Single thread programme apparently using multiple core - c++

Question summary: all four cores used when running a single threaded programme. Why?
Details: I have written a non-parallelised programme in Xcode (C++). I was in the process of parallelising it, and wanted to see whether what I was doing was actually resulting in more cores being used. To that end I used Instruments to look at the core usage. To my surprise, while my application is single threaded, all four cores were being utilised.
To test whether it changed the performance, I dialled down the number of cores available to 1 (you can do it in Instruments, preferences) and the speed wasn't reduced at all. So (as I knew) the programme isn't parallelised in any way.
I can't find any information on what it means to use multiple cores to perform single threaded tasks. Am I reading the Instruments output wrong? Or is the single-threaded process being shunted between different cores for some reason (like changing lanes on a road instead of driving in two lanes at once - i.e. actual parallelisation)?
Thanks for any insight anyone can give on this.
EDIT with MWE (apologies for not doing this initially).
The following is C++ code that finds primes under 500,000, compiled in Xcode.
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
clock_t start, end;
double runTime;
start = clock();
int i, num = 1, primes = 0;
int num_max = 500000;
while (num <= num_max) {
i = 2;
while (i <= num) {
if(num % i == 0)
if (i == num){
std::cout << "Prime: " << num << std::endl;
end = clock();
runTime = (end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "This machine calculated all " << primes << " under " << num_max << " in " << runTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
return 0;
This runs in 36s or thereabouts on my machine, as shown by the final out and my phone's stopwatch. When I profile it (using instruments launched from within Xcode) it gives a run-time of around 28s. The following image shows the core usage.
instruments showing core usage with all 4 cores (with hyper threading)
Now I reduce number of available cores to 1. Re-running from within the profiler (pressing the record button), it says a run-time of 29s; a picture is shown below.
instruments output with only 1 core available
That would accord with my theory that more cores doesn't improve performance for a single thread programme! Unfortunately, when I actually time the programme with my phone, the above took about 1 minute 30s, so there is a meaningful performance gain from having all cores switched on.
One thing that is really puzzling me, is that, if you leave the number of cores at 1, go back to Xcode and run the program, it again says it takes about 33s, but my phone says it takes 1 minute 50s. So changing the cores is doing something to the internal clock (perhaps).
Hopefully that describes the problem fully. I'm running on a 2015 15 inch MBP, with 2.2GHz i7 quad core processor. Xcode 7.3.1

I want to premise your answer lacks a lots of information in order to proceed an accurate diagnostic. Anyway I'll try to explain you the most common reason IHMO, supposing you application doesn't use 3-rd part component which perform in a multi-thread way.
I think that could be a result of scheduler effect. I'm going to explain what I mean.
Each core of the processor takes a process in the system and executed it for a "short" amount of time. This is the most common solution in desktop operative system.
Your process is executed on a single core for this amount of time and then stopped in order to allow other process to continue. When your same process is resumed it could be executed in another core (always one core, but a different one). So a poor precise task manager with a low resolution time could register the utilization of all cores, even if it does not.
In order to verify whether the cause could be that, I suggest you to see the amount of CPU % used in the time your application is running. Indeed in case of a single thread application the CPU should be about 1/#numberCore , in your case 25%.

If it's a release build your compiler may be vectorising parallelise your code. Also libraries you link against, say the standard library for example, may be threaded or vectorised.


