor and then a member function render() is called for every onscreen entity in a vector, which uses SDL_RenderCopy() to draw to the renderer.
This render() function includes generating rectangles for each sprite based on their position/cameradata
Is this okay? Is there a faster way?
I made a testlevel with 96 sprites that each take up 2% of the screen with tons of overdraw and ft is 15ms (~65fps)at a resolution of1600x900. Seems a little slow for just some sprites, and my computer breathes much heavier then when playing a full game such as spelunky or isaac.
Prefer frame time over FPS
You want to measure and judge your performance based on the frame time not FPS. Because the relation between the two is not linear. Going from 20 FPS to 30 FPS needs about 16.7 ms worth of optimization. That is the same amount of performance gain in optimization it takes to get from 30 FPS to 60 FPS. So if you judge performance based on FPS you would come to conclusion that a particular "optimization" that increased the FPS from 30 to 60 is better that the one that made a 20 FPS scene run 31 FPS. while the latter is actually a better optimization.
Batch your draws
If you pack all your textures into one and store each individual image's coordinates, you can use the same texture to draw many of your objects. This is limited by the size and number of your textures and also the maximum texture size supported in your environment. In my experiences 4096x4096 is safe but I prefer to use 2048x2048 "texture atlases". There are many utility programs to make such textures. You can easily find a suitable one by doing a Google search.
In this setup in addition to a SDL texture, each sprite also has the x, y, width and height of the region in the "big" texture containing the particular image needed. You can make a TextureRegion class. Each sprite then has a TextureRegion. This whole process is often referred to as batching. Look it up. The whole idea is to minimize state changes. I am not sure if it applies to software rendering or to all of SDL2 backends.
Cache your transformations
Batching your sprites will increase the performance in the GPU side. The CPU bound code is another optimization opportunity. Instead of calculating the parameters of SDL_RenderCopy in each frame, calculate them once and cache them. Then when the position/rotation of the camera or object changes, recalculate the cache. You can do this in "accessors" of your entity class (like setPosition, setRotaion, etc..). Note that instead of directly recalculating transform as soon as a position or rotation changes your want to flag the object as "dirty" and check for the dirty flag in the your render function. if this->isDirty Then recalculate and cache the transform. This prevents redundant calculations when you do this:
//if dirty flag is not used each of the following function calls
//would have resulted in a recalculation of transforms. However by
//using the dirty flag they will be calculated only once before
//the rendering of next frame in the render() function.
So, I've done some more testing by examining the memory/cpu usage of this program at full screen with a "demanding" level and managed to make it similar to other games by enforcing a framerate cap with SDL_Wait()
float g_max_framerate = 60;
float g_max_frametime = 1/g_max_framerate * 1000;
while (!quit) {
lastticks = ticks;
ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
elapsed = ticks - lastticks;
//lock framerate
if(elapsed < g_max_frametime) {
SDL_Delay(g_max_frametime - elapsed);
With this limitation it is appropriatly lowspec.

How to define how much CPU to use in SFML game?

I've made a game but I don't know if the game will work the same way in other devices. For example if the CPU of a computer is high will the player and enemies move faster? If so, is there a way to define CPU usage available in SFML? The way the player and enemies move in my program is to :
1-Check if the key is pressed
2-If so : move(x,y); Or is there a way to get the CPU to do some operations in the move function.
Thank you!
It sounds like you are worried about the physics of your game being affected by the game's framerate. Your intuition is serving you well! This is a significant problem, and one you'll want to address if you want your game to feel professional.
According to Glenn Fiedler in his Gaffer on Games article 'Fix Your Timestep!'
[A game loop that handles time improperly can make] the behavior of your physics simulation [depend] on the delta time you pass in. The effect could be subtle as your game having a slightly different “feel” depending on framerate or it could be as extreme as your spring simulation exploding to infinity, fast moving objects tunneling through walls and the player falling through the floor!
Logic dictates that you must detach the dependencies of your update from the time it takes to draw a frame. A simple solution is to:
Pick an amount of time which can be safely processed (your timestep)
Add the time passed every frame into an accumulated pool of time
Process the time passed in safe chunks
In pseudocode:
time_pool = 0;
timestep = 0.01; //or whatever is safe for you!
old_time = get_current_time();
while (!closed) {
new_time = get_current_time();
time_pool += new_time - old_time;
old_time = new_time;
while (time_pool > timestep)
consume_time(timestep); //update your gamestate
time_pool -= timestep;
//note: leftover time is not lost, and will be left in time_pool
It is worth noting that this method has its own problem: future frames have to consume the time produced by calls to consume_time. If a call to consume_time takes too long, the time produced might require two calls be made next frame - then four - then eight - and so on. If you use this method, you will have to make sure consume_time is very efficient, and even then it would be best to have a contingency plan.
For a more thorough treatment I encourage you to read the linked article.

