How to use SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment - c++

How can I use SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment?
I include and use ssl and crypto linker in my project but when I build my C++ project I face with this error:
error: ‘SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment’ was not declared in this scope
My OpenSSL version is 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013 and gcc version 4.8.5 20150623.

error: ‘SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment’ was not declared in this scope
My OpenSSL version is 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013 and gcc version 4.8.5 20150623.
If you visit OpenSSL's online man pages at OpenSSL Manpages and navigate into the 1.0.1 branch, and then into The SSL library, you will see its not part of OpenSSL 1.0.1. Its not part of OpenSSL 1.0.2, either.
You should try OpenSSL 1.1.0. That will get you past the compile error. Also see the SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment man page :).
Also note that some APIs are missing man pages, so the man pages are not a definitive test for availability. A case where an public API is available but undocumented used to be PKCS12_newpass, if I recall correctly. Its also possible a man page is missing because OpenSSL considers the API private. However, in the case of SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment, the API is not present:
$ cd openssl-1.0.2h
$ grep -IR SSL_CTX_set_split_send_fragment *
I don't usually see questions about the underlying transport PDU size, the record layer size or fragmentation size. In fact, most of the mobile platforms I work on ignore the TCP SO_* options related to them. Carriers effectively hard code their values and that's it. There's no sense in trying to work around it or improve upon it.
With that said, you can usually find good tuning and performance discussions when researching "time to first byte". One I am familiar with is Optimizing NGINX TLS Time To First Byte (TTTFB). It starts by increasing the write buffer size:
(void) BIO_set_write_buffer_size(wbio, 16384);
But I'm not sure how useful BIO_set_write_buffer_size (or anything else) will be given you don't have access to the clients or the MS SQL server.


Self-Compiled OpenSSL package gives certificate error on CentOS 7

I am developing a C++ HTTP/HTTPS client application inside environment of CentOS/Redhat 7.7, which the OS comes with OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips. But I need at least OpenSSL 1.1.1 for my application. So I compiled OpenSSL 1.1.1f from source.
My compilation configuration.
./Configure linux-x86_64 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib64 --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local
The problem starts here.
Any requests I make with the new OpenSSL results with Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate). I spent some time switching HTTP clients for C++, which was a very tiring process, only to find out that the issue is with OpenSSL itself.
After a long research, the HTTP client I currently use, shared a ca-bundle inside it's repo. Including it into my project resolved the issue.
Or with command line,
openssl s_client -connect -CAfile ./ca-bundle.crt
This all seems absurd, I never had to do anything like this before in my experience with developing HTTP clients. Therefore my questions:
Is this a problem with CentOS 7 ?
Did I make a mistake while compiling OpenSSL ? (Followed)
Note: Using cli.set_ca_cert_path("/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"); also works (took me a long time to realize), but I never had to do this manually before, hence forgive my ignorance.
Thanks for your time.
Edit: With the help of some code,
const char* dir = getenv(X509_get_default_cert_dir_env());
if (!dir)
dir = X509_get_default_cert_dir();
cout << dir << endl;
It would seem dir is /usr/local/certs which does not exist. But I also tried this with the default installed OpenSSL inside the OS. Which I would guess should point to the real certificates ?
Edit2: Using /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem also works.

No source file for Netaccel_link error on running program

I have an OCaml program that worked fine on Ubuntu 16 but when recompiled and run on Ubuntu 20 I get the following error:-
$ ocamldebug ./linearizer
OCaml Debugger version 4.08.1
(ocd) r
Loading program... done.
Time: 89534
Program end.
Uncaught exception: Sys_error "Illegal seek"
(ocd) b
Time: 89533 - pc: 624888 - module Netaccel_link
No source file for Netaccel_link.
I thought this was due to missing dev libraries but:-
$ sudo apt install libocamlnet-ocaml-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libocamlnet-ocaml-dev is already the newest version (4.1.6-1build6).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded.
What setup step am I missing on Ubuntu 20?
This looks like a regression bug in libocamlnet and you should report an issue there or, I am a bit pessimistic that you will get any response, you can try to debug the issue yourself.
The problem that you are facing has nothing to do with missing libraries (they will be reported during installation or, if the package is broken, end up in linker errors). It may result, however, from some misconfiguration of the system. If that is true, then you're lucky as you can fix it yourself.
I will give you some advice that might help you in debugging this issue. For more, please try using as a more suitable media (SO doesn't favor this kind of a discussion and we might get deleted by admins).
The illegal seek exception is thrown when the seek operation is applied on a non-regular file, aka ESPIPE Unix error. So check your inputs. It could be that what was previously regarded as a file in Ubuntu is now a pipe or a socket.
Try to use ltrace or strace to pinpoint the culprit e.g.,
ltrace ./linearizer
or, if it overwhelms you, try strace
strace ./linearizer
Instead of using ocamldebug you can use plain gdb. You can use gdb's interfaces to provide the path to the source code (though most likely it won't work since ocamlnet is not compiled with debug information). I believe that it will give you a more meaningful backtrace.
Instead of using the system installation try using opam. Install your dependencies with opam and try older versions as well as newer versions of the OCaml compiler. Also, try different versions of ocamlnet. Ideally, try to reproduce the environment that used to work for you.
When nothing else works, you can use objdump -d and look at the disassembly of your binary. OCaml is using a pretty readable and intuitive name mangling scheme (<module_name>__<function_name>_<uid>), so you can easily find the source code (search for <module_name>.ml file and look for the <function_name> there)
Finally, just use docker or any other container to run your application. Consider switching from ocamlnet to something more modern and supported.