Busy Loop/Spinning sometimes takes too long under Windows

I'm using a windows 7 PC to output voltages at a rate of 1kHz. At first I simply ended the thread with sleep_until(nextStartTime), however this has proven to be unreliable, sometimes working fine and sometimes being of by up to 10ms.
I found other answers here saying that a busy loop might be more accurate, however mine for some reason also sometimes takes too long.
while (true) {
doStuff(); //is quick enough
nextStartTime = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + chrono::milliseconds(1);
spinStart = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(nextStartTime -
chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()).count() > 200) {
spinCount++; //a volatile int
int spintime = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>
(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - spinStart).count();
cout << "Spin Time micros :" << spintime << endl;
if (spinCount > 100000000) {
cout << "reset spincount" << endl;
spinCount = 0;
I was hoping that this would work to fix my issue, however it produces the output:
Spin Time micros :9999
Spin Time micros :9999
I've been stuck on this problem for the last 5 hours and I'd very thankful if somebody knows a solution.
According to the comments this code waits correctly:
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(1);
while (true) {
doStuff(); //is quick enough
auto spinStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (start > std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + delay) {}
int spintime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>
(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - spinStart).count();
std::cout << "Spin Time micros :" << spintime << std::endl;
start += delay;
The important part is the busy-wait while (start > std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + delay) {} and start += delay; which will in combination make sure that delay amount of time is waited, even when outside factors (windows update keeping the system busy) disturb it. In case that the loop takes longer than delay the loop will be executed without waiting until it catches up (which may be never if doStuff is sufficiently slow).
Note that missing an update (due to the system being busy) and then sending 2 at once to catch up might not be the best way to handle the situation. You may want to check the current time inside doStuff and abort/restart the transmission if the timing is wrong by more then some acceptable amount.
On Windows I dont think its possible to ever get such precise timing, because you can not garuntee your thread is actually running at the time you desire. Even with low CPU usage and setting your thread to real time priority, it can still be interuptted (Hardware interupts as I understand. Never fully investigate but even a simple while(true) ++i; type loop at realtime Ive seen get interupted then moved between CPU cores). While such interrupts and switching for a realtime thread is very quick, its still significant if your trying to directly drive a signal without buffering.
Instead you really want to read and write buffers of digital samples (so at 1KHz each sample is 1ms). You need to be sure to queue another buffer before the last one is completed, which will constrain how small they can be, but at 1KHz at realtime priority if the code is simple and no other CPU contention a single sample buffer (1ms) might even be possible, which is at worst 1ms extra latency over "immediate" but you would have to test. You then leave it up to the hardware and its drivers to handle the precise timing (e.g. make sure each output sample is "exactly" 1ms to the accuracy the vendor claims).
This basically means your code only has to be accurate to 1ms in worst case, rather than trying to persue somthing far smaller than the OS really supports such as microsecond accuracy.
As long as you are able to queue a new buffer before the hardware used up the previous buffer, it will be able to run at the desired frequency without issue (to use audio as an example again, while the tolerated latencies are often much higher and thus the buffers as well, if you overload the CPU you can still sometimes hear auidble glitches where an application didnt queue up new raw audio in time).
With careful timing you might even be able to get down to a fraction of a millisecond by waiting to process and queue your next sample as long as possible (e.g. if you need to reduce latency between input and output), but remember that the closer you cut it the more you risk submitting it too late.

Why does Sleep() slow down subsequent code for 40ms?

I originally asked about this at, so if you've tried to assist me there, thanks, and don't feel obliged to repeat the effort. is mostly a Java community, though, and this appears (after some research) to really be a Windows question, so my colleagues there and I thought this might be a more appropriate place to look for help.
I have written a short program that either spins on the Windows performance counter until 33ms have passed, or else calls Sleep(33). The former exhibits no unexpected effects, but the latter appears to (inconsistently) slow subsequent processing for about 40ms (either that, or it has some effect on the values returned from the performance counter for that long). After the spin or Sleep(), the program calls a routine, runInPlace(), that spins for 2ms, counting the number of times it queries the performance counter, and returning that number.
When the initial 33ms delay is done by spinning, the number of iterations of runInPlace() tends to be (on my Windows 10, XPS-8700) about 250,000. It varies, probably due to other system overhead, but it varies smoothing around 250,000.
Now, when the initial delay is done by calling Sleep(), something strange happens. A lot of the calls to runInPlace() return a number near 250,000, but quite a few of them return a number near 50,000. Again, the range varies around 50,000, fairly smoothly. But, it is clearly averaging one or the other, with nearly no returns anywhere between 80,000 and 150,000. If I call runInPlace() 100 times after each delay, instead of just once, it never returns a number of iterations in the smaller range after the 20th call. As runInPlace() runs for 2ms, this means the behavior I'm observing disappears after 40ms. If I have runInPlace() run for 4ms instead of 2ms, it never returns a number of iterations in the smaller range after the 10th call, so, again, the behavior disappears after 40ms (likewise if have runInPlace() run for only 1ms; the behavior disappears after the 40th call).
Here's my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Windows.h"
int runInPlace(int msDelay)
int n = 0;
} while (t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart < msDelay);
return n;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
int n;
int msDelay = 2 * frequency.QuadPart / 1000;
int spinDelay = 33 * frequency.QuadPart / 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (argc > 1)
} while (t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart < spinDelay);
n = runInPlace(msDelay);
printf("%d \n", n);
return 0;
Here's some output typical of what I get when using Sleep() for the delay:
And here's some output typical of what I get when I spin to create the delay:
Can anyone help me understand this behavior? (Note, I have tried this program, compiled with Visual C++ 2010 Express, on five computers. It only shows this behavior on the two fastest machines I have.)
This sounds like it is due to the reduced clock speed that the CPU will run at when the computer is not busy (SpeedStep). When the computer is idle (like in a sleep) the clock speed will drop to reduce power consumption. On newer CPUs this can be 35% or less of the listed clock speed. Once the computer gets busy again there is a small delay before the CPU will speed up again.
You can turn off this feature (either in the BIOS or by changing the "Minimum processor state" setting under "Processor power management" in the advanced settings of your power plan to 100%.
Besides what #1201ProgramAlarm said (which may very well be, modern processors are extremely fond of downclocking whenever they can), it may also be a cache warming up problem.
When you ask to sleep for a while the scheduler typically schedules another thread/process for the next CPU time quantum, which means that the caches (instruction cache, data cache, TLB, branch predictor data, ...) relative to your process are going to be "cold" again when your code regains the CPU.

