Convert malloc to new - c++

How to write the following code using new operator?
Please explain in detail.
Thanks in advance.
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXCOL 5
using namespace std;
int main()
int (*p)[MAXCOL];
p = (int(*)[MAXCOL])malloc(MAXROW*sizeof(*p));

Quite simply, to answer the question literally:
p = new int[MAXROW][MAXCOL];
This allocates a 2D array (MAXROW by MAXCOL) on the free store and, as usual with new, returns a int(*)[MAXCOL] - the same type as decaying the 2D array. Don't forget to delete[] p;.
The last part brings up the importance of std::vector. Presumably, you know the size of the second dimension at compile-time. Therefore, a std::vector<std::array<int, MAXCOL>> would work with the added bonus of not requiring a delete[] statement, plus it knows its size (MAXROW). Please use this if at all possible.
In fact, in your example, both dimensions are known at compile-time, meaning a std::array<std::array<int, MAXCOL>, MAXROW> would also work here. That's typically preferable to dynamic allocation.
If neither dimension is known at compile-time, your best bet is usually a vector of vectors or a dedicated matrix class to increase performance when you know every inner vector is the same size.

Since this is C++ I will recomend using std::array and std::unique_ptr
Also when using malloc you should use free un-alloc or free the memory, if you use new you need to use delete; if you new[] you need to use delete[]
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <array>
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXCOL 5
using namespace std;
int main()
int (*p)[MAXCOL];
p = (int(*)[MAXCOL])malloc(MAXROW*sizeof(*p));
free(p); //free memory
array<int,MAXCOL> *p1 = new array<int,MAXCOL>[MAXROW];
delete []p1; //use this to delete the variable
array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW> *p2 = new array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW>;
delete p2; // normal delete for this one
auto p3 = make_unique<array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW>>();
//no delete needed for p3, it is a smart pointer.

The literal question
” How to write the following code using new operator?
… means something else than you think it means.
The new operator is a simple allocation function roughly directly analogous to C's malloc, except the C++ new operator is replacable by a user defined one.
You probably mean a new expression. Such an expression invokes the new operator for allocation, and then invokes a constructor for initialization, if the allocated thing is of class type. And it's type safe.
Still, for your array you'd not want that either, but simply std::vector from the standard library.
Here's an example using a std::vector of vectors to create a matrix:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
auto main()
-> int
int const n_rows = 3;
int const n_cols = 5;
using Row = vector<int>;
vector<Row> v( n_rows, Row( n_cols ) );
// E.g. v[1] is a row, and v[1][2] is an int item in that row.
Even if you don't so often use matrices, it can be a good idea to wrap the general notion of a matrix, in a class. A simple way is to use a single std::vector for storage, and provide e.g. an at function or an operator() for indexing from client code. If you don't yet feel like doing this yourself, then e.g. the Boost library provides a matrix class.


How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++ or why I should not use it?

I want to malloc an array in my code, and its size should be defined at runtime.
I tried like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
int main(){
int M=4,N=3,P=5;
std::array<std::array<double,M>,N> arr;
But MSVC told me:
a variable with non-static storage duration cannot be used as a non-type argument
I don't find the answer to this in stackoverflow.(The existing question seem not to solve my problem...)
How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++?
I know I could use std::vector to solve this. But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself and this would be used many times in my project. And I want to use C++ type code rather than C type...Maybe there is a method to turn a 2D array in C type to std::array, but I can't find it by Google...
So I ask this question...
I mean the M and N should be got dynamically(not changed,but I can only know it in runtime...),like:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a=3;
int b=4;
int rowCount=a+b;
int colCout=b-a;
int** a = new int*[rowCount];
for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
a[i] = new int[colCount];
I know where is my mistake. I fell into a logical question... If I don't use push_back,the vector works well. If I use it, the array doesn't work, too.
I think the capcity of vector is bigger than its size, I want to avoid this. But another question: How to limit the capacity of std::vector to the number of element show I should use my allocator or std::vector::shrink_to_fit() to avoid it...(There is no guarantee in C++17 if you use reserve(n))
The dynamically allocated array container in C++ is std::vector. std::array is for specifically compile-time fixed-length arrays. is your friend!
But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself
Not quite sure what you mean with that, but you specify the size of your std::vector using the constructor.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> arr(N);
If you need some special allocator (not just new/malloc), then you can also specify a custom allocator.
Your whole program that you propose is not good C++. A C++ solution would look like:
#include <vector>
int main() {
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
unsigned int rowCount = a + b;
unsigned int colCount = b - a;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(rowCount);
for (auto& row : matrix) {
std::array, like an actual array in C++, requires a constant size. It's what gives it any advantage at all over std::vector.
For a technical explanation as to how that requirement is implemented, remember that template parameters are required to be compile-time constants (since it changes how the code is generated, again at compile-time).
Anyway, you want to use std::vector here. If you know the size you want, give it as a constructor parameter.

