Visual Studio Debugging - Symbols never load, causing program freezes - c++

*On Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012 Professional, if it's relevant.
I've been stuck on this issue for several days now and scoured all remotely related stackoverflow answers I can find with no solutions working. The project developers seem to have no idea and I don't think it's related to their code but rather my setup.
I'm attempting to debug a C++ application written by someone else, same code runs without issues on several other computers but freezes on my computer when opening a windows file dialog (for opening or saving files.)
Per the debugger it'll freeze while trying to load symbols from libraries such as:
shdocvw.dll (most common)
and a number of others. I've let it sit over night and once if freezes it never seems to recover.
I've essentially tried all the possible configurations in Options->Debug->Symbols, including enabling and disabling the Microsoft Symbol Servers, explicitly giving it the location where these libraries should be located, project directories, loading all modules or only specified modules, clearing the cache, excluding the libraries that cause freezes (they still load+freeze,) etc
Note that deleting all breakpoints, a common solution to these types of problems, has no effect.
It will very randomly work perfectly but then restarting the program, while changing literally nothing, will make the problems come back. It's rather infuriating. The most reliable method I've found is to let it load all symbols from the Microsoft Symbol Servers for one to three runs, and then once that stops working clear the cache and run it completely locally one time, then go back to the Microsoft Symbol Servers. Though that's not a very good solution and odd that it works.
Any ideas for an actual solution?


Visual Studio cannot start debugging for C++ project 0x80070057

Randomly (and infrequently), Visual Studio (2017) will abruptly refuse to run my C++ project. This will suddenly start happening in the middle of a session.
Visual Studio will still build the project and generate the executable, however, the following cryptic error message appears every time I want to run my program. No changes were made to the configuration or project and it strangely happens after an innocent build.
(It goes without saying but I tried extensively checking for solutions to this problem and no solution worked or was applicable)
Whether I add a new configuration setting or play with the existing settings (Release/Debug, x86/x64), nothing fixes it except performing a full repair (and that takes a very long time). Creating a new project didn't help either, but running it in VS 2015 is successful.
This happens approximately once a week, so I would greatly appreciate knowing how this error can be fixed (or at least avoided).
After some more experience with it, it appears just to be an issue with Visual Studio when builds are too large and executed too often (it happened to multiple computers). More specifically, it could come about as a result of using many templates and applying a large number of explicit template specializations. By building with only the template specializations I need for testing, the issue doesn't come up.
This is usually caused by VS mixing release and debug binaries for me. I have a script which cleans all the output directories, including the garbage VS puts into the projects .vs and Windows Temp folder. This always fixes the issue for me.

Why I get a "Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000018)" when I build program in vs2015 sometimes

I write a c++ program using visual studio 2015 community in windows 7(64bit).
When I begin to run the program, sometimes the program will terminate, and a dialog box shows up, saying
"Application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000018".
Why do I get this error sometimes rather than always?
Thanks a lot.
Besides a bad application itself (that should be possible to track in the debugger):
This might be a corrupted Windows installation or Windows registry as well. Do you see it only for your application or also for some other applications?
It might be caused e.g. by some DLL that is built to be installed at fixed address, it might be a virus, malware, or even antivirus getting into the way.
Some of the reasons/solutions are mentioned e.g. here:
The first thing to try is to remove the contents of APPINIT_DLLS in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\­Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windo­­ws - some of the DLLs loaded there might cause the problem.
The reason you do not see it every time could be that sometimes there might be some other DLL loaded on the particular address before the DLL with the fixed address requirement is to be loaded, so the conflict only occurs then.

What causes the Visual Studio Debugger to make some issues not reproducible?

