Measure time on C++ for system call command in Linux - c++

I am trying to measure the cpu time of an external software that I call from my C++ code with system (in Linux). I wonder if the "getusage user and system time" can be compare with the "user and system time given by the time command".
Example, would the time returned by these two pieces of code be (approximately) the same, that is, would I be doing a fair comparison?:
long int timeUsage1,timeUsage2 = 0;
struct rusage usage;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
timeUsage1 = usage.ru_utime.tv_sec+usage.ru_stime.tv_sec;
//C++ code
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
timeUsage2 = ((usage.ru_utime.tv_sec+usage.ru_stime.tv_sec)-timeUsage1);
//CODE 2 (TIME LINUX COMMAND from my C++ code)
system(time external) //where external is equivalent to C++ code above
PS: With the time command from CODE 2 I get something like this:
4.89user 2.13system 0:05.11elapsed 137%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 23968maxresident)k
0inputs+86784outputs (0major+2386minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Should I be concerned about the 137%CPU at all?

So, the 137% is based on the fact that 7.02s (total "User + System"), is 137% of the actual time it took to run the code, 5.11s. So, if you had only one processor (core), the overall time would be at least 7.02s.
Since we don't see your actual code, it's hard to say if this is caused by your code being multithreaded, or if the time is spent in the kernel that runs things in multiple threads "behind the scenes" so to speak.


how to run Clock-gettime correctly in Vxworks to get accurate time

I am trying to measure time take by processes in C++ program with linux and Vxworks. I have noticed that clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, timespec ) is accurate enough (resolution about 1 ns) to do the job on many Oses. For a portability matter I am using this function and running it on both Vxworks 6.2 and linux 3.7.
I ve tried to measure the time taken by a simple print:
#define <timers.h<
#define <iostream>
#define BILLION 1000000000L
int main(){
struct timespec start, end; uint32_t diff;
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTME, &start);
std::cout<<"Do stuff"<<std::endl;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTME, &end);
diff = BILLION*(end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)+(end.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec);
return 0;
I compiled this on linux and vxworks. For linux results seemed logic (average 20 µs). But for Vxworks, I ve got a lot of zeros , then 5000000 ns , then a lot of zeros...
PS , for vxwroks, I runned this app on ARM-cortex A8, and results seemed random
have anyone seen the same bug before,
In vxworks, the clock resolution is defined by the system scheduler frequency. By default, this is typically 60Hz, however may be different dependant on BSP, kernel configuration, or runtime configuration.
The VxWorks kernel configuration parameters SYS_CLK_RATE_MAX and SYS_CLK_RATE_MIN define the maximum and minimum values supported, and SYS_CLK_RATE defines the default rate, applied at boot.
The actual clock rate can be modified at runtime using sysClkRateSet, either within your code, or from the shell.
You can check the current rate by using sysClkRateGet.
Given that you are seeing either 0 or 5000000ns - which is 5ms, I would expect that your system clock rate is ~200Hz.
To get greater resolution, you can increase the system clock rate. However, this may have undesired side effects, as this will increase the frequency of certain system operations.
A better method of timing code may be to use sysTimestamp which is typically driven from a high frequency timer, and can be used to perform high-res timing of short-lived activities.
I think in vxworks by default the clock resolution is 16.66ms which you can get by calling clock_getres() function. You can change the resolution by calling sysclkrateset() function(max resolution supported is 200us i guess by passing 5000 as argument to sysclkrateset function). You can then calculate the difference between two timestamps using difftime() function

FIO runtime different than gettimeofday()