C++ Function Alters Value of Passed Parameter

I have a simple swapping function to take an integer array, and return a new array with swapped values.
int* Node::dataSwap(int *data, int n_index, int swap_index){
int *path = data;
int swapped = data[n_index];
int to_swap = data[swap_index];
path[n_index] = to_swap;
path[swap_index] = swapped;
return path;
However, the reference to the original data is being altered by this function. The output looks something like this (printing the should be the same data to console).
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5
6, 7, 8
0, 1, 2
3, 4, 8
6, 7, 5
Why is "data" being changed when I am not changing it? Is "path" a reference to the actual mem addr of "data"?
The type of the argument data and the local variable path is int *. You can read this as "pointer to int".
A pointer is a variable holding a memory address. Nothing more, nothing less. Since you set path = data, those two pointers are equal.
In your mind, data is an array. But that's not what the function dataSwap is seeing. To the function dataSwap, its argument data is just a pointer to an int. This int is the first element of your array. You accessed elements of the array using data[n_index]; but that's just a synonym for *(data + n_index).
How to remedy to your problem?
The C way: malloc and memcpy
Since you want to return a new array, you should return a new array. To do this, you should allocate a new region of memory with malloc, and then copy the values of the original array to the new region of memory, using memcpy.
Note that it is impossible to do this using only the current arguments of the function, since none of those arguments indicate the size of the array:
data is a pointer to the first element of the array;
n_index is the index of one of the elements in the array;
swap_index is the index of another element in the array.*
So you should add a fourth element to the function, int size, to specify how many elements are in the array. You can use size as argument to malloc and memcpy, or to write a for loop iterating over the elements of the array.
New problem arising: if you call malloc to allocate new memory, then the user will have to call free to free the memory at some point.
C++ has the cool keyword new whose syntax is somewhat lighter than the syntax of malloc. But this doesn't solve the main problem; if you allocate new memory with the keyword new, then the user will have to free the memory with the keyword delete at some point.
Urgh, so much burden!
But this was the C way. A good rule of thumb in C++ is: never handle arrays manually. The standard library has std::vector for that. There are situations where using new might be the best solution; but in most simple cases, it isn't.
The C++ way: std::vector
Using the class std::vector from the standard library, your code becomes:
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> Node::dataSwap(std::vector<int> data, int n_index, int swap_index)
std::vector<int> new_data = data;
int swapped = data[n_index];
int to_swap = data[swap_index];
new_data[n_index] = to_swap;
new_data[swap_index] = swapped;
return (new_data);
No malloc, no new, no free and no delete. The class std::vector handles all that internally. You don't need to manually copy the data either; the initialisation new_data = data calls the copy constructor of class std::vector and does that for you.
Avoid using new as much as you can; use a class that handles all the memory internally, like you would expect it in a higher-level language.
Or, even simpler:
The C++ way: std::vector and std::swap
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
std::vector<int> Node::dataSwap(std::vector<int> data, int n_index, int swap_index)
std::vector<int> new_data = data;
std::swap(new_data[n_index], new_data[swap_index]);
return (new_data);
Is "path" a reference to the actual mem addr of "data"?
Yes! In order to create a new array that is a copy of the passed data (only with one pair of values swapped over), then your function would need to create the new array (that is, allocate data for it), copy the passed data into it, then perform the swap. The function would then return the address of that new data, which should be freed later on, when it is no longer needed.
However, in order to do this, you would need to also pass the size of the data array to the function.
One way to do this, using 'old-style' C++, is with the new operator. With the added 'size' parameter, your function would look something like this:
int* Node::dataSwap(int *data, int n_index, int swap_index, int data_size)
int *path = new int[data_size]; // Create new array...
for (int i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) path[i] = data[i]; // ... and copy data
int swapped = data[n_index];
int to_swap = data[swap_index];
path[n_index] = to_swap;
path[swap_index] = swapped;
return path; // At some point later on, your CALLING code would "delete[] path"
You are changing the memory at which the pointer path point and that is data. I think try to understand better how the pointers works will help you. :)
Then you can use the swap function from the std library:
std::swap(data[n_index], data[swap_index]);
It will make your code nicer.

