how to format push_back on a pointer? [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a function where I want to add pointers into a vector.
#include "Car.hpp"
using namespace std;
bool CarManagementSystem::addCar(Car::CarType new_car_type) {
if (Car::CarType(new_car_type) == (Invalid)) {
return false;
new Car::CarType(new_car_type);
return true;
The push_back command is giving me a lot of grief as in to what form I want the constraints to be in. I want to be able to use this function to create different types of my object Car, however am unsure how to do this.
The car class is purely virtual base class for all my different types of cars.
#include "Car.hpp"
Car::~Car() {
Car::CarType Car::type() const {
return AT_INVALID;
class CarSystem {
double Balance;
double CarCost;
std::vector<Car*> carVector;

Your vector should be a vector of Car*:
std::vector<Car*> carVector;
The vector should be filled with concrete versions of the cars, meaning classes that are derived from base class Car:
class Van : public Car
Van* newVan = new Van();
Here Van* is also a Car*.
Make sure that you delete the contents of the vector at some point, or use smart pointers.
A better solution might be to have an enum inside the Car class that states the type of car, and then you don't need to deal with pointers.

The trouble you have is that this code fragment doesn't do what you think:
new Car::CarType(new_car_type);
The first line creates a pointer to a new CarType object (an enum, an int, I don't know how you've defined it). This pointer is immediately lost and will cause memory leaks.
The second line tries to push_back a CarType object, which obviously is not a pointer.
What you are missing in your code is a factory function, which takes a CarType and which constructs a concrete car. It is not clear in your code if Car is an abstract type that can't be instantiated, or if it is a concrete class with some variations around the CarType.
If Car has a constructor that takes the CarType as parameter you'd need to do something like:
bool CarManagementSystem::addCar(Car::CarType new_car_type) {
carVector.push_back(new Car(new_car_type));
return true;
But if Car is an abstract type with derived classes, you'd go for something like:
bool CarManagementSystem::addCar(Car::CarType new_car_type) {
Car *c;
switch (new_car_type) {
case AT_SUV:
c = new SUV; // if SUV would be a class derived from Car
return false;
return true;
You may in this case be interested in a nice factory method pattern implementation such as the one explained in this tutorial.


Should I use classes for individual factions in simple strategy game - C++ [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have decided to challenge myself into creating a simple Risk-type strategy game in C++. The game will have multiple factions fighting for control of territories using various types of troop/unit.
I am only in the basic outlining of the game, but one basic idea I have is to create a class for each faction:
class Windows {
bool isWindows = true;
// Characteristics etc.
class Mac {
bool isMac = true;
// Characteristics etc.
class Linux {
bool isLinux = true;
// Characteristics etc.
After which individual classes of unit will inherit certain characteristics of the faction which it is associated, such as: class Penguin: private Linux {//Code};
Is this the best way of doing this, or is there a better way with fewer classes?
If factions have similarities use a base class and them make individual subclasses for each faction and faction class as base class for units.
It sounds like the different factions have different settings for the same set of characteristics which suggests that you should have one Faction class and have different instances of Faction.
I assume you need only one instance of each faction. They can be a kind of singleton. The idiomatic way of doing singletons in c++ is using a function returning a reference to a local static variable:
class Faction {
// Characteristics etc.
const Faction& windows() {
static Faction f{ /* initialize with windows characteristics */ };
return f;
const Faction& mac() {
static Faction f{ /* initialize with mac characteristics */ };
return f;
const Faction& linux() {
static Faction f{ /* initialize with linux characteristics */ };
return f;
Then a class like Penguin, rather than inheriting from a Faction can use the linux instance of Faction. It could, for example, hold a reference to its faction:
class Penguin {
const Faction& faction = linux();
void someAction() {
// use faction reference
I suggest you try to avoid checks like "isLinux" as it makes code brittle and instead rely on characteristics of the faction object itself. The less code that has to change if you introduce a new faction the better. If you really do need to detect the type of a faction then because the faction instances are singleton you can compare the address:
bool isWindows(const Faction& f) { return &f == &windows(); }
bool isLinux(const Faction& f) { return &f == &linux(); }
bool isMac(const Faction& f) { return &f == &mac(); }
If you do this it is probably a good idea to prevent a Faction object from being copied so you can rely on it being at the right address:
class Faction {
// ...
// uncopyable
Faction(const Faction&) = delete;
Faction& operator=(const Faction&) = delete;
Live demo.

