Why is the `std::sto`... series not a template? - c++

I wonder if there is a reason why the std::sto series (e.g. std::stoi, std::stol) is not a function template, like that:
template<typename T>
T sto(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos = 0, int base = 10);
and then:
int sto<int>(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos, int base)
// do the stuff.
long sto<long>(std::string const & str, std::size_t *pos, int base)
// do the stuff.
/* etc. */
In my sense, that would be a better design, because for the moment, when I have to convert a string in whatever numerical value an user want, I have to manually manage each case.
Is there a reason to not have such a template function? Is there an assumed choice, or is this just done like that?

Looking at the description of these functions at cppref, I note the following:
... Interprets a signed integer value in the string str.
1) calls std::strtol(str.c_str(), &ptr, base)...
and strol a "C" standard function that's also available in C++.
Reading further, we see: (for the c++ sto* functions):
Return value
The string converted to the specified signed integer type.
std::invalid_argument if no conversion could be performed
std::out_of_range if the converted value would fall out of the range of the result type or if the underlying function (std::strtol or
std::strtoll) sets errno to ERANGE.
So while I have no original source for this, and indeed have never worked with these functions, I would guess that:
TL;DR : These functions are C++-ish wrappers around already existing C/C++ functions -- strtol* -- so they resemble these functions as close as possible.

I have to manage manually each case. Is there a reason to not have such a template function?
In case of such questions, Eric Lippert (C#) usually says something along the lines:
If a feature is missing, then it's missing because noone implemented it yet. And that's because either noone else earlier wanted yet, or because it was considered not worth the effort, or because it couldn't have been finished before publishing the current release".
Here, I guess it's the "not worth" part, but I have neither asked the commitee about, nor managed to find any answer in old questions and faqs. I didn't spend much time searching though.
I say this because I suppose that most common of these functions' functionality (if not all of) is already contained in stream classes, like istringstream. Just like cin/etc, this one also has an all-having operator >>, overloaded for all base numeric types (and more).
Furthermore, the stream manipulators like std::hex (std::setbase) already solve the problem of passing various type-dependent configuration parameters to the actual conversion functions. No problems with mixed function signatures (like those mentioned by DavidHaim in his answer). Here's just a single operator>>.
So.. since if we have it in streams, if we already can read numbers/etc from strings with simple foo >> bar >> setbase(42) >> baz >> ..., then I think it was not worth the effort to add more complicated layers to old C runtime functions.
No proof for that though. Just a hunch.

The problem with template specialization is that the specialization requires you to match the original template function signature, so each specialization must implement the interface of (string,pos,base).
If you would like to have some other type which does not follows this interface, you are in trouble.
Suppose that, in the future, we would like to have sto<std::pair<int,int>>. We will want to have pos and base for the first and the second stringified integer. we would like the signature to be in the form of string,pos1,base1,pos2,base2. Since sto signature is already set, we cannot do it.
You can always wrap std::sto* in your implementation of sto for integral types, but you cannot do that the other way around.

The purpose of these functions is to provide simple conversions for common cases. They are not intended as a general-purpose conversion suite. std::ostringstream is much better for that kind of thing.

In my sense, there would be a better design, because for the moment,
when I have to convert a string in whatever numerical value an user
want, I have to manage manually each case.
No, it would not. Templates goal (deliberately setting T-MP apart) is not to replace overloading; you should always prefer overloading to templates. Actually, it's something the language already does for you! Between a candidate function and a possible template instantation, the former will be prefered. Using language features for the sake of it is bad.
I don't see how templates could help either. Whatever type the user decides to input, it won't be known till runtime, and template types are deduced at compile time. C++ is a statically typed language. In this case, templates will just add an unneeded layer of complexity over normal function overloading.


