Passing function pointer with scope resolution operator arduino - c++

I'm a newbie to arduino and programming.
I've included a library inside my own library in arduino, but first library contains a function which has a pointer function as a parameter. It is an interrupt service routine(ISR) but I need to call a function in my cpp file when interrupt is occurred. So I need to pass the pointer of that function to the first library code. It works well when I use it in .ino file, I can pass it like,
but when I use it in .cpp file, I get errors. my function is like,
void velocity::functionISR_name(){
//some code
but how can I pass the pointer of this function to the first library function? I tried this way but got errors,

You cannot pass a method to a function which expects a function, unless you define it static.
write it static :
static void velocity::functionISR_name()
Unfortunately the static method is not bound to a specific instance any more. You should use it only together with a singleton. On Arduino you should write the class like shown below in the code snipped:
class velocity
static velocity *pThisSingelton;
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity *velocity::pThisSingelton;
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void setup()
// …other stuff…
This looks ugly, but in my opinion it is totally okay with Arduino as the opportunities are very limited on such a system.
Thinking again over it, I would personal go for the approach Sorin mentioned in his answer above. That would be more like that:
class velocity
static void functionISR_name()
// Do whatever needed.
// … Your methods
velocity YourOneAndOnlyInstanceOfThisClass;
void functionISR_name_delegation()
void setup()
// …other stuff…
It would also save you some bytes for the pointer you need in the first example.
As a site note: For the future, please post the exact code (for e.g. attachInterrupt needs more parameter) and copy&paste the error messages. Usually error are exact at a place you do not suspect. This question was an exception. Normally I and other would ask for better specification.

You pass a pointer to the function but the function is a class member. Likely the call will be invalid because the this pointer will be garbage(may compile fine but will throw strange errors at runtime).
You need to define a plain vanilla function, outside of any class, and use that.
If you don't have a very complex project you can get away with having a global pointer to the class instance you should use and just delegate the call in your new function.
If you want to do thing the right way you need some mechanism to get the instance pointer I talked about above. Usually this involves either a singleton or some factory pattern.
class Foo {
void method() {
x = 5;
int x;
Having a callback on method will crash because you have an invalid pointer for this so x=5 will write 5 somewhere randomly in memory.
What you need is somehting like:
static Foo* foo_instance; // Initialized somewhere else.
void method_delegator() {
Now you can pass method_delegator to the function. It will work because you now also pass foo_instance for this pointer.


c++: is it better to have a global variable or create a local variable?

for example i have a library function which needs to be used for validating signatures,and is only called when requested.
lets say i have a library class to verify signature
class SigVerify
bool verifySignature(std::string path);
bool Sigverify::verifySignature(std::string path)
//verfies signature
return true;
now assume that i compiled sigverify as library and linked it to my main service code
#include "sigverify.hpp"
class SeviceClass
void makeLibCall();
//is it better to declare a variable here and use it in my cpp
SigVerify m_sigVerify;
void ServiceClass::makeLibCall()
// OR declare a local variable here like this
Sigverify m_sigVerify;
bool result = m_sigVerify.verifySignautre(path);
the library call is only made in one place in my entire code, so i think it is better to create a local variable when there is a need to make the call?
which is better in terms of performance??please help me :)
Consider a third option mentioned in comments:
void ServiceClass::makeLibCall()
static Sigverify m_sigVerify;
bool result = m_sigVerify.verifySignautre(path);
m_sigVerify will be initialized once, when the function is called for the first time.
However, to know what is more performant you need to measure. There is no way around that. If the class is really not more than what you posted, then creating an object and calling a function can be expected to be not be more expensive than just calling the function. To be sure: measure.

