WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0 - wso2

I want to grab source code for carbon-apimgt:
Also the source code for product-apim:
I don't want to grab the latest source code I just want to grab the v1.10.0 release for these two repos.
What I do to grab the versions and build is the following:
git clone
git checkout tags/v5.0.3
cd carbon-apimgt
mvn clean install
carbon v5.0.3 builds just fine (I am using Java 7)
I than do this for product-apim:
git clone
git checkout tags/v1.10.0
cd product-apim
mvn clean install
product-apim is failing the build on a unit test:
Tests run: 325, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Aggregator Module .............. SUCCESS [0.640s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Parent .................. SUCCESS [0.033s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles ......................... SUCCESS [1.835s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - UI styles ............. SUCCESS [1.908s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard ......... SUCCESS [0.709s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Dashboard UI .......... SUCCESS [0.770s]
[INFO] WSO2 AM - Login User Interface .................... SUCCESS [0.668s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Parent ................ SUCCESS [0.023s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Aggregator Module ..... SUCCESS [0.019s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Features ................ SUCCESS [0.307s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard Feature . SUCCESS [0.873s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Features Aggregator Module SUCCESS [0.018s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Style Features ........ SUCCESS [0.307s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Utils Features ........ SUCCESS [0.694s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Dashboard UI Features . SUCCESS [0.385s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Deployment Features ... SUCCESS [0.237s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation Parent ... SUCCESS [0.017s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation .......... SUCCESS [2:28.018s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - DAS Carbon Application ......... SUCCESS [0.218s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Distribution Parent ............ SUCCESS [0.020s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Distribution ................... SUCCESS [1:06.090s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Tests .............. SUCCESS [1.279s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Test Common Module . SUCCESS [0.737s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Admin Clients Module SUCCESS [3.246s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Common Test Module . SUCCESS [2.020s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Test Artifacts Tests ........... SUCCESS [0.993s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - RestFul Backend Module for Integration Tests SUCCESS [0.944s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - ArtifactDeploymentMonitor WebApp SUCCESS [6.900s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration Extensions Module .. SUCCESS [1.698s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration UI Pages Module .... SUCCESS [0.714s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Integration New Test Module .... SUCCESS [0.748s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Based on product backend Test Module FAILURE [43:38.211s]
[INFO] WSO2 APIManager - Nested Feature Categories ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] API Gateway Manager 1.10.0 ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] API Gateway Worker 1.10.0 ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] API Key Manager 1.10.0 ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] API Publisher 1.10.0 .............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] API Store 1.10.0 .................................. SKIPPED
Failed Tests:
APIM684GenerateApplicationKeyTestCase.generateApplicationKeyWithoutScope:222 Response Code Mismatched expected:<200> but was:<302>
Anyone have any clue as to why this is not working?

This test case is based on the backend "". Looks like there's been some changes happened in the backend and due to that the test case is failing.
1. Test cases assets the response status code 200 for the GET request. But first response is 302 redirection to "" (with the last "/")
2. Response data is checked if it contains "AcceptanceSampling" but it is not there now.
As Lakmali mentioned in the comment you can ignore this failure or if you really need to see this passing I would suggest you to do two edits to the test case.
Change API2_END_POINT_URL with adding a "/":
Change API2_RESPONSE_DATA with something available in the response. You can go to in your browser and add a word that is already available. Eg: adehabitatHR
Re run the tests


Dataflow job fails due to inability to read ojdbc driver from the Google Cloud Storage

I have a working GCP account and trying to run a dataflow job which ingest data from on-prem oracle to BigQuery using cloud SDK. I have installed the versioned cloud SDK tool and configured my account. I want to use the JDBCToBigQuery template.
Tried executing:
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="--driverJars=gs://********/jars/ojdbc8-8.0.17.jar --driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --connectionURL=***** --query='select * from schema.users' --outputTable= ***** --bigQueryLoadingTemporaryDirectory=***** --username=***** --password=****** --project=***** --runner=DirectRunner"
It throws this error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 08:24 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-21T23:02:45-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (default-cli) on project google-cloud-teleport-java: An exception occured while executing the Java class. org.apache.beam.sdk.util.UserCodeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error reading gs://********/jars/ojdbc8-8.0.17.jar: connect timed out -> [Help 1]
I am working behind the company's proxy but have taken care of that by incorporating proxy settings.
Trying to troubleshoot this error, can anyone help out in this?
P.S.: Newbie to google cloud services

WSO2 CLI tools Unable to connect to host

I'm just using WSO2 micro intregrator and having issue with CLI tools, mi: Unable to connect to host
i run the WSO2 Micro Integrator on a VM using command :
$micro-integrator.bat -DenableManagementApi
and i wanna Get information about one or more Carbon Apps using :
$mi show carbonapp --verbose
[INFO] Executed ManagementCLI (mi) on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 14:59:47 +07
[INFO] Show Carbon app called
[INFO] URL: https://localhost:9165/management/applications
$mi: Unable to connect to host
mi init --verbose
[INFO] Executed ManagementCLI (mi) on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:01:52 +07
[INFO] Init called
Enter following parameters to configure the cli
Host name(default localhost): localhost
Port number(default 9164): 9165
CLI configuration is successful
i expect Get information about one or more Carbon Apps
Can you check the port ManagementApi is running. By default it is 9164 since you have mentioned as 9165, is MI started with offset 11 ( default offset 10 )? Else you may find the offset in carbon.xml.
Following logs will be printed in console when MI is started with Management Api
[2019-07-28 21:05:05,318] [micro-integrator] INFO - PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager Pass-through EI_INTERNAL_HTTPS_INBOUND_ENDPOINT Listener started on
Here "9164" is the port of it. Please make sure that it is started and the port it is started is same as what you define in init.

