How to install third party libraries - c++

I'm sorta new to C++ and I've decided to try and use odeint to do some simulations because python is too slow for my needs.
I found this package, which I want to play with. I'm just not totally sure how to install or where to place these libraries. Is there something for C++ similar to python's pip install?
Side note: I'm trying to do this using Eclipse Kepler, but I'm not married to that idea.

I recommend not putting the code into your own project - that is a rather quick and dirty solution. The correct way to use a library in C++ (in fact, in any programming language that I know) is to keep all libraries separate from your own projects, at a separate location on your filesystem.
You then tell your environment where to find the library files and tell your project to use them. It's always the same basic idea, whether you are using Makefiles or Visual Studio project files.
Look at the documentation of this library. It says:
odeint is a header-only library, no linking against pre-compiled code
is required
This means that the "library files" I just mentioned are just header files. That makes it much easier for you, because you don't have to deal with linker options. In C++, the location where additional (project-external) header files can be found is usually called the "include path".
Your new problem should therefore be: How to tell Eclipse Kepler my include path?
Entering this new problem into Google (as "eclipse kepler include path") yields a few interesting results. It will eventually lead you to the Eclipse documentation about include paths, where you can learn how to edit the C++ include path.
Now that everything is set up, you can finally use the library's header files in your projects via lines like the following:
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
Do you notice the < >? They make a big difference, because they are the C++ way of saying "this is not part of my project, please get it from my include path". Just like headers which are part of the language (e.g. <vector> or <iostream>).
All of this may appear troublesome at first, and perhaps you even gain little from it at the beginning, but in the long run, for many different projects and many different libraries, it's the only way to prevent chaos.

Since odeint is a header only library you can place it with your own source code. Simply copy odeint's boost directory where your main.cpp is (assuming you have a main.cpp, but you should get the idea):
Now you can use the library by including
#include "boost/numeric/odeint.hpp"


How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable

I've been struggling back and forth with this for a while now looking stuff up and asking questions and I'm still at a crossroads. What I've done so far and where I'm currently at based on what I've been told is this: I've added 2 directories to my repo: src for my .cpp files and include for my .hpp files. In my include directory I have all the .hpp files directly in the folder where as in my src directory I have several sub-directories grouping my .cpp files according to the purpose they serve e.g. \src\ValuationFunctions\MonteCarloFunctions\FunctionHelpers.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h". This works for my main file which is directly in the src folder but I found now that it doesn't work for my .cpp files that are in sub-directories like in my example above, it would seem I would have to navigate back to the root folder doing something like #include "../../..\include\header.h" which obviously can't be the way to go.
How do I make this work, am I even on the right track here? I have uploaded my repo to github ( and the goal is for someone to be able to go there, see how the program is structured, clone the repo and just run it (I imagine this is what the goal always is? Or does some responsibility usually fall on the cloner of the repo to make it work?).
I'm using Windows and Visual Studios, help greatly appreciated.
How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable
Please read the C++11 standard n3337 and see this C++ reference website. An included header might not even be any file on your computer (in principle it could be some database).
If you use some recent GCC as your C++ compiler, it does have precompiled headers and link-time optimization facilities. Read also the documentation of its preprocessor. I recommend to enable all warnings and debug info, so use g++ -Wall -Wextra -g.
If you use Microsoft VisualStudio as your compiler, it has a documentation and provides a cl command, with various optimization facilities. Be sure to enable warnings.
You could consider using some C++ static analyzer, such as Clang's or Frama-C++. This draft report could be relevant and should interest you (at least for references).
The source code editor (either VisualStudioCode or GNU emacs or vim or many others) and the debugger (e.g. GDB) and the version control system (e.g. git) that you are using also have documentation. Please take time to read them, and read How to debug small programs.
Remember that C++ code can be generated, by tools such as ANTLR or SWIG.
A suggestion is to approach your issue in the dual way: ensure that proper include paths are passed to compilation commands (from your build automation tool such as GNU make or ninja or meson). This is what GNU autoconf does.
You could consider using autoconf in your software project.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h".
I believe it was a mistake, and you certainly want to use slashes, e.g. #include "../include/header.h" if you care about porting your code later to other operating systems (e.g. Linux, Android, MacOSX, or some other Unixes). On most operating systems, the separator for directories is a / and most C++ compilers accept it.
Studying the source code of either Qt or POCO could be inspirational, and one or both of these open source libraries could be useful to you. They are cross-platform. The source code of GCC and Clang could also be interesting to look into. Both are open source C++ compilers, written in C++ mostly (with some metaprogramming approaches, that is some generated C++ code).
See also this and that.
In program development, it is often necessary to use toolkits developed by others. Generally speaking, in Visual Studio, source files are rarely used, and most of them use header files and link libraries that declare classes. If you want to use these classes, you need to include the name of the header file in the file, such as #include "cv.h". But this is not enough, because this file is generally not in the current directory, the solution is as follows:
Open "Project-Properties-Configuration Properties-C/C++-General-Additional Include Directory" in turn and add all the paths.
For all kinds of IDEs, we can do similar operations to include directories. So for those who clone the project, it is quite normal to modify the directory contained in the project.