Cocos2D BezierBy with increasing speed over time

I'm pretty new to C++/Cocos2d, but I've been making pretty good progress. :)
What I want to do is animate a coin 'falling off' the screen after a player gets it. I've managed to successfully implement it 2 different ways, but each way has major downsides.
The goal: After a player gets a coin, the coin should 'jump', then 'fall' off of the screen. Ideally, the coin acts as if acted upon by gravity, so it jumps up with a fast speed, slows down to a stop, then proceeds to go downward at an increasing rate.
Attempts so far:
void Coin::tick(float dt) {
velocityY += gravity * dt;
float newX = coin->getPositionX() + velocityX;
float newY = coin->getPositionY() + velocityY;
coin->setPosition(newX, newY);
// using MoveBy(dt, Vec2(newX, newY)) has same result
// This is run on every 'update' of the main game loop.
This method does exactly what I would like it to do as far as movement, however, the frame rate gets extremely choppy and it starts to 'jump' between frames, sometimes quite significant distances.
ccBezierConfig bz;
bz.controlPoint_1 = Vec2(0, 0);
bz.controlPoint_2 = Vec2(20, 50); // These are just test values. Will normally be randomized to a degree.
bz.endPosition = Vec2(100, -2000);
auto coinDrop = BezierBy::create(2, bz);
This one has the benefit of 'perfect' framerate, where there is no choppiness whatsoever, however, it moves at a constant rate which ruins the experience of it falling and just makes it look like it's arbitrarily moving along some set path. (Which, well, it is.)
Has anybody run into a similar situation or know of a fix? Either to better handle the frame rate of the first one (MoveBy/To don't work- still has the choppy effect) or to programmatically set speeds of the second one (change speeds going to/from certain points in the curve)
Another idea I've had is to use a number of different MoveBy actions with different speeds, but that would have awkward 'pointy' curves and awkward changes in speed, so not really a solution.
Any ideas/help are/is greatly appreciated. :)
Yes, I have run into a similar situation. This is where 'easing' comes in handy. There are many built in easing functions that you can use such as Ease In or Ease Out. So your new code would look something like:
This page shows the graphs for several common easing methods:
For your purposes (increasing speed over time) I would recommend trying the 'EaseIn' method.

C++ Incorrect FPS and deltaTime measuring using std::chrono

The fps of my program is incorrect. When I calculate the fps of my application using RivaTuner statistics, it gives for example 3000 fps. But my program calculates a really different number, like 500. It is going up and down all time while Rivatuner does not.
This is how I calculate the deltatime(deltaTime variable is a float):
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock timer;
auto start = timer.now();
...doing stuff here...
auto stop = timer.now();
deltaTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(stop - start).count() / 1000.0f; //DELTATIME WAS LESS THAN 1 MILLISECOND SO THAT IS WHY I USED THIS
This is how I calculate the fps:
float fps = (1.0f / deltaTime) * 1000.0f;
I multiply my game speeds with the deltaTime variable, but because it is doing weird things(going up and down really fast the whole time) that is screwed up too. So for example, my RivaTuner says 2000 fps my game is running slower than when it says 4000 fps.
But when the application runs slower it needs more time to render 1 frame(so, a higher deltaTime, so a higher game speed?).
Is this correct?
Thanks in advance.
Just like JSQuareD said, when calculating FPS, you should take the average after measuring many frames.
The reason is that frames execution speed tend to be very different, due to many reasons.
Sum over you measurements over, lets say 0.5 seconds and calculate the average.
Yes this is this dumb as it sounds.
But you should be careful on this FPS statistics - you could have even 60 FPS and the game would still looks stuck. Why? Because few frames took really long delta time, and most frames took very fast delta time.
(It happens more than it sounds)
You can solve last problem by viewing graph or calculate standard deviation, but this is more advanced concern for now.
[My fps counter] is going up and down all time while Rivatuner does not.
Typically, rendering and other calculations take a variable amount of time. If you calculate the fps every frame, then it's expected to go up and down.
deltaTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(stop - start).count() / 1000.0f;
Don't do that. If you want a floating point value of the milliseconds with minimal loss of precision, then do this:
using ms = std::chrono::duration<float, std::milli>;
deltaTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<ms>(stop - start).count();
But when the application runs slower it needs more time to render 1 frame
so, a higher deltaTime
so a higher game speed?
The rendering speed shouldn't affect the speed of the game if everything is scaled in relation to the passed time. Whether it does affect the speed is impossible to tell without knowing what your game does.
If it does affect the speed of the game, then there might be something wrong with how you implemented the game. If you have behaviour that is sensitive to the length of the time step, such as physics, then those calculations should be done with a fixed time step. For example, 120 times a second. If your fps is higher, then skip advancing the simulation and if your fps is lower, then repeat the simulation.