std::set for each element in an array

I need a functionality of std::set for each element in an array. How can I achieve this functionality?
I started with allocating dynamic array of std set in C++ as follows:
set<int>* entry;
followed by allocation:
entry = (set<int>*)malloc(sizeof(set<int>)*32);
No compilation problem, but the runtime fails with segmentation fault when any element is accessed:
Any help is highly appreciated.
What about
#include <set>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector < std::set<int> > entry(32); // std::vector constructor makes 32 calls to std::set<int> constructor
// std::vector destructor makes 32 calls to std::set<int> destructor
In c++ you allocate memory with new. The difference from malloc here is that the constructor is called to initialize the memory.
entry = new set<int>[32];
Even though you've allocated storage for 32 std::set's you haven't initalized this span of memory (ie. the constructor of your std::set's has not been called) therefore the memory you are trying to operate on/access in entry[0].insert (23) will cause undefined behavior.
Mixing C++ objects with malloc and it's equivalent is normally (I'm tempted to write "always") considered to be bad practice.
Instead turn to operator new which will allocate memory and handle construction of your object in a proper manner, also remember to delete the memory allocated to release the memory back to your system (and make the object(s) destruct in a true manner).
The proper way to do it in C++
Some answers will contain text saying that you are better of using a std::vector<std::set>, though that isn't really an answer to your question so I'll leave you with this example snippet
main (int argc, char *argv[])
std::set<int> *entries = new std::set<int> [32];
entries[0].insert (123);
delete [] entries;
This is a good question, whose answer is not immediately obvious. The trouble is that each set object wants to be initialized before it is used, whereas your code only allocates raw memory for each set. This fixes it:
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using std::vector;
using std::set;
const int N = 32;
int main() {
vector< set<int> > entry(N);
return 0;
Not try to use malloc/calloc/realloc etc with c++ classes. Use new.

C++ Allocate Memory Without Activating Constructors

I'm reading in values from a file which I will store in memory as I read them in. I've read on here that the correct way to handle memory location in C++ is to always use new/delete, but if I do:
DataType* foo = new DataType[sizeof(DataType) * numDataTypes];
Then that's going to call the default constructor for each instance created, and I don't want that. I was going to do this:
DataType* foo;
char* tempBuffer=new char[sizeof(DataType) * numDataTypes];
foo=(DataType*) tempBuffer;
But I figured that would be something poo-poo'd for some kind of type-unsafeness. So what should I do?
And in researching for this question now I've seen that some people are saying arrays are bad and vectors are good. I was trying to use arrays more because I thought I was being a bad boy by filling my programs with (what I thought were) slower vectors. What should I be using???
Use vectors!!! Since you know the number of elements, make sure that you reserve the memory first (by calling myVector.reserve(numObjects) before you then insert the elements.).
By doing this, you will not call the default constructors of your class.
So use
std::vector<DataType> myVector; // does not reserve anything
myVector.reserve(numObjects); // tells vector to reserve memory
You can use ::operator new to allocate an arbitrarily sized hunk of memory.
DataType* foo = static_cast<DataType*>(::operator new(sizeof(DataType) * numDataTypes));
The main advantage of using ::operator new over malloc here is that it throws on failure and will integrate with any new_handlers etc. You'll need to clean up the memory with ::operator delete
::operator delete(foo);
Regular new Something will of course invoke the constructor, that's the point of new after all.
It is one thing to avoid extra constructions (e.g. default constructor) or to defer them for performance reasons, it is another to skip any constructor altogether. I get the impression you have code like
DataType dt;
read(fd, &dt, sizeof(dt));
If you're doing that, you're already throwing type safety out the window anyway.
Why are you trying to accomplish by not invoking the constructor?
You can allocate memory with new char[], call the constructor you want for each element in the array, and then everything will be type-safe. Read What are uses of the C++ construct "placement new"?
That's how std::vector works underneath, since it allocates a little extra memory for efficiency, but doesn't construct any objects in the extra memory until they're actually needed.
You should be using a vector. It will allow you to construct its contents one-by-one (via push_back or the like), which sounds like what you're wanting to do.
I think you shouldn't care about efficiency using vector if you will not insert new elements anywhere but at the end of the vector (since elements of vector are stored in a contiguous memory block).
vector<DataType> dataTypeVec(numDataTypes);
And as you've been told, your first line there contains a bug (no need to multiply by sizeof).
Building on what others have said, if you ran this program while piping in a text file of integers that would fill the data field of the below class, like:
./allocate < ints.txt
Then you can do:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyDataType {
int dataField;
int main() {
const int TO_RESERVE = 10;
vector<MyDataType> everything;
everything.reserve( TO_RESERVE );
MyDataType temp;
while( cin >> temp.dataField ) {
everything.push_back( temp );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < everything.size(); i++ ) {
cout << everything[i].dataField;
if( i < everything.size() - 1 ) {
cout << ", ";
Which, for me with a list of 4 integers, gives:
5, 6, 2, 6