Openocd Error: invalid command name "dap" - can't connect Blue Pill via ST-Link/V2

I'm using a Blue Pill board (STM32F103CB with 128kB of flash according to st-info --probe) via a clone ST-Link/V2 like this one. I've also tested using a genuine ST-Link/V2 like this one. I get the same result, described below, with both programmers.
My system is Linux (Debian LXDE) and I've installed OpenOCD from Liviu Ionescu's releases here.
My OpenOCD installation is working. As well as the Blue Pill I have a ST-Nucleo-F103RB board, and I can connect to it using OpenOCD. The command
openocd -f board/st_nucleo_f103rb.cfg
using the standard .cfg file that ships with OpenOCD gives
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
none separate
srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
Info : clock speed 950 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v29 API v2 SWIM v18 VID 0x0483 PID 0x374B
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 3.271135
Info : stm32f1x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
But I still haven't managed to connect to my Blue Pill using the ST-Link/V2 programmers. I've read everything I can find, including relevant sections of and as much as I can personally digest of The following is where I've got to.
The .cfg file stm32f103c8_blue_pill.cfg doesn't work for me. It produces the output described below.
Based on what I've read I've prepared my own .cfg file at ../board/stm32f103.cfg. It says:
source [find interface/stlink.cfg]
transport select hla_swd
source [find target/stm32f1x.cfg]
#source [find board/stm32f103c8_blue_pill.cfg]
#reset_config srst_only
#reset_config none separate
Sources I've read suggest this should work, but it doesn't. Using my .cfg described above, it I can use either target/stm32f1x.cfg or board/stm32f103c7_blue_pill.cfg, and I still get the same output as described below. (In the case of both of those .cfg files I'm using the standard files, as shipped with OpenOCD.) I've tested with both of the reset_config variants shown above, and with neither. None of the combinations works.
The file interface/stlink.cfg that I'm using is modified. I've changed it to state the correct device_desc "ST-LINK/V2" and the correct vid_pid 0x0483 0x3748. (Both confirmed using lsusb.) So, ignoring commented lines, stlink.cfg reads
interface hla
hla_layout stlink
hla_device_desc "ST-LINK/V2"
hla_vid_pid 0x0483 0x3748
I've experimented with including the hla_serial of the programmer. Interestingly, lsusb can't find the full serial number. st-info --probe finds the serial number, but gives a slightly different number from the STLinkUpgrade firmware application. I've tried using both serial numbers. No difference.
Here's the command I give to OpenOCD:
openocd -s ~/stm32/openocd/scripts -f board/stm32f103.cfg
Notice that I have to set the path using -s for this command. With the ST-Nucleo-F103RB board, I don't have to do this. With the stm32f103.cfg file, however, if I don't set the path I get:
Error: Can't find board/stm32f103.cfg
in procedure 'script'
If I use the full command shown above, with -s to set the path, I get:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
/[..]stm32/openocd/scripts/target/stm32f1x.cfg:47: Error: invalid command name "dap"
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 60
at file "/[..]stm32/openocd/scripts/board/stm32f103.cfg", line 18
at file "/[..]stm32/openocd/scripts/target/stm32f1x.cfg", line 47
Here's the offending line 47 of stm32f1x.cfg:
dap create $_CHIPNAME.dap -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.cpu
I've searched for items on Stackoverflow/ similar about Error: invalid command name "dap". Using the OpenOCD documentation I understand that the dap create command exists, and roughly what it does. The most similar reported error I've found documented is at, and the solution suggested there doesn't seem to be applicable because I'm not invoking interface/stlink.cfg from the command line.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong, and I'm now completely stuck. If someone can give me a steer I'd be really grateful. Sorry it's such a long post.
I just encountered this problem too. Officially there are no binaries provided, only source code. But there are two sites which release binaries was recommended by OpenOCD official:
1. Maintained by Freddie Chopin.
2. Maintained by Liviu Ionescu in Github.
I tried the latest version(OpenOCD 0.10.0 commit date: 2017-01-22 20:31:28 build date: 2017-01-23) released from Freddie Chopin's site, and I encountered this Error: invalid command name "dap" problem. But all *.cfg files I referenced had ran normally in my another computer with another OpenOCD binary(although I forgot where did I download that binary).
Not sure what went wrong, so I turned to the latest version( released by GNU MCU Eclipse(maintained by Liviu Ionescu), the error was gone, problem solved.
PS: I'm not saying there is a bug in Freddie Chopin's build, but if someone encountered this problem, maybe you can solve it by trying the version which is currently under actively maintained.
Agree with Wulfric, using standard install for OpenOCD
sudo apt install openocd
gave the "dap" error.
However the github version openocd-xpack worked correctly.
Linux clamps 4.15.0-66-generic #75-Ubuntu SMP ... as remote, Windows 8/10 as client target MIMXRT1010-EVK

