Using a function name that is already taken - c++

Let's assume some third-party developer writes a function
int GetErrorCode(const object * p);
This function returns only certain int values, thus I am tempted to write my own ErrorCode enum class, that contains all the possible return values. Then write a bit updated function:
enum class ErrorCode : int {};
ErrorCode GetErrorCode2(const object * p){
return (ErrorCode)GetErrorCode(p);
The problem is I want my function to be named GetErrorCode and not that less-intuitive GetErrorCode2.
How can I possibly achieve that? Maybe there is a way to swap function names or something?

Use namespaces:
namespace MyLibrary {
ErrorCode GetErrorCode(const object *p) {
int origResult = ::ErrorCode(p);
// use :: to explicitly call outer function to avoid recursion
Then you can call the function as:

Put your function in a namespace that you normally use. You might have a using namespace foo; - er better yet, using foo::GetErrorCode; - for it where you use it, preferably in a function's body.


Functions out of scope error C++

My code has a class compROS. I have created 2 functions requestStart and requestNotStart which are trying to call is_started_ and sec_ from class compROS. Now whenever I run the code, I get the following errors:
functions requestStart and requestNotStart and is_started_ and sec_ were not declared in this scope.
My assumption is that the private functions are not accessible from the outside of the class. Should I add requestStart and requestNotStart as friend functions??
What is the most efficient way of tackling these errors?
Following is my code -
(Updated my code based on the comments from #Snps and #Philip Brack)
using namespace std;
namespace Lib
class compROS
compROS(string error_text, int sec):
string error_text_;
bool is_started_;
int sec_;
int requestStart(Lib::compROS& c)
sec_ = 2;
// Start timer
// Timer expired
c.is_started_ = true;
return 0;
int requestNotStart(Lib::compROS& c)
// <Code to be inserted>
return 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Lib::compROS c("error", 2);
return 0;
int compROS::requestStarted() { } after the class definition will scope the member function to your object. Your issue is that you are declaring a function but not binding it to compROS class so you cannot access the instance members.
When you create a class in c++, what is usually included are the functions that this class will use(or may use), as well as the variables it needs in order to runs those functions. In your case, your requestStart() and requestNotStart() functions are not included in your compROS class as you don't have the actual function calls in your class. This is why when you try to run your program, your functions requestStart() and requestNotStart() are trying to find the variables is_started_ and sec_ but does not find it since those variables only exist INSIDE the class whereas your functions are OUTSIDE of your class. My suggestion is to put the function signature for both the requestStart() and requestNotStart() method in public: and simplify your compPOS method by only using the function signature and actually implement the method outside of the class.
In object-oriented programming, a class definition is like a blueprint of a house. You can not use the kitchen, nor the bathroom, of the blueprint, the only thing you can do is to use it to build a house.
In the same way, you can not call any methods of your class until you have built an instance of that class.
Lib::compROS c("my error", 2);
Any function that wants to call any of your class' methods needs to know on what instance to make the call. You need to somehow pass a reference to an instance of your function.
int requestStart(Lib::compROS& c) {
sec_ = 2;
// Start timer
// Timer expired
c.is_started_ = true; // This member needs to be public for external access.
return 0;
int main() {
Lib::compROS c("my error", 2); // Create instance.
requestStart(c); // Pass instance to function.

