I've installed Apache 2 through the Bitmani Django stack and when I access the localhost it works fine, but when I enter the public IP it loads for a bit and then presents that error.
The apache server is running and I have the conf file set to listen on port 80.
What could be going wrong?
I would like to know how to omit the port number from my URL.
I currently host a website on an Apache Ubuntu server on port 443 and redirect any http traffic to the https version of the site.
However, I also run a Django server on the same Apache VPS using Gunicorn, currently on port 8000 and would like to achieve the URL of www.mycompany.com/blog
My current situation for the URL is www.mycompany.com:8000/blog
I have tried altering the ports that the Django server runs on to 443 and 80, but quickly realised the firewall won't allow that.
I am not sure what to do. Do I have to do a reverse proxy?
I've just got a VPS with Ubuntu 18.04 on it.
Now I want to move my Django app I've been developing on a local PC to the VPS. I moved it and it starts okay - it says the server is running on
So the server is running fine, but I can't connect to it from a web browser on my local PC. Note: I'm trying to access it with ip of the server (ip:8000)
I have port 8000 enabled with netstat and I have added the IP to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
Update: I managed to access it using ngrok. By running the command ngrok http 8000 I got the url with which I was able to access the server.
Now I'd like to know how can I access it with IP.
I have a Django web server on a VirtualBox/Vagrant machine running Ubuntu.
I have followed this guide to create a Django project: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
I have a web server running at inside my guest machine. This is the first time I am running a Django web server. It is supposed to be a hello world app.
How can I access this web application from my host browser?
I have tried running ifconfig in the guest to get the IP that I should visit I found a promising IP address in inet addr.
But I have tried entering the following into my host browser and it didn't work.
How can I access the web server from my browser?
Try this.
Open the vagrant file (should be in the directory where you specified to create a new vagrant machine).
Search for config.vm.network. If you didn't setup the file earlier, it should be commented.
Change it to look something like this config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "". Here ip address ( can be any ip address you want.
Now logout from the vagrant machine and reload your vagrant machine by this command vagrant reload.
Again ssh to your vagrant machine and restart your django server by this command python manage.py runserver Again the port address (80) can be 8000 if you want so.
After that, in your browser, enter the following address, and hopefully you should see your webapp.
Now if you would like to go further, you can edit your host file, and add this line mynewdomain.com
Then in your browser, enter the follow address,
And you should see your web app. Note that, www is not added in the domain name inside the host file, so only mynewdomain.com can be accessed. You can however add it.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
Complementing #Kakar answer, this configuration can also be done using this:
config.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp"
This will assign an IP automatically.
For further reading: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/networking/private_network.html
I am installing wamp server 64 bit on my windows 8 system.I get following error "Application was unable to start correctly ( 0*c00007b)"
1) I have not installed the Skype
2) Port 80 is not being used by any program.
3) IIS service is not running on my system
4) I have tried re installing the wamp also
See screenshots
Following is there in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost localhost localhost localhost localhost
How to fix this.
Even though I start wamp server the icon never turn to green.
Do I need VC++ Redistributable?
I followed shiva's answer and installed 32 bit version.
Hope some one will post correct solution for this issue.
you can install TCPView to find out that which service is using the post number 80, and close it and then run Apache(if something is using it).
alternately you can edit the httpd.conf file and change the port number ,by default it can be found at this location
In it go to the line which has this entry(line 58 in WAMP server 2.4's installation)
Listen 80
and change it to something like this Listen 8080, and restart WAMP(or specifically Apache).
Now you will be able to access localhost like this
Update 1
According to this forum post, installing 32-bit version in place of 64 bit version,solved the issue in some cases
I'm running OS X Mountain Lion on a machine with local IP address (as reported by both the Network utility and ifconfig) and am running a local (Django) development web server on port 8000 that I would like to connect to from a virtual machine running a guest OS on the same machine.
On the host OS (ie, OS X running on the metal of the machine w/ address I can connect to my test web server through the browser by navigating to; or localhost:8000; but not when using the machine's local IP address. Here's what makes this extra confusing:
The router is not filtering the ports; and, just to be sure, I've set it to explicitly forward ports 8000 and 22 to; And speaking of port 22,
When I start the SSH service, I can connect (from the command line) via ssh
It's not a browser issue, because I also can't telnet to port 8000 (connection refused) while I can telnet to port 8000, and I can also telnet to port 22
The firewall is set to off (as reported in System Preferences) but to be extra safe, I've also set an ipfw rule to allow everything through
Here are the ipfw rules:
00100 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 8000
65535 allow ip from any to any
Here is additional confirmation that the port is, indeed, being listened to by my test server:
netstat -an | grep 8000
tcp4 0 0 *.* LISTEN
so what's going on here? Somehow port 22 is being treated differently than port 8000, but every place I can think to look for those differences I can't find any. Why can't I get into this machine's port 8000 using its local ip address?
When you start Django development server you need to give the address explicitly:
python manage.py runserver
Or if you want the server to run on all interfaces you can use:
python manage.py runserver
In other case Django development server defaults to running on the local interface only.
The problem for me was I accidentally quit the server whenever trying to copy the server address. So instead of using ctrl+C just write down the address into your browser.
I solved the issue.There are a few things you might be missing.Listing them below-
1.Once it starts the server, do not press Ctrl+C anyhow .u might be pressing it to copy to url and that accidently closes the server due to which it might be happening.
2.instead of ...change the port number to ...That would work.
3.Try changing the firewall setting and allow the app.
4.Try opening it with different browsers and incognito too.
The above steps helped solve my issue.Hope they help u too...:)