g++ not compiling with wildcard filenames on Windows

All of a sudden I seem to be struggling with compiling c++ programs (specifically TDM64 5.1.0) from the command-line on Windows (specifically 10) when using wildcard based filenames. It works fine when the names are given in full. I've done this countless times before with no problem Edit: But not normally on windows... my memories of this working before must be false. What am I missing?
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>dir *.cpp
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9EE6-DBBD
Directory of C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code
2016/04/04 01:35 PM 7 869 LittleMan.cpp
2016/04/04 01:35 PM 1 912 main.cpp
2 File(s) 9 781 bytes
0 Dir(s) 90 288 394 240 bytes free
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>g++ *.cpp
g++: error: *.cpp: Invalid argument
C:\Users\Duncan Coulter\Code>g++ main.cpp LittleMan.cpp
Your problem is where you write:
g++ *.cpp
g++ is a linux style program, and expects the shell to expand wildcards for it. The windows command shell doesn't do that - it expects individual programs to expand wildcards for themselves.
The easiest solution is to download cygwin - which does expand wildcards for you. Otherwise the answers to this question may be useful:
I note that TDM is based on the MINGW port of GCC. I've found that different versions of this compiler do in fact treat the wildcard differently. For example, it works perfectly fine for me as of version 3.4.2, compiling in Windows 7:
However, when I upgraded to GCC v.4.9.2, this batch file and others I was using broke (specifically, the *.cpp was not recognized). This was a version of MINGW GCC which came with the Dev-C++ IDE. Because I needed this feature rather badly (specifically, test-compiling large submissions of student code with unspecified random filenames), I actually had to downgrade and revert back to the old version for just this purpose.

in the code (.c file) how I can find the linux distribution name version

I'd like to know in the code (.c file) how I can find the linux distribution name version (like ubuntu 10.0.4, or centOS 5.5...)?
The c function that I'm looking for should be like the uname() system call used in (.c files) to get kernel version.
it will be appreciated that the function is working for all linux distribution (standard)
I 'm not looking to get distribution name and version by the use of command line linux from code (.c file) (like the use of system("cat /etc/release");).
Any suggestion will be appreciated!
There is no standard for this yet. You can query following files or check for existence:
Well, you can (and should) use fopen and fgets instead of system("cat"), for reading /etc/release.
There's no universal method though, I can even build a linux image which has no filesystem at all (except initramfs) and definitely no distribution name.
AFAIK there isn't a standard system call to get this if uname(2) doesn't give you enough info.
Safest approach is probably to check for "/proc/version" and read that
You could fopen("/etc/lsb-release") and parse its contents. It looks like this:
This method is not universal. You'll need to make sure that it works on all distros that you care about (if it doesn't, I suggest you go with #ott--'s answer).
Is it acceptable to run some shell commands?
$ /usr/bin/lsb_release -r
Release: 11.04
$ /usr/bin/lsb_release -d
Description: Ubuntu 11.04
$ /usr/bin/lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu 11.04
Release: 11.04
There is no portable way to do that, you'll have to use some OS detection tool/library.
Fortunately, there are a few out there. I know those 2 :
Facter, a professional (yet free/open) information gathering program in ruby :
a shell script :
(I used facter via puppet and it is very good.)
With a little additional scripting, you can use one of those program's output to generate a .h that you can then use in your code.
You can even integrate this generation as a step in your makefile.
I usually inspect /etc/issue; while (as others pointed out) it is not guaranteed, I've fount in the field that's quite reliable.
As far as I've experienced, it works on ubuntu, debian, redhat, centos, slackware and archlinux.