How to compile fortran files in an QT Project under OSX? - c++

I have an QT project with some fortran code included. Its working fine in Linux and Windows. But in OSX its not compiling and saying :
error: invalid value 'f95' in '-x f95'
Which i guess is because clang/gcc version which comes with XCode does not include fortran.
I am using MacOSX10.11 with LLVM 7.3.0(clang-703.0.31) and QT 5.6


Linux --> Windows CrossCompilation Error with QT Creator

I want to do a cross compilation on Linux for a Windows use.
I have download the compiler MinGW for C++ on my VM, I tried to set it up as a Kit, and here's the error I have :
Error: The compiler "MinGW (C++, ×86 64bit at /usr/bin/×86_64-w64-mingw32-g++)" (x86-windows-msys-pe-64bit) cannot produce code for the Qt version "Qt 6.4.1 GCC 64bit" (x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit).
Do I have to download an other version of MinGW? Which one then?
Thanks a lot !
I had the same issue on Arch. I think this "warning" is a bug. I just ignore that fact, and try build app. I wasn't get any errors, even was try to open output .exe in Windows and don't notice any issue.

Qt Creator not compiling Qt Examples for iOS

I'm trying to compile one QT Example included in QT creator for iOS device. The example is stocqt and I have getting the following trace when I try to build:
error: can't exec '/Applications/Xcode' (No such file or directory)
I'm compiling using the following environment:
Yosemite (10.10.3)
XCode 6.4
Qt Creator 3.5.1
Qt 5.4.2
Target: iPad with iOS 7.1.1
My PATH in system environment is the following:
Any idea about why Qt Creator is not getting my XCode path or what's going on with it?
Of course, the project is configured for iOS and is using clang.

Why can't I compile this program with clang?

I have downloaded Windows snapshot build from here. I just run that executable file & Write following simple C++ program
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout<<"Welcome to Clang\n";
clang++ 999.cpp
999.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'iostream' file not found
#include <iostream>
1 error generated.
What is going wrong here? What I am missing? What should I do so that I can successfully compile my C & C++ programs on Windows using clang?
There's no windows platform support for clang's C++ standard library:
This is why you can' t simply compile this code in windows: it doesn't find the headers you're referring to.
Following Tom's remark, you can however give clang a build target:
clang -target i686-pc-windows-win32 ....
When a win32 target is given, clang will use msvc's library if it's installed, and if the environment variable INCLUDE was not set to another location.
Note however that llvm website gives a disclaimer about it:
Clang mostly works on Windows, but does not currently understand all
of the Microsoft extensions to C and C++. Because of this, clang
cannot parse the C++ standard library included with Visual Studio, nor
parts of the Windows Platform SDK. However, most standard C programs
do compile.
You need to have Visual Studio installed.
Clang uses its libs and headers.

Diffimg c++ Image comparer Diffimg-2.2.0

H I have the source code of Diffimg-2.2.0 (Image comparision tool) and the compilation process return this error:
D:\C++\Diffimg-2.2.0-src\3rdparty\qtpropertybrowser\qtpropertybrowser.h:44: error: QtGui/QWidget: No such file or directory
Using: QT Creator 3.3.0 and Cmake 2.6 as compiler
Source code on SF:
Somebody has modified this code yet?
This error means that you're compiling the code with the wrong version of Qt.
Most likely the project uses Qt4 and you're compiling with Qt5. They are not compatible.
Since you're on windows, you can find Qt 4.8 here :
Once you've installed Qt4 on your system, you can add it to QtCreator in Options->Compiler->Qt versions if it doesn't appear automatically.

Can't compile Qt Creator

I'm trying to compile Qt Creator source code and got the following error message:
fatal error: QtCore/private/qwineventnotifier_p.h : No such file or directory.
I'm on Win XP SP3 using QtSDK version 1.1.3, MinGW (g++ 4.5.2). In the QtCore folder of the QtSDK includes there is no any folder named private, and searching for qwineventnotifier_p.h yielded nothing. What can i do?
Apparently there's an issue with this recently:
You my try getting the file from somewhere, e.g.:
But I can't tell if this will be enough or if Qt Creator will rely on the actual sources for that header file.