Pointer to function from another pointer

I'm new to c++ and I'm trying to make a generic switch (i.e. the device, not the C++ statement) that could be used to blink lights, turn beeps on and off, etc, in my Arduino project.
I could create a switchable interface and implement that in the classes that I want to "switch". But since I'm doing it as study purposes and I saw the pointer-to-functions ability in C++ (that is new to me since I come from C# and Java), I tough it would be a good opportunity to give it a try...
The problem is that I can pass the function in my code only if it's a local function but it won't work if I try to pass a function from another object like a led for example.
Some code to illustrate the problem. This is the switch.cpp, it recieves the On and Off functions in it's constructor and it has a update method that is called inside the loop method in the Arduino ino main class:
using switch_function = void(*)();
auto_switch::auto_switch(const switch_function on_function, const switch_function off_function, const int max_speed_count)
//sets all variables...
void auto_switch::update(const unsigned long millis)
//turn switch on and off...
And this is my ino file
ino file
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "led.h"
#include "auto_switch.h"
led* main_led;
auto_switch* led_switch;
int slow_speed;
//ugly code
void turn_led_on()
//ugly code
void turn_led_off()
void setup() {
main_led = new led(2, 3, 4, true, color::white);
//ugly code
led_switch = new auto_switch(turn_led_on, turn_led_off, 3);
slow_speed = led_switch->add_speed(100, 100, 3, 1000);
void loop() {
It works but I had to make a local function (turn_led_on and turn_led_off) to be able to assign the inner functions as a parameter to the auto_switch constructor, the parts that I've wrote //ugly code
I wanted to do something like this, without the glue code in between:
//doesn't work
led_switch = new auto_switch(main_led->turn_on, main_led->turn_off, 3);
Is it possible? I've read something about static pointer to function and some std functions that help with that, if I get it right the glue code is necessary in this case so that the compiler can know where the functions are coming from I guess (from which object), but since the functions I need to call cannot be static I've discarded this option, and the std functions I believe it can't be used with the Arduino or could but shouldn't for performance limitations...
Anyway, does it make sense, can it be done using pointer to functions or should I create a interface or something different?
Before deciding how to do it, the qquestion is what do you want to do and why. Because, maybe there are better alternatives using simple C++ idioms.
Option 1: specialization with polymorphism
Do you want to specialize some functions of your switch, so instead of calling the function of the auto_switch you'd call dome more specialized ones ?
In this case you wouldn't do:
//doesn't work
led_switch = new auto_switch(main_led->turn_on, main_led->turn_off, 3);
but instead you would rely on polymorphism with virtual functions in the base class:
class auto_switch {
virtual void turn_on();
virtual void turn_off();
and write a specialized class for the leds:
class led_witch : public auto_switch {
void turn_on() override;
void turn_off() override;
In fact, the compiler will generate some function pointers behind the scene, but you don't have to care:
auto_switch s1=new auto_switch(...);
auto_switch s2=new led_switch(...); // no problem !!
s1->turn_on(); // calls auto_switch::turn_on()
s2->turn_on(); // calls led_switch::turn_on() since the real type of s2 is led_switch
But event if each object's behavior is dynamic on the the base of the real class of the object, the objects of the same class share a behavior that was predefined at compile time. If this is not ok, go to the next option.
Option 2: the member function pointer
The functions of another objects can only be invoked with that object at hand. So having a function pointer to a led function is not sufficient: you also need to know on which led it shall be applied.
This is why member function pointers are different and somewhat constraint: you can only invoke functions of class of your member function pointer. If polymorphism is sufficient (i.e. if derived class has a different implementation of a function already foreseen in the base classe) then you are lucky. If you want to use a function that only exists in the derived class and not in the base class, it won't compile.
Here a simplified version of auto_swith: I provide a function, but allso a pointer to the object on which the function has to be invoked:
class auto_switch{
void (led::*action)();
led *ld;
auto_switch(void(led::*a)(), led*l) : action(a), ld(l) {}
void go () { (ld->*action)(); }
// usage:
auto_switch s(&led::turn_off, &l1);
Online demo
Option 3 : the functional way (may that's what you're looking for ?)
Another variant would be to use the standard functional library to bind a member function and the object on which it shall be executed (as well as any need parameters):
class auto_switch{
std::function<void()> action;
auto_switch(function<void()>a) : action(a) {}
void go () { action(); }
Here you can bind anything: any function of any class:
auto_switch s(bind(&led::turn_off, l1));
auto_switch s2(bind(&blinking_led::blink, l2));
Online demo
Option 4 : command pattern
Now if you want to perform something on an object when you turn on and off the switch, but you need total flexibility, you can just implement the command pattern : this lets you execute anything on any object. And you don't even need a function pointer.