How to design a class with methods which have similar functions but different signatures [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The task I have at hand is to write a system to test out n different algorithms in a library - all doing the same broad task but with different methodologies. I thought about creating a main class to which I send an argument defining the algorithm to be used. This main class in-turn calls the taskAlgorithm class passing on the parameter to be used and the required input parameters for the algorithm to be used. The taskAlgorithm class should then instantiate the specific algorithm class to be used in its constructor. taskAlgorithm::Process should run the algorithm and store the result and taskAlgorithm::Result should return the result.
I am stuck on figuring out how to write this taskAlgorithm class. In the constructor of this class, based on the algorithmCode parameter I want to instantiate an object of the specific algorithm, however, all algorithm classes are different and do not necessarily have a common base class. What's the best way to tackle this problem?
Specifically in
taskAlgorithm::taskAlgorithm(int algorithmCode, int argument1){
if(algorithmCode == 1){
//instantiate the algorithm1 object
else if(algorithmCode == 2){
//instantiate algorithm2 object
how should I instantiate objects for each of different algorithm classes if they don't necessarily share a common base class?
If they are related algorithms, perhaps you can think of the "common" interface that, if it existed, would be capable of calling into any of the algorithms if you knew which parts to use, or which transformations to perform.
This would allow you to write a wrapper interface to all the algorithms, so they can be called uniformly. Each wrapper could "know" how to take its inputs to call the underlying algorithm that it wraps. I didn't do it here, but you could do the same for the return value.
For example Algorithm A is a sort taking a pair of iterators into a vector of ints, and a comparator, while Algorithm B is a different kind of sort, taking a pointer to an int array, a length, and a comparator.
class Algo {
using Iter = std::vector<int>::iterator;
using Compare = ...;
virtual void call(Iter b, Iter e, Compare comp) = 0;
virtual ~Algo() = default;
class A : public Algo {
void call(Iter b, Iter e, Compare comp) override {
algorithmA(b, e, comp);
class B : public Algo {
void call(Iter b, Iter e, Compare comp) override {
if (b != e) {
algorithmB(&*b, std::distance(b, e), comp);
Now you can wrap algorithm A with class A, and algorithm b with class B, and they are invoked identically, and the wrappers share a common base class so they can be used polymorphicly.
Of course, you can't templatize virtual functions so the iterator type is fixed, but the example here is about making a wrapper hierarchy that normalizes the interface to the algorithms. Then you can avoid a nasty switch statement (which requires editing working code every time you add a new algorithm.) With a class wrapper approach, just wrap new algorithm with a new wrapper class and it should just fit into any system that already works with the existing algorithms (provided you don't change the signature of the virtual call() function).
This isn't exactly answering your question but I think it's close enough to maybe be useful. :)
According to the comments under the question, I think in this case this is the only reasonable approach:
// structure of all possible arguments to all your algorithms
struct AlgorithmArgs {
int arg1;
int arg2; // etc ...
class AlgorithmWrapper {
AlgorithmWrapper(int algorithmId, const AlgorithmArgs args) {
if (algorithmId == 1) {
algorithm_ = Algorithm1{}; // or whatever you do to construct that Algorithm1 object
} else if ( /* etc ... */ ) {}
void someMethodToUnifyAllAlgorithmInterfaces1();
void someMethodToUnifyAllAlgorithmInterfaces2();
void someMethodToUnifyAllAlgorithmInterfaces3();
std::variant<Algorithm1, Algorithm2, Algorithm3> algorithm_;
taskAlgorithm::taskAlgorithm(int algorithmCode, int argument1){
AlgorithmArgs args;
args.arg1 = argument1;
algorithmWrapperPtr_ = new AlgorithmWrapper(algorithmCode, args);

