Run a C++ executable in Matlab from SSH server - c++

I'm trying to run an executable, generated from C++ code, in Matlab.
To do this I use the command
system('unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /home/Documents/ServerFolder/ExecutableFiles/program_23 argument');
where program_23 is the executable generated by the C++ code.
When I do that in Ubuntu, it works perfectly fine.
The problem arise when I do that from a SSH server (i.d. calling Matlab from a server, but running the exact same script that works in Ubuntu).
In particular, if I add
[status,cmdout] = system('unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /home/Documents/ServerFolder/ExecutableFiles/program_23 argument');
I can see that status is different from 0, meaning a failure of the system command.
Does anyone have any idea on how to make this work?
Thank you


How can I solve this error in OMNest 5.5.1?

I get the following error:
Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "C:/OMNEST-5.5.1/samples/enera/lteAdvanced/enera.exe" (in directory "C:\OMNEST-5.5.1\samples\enera\lte"): CreateProcess error=2, The System cannot find the file.
I already built the project many times. I have tried to make a simplier already given example from omnet just to check if this is working. It is working. But if I copy this example in my Project it also doesn't work, so there is sth wrong with my Project file. But it seems to be correct. I just have one Connection and kept it really really simple. But it doesn't work. I have installed Omnest and inet correctly.
The most likely cause is that the EXE file cannot find the omnet++ dynamic libraries it tries the load. And the most likely reason is that you are trying to execute the executable from a CMD prompt instead of from the shell provided by the mingwenv.cmd script.
Everything you do in OMNeT++ (including starting the simulations) must be run from the mingwenv shell.

Use a C++ compiled code within a R Shiny app in

I have developed a ShinyApp that is built around a C++ program. In short, what the app does is :
provides a nice interface to setup the parameters (in a text file) for the C++ app
runs the C++ compiled code using the system(...) command
displays the output of the C++ code using ggplot2
The C++ compiled code is stored into the www folder. Locally it works fine, but when I load the app to the shinyapp website (I have a free subscription), I got the following error:
sh: 1: ./a.out: Permission denied
with a.out being my compile c++ code. Any idea if
I am doing something wrong?
It is possible call a compiled c++ code within
This is a super old question, but since I stumbled on it looking for an answer for my identical problem, I would share what worked for me.
I didn't try the .bat suggestion mentioned in the comments, because that seemed to be tied to Windows OS and Shiny uses Linux.
Instead, I used R's Sys.chmod() function. In your case, if you are calling system("a.out"), before that line, put Sys.chmod("a.out", mode="777"). Note that you may want to look more into what chmod does with regards to permissions. But the code would look like:
// ...
Sys.chmod("a.out", mode="777")
// ... remaining code

Python subprocess is unstable on Windows 10?

p = subprocess.Popen([executable_file])
This is only code that I am using to run the python subprocess. However, it has unknown issue that cause my program cannot open the executable file as expected.
executable_file is one file link (PATH) that locate executable program.
Ex. C:\Users\SharkIng\Dev\WhatEverSystem\Builds\Windows\program-123456789-123456789.exe
The python subprocess.Popen should run the program. However, sometime it works and sometime it is not (I did not change any code between this two situation)
OS: Windows 10
Python: 2.7.*
Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
BUT: It is working if you manually run subprocess.Popen([executable_file_path_string]) (with same file and path) it work.
WHY this happen?? Is that because some problem with Windows Python? or it is because my setting mess me up?
UPDATE: It is not some reason such as NOT FULL PATH. I can have it working with exact same code. If I ran same code in a python shell, by typing each line of code. It works. But if I put exact same code in a .py file and run it with python, it showing the error
UPDATE 2: Another team member have same error with Windows 7 and Python 2.7.* This code used to work this morning. AGAIN I didn't change anything. That is way I am asking if it is unstable.
There is no problem with subprocess. If you want to run a specified executable, you need to give the full path to that file. The most likely reason you're seeing variable behavior is that sometimes you're in the directory with the .exe, and other times you're not.

Confusing output with SIPp remote commands through C++'s system() on Ubuntu

I'm having a bit of trouble with understanding how the system() command is functioning on Ubuntu.
I am creating a C++ program to remotely control SIPp clients (SIPp remotely controlling clients) and have pretty much completed the program, but I'm now running into an issue when I'm testing it.
I had already tested this on my centOS VM, and it was running perfectly, but now that I'm testing it on my Ubuntu VM, it's failing to even execute the commands.
On Ubuntu's terminal, I can run echo + >/dev/udp/ and the SIPp client will accept the command, However, when I run my program (Which does the same thing) I get a sh: 1: cannot create /dev/udp/ Directory nonexistent.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
system("echo + >/dev/udp/");
return 0;//
The above code works perfectly fine on centOS and the SIPp client recieves and performs the task, but on Ubuntu it's giving me the Directory nonexistent error.
From what I can see, it's currently trying to read the > as me attempting me to output a file, but escaping the > with \> just produces a compiler error.
warning: unknown escape sequence: '\>' [enabled by default]
system("echo + \>");
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be one happy camper.
So after searching around forever I realized it was because access to /dev/udp was a bash only function, and system() was interpreted by bin/sh.
Changing my system() call to system("bash -c \"echo + >/dev/udp/localhost/8888\""); solved the problem.
Had a similar Problem and found a different solution, i had to do it in a bashscript and ubuntu threw the same error. This worked for me:
echo "+" | nc -4u -w1 8888
Got it from here:

c++ cgi app calling other program fails

I develop a c++ CGI program that runs under Windows and Linux.
This program calls another program like this:
system("otherProgram.exe arguments");
I also tried:
spawnl(_P_WAIT, "otherProgram.exe", "argument1", NULL);
This works fine in my debugger and in my Virtual Machine, but on my test server it doesn't work.
The system call returns -1.
Any ideas why?
This is likely a permissions issue. By default your CGI application will be run as if by user nobody. The program you want to launch should be executable by "nobody".
Is the directory containing "otherProgram.exe" in one of the directories in your PATH environment variable in the test box? That is, does your operating system know how to find that program?