Error after closing connection in WebSocket++ - c++

I've got this:
[info] asio async_read_at_least error: system:10058 (A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call)
[error] handle_read_frame error: websocketpp.transport:2 (Underlying Transport Error)
after closing connection by server (not by browser client) in WebSocket++ lib. The server still works, but how can I fix this error?

Fixed it by adding m_server.pause_reading(handler) before calling m_server.close on handler.


How does WSO2 APIM handle 40x http error codes returned by endpoint?

I'm working with WSO2 APIM 3.1.0 and some of my endpoints are getting constantly in SUSPENDED state.
The endpoint was built to return http code 400, 403, 404 as part of its business logic.
In the Advanced Configurations for a given endpoint, we might set the Error Code to move the endpoint into suspension or timeout state.
The error codes below are available for selection:
101000 Receiver input/output error sending
101001 Receiver input/output error receiving
101500 Sender input/output error sending
101501 Sender input/output error receiving
101503 Connection failed
101504 Connection timed out (no input was detected on this connection over the maximum period of inactivity)
101505 Connection closed
101506 NHTTP protocol violation
101507 Connection canceled
101508 Request to establish new connection timed out
101509 Send abort
101510 Response processing failed
Http codes, such as 400/403/404, returned by the endpoint are mapped to some of those WSO2 error codes ?
Yes, If you set suspension code, it will be internally mapped with the response code.

Error reconnecting boost beast (asio) websocket and http connection after disconnect

I am creating a client application that connects to a server using a an ssl Websocket connection and an ssl Http (Keep-Alive) connection and I am using boost::beast package to do the same. So as to detect a dead connection i have implemented a simple ping-pong mechanism. These all work fine, but an issue comes up when handling the ping-pong failure. The issue is as follows:
For testing my code i connected to the remote server, sent few messages and then turned off my wifi. As expected after a certain period it detected that it did not receive any message from the server and it tried to do an async_shutdown for the http connection and an async_close for the websocket connection. First thing i noticed was that both these calls block their respective strands until the wifi is back up.
And after the wifi is up, the application tries to reset the stream before reconnect:
void HttpKeepAliveConnection::recreateSocket()
_receivedPongForLastPing = true;
_sslContext.reset(new boost::asio::ssl::context({boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23_client}));
_stream.reset(new HttpStream(_ioContext, *_sslContext));
And reset ws variable for websocket:
void WebsocketConnection::recreateSocket()
_receivedPongForLastPing = true;
_sslContext.reset(new boost::asio::ssl::context({boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23_client}));
_ws.reset(new WebSocket(_ioContext, *_sslContext));
Unfortunately it fails at either on_connect or on_ssl_handshake. Following are my logs:
156 AsioConnectionBase.cpp:53 (2018-08-06 15:34:38.458536) [0x00007ffff601e700] : Started connect sequence. Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn
157 AsioConnectionBase.cpp:122 (2018-08-06 15:34:38.459802) [0x00007ffff481b700] : Failed establishing connection to destination. Connection failed. Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn. Host: xxxxxxxxx. Port: 443. Error: Operation canceled
158 APIManager.cpp:175 (2018-08-06 15:34:38.459886) [0x00007ffff481b700] : Received error callback from connection. Restarting connection in a sec. Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn
159 AsioConnectionBase.cpp:53 (2018-08-06 15:34:39.460009) [0x00007ffff481b700] : Started connect sequence. Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn
160 HttpKeepAliveConnection.cpp:32 (2018-08-06 15:34:39.460515) [0x00007ffff481b700] : Failed ssl handshake. Connection failed.Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn. Host: xxxxxxxxx. Port: 443. Error: Bad file descriptor
161 APIManager.cpp:175 (2018-08-06 15:34:39.460674) [0x00007ffff481b700] : Received error callback from connection. Restarting connection in a sec. Connection Name: HttpKeepAliveConn
So I have 2 questions:
How do we close a connection if internet is down and a proper tcp close is not possible.
Before reconnecting what are the variables in boost::beast (or for that matter boost::asio as boost::beast is built on top of asio) that needs to be reset
Have been stuck trying to debug this for couple of hours. Any help is appreciated
So I figured out where I went wrong. Both Alan Birtles and Vinnie Falco were right. The way to close a dead ssl connection after your ping timer has expired (and none of the handlers have returned yet) is
In your timer handler
For websocket
Wait for one of your handlers (typically read handler) to return with error (typically boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error). From there, queue the start of the next reconnect. (Do not queue the reconnect immediately after step 1, it will result in memory issues that I faced. I know this is asio 101, but is easy to forget)
For resetting socket, all that is required is for the stream to be reset
_stream.reset(new HttpStream(_ioContext, _sslContext));
For websocket
_ws.reset(new WebSocket(_ioContext, _sslContext));
I don't think asio::ssl::stream can be used again after being closed.
How do we close a connection if internet is down and a proper tcp close is not possible.
Simply allow the socket or stream object to be destroyed.