Unable to Install Entando 5 from maven artifact

I try to install Entando as describe in the documentation using the maven archetype
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=entando-archetype-webapp-generic
the option to install version 5 is never shown.
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=entando-archetype-webapp-generic
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) > generate-sources # standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) < generate-sources # standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) # standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart (org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.0)
Choose archetype:
1: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-webapp-generic (Generic web app Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): : 1
Choose org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-webapp-generic version:
1: 4.3.2
2: 4.3.3
Choose a number: 2:
The maven central archetype catalog is only updated on Sundays. Since this release was on a Tuesday it won't show up until the following Sunday which was June 4th. It should be a choice now
Alternatively you can add this XML to your archetype-catalog.xml in your .m2/repository directory.
<description>Content Type Bundle Archetype for Entando.</description>
<description>Theme (Page Model) Bundle Archetype for Entando.</description>
<description>Widget Bundle Archetype for Entando.</description>
<description>Plugin Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.</description>
<description>Entando sample web app Archetype: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.</description>
<description>Generic web app Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.</description>
<description>RedHat BPM web application Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like.</description>

One or more certificates rejected. Cannot proceed with installation

when build wso2 am, on ubuntu 16.04, with git checkout product-apim,
and run
mvn clean install
and failed, said that certificates rejected, but don't which one is rejected.
the output like this:
Installing 4.4.2.
Installation failed.
One or more certificates rejected. Cannot proceed with installation.
Application failed, log file location: /home/ubuntu/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/tycho/tycho-p2-runtime/0.13.0/eclipse/configuration/1465283477879.log
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Aggregator Module ............... SUCCESS [ 0.678 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 0.068 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.877 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - UI styles .............. SUCCESS [ 3.018 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard .......... SUCCESS [ 1.414 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Dashboard UI ........... SUCCESS [ 1.571 s]
[INFO] WSO2 AM - Login User Interface ..................... SUCCESS [ 1.325 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Parent ................. SUCCESS [ 0.031 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Features Aggregator Module ...... SUCCESS [ 0.024 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Styles Features ................. SUCCESS [ 0.473 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - Multi Tenant Dashboard Feature .. SUCCESS [ 1.877 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Features Aggregator Module SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Style Features ......... SUCCESS [ 0.678 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Utils Features ......... SUCCESS [ 0.901 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Dashboard UI Features .. SUCCESS [ 0.758 s]
[INFO] WSO2 Stratos API Manager - Deployment Features .... SUCCESS [ 0.652 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation Parent .... SUCCESS [ 0.053 s]
[INFO] WSO2 API Manager - P2 Profile Generation ........... FAILURE [ 40.276 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
any hints? thanks!

Issue building wso2 carbon 4.1 from source

I have checked out the source using the instructions svn checkout wso2carbon from here:
I have tried running mvn install using maven 2.2.1 (rdebian-8) - the install prerequisites state that version 2.1.0 or later version of maven is ok:
I hit the errror:
Component descriptor role: 'com.jcraft.jsch.UIKeyboardInteractive', implementation:
'org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch.interactive.PrompterUIKeyboardInteractive', role hint:
'default' has a hint, but there are other implementations that don't
Searching on google, it seems this is a problem with maven 2.2.1 -
So I tried with mvn 3.0.5 and run into the following error:
Failed tests:
Tests run: 457, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Parent ............................. SUCCESS [0.730s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Resource bundle .................... SUCCESS [1.144s]
[INFO] Axiom Parent POM .................................. SUCCESS [0.590s]
[INFO] Axiom Test Utilities .............................. SUCCESS [2.559s]
[INFO] Axiom Jaxen Test Suite ............................ SUCCESS [1.380s]
[INFO] Axiom API ......................................... SUCCESS [18.402s]
[INFO] Axiom Implementation Test Suite ................... SUCCESS [2.008s]
[INFO] Axiom Impl ........................................ SUCCESS [13.743s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Kernel ............................. SUCCESS [16.125s]
[INFO] Axiom DOM ......................................... SUCCESS [18.484s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Data Binding ....................... SUCCESS [9.023s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Transport - Local .................. SUCCESS [2.363s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Transport - HTTP ................... SUCCESS [2.792s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Code Generation .................... SUCCESS [10.721s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - ADB Codegen ........................ SUCCESS [30.639s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Addressing ......................... SUCCESS [4.468s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Java2WSDL .......................... SUCCESS [6.632s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - tool - Repository Maven Plugin ..... SUCCESS [1.410s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Fast Infoset ....................... SUCCESS [13.221s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Clustering ......................... SUCCESS [1:10.258s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Scripting .......................... SUCCESS [2.957s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - JAXB-RI Data Binding ............... SUCCESS [10.221s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - SAAJ ............................... SUCCESS [17.412s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - Metadata ........................... SUCCESS [22.842s]
[INFO] Apache Axis2 - JAXWS .............................. FAILURE [1:12.654s]
EDIT: 31st May 2013
When I run mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true I get a little further, but run into a new error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) on project axis2-transport-testkit: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /home/snowch/repos_thirdparty/carbon_kernel_4.1.0/dependencies/transports/1.1.0-wso2v8/modules/testkit/src/main/java/org/apache/axis2/transport/testkit/doclet/[27,22] error: package com.sun.javadoc does not exist
I'm guessing that somewhere in the source tree, someone has coded a dependency on the SUN JDK and I am running OpenJDK.