A generic method to set the length of a dynamic array of arbitrary type in c++

I am doing a project converting some Pascal (Delphi) code to C++ and would like to write a function that is roughly equivalent to the Pascal "SetLength" method. This takes a reference to a dynamic array, as well as a length and allocates the memory and returns the reference.
In C++ I was thinking of something along the lines of
void* setlength(void* pp, int array_size, int pointer_size, int target_size, ....) {
void * p;
// Code to allocate memory here via malloc/new
// something like: p = reinterpret_cast<typeid(pp)>(p);
// p=(target_size) malloc(array_size);
return p;
My question is this: is there a way to pass the pointer type to a function like this and to successfully allocate the memory (perhaps via a typeid parameter?)? Can I use
somehow? The ultimate aim would be something like the following in terms of usage:
float*** p;
class B;
B** cp;
Any help would be most welcome. I am aware my suggested code is all wrong, but wanted to convey the general idea. Thanks.
Use std::vector instead of raw arrays.
Then you can simply call its resize() member method.
And make the function a template to handle arbitrary types:
If you want to use your function, it could look something like this:
template <typename T>
std::vector<T>& setlength(std::vector<T>& v, int new_size) {
return v;
But now it's so simple you might want to eliminate the function entirely and just call resize to begin with.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do with the triple-pointers in your example, but it looks like you don't want to resize though, you want to initialize to a certain size, which can be done with the vector constructor:
If you wanted to do it literally, you would do it like this:
template <typename T>
T* SetLength(T* arr, size_t len) {
return static_cast<T*>(realloc(arr, sizeof(T) * len));
Note that the array must have been allocated with malloc or calloc. Also note that this does not actually resize the memory—it deallocates the memory and reallocates memory of the appropriate size. If there were any other pointers to the array being passed in, they will be invalid afterwards.
You're really better off using a more idiomatic C++ solution, like std::vector.
For a multidimensional array, probably the best option would be to use boost's multi_array library:
typedef boost::multi_array<float, 3> array_type;
array_type p(boost::extents[100][100][100]); // make an 100x100x100 array of floats
p[1][2][3] = 4.2;
This lets you completely abstract away the allocation and details of setting up the multidimensional array. Plus, because it uses linear storage, you get the efficiency benefits of linear storage with the ease of access of indirections.
Failing that, you have three other major options.
The most C++-y option without using external libraries would be to use a STL container:
std::vector<float **> p;
As with multi_array, p will then automatically be freed when it goes out of scope. You can get the vector bounds with p.size(). However the vector will only handle one dimension for you, so you'll end up doing nested vectors (ick!).
You can also use new directly:
float ***p = new float**[100];
To deallocate:
delete [] p;
This has all the disadvantages of std::vector, plus it won't free it for you, and you can't get the size later.
The above three methods will all throw an exception of type std::bad_alloc if they fail to allocate enough memory.
Finally, for completeness, there's the C route, with calloc():
float ***p = (float ***)calloc(100, sizeof(*p));
To free:
This comes from C and is a bit uglier with all the casts. For C++ classes it will not call the constructors for you, either. Also, there's no checking that the sizeof in the argument is consistent with the cast.
If calloc() fails to allocate memory it will return NULL; you'll need to check for this and handle it.
To do this the C++ way:
1) As jalf stated, prefer std::vector if you can
2) Don't do void* p. Prefer instead to make your function a template of type T.
The new operator itself is essentially what you are asking for, with the exception that to appropriately allocate for double/triple pointers you must do something along the following lines:
float** data = new float*[size_of_dimension_1];
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<size_of_dimension_1 ; ++i )
data[i] = new float[size_of_dimension_2];
// to delete:
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<size_of_dimension_1 ; ++i )
delete [] data[i];
delete [] data;
Edit: I would suggest using one of the many C++ math/matrix libraries out there. I would suggest uBlas.