I am trying to measure the execution time of FIO benchmark. I am, currently, doing so wrapping the FIO call between gettimeofday():
gettimeofday(&startFioFix, NULL);
FILE* process = popen("fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=posixaio rw=randwrite --size=100M --direct=1 --thread=1 --bs=4K", "r");
gettimeofday(&doneFioFix, NULL);
and calculate the elapsed time as:
double tstart = startFioFix.tv_sec + startFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double tend = doneFioFix.tv_sec + doneFioFix.tv_usec / 1000000.;
double telapsed = (tend - tstart);
Now, the question(s) is
telapsed time is different (larger) than the runt by FIO output. Can you please help me in understanding Why? as the fact can be seen in FIO output:
randwrite: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=posixaio, iodepth=1
Starting 1 thread
randwrite: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=3862: Tue Nov 1 18:07:50 2016
write: io=102400KB, bw=91674KB/s, iops=22918, runt= 1117msec
and the telapsed is:
telapsed: 1.76088 seconds
what is the actual time taken by FIO execution:
a) runt given by FIO, or
b) the elapsed time by getttimeofday()
How does FIO measure its runt? (probably, this question linked to 1.)
PS: I have tried to replace the gettimeofday(with std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()), but it also behaves the same (by same, I mean it also gives larger elapsed time than runt)
Thank you in advance, for your time and assistance.
A quick point:gettimeofday() on Linux uses a clock that doesn't necessarily tick at a constant interval and can even move backwards (see and ) - this may make telapsed unreliable (or even negative).
Your gettimeofday/popen/gettimeofday measurement (telapsed) is going to be: the fio process start up (i.e. fork+exec on Linux) elapsed + fio initialisation (e.g. thread creation because I see --thread, ioengine initialisation) + fio job elapsed (runt) + fio stopping elapsed + process stop elapsed). You are comparing this to just runt which is a sub component of telapsed. It is unlikely all the non-runt components are going to happen instantly (i.e. take up 0 usecs) so the expectation is that runt will be smaller than telapsed. Try running fio with --debug=all just to see all the things it does in addition to actually submitting I/O for the job.
This is difficult to answer because it depends on what you want you mean when you say "fio execution" and why (i.e. the question is hard to interpret in an unambiguous way). Are you interested in how long fio actually spent trying to submit I/O for a given job (runt)? Are you interested in how long it takes your system to start/stop a new process that just so happens to try and submit I/O for a given period (telapsed)? Are you interested in how much CPU time was spent submitting I/O (none of the above)? So because I'm confused I'll ask you some questions instead: what are you going to use the result for and why?
Why not look at the source code? shows runt comes from ts->runtime[ddir]. You can see it is initialised by a call to set_epoch_time() ( ), is updated by update_runtime() ( ) which is called from thread_main().

Single thread programme apparently using multiple core

Question summary: all four cores used when running a single threaded programme. Why?
Details: I have written a non-parallelised programme in Xcode (C++). I was in the process of parallelising it, and wanted to see whether what I was doing was actually resulting in more cores being used. To that end I used Instruments to look at the core usage. To my surprise, while my application is single threaded, all four cores were being utilised.
To test whether it changed the performance, I dialled down the number of cores available to 1 (you can do it in Instruments, preferences) and the speed wasn't reduced at all. So (as I knew) the programme isn't parallelised in any way.
I can't find any information on what it means to use multiple cores to perform single threaded tasks. Am I reading the Instruments output wrong? Or is the single-threaded process being shunted between different cores for some reason (like changing lanes on a road instead of driving in two lanes at once - i.e. actual parallelisation)?
Thanks for any insight anyone can give on this.
EDIT with MWE (apologies for not doing this initially).
The following is C++ code that finds primes under 500,000, compiled in Xcode.
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
clock_t start, end;
double runTime;
start = clock();
int i, num = 1, primes = 0;
int num_max = 500000;
while (num <= num_max) {
i = 2;
while (i <= num) {
if(num % i == 0)
if (i == num){
std::cout << "Prime: " << num << std::endl;
end = clock();
runTime = (end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "This machine calculated all " << primes << " under " << num_max << " in " << runTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
return 0;
This runs in 36s or thereabouts on my machine, as shown by the final out and my phone's stopwatch. When I profile it (using instruments launched from within Xcode) it gives a run-time of around 28s. The following image shows the core usage.
instruments showing core usage with all 4 cores (with hyper threading)
Now I reduce number of available cores to 1. Re-running from within the profiler (pressing the record button), it says a run-time of 29s; a picture is shown below.
instruments output with only 1 core available
That would accord with my theory that more cores doesn't improve performance for a single thread programme! Unfortunately, when I actually time the programme with my phone, the above took about 1 minute 30s, so there is a meaningful performance gain from having all cores switched on.
One thing that is really puzzling me, is that, if you leave the number of cores at 1, go back to Xcode and run the program, it again says it takes about 33s, but my phone says it takes 1 minute 50s. So changing the cores is doing something to the internal clock (perhaps).
Hopefully that describes the problem fully. I'm running on a 2015 15 inch MBP, with 2.2GHz i7 quad core processor. Xcode 7.3.1
I want to premise your answer lacks a lots of information in order to proceed an accurate diagnostic. Anyway I'll try to explain you the most common reason IHMO, supposing you application doesn't use 3-rd part component which perform in a multi-thread way.
I think that could be a result of scheduler effect. I'm going to explain what I mean.
Each core of the processor takes a process in the system and executed it for a "short" amount of time. This is the most common solution in desktop operative system.
Your process is executed on a single core for this amount of time and then stopped in order to allow other process to continue. When your same process is resumed it could be executed in another core (always one core, but a different one). So a poor precise task manager with a low resolution time could register the utilization of all cores, even if it does not.
In order to verify whether the cause could be that, I suggest you to see the amount of CPU % used in the time your application is running. Indeed in case of a single thread application the CPU should be about 1/#numberCore , in your case 25%.
If it's a release build your compiler may be vectorising parallelise your code. Also libraries you link against, say the standard library for example, may be threaded or vectorised.

