Multithreading - hopefully a simple task - c++

I have an iterative process coded in C++ which takes a long time and am considering converting my code to use multiple threads. But I am concerned that it could be very complicated and risk lock-ups and bugs. However I suspect that for this particular problem it may be trivial, but I would like confirmation.
I am hoping I can use threading code which is a s simple as this here.
My program employs large amounts of global arrays and structures. I assume that the individual threads need not concern themselves if other threads are attempting to read the same data at the same time.
I would also assume that if one thread wanted to increment a global float variable by say 1.5 and another thread wanted to decrement it by 0.1 then so long as I didn't care about the order of events then both threads would succeed in their task without any special code (like mutexs and locks etc) and the float would eventually end up larger by 1.4. If all my assumptions are correct then my task will be easy - Please advise.
EDIT: just to make it absolutely clear - it doesn't matter at all the order in which the float is incremented / decremented. So long as its value ends up larger by 1.4 then I am happy. The value of the float is not read until after all the threads have completed their task.
EDIT: As a more concrete example, imaging we had the task of finding the total donations made to a charity from different states in the US. We could have a global like this:
float total_donations= 0;
Then we could have 50 separate threads, each of which calculated a local float called donations_from_this_state. And each thread would separately perform:
total_donations += donations_from_this_state;
Obviously which order the threads performed their task in would make no difference to the end result.

I assume that the individual threads need not concern themselves if other threads are attempting to read the same data at the same time.
Correct. As long as all threads are readers no synchronization is needed as no values are changed in the shared data.
I would also assume that if one thread wanted to increment a global float variable by say 1.5 and another thread wanted to decrement it by 0.1 then so long as I didn't care about the order of events then both threads would succeed in their task without any special code (like mutexs and locks etc) and the float would eventually end up larger by 1.4
This assumption is not correct. If you have two or more threads writing to the same shared variable and that variable is not internally synchronized then you need external synchronization otherwise your code has undefined behavior per [intro.multithread]/21
The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race results in undefined behavior.
Where conflicting action is specified by [intro.multithread]/4
Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location (1.7) and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location.


Thread Safe Integer Array?

I have a situation where I have a legacy multi-threaded application I'm trying to move to a linux platform and convert into C++.
I have a fixed size array of integers:
int R[5000];
And I perform a lot of operations like:
R[5] = (R[10] + R[20]) / 50;
I have one Foreground task that mostly reads the values....but on occasion can update one. And then I have a background worker that is updating the values constantly.
I need to make this structure thread safe.
I would rather only update the value if the value has actually changed. The worker is constantly collecting data and doing calculation and storing the data whether it changes or not.
So should I create a custom class MyInt which has the structure and then include an array of mutexes to lock for updating/reading each value and then overload the [], =, ++, +=, -=, etc? Or should I try to implement anatomic integer array?
Any suggestions as to what that would look like? I'd like to try and keep the above notation for doing the updates...but I get that it might not be possible.
The first thing to do is make the program work reliably, and the easiest way to do that is to have a Mutex that is used to control access to the entire array. That is, whenever either thread needs to read or write to anything in the array, it should do:
// do all the array-reads, calculations, and array-writes it needs to do
... then test your program and see if it still runs fast enough for your needs. If so, you're done; that's all you need to do.
If you find that the program isn't fast enough due to contention on the mutex, you can start trying optimizations to make things faster. For example, if you know that your threads' operations will only need to work on local segments of the array at one time, you could create multiple mutexes, and assign different subsets of the array to each mutex (e.g. mutex #1 is used to serialize access to the first 100 array items, mutex #2 for the second 100 array items, etc). That will greatly decrease the chances of one thread having to wait for the other thread to release a mutex before it can continue.
If things still aren't fast enough for you, you could then look in to having two different arrays, one for each thread, and occasionally copying from one array to the other. That way each thread could safely access its own private array without any serialization needed. The copying operation would need to be handled carefully, probably using some sort of inter-thread message-passing protocol.

What is the best architecture to frequently communicate values between multiple threads?

