MS Word 2010 Completely reformatted my whole document - templates

I'm thinking this might have something to do with a template, but it's really weird.
I started off with a .doc file and a .docx file that I had previously edited, combined them, and saved the result as a .docx file. Both files were originally created as templates by someone else long ago. Within a few minutes, the fonts and spacing of everything in the document have been changed, making a total mess out of my document. I also noticed something in the lower left corner referencing "contacting" a template. I never noticed this before with these templates.
What a mess. How can I make it stop doing this? If I take the time to reformat everything the way I want it again, I don't want it to revert back the next time my back is turned.

Ah. I got it figured out. One of the component documents, and the merged document, had a template attached to it that was stored on a server. The template file on the server doesn't exist any more - someone must have recently deleted it. The reformatting apparently reflects Word automatically changing the template to
If I catch it in time, before the changes are made, I can save the file as a .dot or .dotx (template) file, and then attach that local template file to future documents so they don't have to rely on the template that is no longer on the server.
How I figured this out:
Google found an answer to a question about disabling a long wait for a linked file that no longer existed, leading me to File | Options | Advanced | General - uncheck "Update automatic links at open." That didn't undo the reformatting that had already happened, but may have prevented reformatting of the component document the next time I opened it.
The same answer pointed me to the right side of the File page, where various file properties are displayed. When I click on "Show All Properties", I can see the file name of the Template file, as the eighth property displayed.
General googling about Word templates led me to File | Options | Customize Ribbon | Customize the Ribbon, where I checked the previously empty box next to "Developer". Now, Developer | Document Template allows me to see and change the location of the document template.
I opened a previous version of one of the component files (the .doc file), the one that had the template from the server attached to it, and watched Word search for the template. But it did not reformat it the file. I saved the file as .dot, as .dotx with compatibility, and as .dotx - just to be sure I had all necessary options available.
I opened my reformatted composite file, went to Developer | Document Template, and specified my recently saved .dotx file as the template, made sure that "Automatically update document styles" was checked, and clicked OK.
Voila! I have my previous formatting back.


VSTS Pending changes files are not checked out

I am facing some strange with VSTS and visual studio 2017. I was working on some changes since last 2 weeks and since last Friday I could see all my pending changes.
However On Monday when I tried same to check my pending changes I am not able to see any file checked out and it says no pending changes. I checked my changes in one of the file and I found those changes but then in this case my file must have been checked out as per my knowledge.
Now I am not able to see any checked out file and my pending changes list is empty. Pleas help me to resolve this issue.
There could be many reasons for this. Below are some of the common reasons I could think of:
Go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control and make sure that you have Project binding ON. If not click on 'Bind' button. Now if you edit any file it will be get automatically checked-out and will be available in 'Pending Changes' list.
For now, go to 'View -> Other Windows -> Source Control Explorer', right click on project folder and select 'Compare'. It will show the list of files that differ from TFS. Check out the files to make those available for 'check-in'
Also make sure that in 'Compare' list 'Latest' column shows 'Yes'

How to make WebStorm IDE to correctly recognise file type?