wxWidgets: Which files to link?

I am learning C++ and, in order to do so, am writing a sample wxWidgets application.
However, none of the documentation I can find on the wxWidgets website tell me what library names to pass to the linker.
Now, apart from wxWidgets, is there a general rule of thumb or some other convention by which I should/would know, for any library, what the names of the object files are against which I am linking?
We have more of a "rule of ring finger", instead of a thumb
Generally, if you compile the library by hand, it will produce several library files (usually .a .lib or something similar, depending entirely on your compiler and your ./configure) these are produced (typically) because of a makefile's build script.
Now a makefile can be edited in any way the developer pleases, but there are some good conventions (there is, in fact, a standard) many follow- and there are tools to auto generate the make files for the library (see automake)
Makefiles are usually consistent
You can simply use the makefile to generate the files, and if it's compliant, the files will be placed in a particular folder (the lib folder I believe?) all queued up and ready to use!
Keep in mind, a library file is simply the implementation of your code in precompiled format, you could create a library yourself from your code quite easily using the ar tool. Because it is code, just like any other code, you don't necessarily want to include all of the library files for a given library. For instance with wxWidgets if you're not using rich text, you certainly don't want to waste the extra space in your end executable by including that library file. Later if you want to use it, you can add it to your project (just like adding a .cpp file)
Oh and also with wxWidgets, in their (fantastic) documentation, each module will say what header you need to include, and what library it is a part of.
Libraries are amazing, magical, unicorns of happiness. Just try not to get too frustrated with them and they'll prance in the field of your imagination for the rest of your programming career!
After a bit more Googling, I found a page on the wxWidgets wiki which relates to the Code::Blocks IDE, but which also works for me. By adding the following to the linker options, it picks up all the necessary files to link:
`wx-config --libs`
(So that does not solve my "general rule" problem; for any library I am working with, I still have to find out what files to link against, but at least this solves the problem for wxWidgets).
The build instructions are different for each platform and so you need to refer to the platform-specific files such as docs/gtk/install.txt (which mentions wx-config) or docs/msw/install.txt to find them.
FWIW wxWidgets project would also definitely gratefully accept any patches to the main manual improving the organization of the docs.

Is it correct to manually copy header .hpp files into my project_root/boost library?