I am writing an application in C++14 that consists of a master thread and multiple slave threads. The master thread coordinates the slave threads which coordinately perform a search, each exploring a part of the search space. A slave thread sometimes encounters a bound on the search. Then it communicates this bound to the master thread which sends the bound to all other slave threads so that they can possibly narrow their searches.
A slave thread must very frequently check whether there is a new bound available, possibly at the entrance of a loop.
What would be the best way to communicate the bound to the slave threads? I can think of using std::atomic<int>, but I am afraid of the performance implications this has whenever the variable is read inside the loop.
The simplest way here is IMO to not overthink this. Just use a std::mutex for each thread, protecting a std::queue that the boundary information is in. Have the main thread wait on a std::condition_variable that each child can lock, write to a "new boundary" queue , then signals te cv, which the main thread then wakes up and copies the value to each child one at at time. As you said in your question, at the top of their loops, the child threads can check their thread-specific queue to see if there's additional bounding conditions.
You actually don't NEED the "main thread" in this. You could have the children write to all other children's queues directly (still mutex-protected), as long as you're careful to avoid deadlock, it would work that way too.
All of these classes can be seen in the thread support library, with decent documentation here.
Yes there's interrupt-based ways of doing things, but in this case polling is relatively cheap because it's not a lot of threads smashing on one mutex, but mostly thread-specific mutexes, and mutexes aren't all that expensive to lock, check, unlock quickly. You're not "holding" on to them for long periods, and thus it's OK. It's a bit of a test really: do you NEED the additional complexity of lock-free? If it's only a dozen (or less) threads, then probably not.
Basically you could make a bet with your architecture that a single write to a primitive datatype is atomic. As you only have one writer, your program would not break if you use the volatile keyword to prevent compiler optimizations that might perform updates to it only in local caches.
However everybody serious about doing things right(tm) will tell you otherwise. Have a look at this article to get a pretty good riskassessment:
So if you want to be on the safe side, which I recommend, you need to follow the C++ standard. As the C++ standard does not guarantee any atomicity even for the simplest operations, you are stuck with using std::atomic. But honestly, I don't think it is too bad. Sure there is a lock involved, but you can balance out the reading frequency with the benefit of knowing the new boundary early.
To prevent polling the atomic variable, you could use the POSIX signal mechanism to notify slave threads of an update (make sure it works with the platform you are programming for). If that benefits performance or not needs to be seen.
This is actually very simple. You only have to be aware of how things work to be confident the simple solution is not broken. So, what you need is two things:
1. Be sure the variable is written/read to/from memory every time you access it.
2. Be sure you read it in an atomic way, which means you have to read the full value in one go, or if it is not done naturally, have a cheap test to verify it.
To address #1, you have to declare it volatile. Make sure the volatile keyword is applied to the variable itself. Not it's pointer of anything like that.
To address #2, it depends on the type. On x86/64 accesses to integer types is atomic as long as they are aligned to their size. That is, int32_t has to be aligned to 4 bit boundary, and int64_t has to be aligned to 8 byte boundary.
So you may have something like this:
struct Params {
volatile uint64_t bound __attribute__((aligned(8)));
If your bounds variable is more complex (a struct) but still fits in 64 bits, you may union it with uint64_t and use the same attribute and volatile as above.
If it's too big for 64 bit, you will need some sort of a lock to ensure you did not read half stale value. The best lock for your circumstances (single writer, multiple readers) is a sequence lock. A sequence lock is simply an volatile int, like above, that serves as the version of the data. Its value starts from 0 and advances 2 on every update. You increment it by 1 before updating the protected value, and again afterwards. The net result is that even numbers are stable states and odd numbers are transient (value updating). In the readers you do this:
1. Read the version. If not changed - return
2. Read till you get an even number
3. Read the protected variable
4. Read the version again. If you get the same number as before - you're good
5. Otherwise - back to step 2
This is actually one of the topics in my next article. I'll implement that in C++ and let you know. Meanwhile, you can look at the seqlock in the linux kernel.
Another word of caution - you need compiler barriers between your memory accesses so that the compiler does not reorder things it should really not. That's how you do it in gcc:
asm volatile ("":::"memory");

Critical Sections openMP

I would like to know where do we need to set critical sections?
If there are multiple threads with a shared array, and each one want
to write in different place does it need to be in a critical section, even though each
thread write to a different place in the array?
lets say that I have 2 dimensional array M[3][3], initial_array[3] and some double variable
and I want to calculate something and store it at the first column of M.
I can use with a for loop, but I want to use with openMP , so I did:
#pragma omp parallel shared(M,variable)
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
double init = initial_array[id]*variable;
M[id][0] = init;
It works fine, but I know that it can cause to deadlock or for bad running time.
I mean what if I had more threads and even a larger M..
what is the correct way to set critical section?
another thing i want to ask is about the initial_array, is it also need to be shared?
This is safe code.
Random access in arrays does not cause any race conditions to other elements in the array. As long as you continue to read and write to unshared elements within the array concurrently, you'll never hit a race condition.
Keep in mind that a read can race with a write depending on the type and size of the element. Your example shows double, and I'd be concerned if you had reads concurrent with write operations on the same element. It is possible for there to be a context switch during a write, but that depends on your arch/platform. Anyways, you aren't doing this but it is worth mentioning.
I don't see any problem with regards to concurrency since you are accessing different parts of the memory (different indices of the array), but the only problem I see is performance hit if your cores have dedicated L1 caches.
In this case there will be a performance hit due to cache coherency, where one updates the index, invalidates others, does a write back etc. For small no of threads/cores not an issue but on threads running on large number of cores it sure it. Because the data your threads running on aren't truly independent, they are read as a block of data in cache (if you are accessing M[0][0], then not only M[0][0] is read into the cache but M[0][0] to M[n][col] where n depends upon the cache block size ). And if the block is large, it might contain more of shared data.