Understanding templating in D

I am teaching myself 'D' and I had, what may appear basic to some, a question regarding templating. For example, the article I am currently reading (please see the bottom of this post) contains the following code:
int foo(int x)
return x;
string foo(string x)
return x;
void main()
assert(foo(12345) == 12345);
assert(foo("hello") == "hello");
Obviously, this specific snippet is less than elegant and a template would eliminate the repetition:
foo(T)(T x)
return x;
void main()
assert(foo!(int)(12345) == 12345);
assert(foo!(string)("hello") == "hello");
The second example is rather basic since we are merely returning the value passed. My confusion arises by the fact that the function, however templated, still appears to be constrained to one type of value since I cannot easily envision a string and an integer value having a great deal in common. Therefore, is a programmer expected to check for the type of variable passed and then write code to handle cases of string or integer separately? Is creating a large function body truly more efficient? I realize my unfamiliarity with templating is obvious. Hence my question :)
The literal definition of "template" is "something that serves as a model for others to copy" and that is what the compiler does. For each type (string and int in your case) it copies the template function and creates a specialized function during compilation.
There is no need for the template at run time, so that can be thrown away after compilation. In the compiled binary there are two functions foo!(int) and foo!(string).
Is a programmer expected to check for the type of variable passed and then write code to handle cases of string or integer separately?
That depends. Sometimes you want to do that. For example, to optimize for performance. Sometimes you don't need to do that and write a generic functions.
Is creating a large function body truly more efficient?
Sometimes. If not, then don't do it. For example, you can write one generic find function, which works on arrays, linked lists, and similar stuff.
Templates are reusable code for types which you want to be handled equally. So they are probably not the right tool if you want 'to handle cases of string or integer separately'.
Take an arbitrary container as example, which contains T elements. Even though string and int don't have much in common, you will be able to create a container for each of them.
Another example are mathematical vectors, where you are able to specify the type used. You can specify mathematical functions without constraning yourself to a single type, and they would even work with custom types given they have the necessary operators overloaded.

What is the purpose of boost::fusion?

Ive spent the day reading notes and watching a video on boost::fusion and I really don't get some aspects to it.
Take for example, the boost::fusion::has_key<S> function. What is the purpose of having this in boost::fusion? Is the idea that we just try and move as much programming as possible to happen at compile-time? So pretty much any boost::fusion function is the same as the run-time version, except it now evaluates at compile time? (and we assume doing more at compile-time is good?).
Related to boost::fusion, i'm also a bit confused why metafunctions always return types. Why is this?
Another way to look at boost::fusion is to think of it as "poor man introspection" library. The original motivation for boost::fusion comes from the direction of boost::spirit parser/generator framework, in particular the need to support what is called "parser attributes".
Imagine, you've got a CSV string to parse:
aaaa, 1.1
The type, this string parses into, can be described as "tuple of string and double". We can define such tuples in "plain" C++, either with old school structs (struct { string a; double b; } or newer tuple<string, double>). The only thing we miss is some sort of adapter, which will allow to pass tuples (and some other types) of arbitrary composition to a unified parser interface and expect it to make sense of it without passing any out of band information (such as string parsing templates used by scanf).
That's where boost::fusion comes into play. The most straightforward way to construct a "fusion sequence" is to adapt a normal struct:
struct a {
string s;
double d;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(a, (string, s)(double, d))
The "ADAPT_STRUCT" macro adds the necessary information for parser framework (in this example) to be able to "iterate" over members of struct a to the tune of the following questions:
I just parsed a string. Can I assign it to first member of struct a?
I just parsed a double. Can I assign it to second member of struct a?
Are there any other members in struct a or should I stop parsing?
Obviously, this basic example can be further extended (and boost::fusion supplies the capability) to address much more complex cases:
Variants - let's say parser can encounter either sting or double and wants to assign it to the right member of struct a. BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ASSOC_STRUCT comes to the rescue (now our parser can ask questions like "which member of struct a is of type double?").
Transformations - our parser can be designed to accept certain types as parameters but the rest of the programs had changed quite a bit. Yet, fusion metafunctions can be conveniently used to adapt new types to old realities (or vice versa).
The rest of boost::fusion functionality naturally follows from the above basics. fusion really shines when there's a need for conversion (in either direction) of "loose IO data" to strongly typed/structured data C++ programs operate upon (if efficiency is of concern). It is the enabling factor behind spirit::qi and spirit::karma being such an efficient (probably the fastest) I/O frameworks .
Fusion is there as a bridge between compile-time and run-time containers and algorithms. You may or may not want to move some of your processing to compile-time, but if you do want to then Fusion might help. I don't think it has a specific manifesto to move as much as possible to compile-time, although I may be wrong.
Meta-functions return types because template meta-programming wasn't invented on purpose. It was discovered more-or-less by accident that C++ templates can be used as a compile-time programming language. A meta-function is a mapping from template arguments to instantiations of a template. As of C++03 there were are two kinds of template (class- and function-), therefore a meta-function has to "return" either a class or a function. Classes are more useful than functions, since you can put values etc. in their static data members.
C++11 adds another kind of template (for typedefs), but that is kind of irrelevant to meta-programming. More importantly for compile-time programming, C++11 adds constexpr functions. They're properly designed for the purpose and they return values just like normal functions. Of course, their input is not a type, so they can't be mappings from types to something else in the way that templates can. So in that sense they lack the "meta-" part of meta-programming. They're "just" compile-time evaluation of normal C++ functions, not meta-functions.

