Performance counter for Halide? - c++

Is there a performance counter available for code written in the Halide language? I would like to know how many loads, stores, and ALU operations are performed by my code.
The Halide tutorial for scheduling multi-stage pipelines compares different schedules by comparing the amount of allocated memory, loads, stores, and calls to halide Funcs, but I don't see how this information was collected. I suppose it might be possible to use trace_stores, trace_loads, and trace_realizations to print to the console every time one of these operations occurs. This isn't a great option though because it would greatly slow down the program's execution and would require some kind of counting script to compile the long list of console outputs into the desired counts for loads, stores, and ALU operations.

I'm pretty sure they just used the trace_xxx output and ran some scripts/programs on it.
If you're looking for real performance numbers on a X86 platform, I would go with Intel VTune Amplifier. It's pretty expensive, but may be free if you're in academia (student, teacher, researcher) or it's for an open source project.
Other than that, look at the lowered statement code by setting HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN=1 in the environment and you can get a better idea of the loop structure and data use. Note that this output goes to stderr, not stdout.
EDIT: For Linux, there's perf.

We do not have any perf counter based support at present. It is fairly difficult to make it portable. (And on mobile devices, often the OS simply doesn't allow access to the hardware.) The support in Profiling.cpp and src/profiling.cpp could likely be used to drive perf counter operation. The profiling lowering pass adds code to call routines in the runtime which update information about Func and Pipeline execution. This information is collected and aggregated by another thread.
If tracing is run to a file (e.g. using HL_TRACE_FILE) a binary format is used and it is a bit more efficient. See utils/HalideTraceViz for a tool to work with the binary format. This is generally how analyses are done within the team.
There was a small amount of investigation of OProfile, which looked promising but I don't think we ever got code working.


Is callgrind profiling influenced by other processes?

I'd like to profile my application using callgrind. Now, since it takes a very long time, in the meanwhile I go on with web-browsing, compiling and other intensive tasks on the same machine.
Am I biasing the profiling results? I'm expecting that, since valgrind uses a simulated CPU, other external processes should not interfere with valgrind execution. Am I right?
By default, Callgrind does not record anything related to time, so you can expect all collected metrics to (mostly) be independent of other processes on the machine. As the Callgrind manual states,
By default, the collected data consists of the number of instructions executed, their relationship to source lines, the caller/callee relationship between functions, and the numbers of such calls.
As such, the metrics Callgrind reports should only depend on what instructions the program is executing on the (simulated) CPU - not on how much time such instructions take. Indeed, many times the output of Callgrind can be somewhat misleading, as the simulated CPU might operate different to the real one (particularly when it comes to branch prediction).
The Callgrind paper presented at ICCS 2004 is very clear about this as well:
We note that the simulation is not able to predict consumed wall clock time, as this would need a detailed simulation of the microarchitecture.
In any case, however, the simulated CPU is unaffected by what the real CPU is doing.
The reason is straightforward.
Like you said, your program is not executed on your machine at all.
Instead, at runtime, Valgrind dynamically translates your program, that is, it disassembles the binary into "UCode" for an simulated machine, adds analysis code (called instrumentation), then generates binary code that executes the simulation.
The addition of analysis code is what makes instruction counting (in Callgrind), memory checking (in Memcheck), and all other plugins possible.
Therein lies the twist, however.
Naturally there are limits to how isolated the program can run in such a dynamic simulation.
First, your program might interact with other programs.
While the time spent for doing so is irrelevant (as it is not accounted for), the return codes of inter-process communication can certainly change, depending on what else is going on in the system.
Second, most system calls need to be run untranslated and their return codes can change as well -- leading to different execution paths of your program and, thus, slightly different metrics being collected. (As an aside, Calgrind offers an option to record the wall clock time spent during syscalls, which will always be affected by what else goes on in the system).
More details about these restrictions can be found in the PhD Dissertation of Nicholas Nethercote ("Dynamic Binary Analysis and Instrumentation").