Using Factory Method pattern for different arguments [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hello my question is regarding if its possible to use the factory pattern for classes with same number of arguments in their constructor but different types. For example, I have an interface called IVerify. I have 2 classes that implement them, NameVerifier, which takes in a String name in its constructor, and IntegerVerifier, which takes in an int num in its constructor. Is it possible to do the factory pattern in this case?
Could we use IVerify Factory.CreateNameVerifier(string) and IVerify Factory.createIntegerVerifier(int) Is it still considered as a factory pattern?
Additional note: Im using c++
If there are many versions of NameVerifier and IntegerVerifier then your solution is still a Factory Pattern since you will be abstracting which class to instantiate inside CreateNameVerifier and CreateIntegerVerifier.
But if Verifiers are unique w.r.t to the type of Argument that they take i.e., there is only one NameVerifier and only one IntergerVerifier and they differ because of their types then your existing solution is just creating a sort of wrapper to create objects/Verifiers. In such case it should be something like this:
Reference: Factory Pattern
class IVerify
class CNameVerifier : public IVerify
class CIntegerVerifier : public IVerify
class CVerifierFactory
enum TYPE
template<typename T>
IVerify* CreateVerifier(const CVerifierFactory::TYPE &_enumType, T _Parameter)
IVerify *pVerifier = NULL;
case (CVerifierFactory::STRING)
pVerifier = new CNameVerifier(_Parameter);
case (CVerifierFactory::INTEGER)
pVerifier = new CIntegerVerifier(_Parameter);
return pVerifier;
CVerifierFactory g_oFactory;
IVerify *pVerifier = g_oFactory.CreateVerifier(CVerifierFactory::STRING, "Alex");
if(pVerifier != NULL)
//use pVerifier
Note: Strict Type Checking of arguments _Parameter are not done before creating Verifiers. You can extend the number of arguments for object creation using Variadic Template/Parameter pack.

Calling a subclass function which does not exist on superclass [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using derived methods that aren't in the base class
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Say I have a class Person, and its subclass Boy. I want to include a method within Boy which Person does not have, and to be able to use through polymorphism in the following manner:
Boy john = Boy();
Person* personP = &john;
I've tried declaring the function in Person as virtual and =0 (in the header file). The problem is that I have multiple functions such as this one, and I don't want ALL subclasses to define ALL those functions.
How is this done neatly and safely, assuming I want to have multiple different subclasses of Person, each having a function exclusive to itself?
You have options. It depends on what exactly is the situation in which you want to call boyFunction(). If you know it has to be a Boy*, then you should require that you get a Boy*. Otherwise...
Most direct: the cast (though this is probably an indication of poor design), only call boyFunction() if applicable:
Boy* boy = dynamic_cast<Boy*>(personP);
if (boy) {
Less direct, more pollution:
class Person {
// ...
virtual void boyFunction() { } // probably not = 0;
class Boy : public Person {
// ...
void boyFunction() { /* do stuff */ }
Why do you want to call boyFunction()? Maybe it's part of some larger algorithm... so wrap what you want to do in a larger dynamic method:
Where maybe:
void Boy::performSomeFunction() {
void Doctor::performSomeFunction() {

Is there anyway in c++ to make a function of a class who's objects each do something different for that function? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Just some background:
I am making a monopoly game and now I have to implement the actions of each space such as GO, properties (upgrading), chance, community chest, jail, etc.
I've considered making a different class for each space (but obviously that would be very time consuming). I believe there is also a way do to it with inheritance and pure virtual functions. Any way you guys can think that would make this a simpler process?
There are only a few different types of spaces:
chance / community chest
other single ones like go, jail, parking, tax
For example you could have a Property class where each instance of the class has a different name/colour/price. You wouldn't have to make 22 different classes, just have 22 instances of the same class with different names.
Note that having class instances that represent spaces you can land on is only one way to implement a game like that. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't choose that option.
There are two ways you can make a function do different things given an object:
Differentiate the behavior based on the data of the object.
You could capture the differences in the various spaces using data.
enum SpaceType
class Space
void foo()
switch (spaceType)
case GO:
// DO stuff for GO
case CHANCE:
// DO stuff for CHANCE
// etc..
SpaceType spaceType;
Differentiate the behavior based on the type of an object.
class Space
virtual void foo() = 0;
class GoSpace : public Space
virtual void foo()
// Do stuff for GO
class ChanceSpace : public Space
virtual void foo()
// Do stuff for CHANCE
// Similarly for other classes.
Pick your method. Personally, I would pick the second method because the logic for each different type is put into their own functions, without the complications of what other types do.