For C++ templates, is there a way find types that are "valid" inputs?

I have a library where template classes/functions often access explicit members of the input type, like this:
template <
typename InputType>
bool IsSomethingTrue(
InputType arg1) {
typename InputType::SubType1::SubType2 &a;
//Do something
Here, SubType1 and SubType2 are themselves generic types that were used to instantiate InputType. Is there a way to quickly find all the types in the library that are valid to pass in for InputType (likewise for SubType1 and SubType2)? So far I have just been searching the entire code base for classes containing the appropriate members, but the template input names are reused in a lot of places so it is very cumbersome.
From a coding perspective, what is the point of using a template like this when there is only a limited set of valid input types that are probably already defined? Why not just overload this function with explicit types rather than making them generic?
From a coding perspective, what is the point of using a template like this when there is only a limited set of valid input types that are probably already defined? Why not just overload this function with explicit types rather than making them generic?
First of all, because those overload would have the exact same body, or very similar ones. If the body of the function is long enough, having more versions of it is a problem for maintenance. When you need to change the algorithm, you now have to do it N times and hope you won't make mistakes. Most of the times, redundancy is bad.
Moreover, even though now there could be just a few such types which satisfy the syntactic requirements of your function, there may be more in future. Having a function template allows you to let your algorithm work with new types without the need to write a new overload every time one new such type is introduced.
The advantage of using generic types is not on the template end: if you're willing to explicitly name them and edit the template code every time, it's the same.
What happens, however, when you introduce a subclass or variant of a type accepted by the template? No modification needed on the other end.
In other words, when you say that all types are known beforehand, you are excluding code modifications and extensions, which is half the point of using templates.