Interlocked API between Windows CE 5 and 6

I'm currently porting a VS2005 C++ application from CE5 to CE6 and I'm experiencing severe performance problems. This goes so far that a single HTTP request retrieving dynamic content takes 40ms on CE5 and 350ms on CE6. These values used to be worse due to a bunch of inefficiencies that I already cleaned up, improving performance on both systems, but at the moment I'm stuck at that latency. For the record, both tests are made on the same machine and the webserver is not the one supplied with CE but a custom one implemented in C++. Note also that the problem is not the network IO, CE6 even outperforms CE5 on the same machine when serving static files, but it's the dynamic content handling.
While trying to figure out why the program performs so badly, I stumbled across something that puzzled me: Under CE5, the Interlocked* API for x86 use neither the compiler intrinsics nor real function calls but inline assembly code. This code has a comment saying that the intrinsic includes lock prefixes that are only required for multi-processor systems and that slow down code running on just a single core like CE5. On CE6, these functions are implemented using the compiler intrinsics including the lock prefix. Since these functions are used by e.g. Boost and STLport, both of which are used inside the webserver, I was wondering if those could be the culprit.
Another thing I noticed was that some string parsing functions take extremely long. Worse, it seems that calling the same function a second time after the first time takes less time, so it seems as if some kind of caching was going on. Since this is a short (<1kB) string received via TCP that is parsed in memory, I can't imagine which cache could be responsible for that. The only cache could be the instruction cache, but the program is not larger than the CE5 version and if the code was running from uncached memory it would not show these caching effects.
TLDR - Questions:
Is CE6 capable of handling multiple processors at all?
Is there an easy way to tell the compiler that it should omit the lock prefix? My current approach to achieve that is to simply copy the inline assembly from the CE5 SDK, but that's beyond ugly.
I'd also appreciate any other suggestions what to look at or what to try. Many thanks in advance!
Summary There is no problem that depends on the executable, let alone on the Interlocked API. Running the same executable proved that. However, running on a different machine with a different platform setup made a difference. We're now back to Platform Builder, trying to figure out the differences between the two platforms.
No. WEC7 is required for SMP support. Most likely in CE6 the OEM has disabled the other cores.
None that I am aware of.
Either use the performance profiling tools or instrument your code with timing calls to narrow down where things are taking too long.
I have finally found the reason for the performance behaviour, it's simply paging. CE6 has a pool manager (see which handles paging out unused mapped DLLs and EXEs. When the amount of mapped binaries exceeds a certain size, it starts (with low priority) to page out memory. The limit when it starts paging out is just 3MiB by default, which is rather low for current applications. Also, the cache is not an LRU cache but simply discarding the pages in the order they were loaded.
It turns out that our system exceeded this limit, which causes the paging to begin. Due to the algorithm used, it will always throw out used ones that will then have to be paged in again. The code that serves static files is small, so this wasn't affected as much by this limit. The code that serves dynamic pages is much larger though, so it wreaks havoc on the overall system with IO. This also explains why the problem couldn't be attributed to a specific piece of code, it wasn't the code itself but loading it.
I have detected this via IOCTL_HAL_GET_POOL_PARAMETERS, which gave me the relevant configuration parameters, current state, how often the pageout-thread ran and for how long (although the latter is only the time it took to swap out pages). I should be able to find the resulting page faults in the kernel tracker, too, now that I know what I'm looking for. I could also observe that the activity LED on the CF card adapter now lights up when first loading a file, but not on subsequent requests, where it is taken from cache. This used to always cause the LED to flash on dynamic pages.
The simple solution is to increase the limit for the pool manager, so it doesn't start throwing out things. This can be done easily in config.bib by patching kernel.dll with the according values. Alternatively, reducing the executable size would help, but that's not so easy.