Best option to profile CPU use in my program?

I am profiling CPU usage on a simple program I am writing. I have different algorithms I want to try, and I also want to know what's the impact on the total system performance.
Currently, I am using ualarm() to execute some instructions at 30Hz; every 15 of those interruptions (every 0.5s) I record the CPU time with getrusage() (in useconds), so I have an estimation on the total cpu time of cpu consumption on that point in time. But to get context, I also need to know the total time elapsed in the system in that time period, so I can have the % of which is used by my program.
/* Main Loop */
alarm = 0;
/* Waiting Loop: */
for(i=0; !alarm; i++){
/* Do my things */
/* Check if it's time to store cpu log: */
if ((count%count_max) == 0)
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_utime.tv_usec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_sec,
(int64_t) ru.ru_stime.tv_usec);
I have different options, but I don't know which one will provide the most exact result:
Use ualarm for the timing. Currently it's programmed to signal every 0.5 seconds, so I can take those 0.5 seconds as the CPU time. Seems quite obvious to use, but it's the best option?
Use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC): it provides readings with a nanosec resolution.
Use gettimeofday(): provides readings with a usec resolution. I've found opinions against using it.
Any recommendation? Thanks.
Possible solution is to use system function time and don't using busy loop (like #Hasturkun say) in your program. Call in console:
time /path/to/my/program
and after execution of it you get something like:
real 0m1.465s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m1.210s
Not sure about precision, if it is enough for you.
Callgrind is possibly the best application for profiling C/C++ code under linux. Use it with pride:)

Can oprofile ignore calls to external functions and instead accumulate the time to the caller?

I'm currently calling oprofile with these parameters:
operf --callgraph --vmlinux /usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-$(uname -r) <BINARY>
opreport -a -l <BINARY>
As an example, the output is:
CPU: Core 2, speed 2e+06 MHz (estimated)
Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 90000
samples cum. samples % cum. % image name symbol name
12635 12635 27.7674 27.7674 __memset_sse2
9404 22039 20.6668 48.4342 vmlinux-3.5.0-21-generic get_page_from_freelist
4381 26420 9.6279 58.0621 vmlinux-3.5.0-21-generic native_flush_tlb_single
3684 30104 8.0962 66.1583 vmlinux-3.5.0-21-generic page_fault
701 30805 1.5406 67.6988 vmlinux-3.5.0-21-generic handle_pte_fault
You can see that most of the time is spent within __memset_sse2 but it is not obvious which of my own code should be optimized. At least not from the output above.
In my specific case, I was able to quickly locate the source of the problem by using some kind of poor man's profiler. I ran the program in a debugger, stopped it from time to time and looked at the call stacks of each thread.
Is it possible to get the same results directly from the output of oprofile? The strategy that I used will most likely fail if the performance bottleneck is not that obvious as it was in my example.
Is there an option to ignore all calls to external function (e.g., to the kernel or libc) and just accumulate the time to the caller? For example:
void foo() {
// some expensive call to memset...
Here, it would be more insightful for me to see foo at the top of the profiling output, not memset.
(I tried opreport --exclude-dependent but found it not helpful as it seems only to skip the external functions in the output.)