 The Background
(Within JetsBrains / WebStorm IDE) Initially I created a file called HelloWorldContainer - accidentally left out the .js extension (I meant to create HelloWorldContainer.js).
WebStorm asks what file type I would like that file to be (e.g. JavaScript? Text File? HTML? etc.). I accidentally hit the enter key - and WebStorm has treated it as a text file.
Realising my mistake, I renamed the file to HelloWorldContainer.js (adding that .js to the end`). Hoping this will change the file type back to a JavaScript file.
The Problem
For some reason, WebStorm is still "seeing" HelloWorldContainer.js as a text file??? (snapshot below). This is a problem as now my JavaScript Live Templates no longer load for this file.
Snapshot 1: showing HelloWorld.js as a JavaScript file, whilst HelloWorldContainer.js showing as a text file (huh?).
Snapshot 2: for HelloWorld.js, WebStorm knows it is a JavaScript file - Live Templates successfully loaded as a result. (Cmd + J)
Snapshot 3: for HelloWorldContainer.js, WebStorm (for some reason) fail to recognise it as a JavaScript file - the JavaScript Live Templates fail to load as a result. (Cmd + J)
How to I make WebStorm recognise HelloWorldContainer.js as a JavaScript file again?
Note: I've tried...
delete the HelloWorldContainer.js and recreate it again, WebStorm is still seeing it as a text file.
rename HelloWorldContainer.js to HelloWorldContainer2.js - WebStorm now sees it as a JavaScript file. But if I rename it back to original name, WebStorm sees it as a text file again. (I really want to call my file HelloWorldContainer.js! :-)
The Solution
Just tried out the solution provided below (by #LazyOne)- works like a charm! Some snapshots for note keeping...
Snapshot 4: remove the offending pattern.
Snapshot 5: WebStorm now sees the file as a JavaScript again!
Settings/Preferences | Editor | File Types
Locate Text entry in top list
Remove offending pattern from bottom list -- most likely will be HelloWorldContainer.js or very similar
Hit OK and wait till project will be re-indexed.

linking to cfml code ala jsfiddle

ok so i'm working on a new version of and one of the features is to link to code.
I am using as my inspiration for the new site.
Now with jsfiddle all the code runs in the client, so it is not a problem for other people to edit it.
But with CFML obviously the files need to be saved on the server first, which means the original file would get overwritten if anyone makes any changes, which is obviously going to be problematic as the original author may not want his files to get edited, so I am looking for some feedback/suggestions on what would be the best way to handle this.
My best idea so far is.
All files are stored in a unique folder using a JsessionID
e.g. anonymous files
or user files
the original author marks the files as editable or not. You must register and be logged in to have this control.
Files created anonymously (not logged in) can be edited as default.
If the file is editable then it can be edited, otherwise it gets duplicated for each new session.
Anonymous sessions get deleted if they have not been access for 90 days.

How can I change the file type association of an existing file in WebStorm?

