How to change file permissions recursively on Midnight Commander? - mc

If I select all the files and use ctrl + x c it just asks me to change permissions to all the selected files individually and if I do it at the directory level all of the files inside are unaffected. Is there a way to change the permissions of all the selected files at once?

Chmod, Chown and Advanced Chown don't work recursively. Use External Panelize command to list all your files in a panel, select some or all files and execute Chmod.

I forgot I had opened this question but a little while after asking it I found that I just need to use in the chmod window (ctrl-x c) instead of , that would produce the results I wanted.


Delete files extracted with xorriso

I was looking for a way to extract an iso file without root access.
I succeeded using xorriso.
I used this command:
xorriso -osirrox on -indev image.iso -extract / extracted_path
Now when I want to delete the extracted files I get a permission denied error.
lsattr lists -------------e-- for all files.
ls -l lists -r-xr-xr-x for all files.
I tried chmod go+w on a test file but still can't delete it.
Can anyone help me out?
obviously your files were marked read-only in the ISO. xorriso preserves
the permissions when extracting files.
The reason why you cannot remove the test file after chmod +w is that
the directory which holds that file is still read-only. (Anyways, your
chmod command did not give w-permission to the owner of the file.)
Try this tree changing command:
chmod -R u+w extracted_path
Have a nice day :)

C++: Copy a file to the root directory under Windows

I wonder whether it is possible in C++ to programatically copy a concrete file to the root directory. For example, say I have a file exm.txt in the location C:\example\ and I'd like to copy it to C:\ so that I'll obtain a file C:\exm.txt. Is it possible in C++ WinAPI? When using
nothing happens and this functions returns error code 5: Access denied [I'm almost sure I'm working as the administrator - this is my personal computer].
The aforementioned function - as far as I know - works correctly for all other directories (different from the root directory in some partition). So, my question is whether we can do programatically copy also to the root directory.
Thanks in advance for any help!
That is because the security settings, by default, do not allow standard user to create files at the root level of the system drive.
The obvious solutions are:
Save the file somewhere else if you can. It's good practise not to litter the root directory of the system volume.
Run the process with elevated rights by adding the requireAdministrator option to your manifest. Or by right clicking the executable or shortcut and selecting Run as administrator.

Installing OpenCart extensions locally

When installing OpenCart extensions, you´re generally given a bunch of folders that should be copied to the root directory and the extension files will find their way to the right subfolders. This works great in FTP software, but on a local installation (Mac OSX) using Finder, this operation makes Finder want to overwrite the folders completely, deleting the actual site and just keep the extension.
I can hold Alt when dragging the folders and it will give me the option to not overwrite, the problem is I have hidden files visible, which means there's now a .DS_STORE file in each folder and the ”Hold ALT”-approach doesn’t work in case there are ANY duplicate files in any of the folders.
I’m sure someone out there has stumbled upon the same problem, any ideas for how to solve such a simple but annoying problem? I do not wish to use FTP software for local file management.
I have the same problem, and i found 3 different ways to solve this:
a - use another file manager, i personally use "Transmit" to do this sort of things;
b - use terminal, like: ditto <source> <destination>. Or easier way just type ditto, and drag the source folder, then drag the destination folder, all inside source will merge inside destination;
c - unzip the plugin, inside the OC folder using the terminal, like: tar -zxvf;

Using regex in FTP for filenames for downloading files

Is it possible to use regex for matching file names in FTP to get files from server ?
I need to do FTP to server and need to download the files whose file names are ending with the same value. In my case, it is 14_04_25_144238.
I am not sure if it is doable. But, just out of curiosity, asking this.
Can we use regex like .*14_04_25_144238 in the ftp get command ?
Thanks in advance.
Dinesh S
You want the mget command.
From the Unix man page
mget remote-files
Expand the remote-files on the remote machine and
do a get for each file name thus produced. See glob for details on
the filename expansion. Resulting file names will then be
processed according to case, ntrans, and nmap settings. Files are
transferred into the local working directory, which can be changed
with 'lcd directory'; new local directories can be created with '!
mkdir directory'.
If you want to turn of the prompting of each file, then you also need this:
Toggle interactive prompting. Interactive prompting occurs
during multiple file transfers to allow the user to selectively retrieve or store files. If prompting is turned off (default is on), any mget or mput will transfer all files, and any
mdelete will delete all files

How to replace a folder in a pending cl in p4?

I want to replace folder A in P4 by another folder A.
The two folders have different files and sub folders.
I know, we can do it by deleting old folder A then adding new folder A.
But, can I do it with only one step in a pending changelist ?
As following result in that pending cl:
If this file is in old folder, but not in new folder, then it is marked by "delete".
If this file is in new folder, but not in old folder, then it is marked by "add".
If this file is in new folder and also in old folder, then it is marked by "modify".
Thank you
Are both these folders under source control?
That is, are you trying to make //depot/folder/A contain what //depot/other/A_prime contains?
If so, consider using 'p4 copy':
p4 copy //depot/other/A_prime/... //depot/folder/A/...
If the other folder A is just something you have on your hard disk, then consider using 'reconcile':
p4 edit //depot/folder/A/...
rm -r /path/to/depot/folder/A/*
cp -r /path/to/other/folder/A/* /path/to/depot/folder/A
p4 reconcile -aed //depot/folder/A/...
I kind of like the 'p4 copy' approach, myself, so I'd be tempted to check that other folder into Perforce (in a different location in the repository, naturally), so that I could then run 'p4 copy'.