Determine Values AND/OR Address of Values in CPU Cache

Is there a way to determine exactly what values, memory addresses, and/or other information currently resides in the CPU cache (L1, L2, etc.) - for current or all processes?
I've been doing quite a bit a reading which shows how to optimize programs to utilize the CPU cache more effectively. However, I'm looking for a way to truly determine if certain approaches are effective.
Bottom line: is it possible to be 100% certain what does and does not make it into the CPU cache.
Searching for this topic returns several results on how to determine the cache size, but not contents.
Edit: To clarify some of the comments below: Since software would undoubtedly alter the cache, do CPU manufactures have a tool / hardware diagnostic system (built-in) which provides this functionality?
Without using specialized hardware, you cannot directly inspect what is in the CPU cache. The act of running any software to inspect the CPU cache would alter the state of the cache.
The best approach I have found is simply to identify real hot spots in your application and benchmark alternative algorithms on hardware the code will run on in production (or on a range of likely hardware if you do not have control over the production environment).
In addition to Eric J.'s answer, I'll add that while I'm sure the big chip manufacturers do have such tools it's unlikely that such a "debug" facility would be made available to regular mortals like you and I, but even if it were, it wouldn't really be of much help.
Why? It's unlikely that you are having performance issues that you've traced to cache and which cannot be solved using the well-known and "common sense" techniques for maintaining high cache-hit ratios.
Have you really optimized all other hotspots in the code and poor cache behavior by the CPU is the problem? I very much doubt that.
Additionally, as food for thought: do you really want to optimize your program's behavior to only one or two particular CPUs? After all, caching algorithms change all the time, as do the parameters of the caches, sometimes dramatically.
If you have a relatively modern processor running Windows then take a look at
and see if that might provide some of what you are looking for.
To optimize for one specific CPU cache size is usually in vain since this optimization will break when your assumptions about the CPU cache sizes are wrong when you execute on a different CPU.
But there is a way out there. You should optimize for certain access patterns to allow the CPU to easily predict what memory locations should be read next (the most obvious one is a linear increasing read). To be able to fully utilize a CPU you should read about cache oblivious algorithms where most of them follow a divide and conquer strategy where a problem is divided into sub parts to a certain extent until all memory accesses fit completly into the CPU cache.
It is also noteworthy to mention that you have a code and data cache which are separate. Herb Sutter has a nice video online where he talks about the CPU internals in depth.
The Visual Studio Profiler can collect CPU counters dealing with memory and L2 counters. These options are available when you select instrumentation profiling.
Intel has also a paper online which talks in greater detail about these CPU counters and what the task manager of Windows and Linux do show you and how wrong it is for todays CPUs which do work internally asynchronous and parallel at many diffent levels. Unfortunatley there is no tool from intel to display this stuff directly. The only tool I do know is the VS profiler. Perhaps VTune has similar capabilities.
If you have gone this far to optimize your code you might look as well into GPU programming. You need at least a PHD to get your head around SIMD instructions, cache locality, ... to get perhaps a factor 5 over your original design. But by porting your algorithm to a GPU you get a factor 100 with much less effort ony a decent graphics card. NVidia GPUs which do support CUDA (all today sold cards do support it) can be very nicely programmed in a C dialect. There are even wrapper for managed code (.NET) to take advantage of the full power of GPUs.
You can stay platform agnostic by using OpenCL but NVidia OpenCL support is very bad. The OpenCL drivers are at least 8 times slower than its CUDA counterpart.
Almost everything you do will be in the cache at the moment when you use it, unless you are reading memory that has been configured as "uncacheable" - typically, that's frame buffer memory of your graphics card. The other way to "not hit the cache" is to use specific load and store instructions that are "non-temporal". Everything else is read into the L1 cache before it reaches the target registers inside the CPU itself.
For nearly all cases, CPU's do have a fairly good system of knowing what to keep and what to throw away in the cache, and the cache is nearly always "full" - not necessarily of useful stuff, if, for example you are working your way through an enormous array, it will just contain a lot of "old array" [this is where the "non-temporal" memory operations come in handy, as they allow you to read and/or write data that won't be stored in the cache, since next time you get back to the same point, it won't be in the cache ANYWAYS].
And yes, processors usually have special registers [that can be accessed in kernel drivers] that can inspect the contents of the cache. But they are quite tricky to use without at the same time losing the content of the cache(s). And they are definitely not useful as "how much of array A is in the cache" type checking. They are specifically for "Hmm, it looks like cache-line 1234 is broken, I'd better read the cached data to see if it's really the value it should be" when processors aren't working as they should.
As DanS says, there are performance counters that you can read from suitable software [need to be in the kernel to use those registers too, so you need some sort of "driver" software for that]. In Linux, there's "perf". And AMD has a similar set of performance counters that can be used to find out, for example "how many cache misses have we had over this period of time" or "how many cache hits in L" have we had, etc.

