data load time when using spark with oracle - python-2.7

I am trying to load data from oracle to spark in juypter notebook.But each time I try to pot graph the time taken is huge. How do I make it faster?
query = "(select * from db.schema where lqtime between trunc(sysdate)-30 and trunc(sysdate) )"
%time df ='jdbc').options(url="jdbc:oracle:thin:useradmin/pass12#//localhost:1521/aldb",dbtable=query,driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver").load()
Now I group by node:
%time fo_node ='NODE').groupBy('NODE').count().sort('count',ascending=False)
The load time is 4m or more each time I run this.

Using hadoop or apache spark against relational database is an anti-pattern, as database receives too many connections at once and tries to respond to too many requests at once. The disk most certainly is overwhelmed - even with index and partitioning, it reads data for each partition at once. I bet you have HDD there and I'd say that's the reason why it's really slow.
To speed loading up you can try
to actually reduce number of partitions for loading. Later on you can reshuffle it and increase parallelism.
to select specific fields instead of *. Even if you need all, but one, it can make a difference.
if you run few actions on the Dataframe, it make sense to cache that. If you don't have enough memory on cluster, then use options to cache on disk, too.
to export everything from Oracle to disk and read it as a plain csv file, processing it as you do right now in a query on a cluster.


Alternatives for Athena to query the data on S3

I have around 300 GBs of data on S3. Lets say the data look like:
## S3://Bucket/Country/Month/Day/1.csv
We are doing some complex aggregation on the data, and because some countries data is big and some countries data is small, the AWS EMR doesn't makes sense to use, as once the small countries are finished, the resources are being wasted, and the big countries keep running for long time. Therefore, we decided to use AWS Batch (Docker container) with Athena. One job works on one day of data per country.
Now there are roughly 1000 jobs which starts together and when they query Athena to read the data, containers failed because they reached Athena query limits.
Therefore, I would like to know what are the other possible ways to tackle this problem? Should I use Redshift cluster, load all the data there and all the containers query to Redshift cluster as they don't have query limitations. But it is expensive, and takes a lot of time to wramp up.
The other option would be to read data on EMR and use Hive or Presto on top of it to query the data, but again it will reach the query limitation.
It would be great if someone can give better options to tackle this problem.
As I understand, you simply send query to AWS Athena service and after all aggregation steps finish you simply retrieve resulting csv file from S3 bucket where Athena saves results, so you end up with 1000 files (one for each job). But the problem is number of concurrent Athena queries and not the total execution time.
Have you considered using Apache Airflow for orchestrating and scheduling your queries. I see airflow as an alternative to a combination of Lambda and Step Functions, but it is totally free. It is easy to setup on both local and remote machines, has reach CLI and GUI for task monitoring, abstracts away all scheduling and retrying logic. Airflow even has hooks to interact with AWS services. Hell, it even has a dedicated operator for sending queries to Athena, so sending queries is as easy as:
from airflow.models import DAG
from airflow.contrib.operators.aws_athena_operator import AWSAthenaOperator
from datetime import datetime
with DAG(dag_id='simple_athena_query',
start_date=datetime(2019, 5, 21)) as dag:
run_query = AWSAthenaOperator(
I use it for similar type of daily/weekly tasks (processing data with CTAS statements) which exceed limitation on a number of concurrent queries.
There are plenty blog posts and documentation that can help you get started. For example:
Medium post: Automate executing AWS Athena queries and moving the results around S3 with Airflow.
Complete guide to installation of Airflow, link 1 and link 2
You can even setup integration with Slack for sending notification when you queries terminate either in success or fail state.
However, the main drawback I am facing is that only 4-5 queries are getting actually executed at the same time, whereas all others just idling.
One solution would be to not launch all jobs at the same time, but pace them to stay within the concurrency limits. I don't know if this is easy or hard with the tools you're using, but it's never going to work out well if you throw all the queries at Athena at the same time. Edit: it looks like you should be able to throttle jobs in Batch, see AWS batch - how to limit number of concurrent jobs (by default Athena allows 25 concurrent queries, so try 20 concurrent jobs to have a safety margin – but also add retry logic to the code that launches the job).
Another option would be to not do it as separate queries, but try to bake everything together into fewer, or even a single query – either by grouping on country and date, or by generating all queries and gluing them together with UNION ALL. If this is possible or not is hard to say without knowing more about the data and the query, though. You'll likely have to post-process the result anyway, and if you just sort by something meaningful it wouldn't be very hard to split the result into the necessary pieces after the query has run.
Using Redshift is probably not the solution, since it sounds like you're doing this only once per day, and you wouldn't use the cluster very much. It would Athena is a much better choice, you just have to handle the limits better.
With my limited understanding of your use case I think using Lambda and Step Functions would be a better way to go than Batch. With Step Functions you'd have one function that starts N number of queries (where N is equal to your concurrency limit, 25 if you haven't asked for it to be raised), and then a poll loop (check the examples for how to do this) that checks queries that have completed, and starts new queries to keep the number of running queries at the max. When all queries are run a final function can trigger whatever workflow you need to run after everything is done (or you can run that after each query).
The benefit of Lambda and Step Functions is that you don't pay for idle resources. With Batch, you will pay for resources that do nothing but wait for Athena to complete. Since Athena, in contrast to Redshift for example, has an asynchronous API you can run a Lambda function for 100ms to start queries, then 100ms every few seconds (or minutes) to check if any have completed, and then another 100ms or so to finish up. It's almost guaranteed to be less than the Lambda free tier.
As I know Redshift Spectrum and Athena cost same. You should not compare Redshift to Athena, they have different purpose. But first of all I would think about addressing you data skew issue. Since you mentioned AWS EMR I assume you use Spark. To deal with large and small partitions you need to repartition you dataset by months, or some other equally distributed value.Or you can use month and country for grouping. You got the idea.
You can use redshift spectrum for this purpose. Yes, it is a bit costly but it is scalable and very good for performing complex aggregations.