Callback function pointers C++ with/without classes

I got stuck. I am trying to form a function that will eat classless function pointers and ones from objects. Here is my current code that hopefully explains more.
(It should run on a Arduino, so I cannot use big libraries.)
First off, I am using this library for the Arduino:
/* SimpleTimer - A timer library for Arduino.
* Author:
* Copyright (c) 2010 OTTOTECNICA Italy
Which takes functions which it calls on a set timer interval of this type:
typedef void (*timer_callback)(void);
As far as my knowledge goes, it's a classles function, the webpage Pointers to member functions got me really far but, not far enough. Probably a terminology deficit on my side.
Now, I have made my own class which I would like in turn to use this SimpleTimer library. But if I feed the SimpleTimer my class functions, it does not like them (what I understand). But how would it be possible to make this happen without altering the SimpleTimer library.
So there is the class Robot, which has Robot::halt(). I want the robot to move forward for a set amount of time. Like so:
void Robot::forward(int speed, long time) {
timer.setTimer(time, c_func, 1);
analogWrite(l_a, speed);
analogWrite(r_a, speed);
void Robot::halt() {
__isMoving = false;
digitalWrite(r_a, LOW);
digitalWrite(r_b, LOW);
digitalWrite(l_b, LOW);
digitalWrite(l_a, LOW);
The c_func variable is a classless function at this point, but I would like to use the Robot::halt function. I have looked, read, learned but haven't succeeded yet. I just can't seem to wrap my head around this one because I am missing some angle.
I tried:
timer.setTimer(time, (this->*halt), 1);
timer.setTimer(time, Robot::*halt, 1);
timer.setTimer(time, &Robot::halt), 1);
But it would all amount to the same problem/ me just stabbing in the dark here...
Earlier, I said not wanting to change the SimpleTimer library code. I want to comeback on this one, I guess altering it there would be the better option.
Thanks for all the current answers already, I was only allowed to flag one as a viable answer, actually everyhting I read here was extremely helpful.
To continue this, changing the SimpleTimer code. This class needs to have a reference to the object that holds my "halt" function, right? So, overloading the settimer function to something that takes my object and my function as two seperate pointers would work...? I think I am getting the hang of this but, I am not there yet with my head.
I don't know who came with this one again but, anyone finding this thread. If found Member Function Pointers and the Fastest Possible C++ Delegates to give a very nice introduction in function pointers and member function pointers.
Got it working, changed the SimpleTimer library to use this Delegate system:
It integrated very nicely, and it could be nice to have a standard Delegate system like this in the Arduino library.
Code as in test (working)
typedef FastDelegate0<> FuncDelegate;
Code in robot class:
void Robot::test(){
FuncDelegate f_delegate;
f_delegate = MakeDelegate(this, &Robot::halt);
timer.setTimerDelg(1, f_delegate, 1);
void Robot::halt() {
Code in SimpleTimer class:
int SimpleTimer::setTimerDelg(long d, FuncDelegate f, int n){
Arduino prints TEST in the console.
Next step putting it in an array, don't see a lot of problems there. Thanks everyone, I can't believe the stuff I learned in two days.
What's that smell? Is that the smell of...? Success!
For the ones interested, the used Delegate system does not amount to memory capacity issues:
With FastDelegate
AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega2560
Program: 17178 bytes (6.6% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)
Data: 1292 bytes (15.8% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)
Finished building: sizedummy
Without FastDelegate:
AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega2560
Program: 17030 bytes (6.5% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)
Data: 1292 bytes (15.8% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)
Finished building: sizedummy
You can do this by making a functor object, that acts as a proxy between the timer code and your code.
class MyHaltStruct
MyHaltStruct(Robot &robot)
: m_robot(robot)
{ }
void operator()()
{ robot.halt(); }
Robot &m_robot;
// ...
timer.setTimer(time, MyHaltStruct(*this), 1);
