SOAP:1.027 SRT: Serialization / Deserialization failed in ABAP Proxy - web-services

I have to create a consumer proxy in SAP, the proxy generation is OK (or no errors were reported), but when i tried yo consume the proxy (SE80), i have the next error:
SOAP:1.027 SRT: Serialization / Deserialization failed
System expected a value for the type g.
If i continue, i have the response, but when i tried to call the customer service in a report, i have the error and i can't continue.
In a report, when i tried yo consume the proxy using this code, i have the same error, and i don't have response:
logical_port_name = 'LOGICAL_01'.
CALL METHOD proxy->proccess_check_status_invoice
process_check_status_invoice = input
process_check_status_invoice_r = output.
Whow can i solve this error?

Please use srt_util and verify the execution error with a trace of that proxy. The error log will specify which field and values are not allowed during the transformation.
SOAP:1.027 SRT: Serialization / Deserialization failed errors are due to incompatible data types, in my experience, most of the times are dates since ABAP datum and the standard differ and must be transformed.

Type g is usually the constant for the TYPEKIND of STRING. My guess is you are binding values that are CHARs instead of the STRING datatype.


Apollo iOS how to handle partial decoding failure

I'm trying to see if there is a way to do more robust handling of partial decoding failures of Apollo generated Swift classes. Currently, if even one field of one object in an array fails to parse from the network response, the entire collection of objects fails to parse and our iOS client gets no data.
Our graphql is defined something like:
query mobile_getCollections() {
getCollections() {
// ... other fields
items {
activeRange {
expires // Int!
starts // Int!
So the Apollo generated Swift code is expecting non-nil Ints when decoding these values. However, due to a backend error (that we would like to make the mobile clients more resilient to), the API will occasionally send us a malformed date String instead of a unix timestamp Int. This causes parsing of the entire mobile_getCollections result to fail, because the Apollo generated query class typing can't be perfectly satisfied.
Ideally, I'd like to just throw out the one item in the collection that failed to be parsed correctly and leave the remaining items intact. Is it possible to do something like that using Apollo?
(Yes, I know the real answer here is to fix the backend, but is there anything I can do in the mean time to more gracefully handle similar partial parsing failure issues?)

Loopback 'err' Object

I am using a loopback remote method to parse data that I get from a REST endpoint . I am trying to understand the 'err' object that is passed to the callback . The second parameter is the response object - whatever I get from the response and the third is the context object - that contains the status code apart from the request object. When is the 'err' object set by loopback ? Suppose I get a non 200 code from the REST endpoint - err is still null. I check the status code from the context object and then set err on my own.
Can you provide an example of your remote method implementation?
Remote methods don't receive an error object so I'm thinking I'm not quite understanding your question and I would need a bit more information to be helpful.
Remote method strongloop docs here:

How to call a webservice including parameters list type in Smartface

I am trying to call a webservice in smartface by using Data Source Wizard. Webservice has input parameters whose types are list of int and some other basic types (int, string etc). Data Source Wizard sees these parameters (lists) as string not as list of int. When i try to call webservice (i leave lists/strings empty) i am getting the following error.
"There has been a netwok error, please try again later"
Is there anyone who knows how to call such webservice in Smartface ?
WebServices uses xml structure because of that reason all the inputs and outputs are should be string. It is hard to say the reason of that error.
I can suggest you to read the documents at the link ( Data & Network Section )
I used this call
SMF.storeVariable("EmailID","Pages.Page1.EditBox1.Text", false, false);;
but still my data is not going from my editbox to the webservice.

How do I debug mangled soap requests?