What is faster in CUDA: global memory write + __threadfence() or atomicExch() to global memory?

Assuming that we have lots of threads that will access global memory sequentially, which option performs faster in the overall? I'm in doubt because __threadfence() takes into account all shared and global memory writes but the writes are coalesced. In the other hand atomicExch() takes into account just the important memory addresses but I don't know if the writes are coalesced or not.
In code:
array[threadIdx.x] = value;
atomicExch(&array[threadIdx.x] , value);
On Kepler GPUs, I would bet on atomicExch since atomics are very fast on Kepler. On Fermi, it may be a wash, but given that you have no collisions, atomicExch could still perform well.
Please make an experiment and report the results.
Those two do very different things.
atomicExch ensures that no two threads try to modify a given cell at a time. If such conflict would occur, one or more threads may be stalled. If you know beforehand that no two threads access the same cell, there is no point to use any atomic... function.
__threadfence() delays the current thread (and only the current thread!) to ensure that any subsequent writes by given thread do actually happen later.
As such, __threadfence() on its own, without any follow-up code is not very interesting.
For that reason, I don't think there is a point to compare the efficiency of those two. Maybe if you could show a bit more concrete use case I could relate...
Note, that neither of those actually give you any guarantees on the actual order of execution of the threads.

Concurrent writes in the same global memory location

I have several blocks, each having some integers in a shared memory array of size 512. How can I check if the array in every block contains a zero as an element?
What I am doing is creating an array that resides in the global memory. The size of this array depends on the number of blocks, and it is initialized to 0. Hence every block writes to a[blockid] = 1 if the shared memory array contains a zero.
My problem is when I have several threads in a single block writing at the same time. That is, if the array in the shared memory contains more than one zero, then several threads will write a[blockid] = 1. Would this generate any problem?
In other words, would it be a problem if 2 threads write the exact same value to the exact same array element in global memory?
For a CUDA program, if multiple threads in a warp write to the same location then the location will be updated but it is undefined how many times the location is updated (i.e. how many actual writes occur in series) and it is undefined which thread will write last (i.e. which thread will win the race).
For devices of compute capability 2.x, if multiple threads in a warp write to the same address then only one thread will actually perform the write, which thread is undefined.
From the CUDA C Programming Guide section F.4.2:
If a non-atomic instruction executed by a warp writes to the same location in global memory for more than one of the threads of the warp, only one thread performs a write and which thread does it is undefined.
See also section 4.1 of the guide for more info.
In other words, if all threads writing to a given location write the same value, then it is safe.
In the CUDA execution model, there are no guarantees that every simultaneous write from threads in the same block to the same global memory location will succeed. At least one write will work, but it isn't guaranteed by the programming model how many write transactions will occur, or in what order they will occur if more than one transaction is executed.
If this is a problem, then a better approach (from a correctness point of view), would be to have only one thread from each block do the global write. You can either use a shared memory flag set atomically or a reduction operation to determine whether the value should be set. Which you choose might depend on how many zeros there are likely to be. The more zeroes there are, the more attractive the reduction will be. CUDA includes warp level __any() and __all() operators which can be built into a very efficient boolean reduction in a few lines of code.
Yes, it will be a problem called as Race Condition.
You should consider synchronizing access to the global data through process Semaphores
While not a mutex or semaphore, CUDA does contain a synchronization primative you can utilize for serializing access to a given code segment or memory location. Through the __syncthreads() function, you can create a barrier so that any given thread blocks at the point of the command call until all the threads in a given block have executed the __syncthreads() command. That way you can hopefully serialize access to your memory location and avoid a situation where two threads need to write to the same memory location at the same time. The only warning is that all the threads have to at some point execute __syncthreads(), or else you will end up with a dead-lock situation. So don't place the call inside some conditional if-statement where some threads may never execute the command. If you do approach your problem like this, there will need to be some provision made for the threads that don't initially call __syncthreads() to call the function later in order to avoid deadlock.