is 100-200 upserts and inserts in a 10 second window into a 3 node redshift cluster a realistic architecture?

Under 3 nodes using redshift we plan on doing 50-100 inserts every 10 seconds. Within that 10 second window we also will try to do the equivalent of a redshift upsert as documented here on about 50 to 100 rows as well.
I'm basically unaware if a 10 second window is realistic or a 10 minute window... etc is good for this kind of load. Should this be a daily batch? Should I try to re-architect to get rid of upserts?
My question is essentially can redshift handle this load? I feel the upsert is happening too many times. We are using structured streaming in spark to handle all of this. If yes what type of nodes should we be using? Has anyone who has done this have a ballpark estimate? If no, what are alternative architectures?
Essentially what we're trying to do is load entity data to be joined with the events in redshift. But we want the analytics to be as near real time as possible so we want load as fast as we can.
There's probably no exact answer for this, so any explanation that can get help me perform estimations on requirements based on load will be helpful.
I do not think you will achieve the performance you seek.
Running large numbers of INSERT statements is not an optimal way to load data into Amazon Redshift.
The best way is via running COPY from data stored in Amazon S3. This loads data in parallel across all nodes.
Unless you have a very real need to get data immediately into Redshift, it would be better to batch the data in S3 over a period of time (the larger the batch, the better), then load via COPY. This will also work well with the Staging Table approach to performing UPSERTS.
The best way to discover whether Redshift will handle a particular load is to try it! Spin up another cluster and try the various methods, measuring the performance each time.
I would recommend using Kinesis Firehose to insert data to Redshift. It will optimize for time / load and insert accordingly.
We tried inserting manually in batches, does not seems to be the cleaner way of handling it when an optimized cloud service exist for the same.
It does collect them in batches, compress and load them to Redshift.
Upsert Process:
If you want an upsert this is how I would have them done in a scalable way,
DynamoDB Table (Update) --> DynamoDB Streams --> Lambda --> Firehose --> Redshift
Have a scheduled job to cleanup any duplicate records based on created_timestamp.
Hope it helps.