Lately, we've been seeing exceptions like this in our .NET (.asmx) webservices:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to read request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (868, -3932). ---> System.Xml.XmlException: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 868, position -3932.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Int32 pos, String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowInvalidChar(Int32 pos, Char invChar)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseNumericCharRefInline(Int32 startPos, Boolean expand, BufferBuilder internalSubsetBuilder, Int32& charCount, EntityType& entityType)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseText(Int32& startPos, Int32& endPos, Int32& outOrChars)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseText()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.SoapEnvelopeReader.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementString()
at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReader1.Read14_SendErrlog()
at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.ArrayOfObjectSerializer12.Deserialize(XmlSerializationReader reader)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.ReadParameters()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.ReadParameters()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.CoreProcessRequest()
How can I debug this exception? This exception is getting reported to us from a SOAP filter which looks for exceptions in message.Stage = SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize.
Is there any way to get at the original soap request? How do I get an invalid character at line 868, column -3932? How can there a negative column 3932?
This is one of the irritating things about the Microsoft web services approach -- if the request cannot be deserialized into the objects in your web method signature then the service consumer gets a cryptic message. And to top it off, the request never makes it into your web service because it cannot be deserialzied so you can't handle the error gracefully.
What I would do to help with these types of issues is to create a new SoapExtension that simply lets you output the raw XML to a destination that is convenient for you (file or Trace to be read by DebugView or whatever else you like). The code would go in the BeforeDeserialize stage. You could enable the SoapExtension via web.config in the event you wanted to investigate one of these issues. The downside of using the web.config to add the SoapExtension is that it will be active for the entire web application. You could add some additional custom configuration that would allow your service to only log information for a specific endpoint or a specific web method if you wanted.
Usually, just by seeing the incoming XML you can see what the problem is. If not, then you could try to manually run the captured XML through small program that invokes the XML serializer and see if you can find out what is going on. Another useful tool is Web Service Studio 2 which is a test harness which lets you enter data and invoke your service (and also submit any XML you want).
In terms of your specific issue, here is my take/guess. It looks like ASCII character null is getting encoded and sent to your service which is invalid according to the XML Spec. The simple answer is not to send that character. But who is sending that character? Is it a .NET client? Do you have control over the client? If you need to work around someone else's bug, then you may have to replace the offending character(s) with another character (perhaps empty string).
You should be able to get the original message by using another SoapExtension. In fact, the same extension could probably be modified to make a copy of the input, and to discard it if there is no exception. The original input would then be available to you if an exception occurred.
You could also use an external tool like Fiddler to watch what's being sent to you.
FYI: SoapException.Message is intentionally left vague to prevent exposing too much information which could potentially be used to exploit the system.
For your particular case I'd take John's advice and install Fiddler to monitor the actual HTTP traffic and view the message on the wire.
The portion of your exception that jumps out at me is the "hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character" but as you mentioned the line number it points to is bunk--so it's nothing concrete.
What kind of parameters do you pass to the service? Are you doing any kind of custom encoding with a SOAP extension? Any additional SOAP headers being added?

SOAP Webservice error - design practice

I need to design a SOAP api (my first one!). What are the best practices regarding errors returned to the caller.
Assuming an api as follow
public List<someClass> GetList(String param1)
Should I
Throw an exception. Let the SOAP infrastructure generate a SOAP fault -- and the caller would have to try/catch. This is not very explanatory to the caller
Have the return parameter be a XMLDOcument of some sort, with the first element being a return value and then the List.
Looking at the return SOAP packet I see that the response generated looks like the following
Can we somehow change the return packet so that the "GetListResult" element is changed to "GetListError" in case of error
Any other way?
Probably the most appropriate SOA pattern to follow would be a Fault Contract, which is essentially a Data Contract that is wrapped in the SOAPException.
I am posting examples in .NET, since it looks like that is what you are using (and that is what I know :) )
In WCF, you can define a DataContract, then decorate your OperationContract interface with a a "FaultContract" attribute that specifies it as the return value:
public partial interface MyServiceContract
ResponseMessage SOAMethod(RequestMessage request) {...}
For ASMX web services, (as it appears you are using from your code snippet), you can't use this attribute or setup. So to implement the pattern, you would need to:
Define a serializable class to hold your exception information (i.e. ErrorData)
When an exception is thrown in your service, catch it and in your error handling code, add the info to the ErrorData class
Append the serialized ErrorData class to a SoapException class:
SoapException mySoapException = new SoapException(message, SoapException.ServerFaultCode, "", serialzedErrorDataClass);
Throw the SoapException in your code
On your client side, you will need to deserialize the message to interpret it.
Kind of seems like a lot of work, but this way you have total control of what data gets returned. Incidentally, this is the pattern that is used by the ServiceFactory from Microsoft patterns & practices for ASMX web services.
There is some good information on Coding Horror.
You can cause the correct fault to be returned from old ASMX services, but it's not easy. First of all, you'll have to hand-code the WSDL, because the ASMX infrastructure will never create Fault elements in a WSDL. Then, you have to serialize the desired fault data into an XmlElement that you will then provide as the Detail property of the SoapException that you will throw.
It's much easier with WCF. You can declare a number of FaultContracts for each operation, and WCF will generate the correct WSDL to refer to them. You then simply throw a FaultException, where type T is the type of the FaultContract. Pass the T instance to the constructor, and you're all set.
I can't give you specifies for .net (which seems to be what you're asking), but SOAP provides a mechanism for expressing strongly-typed exceptions. The SOAP fault element can have an optional FaultDetail sub-element, and this can contain arbitrary XML documents, such as your GetListError. These document types should be defined in the WSDL as a wsdl:fault inside the wsdl:operation
The trick is persuading the web service stack to turn an exception (which is the "correct" way of writing your business logic) into a properly marshalled fault detail. And I can't help you with that bit.