Create a function from another one

more than a general case, I have a very specific example in mind : in GSL (GNU Scientific Library), the main function type used (in order to perform integration, root finding,...) is gsl_function , which have an attribute function whose type is double(*)(double, void *)
Say I want to create a gsl_function from double a_squared(double a) {return a*a};. a__squared 's type is double(*)(double) I would like to create a convert function taking in argument (double(*)(double) f) and returning an object of type double(*)(double, void *) which would satisfy convert(f)(double a, NULL) == f(a)
But after some research, it seems like I can't define another function in my convert function. How to proceed ?
The need to pass a raw function pointer to the GSL API limits your options considerably - you can't use anything based on std::function because there's no way to obtain a function pointer from a std::function (and this rules out lambdas using captures, which would have offered a neat solution).
Given these constraints, here's a possible solution making use of a static wrapper class. You could just as well have put the contents of this class in a namespace, but using the class at least gives some semblance of encapsulation.
typedef double gsl_function_type(double, void*); // typedef to make things a bit more readable...
// static class to wrap single-parameter function in GSL-compatible interface
// this really just serves as a namespace - there are no non-static members,
// but using a class lets us keep the details private
class Convert
Convert() = delete; // don't allow construction of this class
// pointer to the function to be invoked
static double (*m_target)(double);
// this is the function we'll actually pass to GSL - it has the required signature
static double target(double x, void*) {
return m_target(x); // invoke the currently wrapped function
// here's your "convert" function
static gsl_function_type* convert(double (*fn)(double)) {
m_target = fn;
return &target;
There's a live example here:
You're trapped by gsl's (poor) design choice of using C (instead of C++) to provide a C-style function pointer. Thus, you cannot use (C++ style) function-objects (functor), but must provide the pointer to a real function and one cannot generate a function in the same way one can genarate functors.
(Not recommended) You can use a global variable to store the actual function (a_squared) and then define a particular gsl_function that actually calls that global variable:
// from some gsl header:
extern "C" {
typedef double gsl_function(double, void*);
// calls func(arg,data_passed_to_func)
double gsl_api_function(gsl_function*func, void*data_passed_to_func);
// in your source code
double(*target_func)(double); // global variable can be hidden in some namespace
extern "C" {
double funtion_calling_target(double, void*)
double funtion_calling_target(double arg, void*)
return target_func(arg);
bool test(double x, double(*func)(double))
target_func = func;
return x < gsl_api_function(function_calling_target,0);
(hiding target_func as static member of some class as in atkins's answer still requires a global variable). This works, but is poor, since 1) this mechanism requires a global variable and 2) only allows one target function to be used a any time (which may be hard to ensure).
(Recommended) However, you can define a special function that takes another function pointer as argument and passes it as data element. This was in fact the idea behind the design of gsl_function: the void* can point to any auxiliary data that may be required by the function. Such data can be another function.
// your header
extern "C" {
double function_of_double(double, void*);
inline double function_of_double(double arg, void*func)
typedef double(*func_of_double)(double);
return reinterpret_cast<func_of_double>(func)(arg);
// your application
bool test(double x, double(*func)(double))
return x < gsl_api_function(function_of_double, (void*)(func));
This does not require a global variable and works with as many different simultaneous functions as you want. Of course, here you are messing around with void*, the very thing that every sensible C++ programmer abhors, but then you're using a horrible C library which is based on void* manipulations.
Thought I would add my lambda-based attempts at this.
It works fine in principle:
// function we want to pass to GSL
double a_squared(double a) { return a*a; }
typedef double gsl_function_type(double, void*); // convenient typedef
// lambda wrapping a_squared in the required interface: we can pass f directly to GSL
gsl_function_type* f = [](double x, void*) { return a_squared(x); };
But we'd really like to write a method to apply this to any given function. Something like this:
gsl_function_type* convert(double (*fn)(double))
// The lambda has to capture the function pointer, fn.
return [fn](double x, void*) { return fn(x); };
However, the lambda now has to capture the pointer fn, because fn has automatic storage duration (in contrast to the static function a_squared in the first example). This doesn't compile because a lambda which uses a capture cannot be converted to a simple function pointer, as required by the return value of our function. In order to be able to return this lambda we'd have to use a std::function, but there's no way to get a raw function pointer from that, so it's no use here.
So the only way I've managed to get this to work is by using a preprocessor macro:
#define convert(f) [](double x, void*) { return f(x); }
This then lets me write something like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef double gsl_function_type(double, void*); // convenient typedef
// example GSL function call
double some_gsl_function(gsl_function_type* function)
return function(5.0, nullptr);
// function we want to pass to GSL
double a_squared(double a) { return a*a; }
// macro to define an inline lambda wrapping f(double) in GSL signature
#define convert(f) [](double x, void*) { return f(x); }
int main()
cout << some_gsl_function(convert(a_squared)) << endl;
Personally, as much as I dislike using macros, I would prefer this over my other suggestion. In particular, it solves the problems #Walter pointed out with that idea.
Previous answers - including the accepted one - seem correct, but they are not general enough in case you need to convert other types of function to gsl_function (including member functions for example). So, let me add a more powerful alternative.
If you use the wrapper described here, then you can convert any C++ lambdas to gsl_functions in two simple lines
// Example
gsl_function_pp Fp([&](double x){return a_squared(x);});
gsl_function *F = static_cast<gsl_function*>(&Fp);
This solves any related conversion problems. You can also use std::bind and any std::functions.

vector of function pointers

I'm trying to code a Gameboy emulator and i would like to use a vector of function pointers to call the right function instead of doing a long switch statement.
For example if the program counter point to 0x00 (in memory), the first element of the vector is NOP so void NOP() is called;
but i can't figure how to call the functions.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Z80;
typedef void (Z80::*function_t)();
class Z80
vector<function_t> fmap;
fmap = { &Z80::NOP, &Z80::LDBCnn, &Z80::LDBCmA};
void Z80::emulateCycle() {
opcode = memory.readByte(r.pc);
fmap[opcode](); <---ERROR
void Z80::NOP() {
this is the error:
IntelliSense: expression preceding parentheses of apparent call must have (pointer-to-) function type
This expression:
gives you a pointer to a member function. You can't just call that - it needs the class instance too. But you're actually calling it from a class method itself - so this is the instance you're looking for:
Note that if you want to avoid that bit of syntax and you're using C++11, you can change your fmap to instead be a vector of std::function<void()> and initialize it thusly:
fmap = { std::bind(&Z80::NOP, this), // or [this](){ this->NOP(); }
std::bind(&Z80::LDBCnn, this), // etc.
std::bind(&Z80::LDBCmA, this)};
That will let you actually do:
I'm not entirely sure that using function pointer in this case is particularly much better than for example a big switch statement.
However, the reason you can't call your member function is that you are not passing your object to the function.
You need this;
Another option is to use static/free function pointers, like this:
void (*function_t)(Z80& self);
and call it with:
[Or use std::function and std::bind, which covers over the rather (intentionally, apparently) ugly syntax]