Best option to profile CPU use in my program?

I am profiling CPU usage on a simple program I am writing. I have different algorithms I want to try, and I also want to know what's the impact on the total system performance.
Currently, I am using ualarm() to execute some instructions at 30Hz; every 15 of those interruptions (every 0.5s) I record the CPU time with getrusage() (in useconds), so I have an estimation on the total cpu time of cpu consumption on that point in time. But to get context, I also need to know the total time elapsed in the system in that time period, so I can have the % of which is used by my program.
/* Main Loop */
alarm = 0;
/* Waiting Loop: */
for(i=0; !alarm; i++){
/* Do my things */
/* Check if it's time to store cpu log: */
if ((count%count_max) == 0)
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_usec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_usec);
I have different options, but I don't know which one will provide the most exact result:
Use ualarm for the timing. Currently it's programmed to signal every 0.5 seconds, so I can take those 0.5 seconds as the CPU time. Seems quite obvious to use, but it's the best option?
Use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC): it provides readings with a nanosec resolution.
Use gettimeofday(): provides readings with a usec resolution. I've found opinions against using it.
Any recommendation? Thanks.
Possible solution is to use system function time and don't using busy loop (like #Hasturkun say) in your program. Call in console:
time /path/to/my/program
and after execution of it you get something like:
real 0m1.465s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m1.210s
Not sure about precision, if it is enough for you.
Callgrind is possibly the best application for profiling C/C++ code under linux. Use it with pride:)

Measure time on C++ for system call command in Linux

I am trying to measure the cpu time of an external software that I call from my C++ code with system (in Linux). I wonder if the "getusage user and system time" can be compare with the "user and system time given by the time command".
Example, would the time returned by these two pieces of code be (approximately) the same, that is, would I be doing a fair comparison?:
long int timeUsage1,timeUsage2 = 0;
struct rusage usage;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
timeUsage1 = usage.ru_utime.tv_sec+usage.ru_stime.tv_sec;
//C++ code
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
timeUsage2 = ((usage.ru_utime.tv_sec+usage.ru_stime.tv_sec)-timeUsage1);
//CODE 2 (TIME LINUX COMMAND from my C++ code)
system(time external) //where external is equivalent to C++ code above
PS: With the time command from CODE 2 I get something like this:
4.89user 2.13system 0:05.11elapsed 137%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 23968maxresident)k
0inputs+86784outputs (0major+2386minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Should I be concerned about the 137%CPU at all?
So, the 137% is based on the fact that 7.02s (total "User + System"), is 137% of the actual time it took to run the code, 5.11s. So, if you had only one processor (core), the overall time would be at least 7.02s.
Since we don't see your actual code, it's hard to say if this is caused by your code being multithreaded, or if the time is spent in the kernel that runs things in multiple threads "behind the scenes" so to speak.

How can I profile the TLB hits and TLB misses in ubuntu

I have written a simple C++ program using for-loop to print the numbers from 1 to 100. I want to find the number of TLB hits and misses occurring for the particular program while running. Is there any possibility to get this data?
I am using Ubuntu. I have used perf tool. But it is producing different result in different times. I am very confused what part of my code is leading to such a huge number TLB hits, TLB misses and cache misses.
Ofcourse there might be other processes running simultaneously like Ubuntu GUI. But, does this result includes those process too?
command I used: perf stat -e dTLB-loads -e dTPerformance counter stats for './hellocc':
result: first time--
909,822 dTLB-loads
2,023 dTLB-misses # 0.22% of all dTLB cache hits
4,512 cache-misses
0.006821182 seconds time elapsed
LB-misses ./hellocc
result: Second time-- Performance counter stats for './hellocc':
907,810 dTLB-loads
2,045 dTLB-misses # 0.23% of all dTLB cache hits
4,533 cache-misses
0.006780635 seconds time elapsed
My simple code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main
cout << "hello" << "\n";
for(int i=1; i <= 100; i = i + 1)
cout<< i << "\t" ;
return 0;
One way you could simulate this is using cachegrind, a part of valgrind.
Cachegrind simulates how your program interacts with a machine's cache hierarchy and (optionally) branch predictor. It simulates a machine with independent first-level instruction and data caches (I1 and D1), backed by a unified second-level cache (L2). This exactly matches the configuration of many modern machines.
While it's not your hardware, which I don't think you can get to, it's a good stand-in.
The cache behaviour of your program depends on what else is happening on your system at the time.
On a Linux system there are many processes running, such as the X server and window manager, the terminal, your editor, various daemon processes, and whatever else you have running (such as a web browser).
Depending on the vagaries of the scheduler, and the demands these other programs place on your system, your program's data may or may not stay in cache (the scheduler may even page your process entirely to the swap file), so the number of cache misses will vary depending on the other applications running.