If it can't be done via a functor object, you could global variables and functions instead, maybe in a namespace:
namespace my_robot_halter
Robot *robot = 0;
void halt()
if (robot)
// ...
my_robot_halter::robot = this;
timer.setTimer(time, my_robot_halter::halt, 1);
This only works if you have one robot instance though.
Since the timer callback signature doesn't take any argument, you unfortunately need to use some global (or static) state:
Robot *global_robot_for_timer;
void robot_halt_callback()
you can at least wrap that lot into it's own file, but it isn't pretty. As Matthew Murdoch suggested, it might be better to edit the SimpleTimer itself. A more conventional interface would be:
typedef void (*timer_callback)(void *);
SimpleTimer::setTimer(long time, timer_callback f, void *data);
void robot_halt_callback(void *data)
Robot *r = (Robot *)data;
ie, when you call setTimer, you provide an argument which is passed back to the callback.
The smallest change to SimpleTimer would be something like:
typedef void (*timer_function)(void *);
struct timer_callback {
timer_function func;
void *arg;
// ... every method taking a callback should look like this:
int SimpleTimer::setTimeout(long, timer_function, void *);
// ... callbacks is now an array of structures
callbacks[i] = {0};
// ... findFirstFreeSlot
if (callbacks[i].func == 0) {
// ... SimpleTimer::setTimer can take the timer_callback structure, but
// that means it's callers have to construct it ...
int SimpleTimer::setTimeout(long d, timer_function func, void *arg) {
timer_callback cb = {func, arg};
return setTimer(d, cb, RUN_ONCE);
You can't pass a non-static member function there - only a static one. The signature should be like this:
static void halt()
the reason is that each non-static member function has an implicit Robot* parameter known as this pointer which facilitates access to the current object. Since the callback signature doesn't have such Robot* parameter you can't possibly pass a member function of class Robot unless it is static.
So that in your implementation
void halt();
is in effect
static void halt( Robot* thisPointer );
and when you do
void Robot::halt() {
__isMoving = false;
you effectively have this:
void Robot::halt( Robot* thisPointer ) {
thisPointer->__isMoving = false;
and of course a halt( Robot*) function pointer can't be passed in place of void (*)(void) C callback function.
And yes, if you need access to non-static member variables of class Robot from inside the callback you'll have to somehow retrieve the pointer to class Robot instance elsewhere - for example, store it as a static member variable so that you don't rely on this pointer.
It's important to understand that function pointers and pointers to class members are different not for an arbitrary reason but the fact that instance methods have an implicit this argument (also, they have to work with inherited and virtual functions, which adds even more complexity; hence they can be 16 or more bytes in size). In other words, a function pointer to a class member is only meaningful together with an instance of the class.
As the currently-top answer says, your best bet is to go with functors. While the setTimer function might only accept function pointers, it is possible to write a template function to wrap the call and accept both. For even more fine-grained processing, you can write a template metaprogram (Boost.TypeTraits has is_pointer, is_function and even is_member_function_pointer) to handle the different cases.
How you make the functors is a different story. You can opt for writing them by hand (which means implementing a class with operator() for each one of them), but depending on your needs that might be tedious. A couple of options:
std::bind: you can use it to create a functor whose first parameter will be bound to the value you specify - in the case of member functions, it will be the instance.
Depending on your compiler, you might not have access to std::bind - in this case I suggest boost::bind. It is a header-only library and provides the same functionality.
You can use another delegate implementation. I don't have experience with this one, but claims to be faster than other implementations (including std::function).
The mentioned libraries are header-only, so they probably don't count as "big libraries".

Nested Classes C++ static inner methods (Xml parsing and trying to populate vector with values)

So this is what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to use a sax parser to parse some XML. it looks like I need to call all their methods as statics. So if I want to pass a value back from say startElement it is static void startElement. Which brings me to my example code. I have been pulling my hair on how to update a value in a Nesting class from a static member function.
I have looked at several things such as defining OuterClass * oc; then trying to reference oc->allRecords, but since it is a static method inside, it fails. I am sure I am doing something wrong architecturally, so any feedback on what would be the right way to do this would be a great help. Thanks.
class Attribute {
string AttributeName;
string AttributeValue;
typedef shared_ptr<Attribute> AttributePtr;
class AttributeSet {
vector<AttributePtr> Attributes;
typedef shared_ptr<AttributeSet> AttributeSetPtr;
class OuterClass {
public :
vector<AttributeSetPtr> allRecords;
class InnerClass {
static mymethod1() {
// I need to be able to set attributes here :
// This would be the characters method for sax parsing
// What is the right way to Attributes.push_back(new Attribute(Name,Value));
static mymethod2() {
// I also need to be able to add Records here :
// This would be the endElement for sax parsing
// What is the right way to allRecords.push_back(AttributeSet);
xmlSAXHandler saxHandler;
memset(&saxHandler, 0, sizeof(saxHandler));
saxHandler.initialized = XML_SAX2_MAGIC;
saxHandler.endElementsNs = &InnerClass::method2;
saxHandler.characters = &InnerClass::method1;
InnerClass innerXmlParsingClass
xmlSaxUserParseMemory( &saxHandler, &innerXmlParsingClass, xmlString, xmlString.length());
Your mistake is using an inner class (are you coming from Java?).
I don't know what you believe you are are achieving with an inner class, but it won't work. Don't use inner classes in C++ unless you really know what it does (for inner classes, protected and private members of the outer classes are seen as if they were public).
Now, as the solution to your problem, I guess it depends on the implementation you're using (I used once Apache's Xerces SAX, but I know Microsoft offers its own SAX implementation, and that there should be a lot other alternatives, so...)
After the comment, I found the following tutorial:
I must say that, coming from Java to C++, and using a C API, you have a kind of courage...
If you are not familiar enough with function pointers, and C in general, using libxml2 will be a challenge. Be sure that in the end, you will understand those notions... Note that C have a way to handle the data that C++, Java or C# developers associate to this. The C way is to pass a pointer to your data (the user data) to a function, and when the callback is called, it passes back this pointer, typed as a void *. You must then cast it back to its right type, and voilà, you have your this back.
Anyway, reading the doc, I see that when you parse the file, you'll call the following C function:
int xmlSAXUserParseFile( xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
void * user_data,
const char * filename);
the user_data part is the one that interest you because it enables you to have a context. So, wrapping this function in a C++ class, you could have something like:
// MySaxBase.hpp
class MySaxBase
public :
MySaxBase() ;
int parseFile(const std::string & p_filename) ;
virtual void startDocument() ;
virtual void endDocument() ;
private :
static void do_startDocument(void *p_user_data) ;
static void do_endDocument(void *p_user_data) ;
xmlSAXHandler m_sax ;
// MySaxBase.cpp
extern "C"
void do_startDocument(void *p_user_data)
// this static method will convert the p_user_data into
// the this pointer...
MySaxBase * saxBase = static_cast<MySaxBase *>(p_user_data) ;
// ...and call the right virtual method
saxBase->startDocument() ;
void do_endDocument(void *p_user_data)
// this static method will convert the p_user_data into
// the this pointer...
MySaxBase * saxBase = static_cast<MySaxBase *>(p_user_data) ;
// ...and call the right virtual method
saxBase->endDocument() ;
} // extern "C"
// the m_sax structure must be set to zero to NULL all its
// pointers to functions
memset(&m_sax, 0, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler)) ;
// Now, we initialize some pointers to the static method we
// want to be called
this->m_sax.startDocument = do_startDocument ;
this->m_sax.endDocument = do_endDocument ;
int MySaxBase::parseFile(const std::string & p_filename)
// the important thing, here, is the this pointer, passed as
// a user_data parameter
return xmlSAXUserParseFile(&m_sax, this, p_filename.c_str()) ;
void MySaxBase::startDocument()
// The document started. Override this method to
// actually do something
void MySaxBase::endDocument()
// The document ended. Override this method to
// actually do something
I did not test this, and I never used libxml2, but I guess the code must be Ok, and this should be enough for you to continue on your own: Just add the methods you want to support, initialize the sax handler with the relevant function pointers, and you'll have your class complete.
The MySaxBase::startDocument and MySaxBase::endDocument methods are virtual just for you to derive from MySaxBase and then override those methods.
Edit 2
I'll reproduce here Steve Jessop's excellent comment:
+1. One tiny quibble - I don't think that static member functions are guaranteed by the C++ standard to have C linkage / calling convention, but to use them as a callback from a C API, that's what they need. I don't specifically know what implementations it makes a difference, but for safety do_startDocument should be a free function declared with extern "C". On the same subject: a Java programmer may not realise you have make sure that the function can't throw an exception (because C doesn't have them). So you'd normally want to see a try/catch(...) in the wrapper function. – Steve Jessop
Following this, and after reading Johannes Schaub - litb (who else?) no less excellent answer at static vs extern "C"/"C++" , I modified the code to make do_startDocument and do_endDocument real C functions (i.e. wrapped in an extern "C" block). This usually is not important (I never encountered this kind of problem), but, better safe than sorry.
Your basic problem is that static methods are not per-instance, so there is no this pointer. You somehow need to get a OuterClass* passed to mymethod1 and mymethod2.
If you show us how mymethod1 and mymethod2 are called, we can help you further.
If it's simply called by you someplace where you have a OuterClass object, then your solution is simple:
class OuterClass
// ...
static void mymethod1(OuterClass* oc)
oc->all_records.push_back( something );
void some_func()
OuterClass oc;
Since you updated your question here is how you should do this:
class OuterClass {
vector<AttributeSetPtr> allRecords;
void characters(const xmlChar* ch, int len)
// do here whatever you want
allRecords.push_back(bla bla);
static void static_characters(void* ctx, const xmlChar* ch, int len) {
// retrieve this pointer from ctx
static_cast<OuterClass*>(ctx)->characters(ch, len);
saxHandler.characters = &OuterClass::static_characters;
OuterClass outerClass;
xmlSaxUserParseMemory(&saxHandler, static_cast<void*>(&outerClass), xmlString, xmlString.length());

C++ - basic function question

Is there any way to make a function call only once?
Suppose I have some class
struct A {
void MainRoutine(Params) {
// Want to call other routine only once
void OtherRoutine(Params) {
// Do something that should be done only once and
// what depends on the params
I want to call OtherRoutine only once in MainRoutine (I assume that MainRoutine is going to be called N times. I can't call OtherRoutine from the constructor, because it accepts Params which may not be available at the time when object is being constructed.
Basically I want to do something like
static bool called = false;
if (!called) {
called = true;
but I hope there is a more "beautiful" way of doing this... (which could be written in one line)
Maybe something using boost::function or some part of boost that I don't know about? :)
Thank you
Take a look at Boost Thread's one-time initialization mechanism
You can also put the call-only-once logic, which you already outlined, inside OtherRoutine, causing it to return early if it has already been executed before.
Logically, its pretty much the same. Stylistically, it might be nicer.
You were definitely on the right track already. You should put your static 'called' variable inside your struct... ahem: you should make it a class instead, make it private, and make sure the state of the static variable is queried inside of OtherRoutine. You should not make it more complicated than it needs to be. Using boost, or anything else for so simple a mechanism is just overkill.
You could achieve this with boost::function and bind. Assuming you want OtherRoutine only to be called once per object,
struct A {
A() {
Routine = boost::bind(&A::OtherRoutine, this);
boost::function<void()> Routine;
void MainRoutine() {
// Do stuff that should occur on every call
void OtherRoutine() {
Routine = boost::bind(&A::MainRoutine, this);
// Do stuff that should only occur once
A foo;
foo.Routine(); // OtherRoutine is called
foo.Routine(); // Now all subsequent calls will go to MainRoutine
I would suggest doing what the other people have said, though. While this may look 'cleaner,' it's overly complicated when compared to the alternatives.
Another way that verges on "cute" would be to have a static object and call your function from within its constructor. Something like...
struct OneShotOtherRoutine
OneShotOtherRoutine(A a, Params params)
struct A
friend struct OneShotOtherRoutine;
void MainRoutine(Params params)
static OneShotOtherRoutine(params);
// Main Routine code
void OtherRoutine(Params params)
// Other routine code
You'd have to split things up so that each implementation could see the other struct's declaration, but this could do what you want, assuming it's acceptable that OtherRoutine gets called when statics are initialized.