Can't compile Qt Creator - c++

I'm trying to compile Qt Creator source code and got the following error message:
fatal error: QtCore/private/qwineventnotifier_p.h : No such file or directory.
I'm on Win XP SP3 using QtSDK version 1.1.3, MinGW (g++ 4.5.2). In the QtCore folder of the QtSDK includes there is no any folder named private, and searching for qwineventnotifier_p.h yielded nothing. What can i do?

Apparently there's an issue with this recently:
You my try getting the file from somewhere, e.g.:
But I can't tell if this will be enough or if Qt Creator will rely on the actual sources for that header file.


QPageSize: No such file or directory in qt c++

I am facing a problem with Qt. I am using Qt 5.5.1 with Qt Creator 3.5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 32bit. I have a problem since I used a new class which is added after Qt 5.3. I got an error "No such file or directory". For example if I put
#include <QPageSize>
it gives me an error QPageSize: No Such file or directory. I used QT += gui & QT += widgets in my project file. Still I got this error. I don't understand how can I use these new classes in my program.

QtWebKit/QWebView: No such file or directory

I am trying to build a an example that I found at When I go to build I get an error stating that there is no such directory for QtWebKit/QWebView. I am on Qt 4.8.6 and have confirmed that QT += webkit is in the *.pro file. I can confirm that my version of Qt was compiled with the -webkit option configured. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and libqtwebkit-dev is installed. Any ideas what else could be causing this?
To clarify, the exact error is QtWebKit/QWebView: No such file or directory it points to the instance of include <QtWebKit/QWebView> in ui_logindialog.h

Diffimg c++ Image comparer Diffimg-2.2.0

H I have the source code of Diffimg-2.2.0 (Image comparision tool) and the compilation process return this error:
D:\C++\Diffimg-2.2.0-src\3rdparty\qtpropertybrowser\qtpropertybrowser.h:44: error: QtGui/QWidget: No such file or directory
Using: QT Creator 3.3.0 and Cmake 2.6 as compiler
Source code on SF:
Somebody has modified this code yet?
This error means that you're compiling the code with the wrong version of Qt.
Most likely the project uses Qt4 and you're compiling with Qt5. They are not compatible.
Since you're on windows, you can find Qt 4.8 here :
Once you've installed Qt4 on your system, you can add it to QtCreator in Options->Compiler->Qt versions if it doesn't appear automatically.

qwt build - qmake build (Qt 5.3)

I want to compile the qwt library using qt 5.3. Previously I had older versions of Qt. So, when I call the Qt 5.3.0 32-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012 OpenGL) shell and move to the directory, which contains qwt (C:\qwt-6.1.0), then perform qmake I get this error:
Cannot read c:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/mkspecs/win32-msvc2010/qmake.conf: The system cannot find
the path specified. Could not read qmake configuration
file c:/Qt/Qt5.0.2/mkspecs/win32-msvc2010/qmake.conf.
Error processing project file: C:\qwt-6.1.0\
qmake -set QMAKESPEC "C:\Qt_5.3\5.3\msvc2012_opengl\mkspecs\win32-msvc2012\"
Does not help.
PS. Solution is found! I've tried not to do like is in qwt tutorial, simple open *.pro file by Qt Creator. After this just "build" and everything was done. Without console

Makefile.Release error: Making Zint Barcode project work in Qt

After acquiring Zint Barcode generator i went into the folder backend_qt4 and opened the Qt project file This project does unfortunately not compile, with the error:
Makefile.Release: No such file or directory
What causes this error?
I'm using Qt5.2.1 with MinGW compiler.
Note: There is also a frontend_qt4 project, which displays the same error when i'm trying to compile it.
Edit: I downloaded zint-2.4.3.tar.gz from here