I accidentally created a file with no extension and I chose the wrong file type association. Text Document I think. I renamed it to have the .js extension which is what I wanted, but now it's stuck without any syntax highlighting. WebStorm doesn't treat it as a javascript file. I can't find anywhere to change how WebStorm treats this file. I've tried renaming it and renaming it back and that doesn't work. With any other name, (with a .js extension) it treats it as a javascript file, but not as the original name.
How can I fix this? The WebStorm documentation is no help.
In Settings (or Preferences for mac) > Editor > File Types you can edit patterns by which a file gets associated as some type or other.
If you select the patterns for a file type you have wrongly selected (in your case Text type) you can remove the filename pattern with which was created to associate you file's filename as a wrong type.
Then click Apply > OK
I've had this problem in php storm 8.0.3 on OSX.
I was struggling with a single file that had been added as a text file, but I'd typed in the .js extension.
I tried deleting and recreating, renaming and renaming back, deleting .idea altogether. Nothing worked.
I found that PHPStorm had added the entire file name to the list of patterns for a text file.
... etc
This was obviously overriding all other settings. And futhermore it was in the IDE Config not the project config. So I'm guessing every other project would have suffered the same issue.
Once I knew where to look it was easily fixed.
Navigate to:
PhpStorm > Preferences > Editor > File Types > <highlight> Text files
Then find myfile.js in the Registered Patterns panel and delete it.
The file should immediately assume it's correct association.
Go to Settings->File Types and then click on "Text Files". You should see the file if you scroll down. You can then remove it with the association by selecting it and clicking the - (minus) button
Refer to File -> Settings -> IDE Settings -> File Types
In right select "Text files" in Reconigzed File Types then find in Registered Patterns your file and click remove your file
On Windows 8, I was able to remove the invalid association by going under File > Settings > Editor > File Types, then I selected "Text files" as the Recognised File Type and removed the invalid entry from the Registered Patterns block at the bottom.
So much answers and everything is close but no one as in my case.
A had an issue with .vue files. My old PHpStorm version did not track the .vue files, so I somehow associated them as .js files. However, this was a mistake because the syntax is different and I saw a lot of "mistakes" in the code.
Yeah, the solution is really in Settings (or Preferences for mac) > Editor > File Types dialogue. In the window you can see the list of possible associations. At the very bottom of the list you'll see the Vue.js Templates and I had no associations in the bottom window (see the pic), so I manually added *.vue association after clicking green "+".
I think this would be right for any proper file type added to PHPStorm. However, you can add your own file type.
In the new WebStorm versions we can click on the file, select the option Override File Type and change for the type that we want.
Selecting the Override File Type option:
Selecting the file extension:
I have found in phpstorm that I can use the Refactor > Rename... function to associate a file of unspecified file type (e.g. a name with no extension) with a file type.
For example if I have a bash script named do_the_things I can Refactor > Rename it to which causes it to pick up the bash highlighting, then when I Refactor > Rename it back to do_the_things it keeps the bash highlighting.
This works in PHPStorm, i can assume in WebStorm should be something similar
Go to Preferences directory
Here is how to find for your OS
Find a file YOUR_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY/options/filetypes.xml
Edit it with any text editor and delete needed row, for example
<mapping pattern="delete.yaml" type="PLAIN_TEXT" />
Top Menu File->Invalidate Caches / Restart
In my case, the file in question, DepositBreakdownList.js, was associated with a "type" called "File type auto-detected by file content". Selecting it and then removing it (with the minus sign button) allowed the file to be treated as a proper JavaScript file again.
Until I did that, I was unable to use Live Templates associated with JavaScript, even though the file extension was .js, which was just maddening.
I've found a solution,
delete (o rename as .old) the file:
After like an hour of searching and screwing around I found a fix:
I renamed the file (through the refactor command) to a temporary file name. Then I created a new file with the correct name with the .js extension and it worked, then I copied the code from the original to the newly created file with the correct extension.
I imagine selecting "new javascript file" and doing the same thing would also work.

Magento - locate specific core files

I am familiar with theming and using template hints in the Magento back office to locate .phtml files.
What I am not really familiar with are the core files such as app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model
What I need to do is override a core file like I would a core phtml file by copying it to 'my theme'.
I basically want to amend some labels which appear on the order summary page of the Magento checkout process -
I followed the trail to the phtml files using template hints. Within the app/design/frontend/default/mytheme/template/checkout/cart I found the code
renderTotals(); ?>
Now I managed, by accident, to stumble upon two of the files I wanted to change:
I made local copies of these files ( to override the default labels, like I would if I was overriding a template file.
My question is, how can you locate core files which pertain to the 'stuff' you want to change, located in function calls such as renderTotals(); ?> in the phtml files?
Not being able to pinpoint stuff like I can with template hints is slowing me down, and I am struggling to find a solution as I am not up on all the vocab surrounding Magento yet.
Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance!
From the same settings page where you turn on Template Path Hints, also turn on the "Add Block Names to Hints" setting. This will show you PHP class names such as: Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Grand to which you can deduce the folder path (underscores represent a subfolder, and the last piece represents the file name).
If you're getting a block such as Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Default then sometimes it just takes a little common sense to see that it's pulling in other files from the same folder (such as Grand.php and Shipping.php). But there are generally only a couple files in the same folder, so this is pretty easy to see.
As Sid Vel said, a good Search Project functionality is helpful. But if you find yourself looking at Abstract.php of some class, often you need to look in a subfolder in that directory with the proper name to find the concrete implementations. But still, it gets you very close to where you need to be.
I always use Dreamweaver's site / directory search function. It will scan through all the files in the Core folder and tell you where the function is from. In your case, I would search for "renderTotals". You need to enable PHTML editing in Dreamweaver.
Most IDE's will allow this kind of search option. In Aptana you can Ctrl + Click on the function to open the file it is coming from. Magento takes ages to index itself on Aptana, due to its sheer size.