I was reading the documentation and found it quite vague:
To compile anything in Boost, you need a directory containing the boost/ subdirectory in your #include path.
Since all of Boost's header files have the .hpp extension, and live in
the boost/ subdirectory of the boost root, your Boost #include
directives will look like:
#include <boost/whatever.hpp>
#include "boost/whatever.hpp"
depending on your preference regarding the use of angle bracket
Am I supposed to always create a subdirectory named "boost" in my project root and then manually copy each .hpp file I need from my boost installation/header directory into the project_root/boost directory?
I could also see telling Eclipse to automatically scan my boost root installation/include directory for the headers, thus avoiding the manual copy. Also, I could see making a soft link to the boost root installation/include directory into the project boost folder so as to include everything without having to make a single manual copy.
One difference I see is including the boost header files in my projects versus not including them in my project and referring to them externally
I am not sure which of these strategies is right. Which is the best practice here?
The correct option for smallish development projects is probably the one you suggest here:
"I could also see telling Eclipse to automatically scan my boost root installation/include directory for the headers, thus avoiding the manual copy." (Specifically, adding your boost installation's include directory to your compiler/Eclipse search path.)
That is what the boost documentation means by having a directory containing boost/ in your #include path.
For small individual projects, you don't really want to be messing around creating hand-built links to boost includes for each project if your boost installation rarely changes, unless that's a part of your broader build strategy across projects. I've worked in organisations where this is done for good reasons, basically to enable you to set up different build instances pointing at different versions of boost (or other third party libraries) by just switching some symbolic links, rather than messing around with the make dependencies and paths.
So setting up sym links to boost's include, lib, etc. inside your project might be an option if you want that level of flexibility.
However, manually copying the boost header files into your project each time is not a good way to do it.
It's unusual,- and certainly not good practice-, to copy library headers to your projects, and it's not necessary at all.
Use the -I option to tell the compiler which additional pathes to search for include files.
Concerning Eclipse CDT, you can add the additional include pathes using the C++-Build Options of your project properties.
Referring to them externally.
Copying library files into application projects is nothing but copy-n-pasting code at a higher level. Don't do it. It typically leads to an extremely unstructured software architecture. You should even take the opposite direction: modularise your project's own code to create your own internal libraries, which your project then treats exactly like Boost libraries or the standard library. This is what your application project's files should look like:
#include <your_own_library/whatever.h>
#include <boost/whatever.hpp>
#include <string>
class ApplicationSpecificClass
// ...
Thinking in terms of libraries and APIs will improve your software-engineering skills significantly. It only requires that you learn more about your build environment and the options featured by your compiler and linker (both to create libraries and to use them). Learning how to use Boost libraries is a good start, because most of them are header-only libraries, which makes everything easier.

Boost C++ libraries installation

I have just downloaded the boost libraries from the boost website and extracted them to my desktop. I was hoping to just have a quick look at them and have them installed on my machine and perhaps use them in the future when I am more accustomed to C++.
When I extracted it, I was confused with all of the extracted files. There is all of the headers in the boost directory but tutorials mention running bootstrap.bat (I'm using Windows).
So I am asking this: do I simply extract the headers to my compilers include directory like normal to get boost up and running or do I need to do something else?
As I understand it from searching about, apparently "most" of boost is just templates and can be used simply by including the headers, but what about the rest?
Am I totally barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks for any help
Since you mentioned you run Windows, take a look at this automated installer:
Also, some general advice:
do I simply extract the headers to my compilers include directory
No! Do not pollute your compiler's includes with third-party includes; make a separate directory specifically for a particular library. You'll then need to tell your specific IDE in what directory it can find the library headers.
I usually use boostpro's installer, it is less work. I vaguely remember having to set up the BOOST_ROOT environment variable on one of my systems to use it.
The libraries that contained compiled source should be included in the installer.
If you don't use the installer (or don't set up your build correctly), and try to use the libraries that need it you will likely get some linker errors when you try and compile your program. Usually if you take those linker errors and plop them in google it tells you pretty quick which libraries you need to include in your build system. I use CMake for that and have been very happy..
Just add the root boost directory to include paths of your compiler/IDE (so if you have Boost extracted to C:\Boost, the compiler will use that path, not C:\Boost\boost).
Don't do any copying of the boost folder to your compiler's include directory, because it may make upgrading Boost harder in the future.
Also if you plan to use any of boost's compiled libraries, add Boost's lib directory to compiler's library search paths. Configuring the compiling step is a matter of putting the right toolset parameter to boost's build tool. If you have your command line environment configured properly, bootstrap should run and compile the builder without any problems, and the Boost builder should properly detect your toolset, so no parameters will be necessary.
As you do such configuration only once every time you do a clean install of your favorite compiler, it's not as hard or daunting as it seems.