Passing function pointer with scope resolution operator arduino

I'm a newbie to arduino and programming.
I've included a library inside my own library in arduino, but first library contains a function which has a pointer function as a parameter. It is an interrupt service routine(ISR) but I need to call a function in my cpp file when interrupt is occurred. So I need to pass the pointer of that function to the first library code. It works well when I use it in .ino file, I can pass it like,
but when I use it in .cpp file, I get errors. my function is like,
void velocity::functionISR_name(){
//some code
but how can I pass the pointer of this function to the first library function? I tried this way but got errors,
You cannot pass a method to a function which expects a function, unless you define it static.
write it static :
static void velocity::functionISR_name()
Unfortunately the static method is not bound to a specific instance any more. You should use it only together with a singleton. On Arduino you should write the class like shown below in the code snipped:
class velocity
static velocity *pThisSingelton;
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity *velocity::pThisSingelton;
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void setup()
// …other stuff…
This looks ugly, but in my opinion it is totally okay with Arduino as the opportunities are very limited on such a system.
Thinking again over it, I would personal go for the approach Sorin mentioned in his answer above. That would be more like that:
class velocity
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void functionISR_name_delegation()
void setup()
// …other stuff…
It would also save you some bytes for the pointer you need in the first example.
As a site note: For the future, please post the exact code (for e.g. attachInterrupt needs more parameter) and copy&paste the error messages. Usually error are exact at a place you do not suspect. This question was an exception. Normally I and other would ask for better specification.
You pass a pointer to the function but the function is a class member. Likely the call will be invalid because the this pointer will be garbage(may compile fine but will throw strange errors at runtime).
You need to define a plain vanilla function, outside of any class, and use that.
If you don't have a very complex project you can get away with having a global pointer to the class instance you should use and just delegate the call in your new function.
If you want to do thing the right way you need some mechanism to get the instance pointer I talked about above. Usually this involves either a singleton or some factory pattern.
class Foo {
void method() {
x = 5;
int x;
Having a callback on method will crash because you have an invalid pointer for this so x=5 will write 5 somewhere randomly in memory.
What you need is somehting like:
static Foo* foo_instance; // Initialized somewhere else.
void method_delegator() {
Now you can pass method_delegator to the function. It will work because you now also pass foo_instance for this pointer.

C++: Using a string parameter passed in to access something in a type

My goal is to access a class that is passed in as a parameter inside of myFunction.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
void myFunction(string myString)
I'm trying to call some function on something that's in a type. For example, my code in some other file might look like:
namespace OuterType {
namespace InnerType {
//stuff here
However, using myString in that way doesn't work. If myString holds the value "class1", then I want that callFunctionOn part to be interpreted as
I feel like this is super simple, but I've been programming all day and my mind grows tired...
SOLVED: It looks like in order to this in this way, I'd need a language with reflection. To solve this I took a different approach to the problem and passed in a pointer to the class instead.
C++ doesn't have reflection built in, but it does have pointers to data, functions, and class members. So you can use a std::map or unordered_set to find the pointer with a particular name (you have to add all the name/pointer pairs into the map beforehand).
Your solution is likely to look something like:
namespace Outer
namespace Inner
void funcA( void ) { std::cout << "called funcA" << std::endl; }
std::map< std::string, void (*)(void) > members;
// in some initialization function
Outer::Inner::members["funcA"] = &Outer::Inner::funcA;
// later
std::string myString = "funcA";
void (*f)(void) = Outer::Inner::members[myString]; // lookup function by name
(*f)(); // call function via its pointer
Of course the type of the pointer will probably need to change to meet your application requirements.
You're trying to access a variable based on a run-time string that contains its name? That's not possible; the names of variables disappear after compilation and linking. (Except insofar as they are kept around to facilitate debugging).
Do you mean :
maybe this idea: operator() can take parameters, wrapping it in a class ine can make calls that are resolved in the overloaded operator() based on its parameters.
template<typename TypeSig, class InstanceOf, typename NA,typename Args>
class FuncMap {
typedef TypeSig (InstanceOf:: *cbMethod) ( NA, Args );
FuncMap( InstanceOf & cInst, cbMethod cbM ) : mcInst(cInst) {mcbM = cbM;}
TypeSig operator() ( NA na, Args args) {return (mcInst.*mcbM)(na, args);}
InstanceOf & mcInst;
cbMethod mcbM;
you need to build a map of runtime string values as keys and pointers to instance methods as seen above. i used this for re-dispatch tracing and custom runtime dispatch with lesser than RTTI overhead.
this allows you to have default, if no key found, or other logic as you wish.