AWS Redshift + Tableau Performance Booster

I'm using AWS Redshift as a back-end to my tableau desktop. AWS cluster is running with two dc1.large nodes and database table which I'm analyzing is of 30GB (with redshift compression enabled), I chose Redshift over tableau extract for performance issue but seems like Redshift live connection is much slower than extract. Any suggestions where shall I look into?
To use Redshift as a backend for a BI platform like Tableau, there are four things you can do to address latency:
1) Concurrency: Redshift is not great at running multiple queries at the same time so before you start tuning the database, make sure your query is not waiting in line behind other queries. (If you are the only one on the cluster, this shouldn't be a problem.)
2) Table size: Whenever you can, use aggregate tables for better performance. Fewer rows to scan means less IO and faster turnaround!
3) Query complexity: Ideally, you want your BI tool to issue simple, fast performing queries. Make sure your source tables are fast, and that Tableau isn't being forced to do a bunch of joins. Also, if your query does need to join multiple tables, make sure any large tables have the same distribution key.
4) "Indexing": Technically, Redshift does not support true indexing, but you can get close to the same thing by using "interleaved" sort keys. Traditional compound sort keys won't help, but an interleaved sort key can allow you to quickly access rows from multiple vectors (date and customer_id, for instance) without having to scan the entire table.
Reality Check
After all of these things are optimized, you will often find that you still can't be as fast as a Tableau extract. Simply stated, a "fast" Tableau dashboard needs to return data to it's user in <5 seconds. If you have 7 visuals on your dashboard, and each of the underlying queries takes 800 milliseconds to return (which is super fast for a database query), then you still are just barely reaching your target performance. Now, if just one of those queries take 5 seconds or more, your dashboard is going to feel "slow" no matter what you do.
In Summary
Redshift can be tuned using the approach above, but it may or may not be worth the effort. The best applications for using a live Redshift query instead of Tableau Extracts are in cases where the data is physically too large to create an extract of, and when you require data at a level of granularity that makes pre-aggregation infeasible. One good strategy is to create your main dashboard using an extract so that exploration/discovery is as fast as possible, and then use direct (live) Redshift queries for your drill-through reports (for instance, when you want to see exactly which customers roll up into your totals).
Few pointers as below
1) Use vacuum & Analyze once your ETL completes
2) Have you created the Table with proper Dist key and Sort Key
3) Aggregation if it's ok from the point of Data Granularity, requirement etc
1.Remove cursor, tableau access data from redshift leader node using cursor. Cursor works iteratively. Thus, impacting the performance.
2. Perform manual analyze on the table, after running heavy load operations.
3.Check the dist key distribution to avoid data skewness and improve performance.

Django database; how to download huge data in csv format

I have setup my database in Django in which I have huge amount of data. The task is to download all the data at a time in csv format. The problem which I am facing here is when the data size (in number of table rows) is upto 2000, I am able to download it but when number of rows reaches to more than 5k, it throws an error, "Gateway timeout". How to handle such issue. There is no table indexing as of now.
Also, when there is 2K data available, it takes around 18sec to download. So how this can be optimized.
First, make sure the code that is generating the CSV is as optimized as possible.
Next, the gateway timeout is coming from your front end proxy; so simply increase the timeout there.
However, this is a temporary reprieve - as your data set grows, this timeout will be exhausted and you'll keep getting these errors.
The permanent solution is to trigger a separate process to generate the CSV in the background, and then download it once its finished. You can do this by using celery or rq which are both ways to queue tasks for execution (and then collect the results at a later time).
If you are currently using HttpResponse from django.http then you could try using StreamingHttpResponse instead.
Failing that, you could try querying the database directly. For example, if you use the MySql database backend, these answers might help you:
As for the speed of the transaction, you could experiment with other database backends. However, if you need to do this often enough for the speed to be a major issue then there may be something else in the larger process which should be optimized instead.

Suitable storage method for huge amount of data

what kind of storage do you recommend for very huge amount of data? (≈ 50 milions records per day). Is this proper situation for systems like Hadoop or RDBMS is still sufficient for this purpose?
With the amount of data you are describing, you might indeed be pushing into the Big Data terrirtory. Based on the amount of the details you provided, I would suggest loading raw data into Hadoop cluster, running map/reduce jobs to parse it and to load into date-based directories. You can then define an external Hive table partitioned by date (daily? weekly?) mapped to the results of your map/reduce jobs.
Next step would depend on the complexity of your reports and needed response time. If you can easily express them in SQL, you can just run queries on your Hive table. If they are more elaborated, you might have to write custom map/reduce jobs. Many suggest Pig for it, but I am personally more comforatble with the straight Java.
If you don't care about the response time of the reports, you can run them on-demand. If you care, but open to wait for the results for, say, tens of seconds or a few minutes, you can store report results also in Hive. If you want your reports to show up fast, say, in web-based or mobile UI, you might want to store the report data in a relational database.