Visual Studio Express 2013: How to create project with existing C++ source files ? - c++

There has been a lot of discussion about this topic but still no concrete answer about it or atleast I can not find it. I am unable to find the option File->New->Project from existing files
I have already the source files and to avail the advantage of some tools in visual studio express I installed the trial version 2013 and even after playing with it a little bit and looking for it on internet I did not find this option.
Is there any possible way to create project with existing source files like this in 2013 version ?
or should I install some older version ?
Suggestions/comments/solutions .. Please

You could try creating a blank project and then importing the files into it. Not sure if the version you're using is able to do that. Otherwise, create a new project and new source files and copy/paste the code (it's not a great solution).

In Visual Studio Express 2013 I found I was able to export an existing project as a template then build a new project off of that template.
File -> Export Template
File -> New Project and the saved Template was available to choose from.

According to "This option ( File->New->Project from existing files) is not available in Visual Studio Express editions..." so the short answer would be "no."
#JBentley - the OP asked if he could perform the task "like this", where "this" means "using File->New->Project from existing files".


Creating markdown files with Visual Studio 2019

So I have been making presentations and projects using Rmarkdown and Jupyter Notebooks. This is great because I can breakdown parts as needed and run code a section at a time. Now my projets require cpp, and I have been using Visual Studio 2019, in the new project folder I have been unable to find a way markdown option.
I did find this link:|64.2071
However most of these are quite old answers, and those that are still being updated seem to be for Visual Studio CODE not VS2019.
Mads Kristensen released a new, "complete rewrite of the original Markdown Editor with tons of fixes, tweeks, and performance improvements" (as stated in his Github Repo).
It is the best solution if you work with .MD files within your Visual Studio projects and solutions.
Also, it works with Visual Studio 2022 too.
Here is the simplest way to find and install it:
Inside your Visual Studio IDE, just go to Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> Online and then type "markdown editor v2" at the search box.

Visual Studios Express missing cpp and header files for add new item

I am fairly new to programming with visual studios and c++. I currently installed VS express 2015 (VS 14), and when I create a new project and click add new item on either the source files or header files, no pre installed templates are showing up. I watched some videos and read some documents and most of them had .cpp and .h file options. When I did some research on my own about the problem, there was a way to fix it using the registry but the bug was found for VS 2012, and the bug has been removed since. I don't really want to mess with my registry, but is there a reason why this is happening. If there is a solution please give me step by step instructions. Thank you

Add an existing (GitHub) C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 (without solution file)

I would like to add an existing C++ GitHub project to Visual Studio. I already know how to how do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013. Here is my procedure
In Visual Studio 2013
I go to Team explorer tab / Connect to team project / Clone
In the clone dialog I enter my https GitHub link and my local repository path
I click on Clone button
After that I don't know what to do. The problem is I don't have a solution file. I have my idea: I need to to create a new solution file, then project, then add manually each cpp file in my new solution and project. This sound so heavy I'm asking if there is a better and faster procedure. Perhaps I don't need a solution file.
Note: I already did C++ coding but I never used Visual Studio as my main C++ editor. The project I try to integrate to my Visual Studio 2013 is
I recommend using CMake to create the solution file. A lot of C++ projects on the web will mention this in their Readme files. Alternatively, you can create a new project (which will create a solution) and copy the code into it.

Visual Studio 2010/2012 Add-in Project Questions

I have already created a simple source code analyses tool for C/C++, but I wanted it to be an extension or tool for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 editions. It is written completely in C++. For this reason I created it using "Create an Add-in using Visual C++/ATL" option. And then under "Choose Add-in Options", I have some problems. I don't know which one or ones to select. I want it to have a name and icon under Tools section, but on the other hand, my code analyzer can be used from command line too. If someone can advice me which option(s) to select there I would be glad.
My second question is this, when I have opened a source file in Visual Studio, and if I go to Tools -> MyAddin, and press it, I want it to do its job and analyze the code, and show the results in the output section below.
And my last question is that, if I have a C/C++ project with few files let's say, and if I right-click one of the files, I want to see my add-in and be able to execute the add-in from there, not to go always to Tools -> MyAddin. And also the same thing to work if I right-click the project, then it should analyze the all files and show the problems in the output section.
Please note that I have already created the source code analyzer tool in C++, and I have it as a DLL. I can also use it in Linux from terminal, and if I want I can also create a GUI for it, which I plan to do later. But I'm not that much experienced with Visual Studio, especially about add-ins, that's why I need your help. As you can see my first question is a kind of advice, but I think my second and third questions require some source code. I know that it is very hard for you to give me some help without seeing my code, but if you would help me somehow I would be glad.
For Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 you should consider using Extensions, not Add-Ins. It is a new technology introduced in Visual Studio 2010. Extensions come in form of a VSIX packages and are automatically installed in all applicable versions of Visual Studio. If you are not targeting Visual Studio version prior to 2010, I strongly recommend using extensions.
From this point of view, I will not answer any of your technical questions about Add-Ins. Here are a couple of links to start using extensions instead:
Anatomy of a VSIX Package
Building and publishing an extension for Visual Studio 2010
Walkthrough: Creating an Options Page
I think you will find valuable information on this topic here: Developing extension packages for Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2012 using C# with real-life samples

Is the option to create a Workspace available in Microsoft Visual C++ Express?

I'm new in C++ and its IDE. I'm learning it from a guide that indicates me it would be better to have a workspace where I could save projects in it. I would like to know if this option still exists or maybe is not available in Visual C++ Express. If not appearing, which other method would be suitable?
Not in the sense of Eclipse workspaces no. Visual Studio deals with a solution (and only one at a time), which is a set of projects grouped together.
If I recall correctly, the Express versions only allow one project at a time.
Visual Studio 6 and earlier grouped projects (.dsp files) into workspaces (.dsw files). Workspaces have been replaced by solution files (.sln) since Visual Studio.NET (ca. 2001). Incidentally .dsp files were replaced by .vcproj and now .vcxproj files. Your guide may be outdated if it is talking about workspaces.