Environment: I have a .NET 4.0 solution that references some Visual C++ projects. Visual Studio 2010.
If I build my solution and run the resulting .exe right from the bin directory, I can reproduce my bug. But if I run it hitting the "play" button in Visual Studio (or if I run the process and attach to it) I can step through the code, and everything works as normal.
For reference, the problem I'm getting is an Access Violation which is most definitely happening the C++ code.
But more broadly, I'm wondering what other reasons there might be that attaching a debugger to a process "fixes" the issue.
MS VS is working like a sandbox. When you are starting app in that sandbox, your program inherits all settings from solution properties (or just VS settings). Make sure, all your options provided for the environment are correct. If that wont solve the problem, please double check those settings and think what can prevent access violation and uncheck/check it.
If you are using external DLL, those from you system and those from IDE may have different version. They, of course, may work in both cases, but also may cause problem like access violation or subcribent out of range, depending what is changed inside those dlls.
If its Windows app, try enabling/disabling LargeAddressAware.
If you are compiling stuff for another machine with different OS, it may happen very often due to changes in memory handling by native OS. Memory can sometimes be multi-blocked, extremely fragmented or even multi-deviced, so compile your program only with compilation especially made for targeted OS/machine
debug mode uses assert() and other stuff directly linked to debugging. If something is wrong in debugging and not in release, it means that it is acceptable by machine but not by debugging insertions. In that case you are screwed but if its not appear to be problem in other debugger, well... problem solved, its debugger issue, espeially if release without debugging options is working.
most tiring method - try to pinpoint access violation address and see inside memory windows to what are you referring.
in other cases, supply us with snippet, so we can tell something more!
#Matt this cant be heap problem, it can happen but its extremely rare.
#Huytard its wont happen, without linked dll's program should't even start.
The correct and short answer. Run Windows Updates.
The correct and long answer.
It turns out my build machine hasn't been updated in a while and was using an outdated version of Visual C++ compiler. There was a bug in the compiler for .NET 4 where static constructors were not getting called first before any other types of constructors (only in Release Mode).
But here's the kicker!
If you run the process in the Visual Studio debugger OR you attach to a remote process. The static constructors DO get called first like they are supposed to! (Hence making the issue completely un-reproducible in a debugging environment -- Even in Release mode) I found the issue by placing message boxes all over the place to determine the code path.
Running the green "play" button will use the IDE's environment
Executing from the directory will use the default environment
My guess is that there are probably some DLL's or dependencies that need to be added (directory paths) to your %PATH% environment variable.
Once you identify the dependencies and double check or something with dependency walker - you can set them in a batch script and then call your application.
For example:
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\myLibs
call MyApp.exe

Trying to right click on code in VS2008 causes lockup

Working on a Win32 DLL using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and, since yesterday, whenever I try to right click on code, to go to a variable definition for example, VS completely locks up and I have to manually kill the process. To make it even weirder, whenever this happens the devenv.exe process uses exactly 25% of the CPU. And I mean exactly, never 24%, never 26%, always 25%
Also, I've run ProcMon to see if devenv is actually doing something, but it's doing absolutely nothing external of the process. No disk, network, registry access. Nothing.
This is getting really aggravating because I have a large code base to deal with and the only other way of jumping to the definition is to first search for it.
Has anyone run into a similar issue? And, better yet, know a fix?
Edit: More info. Other projects (even an older version of the same one) work fine. I diffed the project file and the only differences is added source files and a /D define in the command line params.
Edit 2: So, it seems that now it's actually because intellisense is stuck updating. For some reason the status bar was disabled, but when getting it back I say "Updating Intellisense... (186)" and from what I've read, that 186 means that there are 186 background threads working. 186?! But, procmon still shows no IO whatsoever.
Try deleting all .sbr .bsc and .pdb files.
For the 25% CPU load: I guess it uses one core on your quad core machine.
If you have Visual Assist installed, try disabling it.
On connect, a submitted bug: Visual Studio Hang, seems to closely resemble your issue:
At random times, when I right click in the text editor, in this case C/C++ editor, Visual Studio will just hang. And if I wait it out, it still hangs.
It seems the workaround is to exit Visual Studio and delete the intellisense (.ncb) file in your project directory and reopen it.
The issue you are seeing is an intermittent failure in prior versions of Visual C++ that is hard to diagnose, and has a relatively simple workaround, as you have discussed, which is to delete your NCB. In order to get proper intellisense for header files, they would need to be included by a .cpp file in your project (directly, or indirectly through another header.)

'Start Debugging' takes forever in VisualStudio 2005

I have a large project that has > 1000 files.
When I press the green 'Play' button to start debugging, once everything is built, it can take up to 5 minutes for the app to start running.
It looks like Visual Studio is loading and unloading various DLLs, but it also just sits there occasionally doing nothing.
Running from the command line takes only a few seconds.
What's going on? How can I speed it up?
[EDIT] It turned out to be our Symbol Server. The administrator had killed it without informing anyone. Doh.
Thanks for your help guys.
Some thoughts and suggestions:
It could be caused by complex dependency checking that VS2005 does to ensure that no components have changes and have to be re-built prior to debugging. Sometimes tweaking the inter-project dependencies in the solution can help.
Are you using source control integration in Visual Studio? If so, sometimes accessing the source control repository elsewhere on the network can cause Visual Studio to slow down like this. If using a source control system like ClearCase where you can reduce unnecessary LAN communication (e.g. using a snapshot view), consider doing this.
I also find that running the executable separately (from outside Visual Studio) and then using VS2005 to attach to the process can be much faster. This is predominantly the way I work, and I find it much less frustrating.
Another thing to consider is whether you are using a symbol server to access debug symbols for the Windows DLLs. If so, VS2005 can sometimes try to access the symbol server every time you debug. The way around this is to load the symbols once, and then uncheck the symbol server URL under Tools->Options->Debugging->Symbols. As long as the OS libraries haven't changed since you last downloaded the symbols, there's no reason to access the remote server every time.
It sounds like it could be loading symbols for various DLL's which you probably don't care about. You can disable these in Options.
If not, what do you see in the Output window?