What are the pros and cons of specifying an include prefix in the source file versus in the search path parameter of the compiler?

When a C or C++ library comes with several headers, they are usually in a specific folder. For example, OpenCV provides cv.h and highgui.h in a opencv folder.
The most common way to include them is to add this opencv folder to the search path of the pre-compiler (e.g. gcc -I/pathto/opencv), and simply include the headers by their filename in the source file (e.g. #include <cv.h>)
There is an alternative, as it is quite frequent that folders containing headers are with others (e.g. in /usr/include or some path common to the development team) in a parent folder. In this case, it is enough to specify the header folder in the source file (e.g. #include <opencv/cv.h>), if the parent folder is already in the path.
The only problem I can think of with this alternative is the case of a system where all the headers are in a single folder. However, this alternative prevents ambiguities (e.g. if two libraries have a vector.h header), makes it easier to set up another build system, and is probably more efficient regard to the search of the header file by the pre-compiler.
Given this analysis, I would tend toward the alternative, but a vast majority of code I found on internet use the first. For example, Google returns around 218000 results for "#include <cv.h>", versus 79100 for "#include <opencv/cv.h>". Am I missing advantages of the common way, or disadvantages of the alternative?
My personal preference is to have <opencv/cv.h>.
Why ? Because I am human, with a limited brain, and much more important things to do than remember that cv.h comes from the opencv library.
Therefore, even though the libraries I work with are always in dedicated folders, I structure them as:
<specific library folder>/include/<library name>/...
This helps me remember where those headers come from.
I have known people saying it was useless, and that IDEs would bring you straight to the file anyway... but
I don't always use an IDE
I don't always want to open each include file merely to know which libraries this particular file is tied to
It also makes it much easier to organize the include list (and group related includes together).
They have slightly different purposes, and I think need to be used carefully.
Consider the fact that in the -I case it was /pathto/opencv. You're suggesting possibly #include <opencv/cv.h> but you'd never write #include </pathto/opencv/cv.h>. There's a reason for that, which is that you expect cv.h is always in a directory called opencv, because that's how it's always released, whereas pathto is just where that library's files happen to have been installed on your machine (or on your distribution, whatever).
Anything that could conceivably differ depending where your code is being compiled, should be in the include path, so that it can be configured without modifying your source. Anything that is guaranteed to be the same wherever that particular cv.h is used can appear in the source, but it doesn't have to, so we need to decide whether we want it there.
As you've already noticed, it's useful to have it there as a disambiguator, especially for a file with a two-character name, but if you think that someone might want to put cv.h in a different place, then you should leave it out. That's pretty much the trade-off you're making - the header should always be in an opencv directory, but is it worth it to you to rely on that as a guarantee, as the price of disambiguating?
I would guess the main problem with using #include <opencv/cv.h> is that you don't necessarily want to add an entire parent path.
Taking an example where it has been installed to /usr/local when using the option with the full path, you'll need to add -I/usr/local/include to your command line. That could have all kinds of side effects.
E.g. for a completely different application, someone may have installed GNU iconv libraries there. Then suddenly, your application, which is also doing #include <iconv.h> is grabbing the headers from the standalone iconv library, instead of the implementation in glibc.
Obviously these are problems that do crop up from time to time, but by including more specific directories, you can hopefully minimise them.
Reasons for the first version:
you are not always able to install the headers/library in a standard path. Some time you do not have root access.
you do not want to pollute the path adding all the path for all the libraries you have installed.
for example you can have 2 version of the same library installed (in your case openCV) and you want some of your projects to be compiled with one library and some other with the other library. If you put them in the path then you get a name clash. For me this is one of the main reason (exactly for OpenCv I have version 1.x and 2.x installed and some projects compiled with 1.x and some with 2.x).