How to configure Eclipse C project to accept C++ includes - c++

I have a C project in which I would like to use some C++ files.
I've modified the Makefile accordingly, but I get the
make\mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** No rule to make target
I noticed that the included headers from the cpp standard library are not found.
Headers Not Found . picture
[Edit] As a note, all the .c, .cpp, .h files are in the same folder.
If I add
#include <string>
in the .c file it is found. In the .cpp it's not.
In Eclipse I've seen that I can't set includes for C++.
No C++ Includes . picture
Is there a way to do this ?
Thank you.

Unfortunately I didn't find any solution for this issue.
Still I am on the right path as there is a way to use the C code from Alglib.
It may be better to download CPython version of ALGLIB and to work with source of its computational core. It is written in C, without even trace amounts of C++, so you may find it more convenient than making wrappers around C++ core.


How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable

I've been struggling back and forth with this for a while now looking stuff up and asking questions and I'm still at a crossroads. What I've done so far and where I'm currently at based on what I've been told is this: I've added 2 directories to my repo: src for my .cpp files and include for my .hpp files. In my include directory I have all the .hpp files directly in the folder where as in my src directory I have several sub-directories grouping my .cpp files according to the purpose they serve e.g. \src\ValuationFunctions\MonteCarloFunctions\FunctionHelpers.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h". This works for my main file which is directly in the src folder but I found now that it doesn't work for my .cpp files that are in sub-directories like in my example above, it would seem I would have to navigate back to the root folder doing something like #include "../../..\include\header.h" which obviously can't be the way to go.
How do I make this work, am I even on the right track here? I have uploaded my repo to github ( and the goal is for someone to be able to go there, see how the program is structured, clone the repo and just run it (I imagine this is what the goal always is? Or does some responsibility usually fall on the cloner of the repo to make it work?).
I'm using Windows and Visual Studios, help greatly appreciated.
How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable
Please read the C++11 standard n3337 and see this C++ reference website. An included header might not even be any file on your computer (in principle it could be some database).
If you use some recent GCC as your C++ compiler, it does have precompiled headers and link-time optimization facilities. Read also the documentation of its preprocessor. I recommend to enable all warnings and debug info, so use g++ -Wall -Wextra -g.
If you use Microsoft VisualStudio as your compiler, it has a documentation and provides a cl command, with various optimization facilities. Be sure to enable warnings.
You could consider using some C++ static analyzer, such as Clang's or Frama-C++. This draft report could be relevant and should interest you (at least for references).
The source code editor (either VisualStudioCode or GNU emacs or vim or many others) and the debugger (e.g. GDB) and the version control system (e.g. git) that you are using also have documentation. Please take time to read them, and read How to debug small programs.
Remember that C++ code can be generated, by tools such as ANTLR or SWIG.
A suggestion is to approach your issue in the dual way: ensure that proper include paths are passed to compilation commands (from your build automation tool such as GNU make or ninja or meson). This is what GNU autoconf does.
You could consider using autoconf in your software project.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h".
I believe it was a mistake, and you certainly want to use slashes, e.g. #include "../include/header.h" if you care about porting your code later to other operating systems (e.g. Linux, Android, MacOSX, or some other Unixes). On most operating systems, the separator for directories is a / and most C++ compilers accept it.
Studying the source code of either Qt or POCO could be inspirational, and one or both of these open source libraries could be useful to you. They are cross-platform. The source code of GCC and Clang could also be interesting to look into. Both are open source C++ compilers, written in C++ mostly (with some metaprogramming approaches, that is some generated C++ code).
See also this and that.
In program development, it is often necessary to use toolkits developed by others. Generally speaking, in Visual Studio, source files are rarely used, and most of them use header files and link libraries that declare classes. If you want to use these classes, you need to include the name of the header file in the file, such as #include "cv.h". But this is not enough, because this file is generally not in the current directory, the solution is as follows:
Open "Project-Properties-Configuration Properties-C/C++-General-Additional Include Directory" in turn and add all the paths.
For all kinds of IDEs, we can do similar operations to include directories. So for those who clone the project, it is quite normal to modify the directory contained in the project.

Using Cocoa static library built in c++, some ObjC code tries to rebuilt it in OC

I am programming in Xcode in ObjC using a Cocoa static library built in c++ (built by me). For the library project, I made one public header(.hpp) that includes all the other header files(.hpp). Then in the ObjC project, I wrote a wrapper code(.hpp and .mm) to play as the interface, so it includes the public hpp header. To access the library, I then include the wrapper code in a normal m file. I believe all of these followed the tutorials, as it worked well for a few weeks.
However, after doing something stupid yesterday, the compiler for the ObjC project started to insist on building all the headers in ObjC. It first had problems with openCV packages in the c++ library, producing errors saying thoses are supposed to be built in c++ (as shown below). Even if I removed the openCV, the compiler cannot find any standard c++ libararies. I tried renaming the .hpp's to .h but it did not work.
Any suggestions on what I did wrong and how I can fix this?Much appreciated!
Your errors are coming from compiling ImageProcessor.m. .m is the extension Obj-C files, so the compiler will try to compile it, and everything it includes as Obj-C.
I'd suggest renaming it to
After learning more about header files, I realized what I did wrong: I included every header in the interface, so they are re-built every time outside the library, even if they are referenced by none-c++ code. The solution is to separate the interface header with other headers in the library completely.