Programmatically counting cache faults

I need to evaluate the time taken by a C++ function in a bunch of hypothesis about memory hierarchy efficiency (e.g: time taken when we have a cache miss, a cache hit or page fault when reading a portion of an array), so I'd like to have some libraries that let me count the cache miss / page faults in order to be capable of auto-generating a performance summary.
I know there are some tools like cachegrind that gives some related statistics on a given application execution, but I'd like a library, as I've already said.
edit Oh, I forgot: I'm using Linux and I'm not interested in portability, it's an academic thing.
Any suggestion is welcome!
Most recent CPUs (both AMD and Intel) have performance monitor registers that can be used for this kind of job. For Intel, they're covered in the programmer's reference manual, volume 3B, chapter 30. For AMD, it's in the BIOS and Kernel Developer's Guide.
Either way, you can count things like cache hits, cache misses, memory requests, data prefetches, etc. They have pretty specific selectors, so you could get a count of (for example) the number of reads on the L2 cache to fill lines in the L1 instruction cache (while still excluding L2 reads to fill lines in the L1 data cache).
There is a Linux kernel module to give access to MSRs (Model-specific registers). Offhand, I don't know whether it gives access to the performance monitor registers, but I'd expect it probably does.
It looks like now there is exactly what I was searching for: perf_event_open.
It lets you do interesting things like initializing/enabling/disabling some performance counters for subsequently fetching their values through an uniform and intuitive API (it gives you a special file descriptor which hosts a struct containing the previously requested informations).
It is a linux-only solution and the functionalities varies depending on the kernel version, so be careful :)
Intel VTune is a performance tuning tool that does exactly what you are asking for;
Of course it works with Intel processors, as it access the internal processor counters, as explained by Jerry Coffin, so this probably not work on an AMD processor.
It expose literally undreds of counters, like cache hit/misses, branch prediction rates, etc. the real issue with it is understanding which counters to check ;)
The cache misses cannot be just counted easily. Most tools or profilers simulate the memory access by redirecting memory accesses to a function that provides this feature. That means these kind of tools instrument the code at all places where a memory access is done and makes your code run awfully slowly. This is not what your intent is I guess.
However depending on the hardware you might have some other possibilities. But even if this is the case the OS should support it (because otherwise you would get system global stats not the ones related to a process or thread)
EDIT: I could find this interesting article that may help you:

Random Complete System Unresponsiveness Running Mathematical Functions

I have a program that loads a file (anywhere from 10MB to 5GB) a chunk at a time (ReadFile), and for each chunk performs a set of mathematical operations (basically calculates the hash).
After calculating the hash, it stores info about the chunk in an STL map (basically <chunkID, hash>) and then writes the chunk itself to another file (WriteFile).
That's all it does. This program will cause certain PCs to choke and die. The mouse begins to stutter, the task manager takes > 2 min to show, ctrl+alt+del is unresponsive, running programs are slow.... the works.
I've done literally everything I can think of to optimize the program, and have triple-checked all objects.
What I've done:
Tried different (less intensive) hashing algorithms.
Switched all allocations to nedmalloc instead of the default new operator
Switched from stl::map to unordered_set, found the performance to still be abysmal, so I switched again to Google's dense_hash_map.
Converted all objects to store pointers to objects instead of the objects themselves.
Caching all Read and Write operations. Instead of reading a 16k chunk of the file and performing the math on it, I read 4MB into a buffer and read 16k chunks from there instead. Same for all write operations - they are coalesced into 4MB blocks before being written to disk.
Run extensive profiling with Visual Studio 2010, AMD Code Analyst, and perfmon.
Set the thread priority to THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN
Set the thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE
Added a Sleep(100) call after every loop.
Even after all this, the application still results in a system-wide hang on certain machines under certain circumstances.
Perfmon and Process Explorer show minimal CPU usage (with the sleep), no constant reads/writes from disk, few hard pagefaults (and only ~30k pagefaults in the lifetime of the application on a 5GB input file), little virtual memory (never more than 150MB), no leaked handles, no memory leaks.
The machines I've tested it on run Windows XP - Windows 7, x86 and x64 versions included. None have less than 2GB RAM, though the problem is always exacerbated under lower memory conditions.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I don't know what's causing it - I'm torn between CPU or Memory as the culprit. CPU because without the sleep and under different thread priorities the system performances changes noticeably. Memory because there's a huge difference in how often the issue occurs when using unordered_set vs Google's dense_hash_map.
What's really weird? Obviously, the NT kernel design is supposed to prevent this sort of behavior from ever occurring (a user-mode application driving the system to this sort of extreme poor performance!?)..... but when I compile the code and run it on OS X or Linux (it's fairly standard C++ throughout) it performs excellently even on poor machines with little RAM and weaker CPUs.
What am I supposed to do next? How do I know what the hell it is that Windows is doing behind the scenes that's killing system performance, when all the indicators are that the application itself isn't doing anything extreme?
Any advice would be most welcome.
I know you said you had monitored memory usage and that it seems minimal here, but the symptoms sound very much like the OS thrashing like crazy, which would definitely cause general loss of OS responsiveness like you're seeing.
When you run the application on a file say 1/4 to 1/2 the size of available physical memory, does it seem to work better?
What I suspect may be happening is that Windows is "helpfully" caching your disk reads into memory and not giving up that cache memory to your application for use, forcing it to go to swap. Thus, even though swap use is minimal (150MB), it's going in and out constantly as you calculate the hash. This then brings the system to its knees.
Some things to check:
Antivirus software. These often scan files as they're opened to check for viruses. Is your delay occuring before any data is read by the application?
General system performance. Does copying the file using Explorer also show this problem?
Your code. Break it down into the various stages. Write a program that just reads the file, then one that reads and writes the files, then one that just hashes random blocks of ram (i.e. remove the disk IO part) and see if any particular step is problematic. If you can get a profiler then use this as well to see if there any slow spots in your code.
More ideas. Perhaps your program is holding on to the GDI lock too much. This would explain everything else being slow without high CPU usage. Only one app at a time can have the GDI lock. Is this a GUI app, or just a simple console app?
You also mentioned RtlEnterCriticalSection. This is a costly operation, and can hang the system quite easily, i.e. mismatched Enters and Leaves. Are you multi-threading at all? Is the slow down due to race conditions between threads?
XPerf is your guide here - watch the PDC Video about it, and then take a trace of the misbehaving app. It will tell you exactly what's happening throughout the system, it is extremely powerful.
I like the disk-caching/thrashing suggestions, but if that's not it, here are some scattershot suggestions:
What non-MSVC libraries, if any, are you linking to?
Can your program be modified (#ifdef'd) to run without a GUI? Does the problem occur?
You added ::Sleep(100) after each loop in each thread, right? How many threads are you talking about? A handful or hundreds? How long does each loop take, roughly? What happens if you make that ::Sleep(10000)?
Is your program perhaps doing something else that locks a limited resources (ProcExp can show you what handles are being acquired ... of course you might have difficulty with ProcExp not responding:-[)
Are you sure CriticalSections are userland-only? I recall that was so back when I worked on Windows (or so I believed), but Microsoft could have modified that. I don't see any guarantee in the MSDN article Critical Section Objects ( ... and this leads me to wonder: Anti-convoy locks in Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows Vista
Hmmm... presumably we're all multi-processor now, so are you setting the spin count on the CS?
How about running a debugging version of one of these OSes and monitoring the kernel debugging output (using DbgView)... possibly using the kernel debugger from the Platform SDK ... if MS still calls it that?
I wonder whether VMMap (another SysInternal/MS utility) might help with the Disk caching hypothesis.
It turns out that this is a bug in the Visual Studio compiler. Using a different compiler resolves the issue entirely.
In my case, I installed and used the Intel C++ Compiler and even with all optimizations disabled I did not see the fully-system hang that I was experiencing w/ the Visual Studio 2005 - 2010 compilers on this library.
I'm not certain as to what is causing the compiler to generate such broken code, but it looks like we'll be buying a copy of the Intel compiler.
It sounds like you're poking around fixing things without knowing what the problem is. Take stackshots. They will tell you what your program is doing when the problem occurs. It might not be easy to get the stackshots if the problem occurs on other machines where you cannot use an IDE or a stack sampler. One possibility is to kill the app and get a stack dump when it's acting up. You need to reproduce the problem in an environment where you can get a stack dump.
Added: You say it performs well on OSX and Linux, and poorly on Windows. I assume the ratio of completion time is some fairly large number, like 10 or 100, if you've even had the patience to wait for it. I said this in the comment, but it is a key point. The program is waiting for something, and you need to find out what. It could be any of the things people mentioned, but it is not random.
Every program, all the time while it runs, has a call stack consisting of a hierarchy of call instructions at specific addresses. If at a point in time it is calculating, the last instruction on the stack is a non-call instruction. If it is in I/O the stack may reach into a few levels of library calls that you can't see into. That's OK. Every call instruction on the stack is waiting. It is waiting for the work it requested to finish. If you look at the call stack, and look at where the call instructions are in your code, you will know what your program is waiting for.
Your program, since it is taking so long to complete, is spending nearly all of its time waiting for something to finish, and as I said, that's what you need to find out. Get a stack dump while it's being slow, and it will give you the answer. The chance that it will miss it is 1/the-slowness-ratio.
Sorry to be so elemental about this, but lots of people (and profiler makers) don't get it. They think they have to measure.