Issue in using FTP Connection in Informatica

FTP connection object in my Workflow, However, while executing for few minutes it is getting failed throwing an error : '
A socket [29] failure is encountered: [Connection reset by peer].
Might be getting a timeout on the ftp server after inactivity

boost asio async_read header connection closes too early

Providing a MCVE is going to be hard, the scenario is the following:
a server written in c++ with boost asio offers some services
a client written in c++ with boost asio requests services
There are custom headers and most communication is done using multipart/form.
However, in the case where the server returns a 401 for an unauthorized access,
the client receives a broken pipe (system error 32).
AFAIK this happens when the server connection closes too early.
So, running into gdb, I can see that the problem is indeed the transition from the async_write which sends the request, to the async_read_until which reads the first line of the HTTP Header:
The connect routine sends the request from the client to the server:
And the write_request callback, checks if the request was sent OK, and then reads the first line (until the first newline):
template <class T>
void asio_handler<T>::write_request(const boost::system::error_code & err,
const std::size_t bytes)
if (!err) {
// read until first newline
else {
The problem is that the end(err) is always called with a broken pipe (error code 32). Meaning, as far as I understand, that the server closed the connection. The server indeed closes the connection, but only after it has sent a message HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized.
using curl with the appropriate request, we do get the actual message/error before the server closes the connection
using our client written in C++/boost asio we only get the broken pipe and no data
only when the server leaves the connection open, do we get to the point of reading the error (401) but that defeats the purpose, since now the connection is left open.
I would really appreciate any hints or tips. I understand that without the code its hard to help, so I can add more source at any time.
If I do not check for errors between writing the request, and reading the server reply, then I do get the actual HTTP 401 error. However this seems counter-intuitive, and I am not sure why this happens or if it is supposed to happen.
The observed behavior is allowed per the HTTP specification.
A client or server may close the socket at anytime. The server can provide a response and close the connection before the client has finished transmitting the request. When writing the body, it is recommended that clients monitor the socket for an error or close notification. From the RFC 7230, HTTP/1.1: Message Syntax and Routing Section 6.5. Failures and Timeouts:
6.5. Failures and Timeouts
A client, server, or proxy MAY close the transport connection at any time. [...]
A client sending a message body SHOULD monitor the network connection for an error response while it is transmitting the request. If the client sees a response that indicates the server does not wish to receive the message body and is closing the connection, the client SHOULD immediately cease transmitting the body and close its side of the connection.
On a graceful connection closure, the server will send a response to the client before closing the underlying socket:
6.6. Tear-down
A server that sends a "close" connection option MUST initiate a close of the connection [...] after it sends the response containing "close". [...]
Given the above behaviors, there are three possible scenarios. The async_write() operation completes with:
success, indicating the request was written in full. The client may or may not have received the HTTP Response yet
an error, indicating the request was not written in full. If there is data available to be read on the socket, then it may contain the HTTP Response sent by the server before the connection terminated. The HTTP connection may have terminated gracefully
an error, indicating the request was not written in full. If there is no data available to be read on the socket, then the HTTP connection was not terminated gracefully
Consider either:
initiating the async_read() operation if the async_write() is successful or there is data available to be read
void write_request(
const boost::system::error_code & error,
const std::size_t bytes_transferred)
// The server may close the connection before the HTTP Request finished
// writing. In that case, the HTTP Response will be available on the
// socket. Only stop the call chain if an error occurred and no data is
// available.
if (error && !socket_->available())
boost::asio::async_read_until(*socket_, buffer_, "\r\n", ...);
per the RFC recommendation, initiate the async_read() operation at the same time as the async_write(). If the server indicates the HTTP connection is closing, then the client would shutdown its send side of the socket. The additional state handling may not warrant the extra complexity

Could not write message to OutputStream: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Connection timed out

I am getting this error when we move our database to new server. The application at the new server and the database at older server runs fine. But when we move the database to new server the server log shows this error.
Below is the server log. We are using jboss-5.1.0.GA.
2013-02-22 01:02:31,336 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/]] (main) StandardWrapper.Throwable Could not write message to OutputStream: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Connection timed out: connect; nested exception is javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Connection timed out: connect