GNU GSL where do I find the source code?

I'm writing some code in which I use some of the GNU GSL functions.
And out of pure interest I wonder how these functions have been implemented, therefore I would like to have a look at the source code.
The problem is that I seem to be unable to find the directory at which it is located.
I know that I can find the headers in "/usr/local/include/gsl/", but where is the matching ".c" file?
Sorry if this is n00bing it, but i hope that someone can help me.
Just download a source package from their ftp, for example the latest version.
This contains all files to build this library, so not just the header files, but also the c files, together with a makefile, which specifies what is compiled in which order.
You can find the implementation on their Github page. An example of their implementation of computing mean

How to install third party libraries

I'm sorta new to C++ and I've decided to try and use odeint to do some simulations because python is too slow for my needs.
I found this package, which I want to play with. I'm just not totally sure how to install or where to place these libraries. Is there something for C++ similar to python's pip install?
Side note: I'm trying to do this using Eclipse Kepler, but I'm not married to that idea.
I recommend not putting the code into your own project - that is a rather quick and dirty solution. The correct way to use a library in C++ (in fact, in any programming language that I know) is to keep all libraries separate from your own projects, at a separate location on your filesystem.
You then tell your environment where to find the library files and tell your project to use them. It's always the same basic idea, whether you are using Makefiles or Visual Studio project files.
Look at the documentation of this library. It says:
odeint is a header-only library, no linking against pre-compiled code
is required
This means that the "library files" I just mentioned are just header files. That makes it much easier for you, because you don't have to deal with linker options. In C++, the location where additional (project-external) header files can be found is usually called the "include path".
Your new problem should therefore be: How to tell Eclipse Kepler my include path?
Entering this new problem into Google (as "eclipse kepler include path") yields a few interesting results. It will eventually lead you to the Eclipse documentation about include paths, where you can learn how to edit the C++ include path.
Now that everything is set up, you can finally use the library's header files in your projects via lines like the following:
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
Do you notice the < >? They make a big difference, because they are the C++ way of saying "this is not part of my project, please get it from my include path". Just like headers which are part of the language (e.g. <vector> or <iostream>).
All of this may appear troublesome at first, and perhaps you even gain little from it at the beginning, but in the long run, for many different projects and many different libraries, it's the only way to prevent chaos.
Since odeint is a header only library you can place it with your own source code. Simply copy odeint's boost directory where your main.cpp is (assuming you have a main.cpp, but you should get the idea):
Now you can use the library by including
#include "boost/numeric/odeint.hpp"

What Should be the Structure of a C++ Project?

I have recently started learning C++ and coming from a Ruby environment I have found it very hard to structure a project in a way that it still compiles correctly, I have been using Code::Blocks which is brilliant but a downside is that when I add a new header file or c++ source file, it will generate some code and even though it is only a mere 3 or 4 lines, I do not know what these lines do. First of all I would like to ask this question:
What do these lines do?
My second question is, do I need to #include both the .h file and the .cpp file, and in which order.
My third question is where can I find the GNU GCC Compiler that, I beleive, was packaged with Code::Blocks and how do I use it without Code::Blocks? I would rather develop in a notepad++ sort of way because that is what I'm used to in Ruby but since C++ is compiled, you may think differently (please give advice and views on that as well)
Thanks in advance, ell.
EDIT: I'm on Windows XP & thanks for the lighting fast replies!
To answer your questions:
The lines are include guards. They prevent the header file being included more than once in any given translation unit. If it was included multiple times, you would probably get multiple definition errors.
Header files are #included in .cpp files and in other headers. .cpp files are not normally #included.
The C++ compiler that comes with Code::Blocks is called MinGW GCC, and can be found in the bin directory of the MinGW installation. To find it, do a Windows search via explorer for 'g++'. To use it, you will need to put the directory it is in on your search path. Note the version of the compiler that ships with Code::Blocks is quite old - you can get a much more recent version from here.
That's an inclusion guard, to prevent a .h file from being included twice. Besides saving time, this is often in fact required to avoid defining things twice.
You should include only the .h. The .c file will be linked to your program in some form. For small programs, you can just pass all the .c files to gcc, but larger programs will involve intermediate .o files or even libraries (static or dynamic).
You can definitely work without an IDE. There are many ways to install the gcc compiler on Windows, including Cygwin and MinGW. I think you are correct that Code::Blocks comes with a gcc executable, but I don't know where it is or what version.
Those lines make it so that if a file is #included twice, everything will continue to work. That in turn lets you treat header-file dependencies as a simple directed graph, which is definitely easiest.
You don't #include .cpp files. (Well, not unless you're an evil programmer. Don't do it!)
I'll let others (or google!) tell you about gcc, but it might help if you were to describe what platform you're using.
All of your questions have been answered by others, except this:
I would rather develop in a notepad++
sort of way because that is what I'm
used to in Ruby but since C++ is
compiled, you may think differently
(please give advice and views on that
as well)
I think this is a very bad idea. A fully fledged IDE with an integrated debugger, jump to symbol definitions, refactoring capabilities, a profiler, intellisense and more is practically a must for any real world project.
And the absolute best is Visual Studio* with Visual Assist X**. Code::Blocks pales in comparison ;)
* If you study in a university you can usually get it for free through MSDNAA; otherwise there the Visual Studio Express edition whicih is free
** 30 days evaluation period