C++ Template Specialization Compilation

I'm going to outline my problem in detail to explain what I'm trying to achieve, the question is in the last paragraph if you wish to ignore the details of my problem.
I have a problem with a class design in which I wish to pass a value of any type into push() and pop() functions which will convert the value passed into a string representation that will be appended to a string inside the class, effectively creating a stream of data. The reverse will occur for pop(), taking the stream and converting several bytes at the front of the stream back into a specified type.
Making push() and pop() templates tied with stringstream is an obvious solution. However, I wish to use this functionality inside a DLL in which I can change the way the string is stored (encryption or compression, for example) without recompilation of clients. A template of type T would need to be recompiled if the algorithm changes.
My next idea was to just use functions such as pushByte(), pushInt(), popByte(), popInt() etc. This would allow me to change the implementation without recompilation of clients, since they rely only on a static interface. This would be fine. However, it isn't so flexible. If a value was changed from a byte to a short, for example, all instances of pushByte() corresponding to that value would need to be changed to pushShort(), similarly for popByte() to popShort(). Overloading pop() and push() to combat this would cause conflictions in types (causing explicit casting, which would end up causing the same problem anyway).
With the above ideas, I could create a working class. However, I wondered how specialized templates are compiled. If I created push<byte>() and push<short>(), it would be a type specific overload, and the change from byte to short would automatically switch the template used, which would be ideal.
Now, my question is, if I used specialized templates only to simulate this kind of overloading (without a template of type T), would all specializations compile into my DLL allowing me to dispatch a new implementation without client recompilation? Or are specialized templates selected or dropped in the same way as a template of type T at client compilation time?
First of all, you can't just have specialized templates without a base template to specialize. It's just not allowed. You have to start with a template, then you can provide specializations of it.
You can explicitly instantiate a template over an arbitrary set of types, and have all those instantiations compiled into your DLL, but I'm not sure this will really accomplish much for you. Ultimately, templates are basically a compile-time form of polymorphism, and you seem to need (at least a limited form of) run-time polymorphism.
I'd probably just use overloading. The problem that I'd guess you're talking about arises with something on the order of:
int a;
byte b;
a = pop();
b = pop();
Where you'd basically just be overloading pop on the return type (which, as we all know, isn't allowed). I'd avoid that pretty simply -- instead of returning the value, pass a reference to the value to be modified:
int a;
byte b;
This not only lets overload resolution work, but at least to me looks cleaner as well (though maybe I've just written too much assembly language, so I'm accustomed to things like "pop ax").
It sounds like you have 2 opposing factors:
You want your clients to be able to push/pop/etc. every numeric type. Templates seem like a natural solution, but this is at odds with a consistent (only needs to be compiled once) implementation.
You don't want your clients to have to recompile when you change implementation aspects. The pimpl idiom seems like a natural solution, but this is at odds with a generic (works with any type) implementation.
From your description, it sounds like you only care about numeric types, not arbitrary T's. You can declare specializations of your template for each of them explicitly in a header file, and define them in a source file, and clients will use the specializations you've defined rather than compiling their own. The specializations are a form of compile time polymorphism. Now you can combine it with runtime polymorphism -- implement the specializations in terms of an implementation class that is type agnostic. Your implementation class could use boost::variant to do this since you know the range of possible T's ahead of time (boost::variant<int, short, long, ...>). If boost isn't an option for you, you can come up with a similar scheme yourself so long as you have a finite number of Ts you care about.

Valid use of typedef?

I have a char (ie. byte) buffer that I'm sending over the network. At some point in the future I might want to switch the buffer to a different type like unsigned char or short. I've been thinking about doing something like this:
typedef char bufferElementType;
And whenever I do anything with a buffer element I declare it as bufferElementType rather than char. That way I could switch to another type by changing this typedef (of course it wouldn't be that simple, but it would at least be easy to identify the places that need to be modified... there'll be a bufferElementType nearby).
Is this a valid / good use of typedef? Is it not worth the trouble? Is it going to give me a headache at some point in the future? Is it going to make maintainance programmers hate me?
I've read through When Should I Use Typedef In C++, but no one really covered this.
It is a great (and normal) usage. You have to be careful, though, that, for example, the type you select meet the same signed/unsigned criteria, or that they respond similarly to operators. Then it would be easier to change the type afterwards.
Another option is to use templates to avoid fixing the type till the moment you're compiling. A class that is defined as:
template <typename CharType>
class Whatever
CharType aChar;
is able to work with any char type you select, while it responds to all the operators in the same way.
Another advantage of typedefs is that, if used wisely, they can increase readability. As a really dumb example, a Meter and a Degree can both be doubles, but you'd like to differentiate between them. Using a typedef is onc quick & easy solution to make errors more visible.
Note: a more robust solution to the above example would have been to create different types for a meter and a degree. Thus, the compiler can enforce things itself. This requires a bit of work, which doesn't always pay off, however. Using typedefs is a quick & easy way to make errors visible, as described in the article linked above.
Yes, this is the perfect usage for typedef, at least in C.
For C++ it may be argued that templates are a better idea (as Diego Sevilla has suggested) but they have their drawbacks. (Extra work if everything using the data type is not already wrapped in a few classes, slower compilation times and a more complex source file structure, etc.)
It also makes sense to combine the two approaches, that is, give a typedef name to a template parameter.
Note that as you're sending data over a network, char and other integer types may not be interchangeable (e.g. due to endian-ness). In that case, using a templated class with specialized functions might make more sense. (send<char> sends the byte, send<short> converts it to network byte order first)
Yet another solution would be to create a "BufferElementType" class with helper methods (convertToNetworkOrderBytes()) but I'll bet that would be an overkill for you.