RAML2HTML Templates Library - templates

We recently decided to use RAML to document our API and all seems great so far.
We are using the raml2html utility to generate static HTML documentation. The default template works great, but I've seen much better API pages. Does anyone know about some collection of examples/ready-to-use templates?
EDIT: As RAML is evolving, the tools around it are evolving as well. I recently found a very nice theme that might be of interest: https://github.com/wdullaer/raml2html-slate-theme


Integrating Forums in Django

I am pretty new to the coding world and django, I am pretty far along within a site and I would like to add a forum function
does anyone have suggestions, I am currently using 1.8.2
I was able to get spirit working on its own, but could not figure out how to integrate it. I also tried djangobb, but the same as spirit.
any help would be great
You should check Pybbm. It is fully documented and easy to customize.

CSS3 Stylesheet Template

I was looking around and could not find a CSS3 Template to use as a basic starting template. I was wondering if anybody knows if something like this even exists. Basically, I am looking for a basic stylesheet to start off with that includes all of the basic selectors so that I can fill them in or remove if not needed.
The Wikipedia article on CSS frameworks has a list of popular frameworks and some useful stats about them.
Have a look to twitter bootstrap : http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
or to fundation (because everybody uses bootstrap, and all sites look the same) : http://foundation.zurb.com/
Mind if I introduce you to Twitter Bootstrap template?
It is a CSS3 template framework.
This is just a suggestion, since it helped me a lot to learn more about CSS3 and at the same time insight to responsive design.
If you decided to go ahead with twitter bootstrap go to this link for more resources.

Which UI toolkit are you using with your Ember.js apps?

I just started using Ember.js recently and I love the functionality. I'm wondering which UI toolkit you might be using to tie into design side of your applications.
For Bootstrap integration with Ember, take a look at this project I started two days ago:
It really fun and easy to use and lightly integrate bootstrap and ember components altogether.
Personaly, I am using Twitter's bootstrap library, which is quite low level, but pretty clean.
Twitter Bootstrap is my preffered choice when it comes to UI especially when prototyping something quickly, recently i have started to use EmberJS and have looked into this as well. So far i have found https://github.com/emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap
I will update this as my search continues.
Hope this helps with your project!
Twitter bootstrap is a great UI frameworks no doubts but I feel it is too mainstream these days. Hence my personal preference is Metro UI CSS, it's sleek and great for developing mobile applications using HTML5
I am just starting with emberjs also. Actually I use JQMobile. But I have some issues with it. As I want have a Mobile look and feel, I will try more.
But even if have not use bootstrap with EmberJs I think it will be easier to use as it's only css.
With a UI toolkit that use JavaScript and is owns attributs(exemple : data-role="List"... with JQuery Mobile) you can have rendering issues. I think this is because that Metamorphose/Handlebars and JQuery Mobile both modify the DOM on the fly and it can be tricky to get all work right.
But I am not a EmberJs or JQ Mobile Guru :-)
Sorry for my english, it isn't my mother tongue.
Just one Question .. what is a OSS framework and do you have the links on GitUb
This maybe old but I've used this addon on over 5 projects so far with great success. The project is well maintained and flexible. The maintainer is active and takes pull requests efficiently.
Disclaimer: I am not officiated with this project beyond that of an end consumer.
You could have a look at Ember Paper if you like Google Material:

CodeIgniter template problem

Hello all CodeIgniter guys :), I'm new to CodeIgniter andIi have now put my project on github. Here is my github page: https://github.com/SimonJ/Hip-hop-project
So I would hear about someone bothered to look through my files and make comments about what I can do better so I can learn something new :)
I have tried to use ocular template system but I get this error:
An Error Was Encounter Unable to load the Requested Class: ocular
Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
This question borders on the edge of belonging on Code Review instead of Stack Overflow, but I'll help you with your templating issue.
Are you running PHP 5 on your server? It looks like Ocular is using "public" and "private" words for functions and variables.
You are running an older version of Codeigniter by the looks of it because I don't see a folder called "core" in your application folder. There's a community version of CI called Reactor here or you can get the standard CI 2.0 from EllisLab here. I would upgrade to one of those, personally I would use Reactor.
Ocular is great but Phil Sturgeon has a lighter template library simply called template you might be interested in looking at as well, here. Like I said in the first paragraph of this answer, go to Code Review if you would like to have your code critiqued and reviewed.
PS. Welcome to Codeigniter, it's an awesome PHP framework.

Beginner: Do I have to use templates when implementing my own designs using CMS such as Joomla?

Brand new to CMS:
With Joomla or other CMS, If I want to use my own design, do I have to make it a template first using proprietary code of some sort = ie using some Joomla templating language - or is using my own design with Joomla simple and independent?
I am not sure the role "templates" play with Joomla and other CMS. I gather they can be used as a complete "pre-made" design where you just tweak it, but are they necessary as a base of some sort to using my own designs? I am proficient with HTML and CSS. I also have been playing around with various Jquery Plugin's for my UI.
Ideally I would like to create any design I can think of with any layout I create and use CMS simply for its database and plugins etc such as a blog or calender back end. I might use it for more features as I learn about them. Do I need to use a "template" or create a "template" to do this?
You have to create a template (or change an existing one), how else will the CMS know where to add the information into as the template is a HTML, CSS and Javascript Page group devoid of information and some HTML Tags replaced with CMS Specific tags, which tells the CMS where to add the information. It also include certain files telling the CMS the Name, and othe information of the template.
The First step in creating a template is to have a design.
Do your design in HTML and CSS. (Preferably using the CMS Template folder/directory structure.)
For Joomla use the information in this post: How should I go about writing a Joomla! template?
In Joomla jQuery have to be used in compatibility mode.
The CMS will supply the information, you supply the design and tell the CMS
The Template is the design container, whether you create one from scratch or reuse a current template. I initially used one of the pre-installed templates (together with the documentation) to learn some of the complexities of designing the template. (ex. structure, and what is possible.)
Please also look at my answer to this question How should I go about writing a Joomla! template? as it is a pretty good beginners guideline for template designers in Joomla (Even if I have to say it myself) with a couple of other resources linked in as well.
A Joomla template is nothing but HTML layout stylised using CSS. So to create your own templates you need a good grasp on HTML and CSS.
Joomla, by default provides a couple of templates to start with.
If you are just beginning, creating your own template is not where you want to start...learn more about setting up Joomla. You have enough problems there :)
Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide is a great beginner book. It takes you through learning Joomla, what templates are, how to make them, and even walks you through setting up WAMP so you can experiment on your local machine.
The templates only affect the styling of your site. If you are starting out, I would work on getting your content in place first and wait on templates until later on.
My experience has been revamping my two websites to use WordPress, then moving to ModX, then moving back to HTML. I believe that you don't need a template but it will make some things easier as it bundles a lot of stuff you'd otherwise have to do manually. --At least for WordPress. I'm not even sure we found a good ModX template but adapted [poorly] a WordPress one. ModX is a good but little known CMS.
With one of my sites I found that it was impossible for WordPress to handle the images, thus I began working with a plug-in developer to create a custom plug-in. He took about a year and it still wasn't useable. Also I hired some consultants along the way. Their biggest contribution was "to complexify things" so I couldn't make any changes myself without going back to them & paying hundreds of $ to change a phone # for example.
I chucked all that and redid everything in HTML5 with Javascript, css and a little php. People here on S.Overflow actually helped me with the coding. I have a 3rd simple site that I may go back to WordPress for but only to use some particular functions which might be a pain to program otherwise.
Here is one of my 2 HTML sites: