Understanding templating in D - d

I am teaching myself 'D' and I had, what may appear basic to some, a question regarding templating. For example, the article I am currently reading (please see the bottom of this post) contains the following code:
int foo(int x)
return x;
string foo(string x)
return x;
void main()
assert(foo(12345) == 12345);
assert(foo("hello") == "hello");
Obviously, this specific snippet is less than elegant and a template would eliminate the repetition:
foo(T)(T x)
return x;
void main()
assert(foo!(int)(12345) == 12345);
assert(foo!(string)("hello") == "hello");
The second example is rather basic since we are merely returning the value passed. My confusion arises by the fact that the function, however templated, still appears to be constrained to one type of value since I cannot easily envision a string and an integer value having a great deal in common. Therefore, is a programmer expected to check for the type of variable passed and then write code to handle cases of string or integer separately? Is creating a large function body truly more efficient? I realize my unfamiliarity with templating is obvious. Hence my question :)

The literal definition of "template" is "something that serves as a model for others to copy" and that is what the compiler does. For each type (string and int in your case) it copies the template function and creates a specialized function during compilation.
There is no need for the template at run time, so that can be thrown away after compilation. In the compiled binary there are two functions foo!(int) and foo!(string).
Is a programmer expected to check for the type of variable passed and then write code to handle cases of string or integer separately?
That depends. Sometimes you want to do that. For example, to optimize for performance. Sometimes you don't need to do that and write a generic functions.
Is creating a large function body truly more efficient?
Sometimes. If not, then don't do it. For example, you can write one generic find function, which works on arrays, linked lists, and similar stuff.

Templates are reusable code for types which you want to be handled equally. So they are probably not the right tool if you want 'to handle cases of string or integer separately'.
Take an arbitrary container as example, which contains T elements. Even though string and int don't have much in common, you will be able to create a container for each of them.
Another example are mathematical vectors, where you are able to specify the type used. You can specify mathematical functions without constraning yourself to a single type, and they would even work with custom types given they have the necessary operators overloaded.


Why is the `std::sto`... series not a template?

I wonder if there is a reason why the std::sto series (e.g. std::stoi, std::stol) is not a function template, like that:
template<typename T>
T sto(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos = 0, int base = 10);
and then:
int sto<int>(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos, int base)
// do the stuff.
long sto<long>(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos, int base)
// do the stuff.
/* etc. */
In my sense, that would be a better design, because for the moment, when I have to convert a string in whatever numerical value an user want, I have to manually manage each case.
Is there a reason to not have such a template function? Is there an assumed choice, or is this just done like that?
Looking at the description of these functions at cppref, I note the following:
... Interprets a signed integer value in the string str.
1) calls std::strtol(str.c_str(), &ptr, base)...
and strol a "C" standard function that's also available in C++.
Reading further, we see: (for the c++ sto* functions):
Return value
The string converted to the specified signed integer type.
std::invalid_argument if no conversion could be performed
std::out_of_range if the converted value would fall out of the range of the result type or if the underlying function (std::strtol or
std::strtoll) sets errno to ERANGE.
So while I have no original source for this, and indeed have never worked with these functions, I would guess that:
TL;DR : These functions are C++-ish wrappers around already existing C/C++ functions -- strtol* -- so they resemble these functions as close as possible.
I have to manage manually each case. Is there a reason to not have such a template function?
In case of such questions, Eric Lippert (C#) usually says something along the lines:
If a feature is missing, then it's missing because noone implemented it yet. And that's because either noone else earlier wanted yet, or because it was considered not worth the effort, or because it couldn't have been finished before publishing the current release".
Here, I guess it's the "not worth" part, but I have neither asked the commitee about, nor managed to find any answer in old questions and faqs. I didn't spend much time searching though.
I say this because I suppose that most common of these functions' functionality (if not all of) is already contained in stream classes, like istringstream. Just like cin/etc, this one also has an all-having operator >>, overloaded for all base numeric types (and more).
Furthermore, the stream manipulators like std::hex (std::setbase) already solve the problem of passing various type-dependent configuration parameters to the actual conversion functions. No problems with mixed function signatures (like those mentioned by DavidHaim in his answer). Here's just a single operator>>.
So.. since if we have it in streams, if we already can read numbers/etc from strings with simple foo >> bar >> setbase(42) >> baz >> ..., then I think it was not worth the effort to add more complicated layers to old C runtime functions.
No proof for that though. Just a hunch.
The problem with template specialization is that the specialization requires you to match the original template function signature, so each specialization must implement the interface of (string,pos,base).
If you would like to have some other type which does not follows this interface, you are in trouble.
Suppose that, in the future, we would like to have sto<std::pair<int,int>>. We will want to have pos and base for the first and the second stringified integer. we would like the signature to be in the form of string,pos1,base1,pos2,base2. Since sto signature is already set, we cannot do it.
You can always wrap std::sto* in your implementation of sto for integral types, but you cannot do that the other way around.
The purpose of these functions is to provide simple conversions for common cases. They are not intended as a general-purpose conversion suite. std::ostringstream is much better for that kind of thing.
In my sense, there would be a better design, because for the moment,
when I have to convert a string in whatever numerical value an user
want, I have to manage manually each case.
No, it would not. Templates goal (deliberately setting T-MP apart) is not to replace overloading; you should always prefer overloading to templates. Actually, it's something the language already does for you! Between a candidate function and a possible template instantation, the former will be prefered. Using language features for the sake of it is bad.
I don't see how templates could help either. Whatever type the user decides to input, it won't be known till runtime, and template types are deduced at compile time. C++ is a statically typed language. In this case, templates will just add an unneeded layer of complexity over normal function overloading.

C++ unknown variable type. Should I use template?

I'm trying to create a class that will parse a file in C++.
However the file is actually in 2 files, the header and the raw data.
The header contains the data type of the raw data (it can be int, double, float, etc...).
I want to create a variable in my class that will store the raw data.
The processing will be the same, no matter the data type.
Should I use a template to do this ? Isn't it overkill to use a templated class for just 1 variable ?
Thank you.
What about using function overloading? You said the processing is the same, so... I think you could. I use them sometimes to do this kind of stuff.
class MyClass {
void function(int x);
void function(double x);
void function(string x);
void function(char x);
The compiler will know what function to use, depending of the value that you are sending (passing) to it.
Templates could certainly help you here. They offer a way to reduce repetition of that processing which you say is the same for all types.
Whether you "should" use them is of course a more difficult question, as is whether it's overkill - both are matters of opinions, but common use would suggest that the use of just one variable would not be the factor that would decide that.
If the contents of the files containing different types need to be processed into the same container or if a file can contain more than one type, then maybe boost variant would be more suitable.
Since you read the types from file, those types are known at runtime, but since the list of options is known at compile time you can check the type in the file and pass in the type.
if(typeFromFile == headerValueForint)
else if (typeFromFile == headerValueFordouble)
However as all the types you list are numeric (and I wonder how the processing could really be the same if there's any other non-numeric types) you could decide to read all the values in as doubles - with suitable range checking. It might take up more memory but the impact of that depends on what the processing actually involves.

What are good use-cases for tuples in C++11?

What are good use-cases for using tuples in C++11? For example, I have a function that defines a local struct as follows:
template<typename T, typename CmpF, typename LessF>
void mwquicksort(T *pT, int nitem, const int M, CmpF cmp, LessF less)
struct SI
int l, r, w;
SI() {}
SI(int _l, int _r, int _w) : l(_l), r(_r), w(_w) {}
} stack[40];
// etc
I was considering to replace the SI struct with an std::tuple<int,int,int>, which is a far shorter declaration with convenient constructors and operators already predefined, but with the following disadvantages:
Tuple elements are hidden in obscure, implementation-defined structs. Even though Visual studio interprets and shows their contents nicely, I still can't put conditional breakpoints that depend on value of tuple elements.
Accessing individual tuple fields (get<0>(some_tuple)) is far more verbose than accessing struct elements (s.l).
Accessing fields by name is far more informative (and shorter!) than by numeric index.
The last two points are somewhat addressed by the tie function. Given these disadvantages, what would be a good use-case for tuples?
UPDATE Turns out that VS2010 SP1 debugger cannot show the contents of the following array std::tuple<int, int, int> stack[40], but it works fine when it's coded with a struct. So the decision is basically a no-brainer: if you'll ever have to inspect its values, use a struct [esp. important with debuggers like GDB].
It is an easy way to return multiple values from a function;
std::tuple<int,int> fun();
The result values can be used elegantly as follows:
int a;
int b;
Well, imho, the most important part is generic code. Writing generic code that works on all kinds of structs is a lot harder than writing generics that work on tuples. For example, the std::tie function you mentioned yourself would be very nearly impossible to make for structs.
this allows you to do things like this:
Store function parameters for delayed execution (e.g. this question )
Return multiple parameters without cumbersome (un)packing with std::tie
Combine (not equal-typed) data sets (e.g. from parallel execution), it can be done as simply as std::tuple_cat.
The thing is, it does not stop with these uses, people can expand on this list and write generic functionality based on tuples that is much harder to do with structs. Who knows, maybe tomorrow someone finds a brilliant use for serialization purposes.
I think most use for tuples comes from std::tie:
bool MyStruct::operator<(MyStruct const &o) const
return std::tie(a, b, c) < std::tie(o.a, o.b, o.c);
Along with many other examples in the answers here. I find this example to be the most commonly useful, however, as it saves a lot of effort from how it used to be in C++03.
I think there is NO good use for tuples outside of implementation details of some generic library feature.
The (possible) saving in typing do not offset the losses in self-documenting properties of the resulting code.
Substituting tuples for structs that just takes away a meaningful name for a field, replacing the field name with a "number" (just like the ill-conceived concept of an std::pair).
Returning multiple values using tuples is much less self-documenting then the alternatives -- returning named types or using named references. Without this self-documenting, it is easy to confuse the order of the returned values, if they are mutually convertible.
Have you ever used std::pair? Many of the places you'd use std::tuple are similar, but not restricted to exactly two values.
The disadvantages you list for tuples also apply to std::pair, sometimes you want a more expressive type with better names for its members than first and second, but sometimes you don't need that. The same applies to tuples.
The real use cases are situations where you have unnameable elements- variadic templates and lambda functions. In both situations you can have unnamed elements with unknown types and thus the only way to store them is a struct with unnamed elements: std::tuple. In every other situation you have a known # of name-able elements with known types and can thus use an ordinary struct, which is the superior answer 99% of the time.
For example, you should NOT use std::tuple to have "multiple returns" from ordinary functions or templates w/ a fixed number of generic inputs. Use a real structure for that. A real object is FAR more "generic" than the std::tuple cookie-cutter, because you can give a real object literally any interface. It will also give you much more type safety and flexibility in public libraries.
Just compare these 2 class member functions:
std::tuple<double, double, double> GetLocation() const; // x, y, z
GeoCoordinate GetLocation() const;
With a real 'geo coordinate' object I can provide an operator bool() that returns false if the parent object had no location. Via its APIs users could get the x,y,z locations. But here's the big thing- if I decide to make GeoCoordinate 4D by adding a time field in 6 months, current users's code won't break. I cannot do that with the std::tuple version.
Interoperation with other programming languages that use tuples, and returning multiple values without having the caller have to understand any extra types. Those are the first two that come to my mind.
I cannot comment on mirk's answer, so I'll have to give a separate answer:
I think tuples were added to the standard also to allow for functional style programming. As an example, while code like
void my_func(const MyClass& input, MyClass& output1, MyClass& output2, MyClass& output3)
// whatever
is ubiquitous in traditional C++, because it is the only way to have multiple objects returned by a function, this is an abomination for functional programming. Now you may write
tuple<MyClass, MyClass, MyClass> my_func(const MyClass& input)
// whatever
return tuple<MyClass, MyClass, MyClass>(output1, output2, output3);
Thus having the chance to avoid side effects and mutability, to allow for pipelining, and, at the same time, to preserve the semantic strength of your function.
F.21: To return multiple "out" values, prefer returning a struct or tuple.
Prefer using a named struct where there are semantics to the returned value. Otherwise, a nameless tuple is useful in generic code.
For instance, if returned values are value from the input stream and the error code, these values will not ego far together. They are not related enough to justify a dedicated structure to hold both. Differently, x and y pair would rather have a structure like Point.
The source I reference is maintained by Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter so I think somewhat trustworthy.

Why aren't named parameters used more often?

I have designed a parameter class which allows me to write code like this:
//define parameter
typedef basic_config_param<std::string> name;
void test(config_param param) {
if(param.has<name>()) { //by name
cout << "Your name is: " << param.get<name>() << endl;
unsigned long & n = param<ref<unsigned long> >(); //by type
if(param.get<value<bool> >(true)) { //return true if not found
unsigned long num = 0;
test(( name("Special :-)"), ref<unsigned long>(num) )); //easy to add a number parameter
cout << "Number is: " << num; //prints 1
The performance of the class is pretty fast: everything is just a reference on the stack. And to save all the information I use an internal buffer of up to 5 arguments before it goes to heap allocation to decrease the size of every single object, but this can be easily changed.
Why isn't this syntax used more often, overloading operator,() to implement named parameters? Is it because of the potential performance penalty?
One other way is to use the named idiom:
object.name("my name").ref(num); //every object method returns a reference to itself, allow object chaining.
But, for me, overloading operator,() looks much more "modern" C++, as long you don't forget to uses double parentheses. The performance does not suffer much either, even if it is slower than a normal function, so is it negligible in most cases.
I am probably not the first one to come up with a solution like this, but why isn't it more common? I have never seen anything like the syntax above (my example) before I wrote a class which accepts it, but for me looks it perfect.
My question is why this syntax is not used more, overloading operator,() to implement named parameters.
Because it is counter-intuitive, non-human-readable, and arguably a bad programming practice. Unless you want to sabotage the codebase, avoid doing that.
test(( name("Special :-)"), ref<unsigned long>(num) ));
Let's say I see this code fragment for the first time. My thought process goes like this:
At a first glance it looks like an example of "the most vexing parse" because you use double-parentheses. So I assume that test is a variable, and have to wonder if you forgot to write variable's type. Then it occurs to me that this thing actually compiles. After that I have to wonder if this is an instance of an immediately destroyed class of type test and you use lowercase names for all class types.
Then I discover it is actually a function call. Great.
The code fragment now looks like a function call with two arguments.
Now it becomes obvious to me that this can't be a function call with two arguments, because you used double parentheses.
So, NOW I have to figure what the heck is going on within ().
I remember that there is a comma operator (which I haven't ever seen in real C++ code during the last 5 years) which discards the previous argument. SO NOW I have to wonder what is that useful side effect of name(), and what the name() is - a function call or a type (because you don't use uppercase/lowercase letters to distinguish between class/function (i.e. Test is a class, but test is a function), and you don't have C prefixes).
After looking up name in the source code, I discover that it is class. And that it overloads the , operator, so it actually doesn't discard the first argument anymore.
See how much time is wasted here? Frankly, writing something like that can get you into trouble, because you use language features to make your code look like something that is different from what your code actually does (you make a function call with one argument look like it has two arguments or that it is a variadic function). Which is a bad programming practice that is roughly equivalent to overloading operator+ to perform substractions instead of additions.
Now, let's consider a QString example.
QString status = QString("Processing file %1 of %2: %3").arg(i).arg(total).arg(fileName);
Let's say I see it for the first time in my life. That's how my thought process goes:
There is a variable status of type QString.
It is initialized from a temporary variable of type QString().
... after QString::arg method is called. (I know it is a method).
I look up .arg in the documentation to see what it does, and discover that it replaces %1-style entries and returns QString&. So the chain of .arg() calls instantly makes sense. Please note that something like QString::arg can be templated, and you'll be able to call it for different argument types without manually specifying the type of argument in <>.
That code fragment now makes sense, so I move on to another fragment.
looks very more "modern" C++
"New and shiny" sometimes means "buggy and broken" (slackware linux was built on a somewhat similar idea). It is irrelevant if your code looks modern. It should be human-readable, it should do what it is intended to do, and you should waste the minimum possible amount of time in writing it. I.e. you should (personal recommendation) aim to "implement a maximum amount of functionality in a minimum amount of time at a minimum cost (includes maintenance)", but receive the maximum reward for doing it. Also it makes sense to follow KISS principle.
Your "modern" syntax does not reduce development cost, does not reduce development time, and increases maintenance cost (counter-intuitive). As a result, this syntax should be avoided.
There is not necessity. Your dynamic dispatch (behave differently, depending on the logical type of the argument) can be implemented a) much easier and b) much faster using template specialisation.
And if you actually require a distinction based on information that is only available on runtime, I'd try to move your test function to be a virtual method of the param type and simply use dynamic binding (that's what it's for, and that's what you're kind of reinventing).
The only cases where this approach would be more useful may be multiple-dispatch scenarios, where you want to reduce code and can find some similarity patterns.

reuse function logic in a const expression

I think my question is, is there anyway to emulate the behaviour that we'll gain from C++0x's constexpr keyword with the current C++ standard (that is if I understand what constexpr is supposed to do correctly).
To be more clear, there are times when it is useful to calculate a value at compile time but it is also useful to be able to calculate it at runtime too, for e.g. if we want to calculate powers, we could use the code below.
template<int X, unsigned int Y>
struct xPowerY_const {
static const int value = X*xPowerY_const<X,Y-1>::value;
template<int X>
struct xPowerY_const<X, 1> {
static const int value = X;
int xPowerY(int x, unsigned int y) {
return (y==1) ? x : x*xPowerY(x,y-1);
This is a simple example but in more complicated cases being able to reuse the code would be helpful. Even if, for runtime performance, the recursive nature of the function is suboptimal and a better algorithm could be devised it would be useful for testing the logic if the templated version could be expressed in a function, as I can't see a reasonable method of testing the validity of the constant template method in a wide range of cases (although perhaps there is one and i just can't see it, and perhaps that's another question).
Forgot to mention, I don't want to #define
Edit2 Also my code above is wrong, it doesn't deal with x^0, but that doesn't affect the question.
Template metaprogramming implements logic in an entirely different (and incompatible) way from "normal" C++ code. You're not defining a function, you're defining a type. It just happens that the type has a value associated with it, which is built up from a combination of other types.
Because the templates define types, there is no program logic involved. The logic is simply a side effect of the compiler trying to resolve relationships between the templated types. There really isn't any way to automatically extract the high level logic from a template "program" into a function.
FWIW, template metaprogramming wasn't even a glimmer in Bjarne's eye when templates were first implemented. They were actually discovered later on in the language's life by users of the language. It's an "unintended" side-effect of the type system that just happened to become very popular. It's precisely because of this discovery that new features are being added to the language to more thoroughly support the idioms that have evolved.