How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++ or why I should not use it? - c++

I want to malloc an array in my code, and its size should be defined at runtime.
I tried like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
int main(){
int M=4,N=3,P=5;
std::array<std::array<double,M>,N> arr;
But MSVC told me:
a variable with non-static storage duration cannot be used as a non-type argument
I don't find the answer to this in stackoverflow.(The existing question seem not to solve my problem...)
How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++?
I know I could use std::vector to solve this. But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself and this would be used many times in my project. And I want to use C++ type code rather than C type...Maybe there is a method to turn a 2D array in C type to std::array, but I can't find it by Google...
So I ask this question...
I mean the M and N should be got dynamically(not changed,but I can only know it in runtime...),like:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a=3;
int b=4;
int rowCount=a+b;
int colCout=b-a;
int** a = new int*[rowCount];
for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
a[i] = new int[colCount];
I know where is my mistake. I fell into a logical question... If I don't use push_back,the vector works well. If I use it, the array doesn't work, too.
I think the capcity of vector is bigger than its size, I want to avoid this. But another question: How to limit the capacity of std::vector to the number of element show I should use my allocator or std::vector::shrink_to_fit() to avoid it...(There is no guarantee in C++17 if you use reserve(n))

The dynamically allocated array container in C++ is std::vector. std::array is for specifically compile-time fixed-length arrays. is your friend!
But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself
Not quite sure what you mean with that, but you specify the size of your std::vector using the constructor.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> arr(N);
If you need some special allocator (not just new/malloc), then you can also specify a custom allocator.
Your whole program that you propose is not good C++. A C++ solution would look like:
#include <vector>
int main() {
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
unsigned int rowCount = a + b;
unsigned int colCount = b - a;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(rowCount);
for (auto& row : matrix) {

std::array, like an actual array in C++, requires a constant size. It's what gives it any advantage at all over std::vector.
For a technical explanation as to how that requirement is implemented, remember that template parameters are required to be compile-time constants (since it changes how the code is generated, again at compile-time).
Anyway, you want to use std::vector here. If you know the size you want, give it as a constructor parameter.


Pointers vs vectors for arrays c++

In the case I am creating an 'array' on stack in c++, is it better to initialise an empty vector with a reserved number of elements and then pass this to a function like foo() as a reference as below. Or is it better to set an array arrb of size nelems, then using a pointer p_arrb to the address of the first element increment the pointer and assign some value?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void foo(std::vector<int>& arr){
int nelems = arr.capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i++){
arr[i] = i;
int main()
int nelems;
std::cout << "Type a number: "; // Type a number and press enter
std::cin >> nelems;
std::vector<int> arr;
arr.reserve(nelems); // Init std lib vector
int arrb[nelems];
int* p_arrb = &(arrb[0]); // pointer to arrb
for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i ++){
*(p_arrb++) = i; // populate using pointer
p_arrb -= nelems; // decrement pointer
return 0;
It seems people prefer the use of vector as it is standardised and easier to read? Apart from that, is there any performance benefit to using vector instead of a basic pointer in this case where I do not need to change the size of my vector/array at any point in the code?
What you should use depends on the exact goal you have. In general the best approach is to avoid using "raw arrays" (both dynamic and static) wherever possible.
If you need dynamic array, use std::vector. If you need static array, use std::array.
You can't use the arrb variant because the size of an array must be a compile-time constant in C++, but you are trying to use a runtime size here.
If your compiler is compiling this, then it is doing so only because it supports these so-called variable-length arrays as a non-standard extension. Other compilers will not support them or have differing degree of support or behavior. These arrays are optionally-supported in C, but even there they are probably not worth the trouble they cause.
There is no way to allocate a runtime-dependent amount of memory on the stack in C++ (except if you misuse recursive function calls to simulate it).
So yes, you should use the vector approach. But as discussed in the comments under the question, what you are doing is wrong and causes undefined behavior. You need to either reserve memory and then emplace_back/push_back elements into the vector or you need to resize the vector to the expected size and then you may index it directly. Indexing a vector outside the the range of elements already created in it causes undefined behavior.

Convert malloc to new

How to write the following code using new operator?
Please explain in detail.
Thanks in advance.
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXCOL 5
using namespace std;
int main()
int (*p)[MAXCOL];
p = (int(*)[MAXCOL])malloc(MAXROW*sizeof(*p));
Quite simply, to answer the question literally:
p = new int[MAXROW][MAXCOL];
This allocates a 2D array (MAXROW by MAXCOL) on the free store and, as usual with new, returns a int(*)[MAXCOL] - the same type as decaying the 2D array. Don't forget to delete[] p;.
The last part brings up the importance of std::vector. Presumably, you know the size of the second dimension at compile-time. Therefore, a std::vector<std::array<int, MAXCOL>> would work with the added bonus of not requiring a delete[] statement, plus it knows its size (MAXROW). Please use this if at all possible.
In fact, in your example, both dimensions are known at compile-time, meaning a std::array<std::array<int, MAXCOL>, MAXROW> would also work here. That's typically preferable to dynamic allocation.
If neither dimension is known at compile-time, your best bet is usually a vector of vectors or a dedicated matrix class to increase performance when you know every inner vector is the same size.
Since this is C++ I will recomend using std::array and std::unique_ptr
Also when using malloc you should use free un-alloc or free the memory, if you use new you need to use delete; if you new[] you need to use delete[]
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <array>
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXCOL 5
using namespace std;
int main()
int (*p)[MAXCOL];
p = (int(*)[MAXCOL])malloc(MAXROW*sizeof(*p));
free(p); //free memory
array<int,MAXCOL> *p1 = new array<int,MAXCOL>[MAXROW];
delete []p1; //use this to delete the variable
array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW> *p2 = new array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW>;
delete p2; // normal delete for this one
auto p3 = make_unique<array<array<int,MAXCOL>,MAXROW>>();
//no delete needed for p3, it is a smart pointer.
The literal question
” How to write the following code using new operator?
… means something else than you think it means.
The new operator is a simple allocation function roughly directly analogous to C's malloc, except the C++ new operator is replacable by a user defined one.
You probably mean a new expression. Such an expression invokes the new operator for allocation, and then invokes a constructor for initialization, if the allocated thing is of class type. And it's type safe.
Still, for your array you'd not want that either, but simply std::vector from the standard library.
Here's an example using a std::vector of vectors to create a matrix:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
auto main()
-> int
int const n_rows = 3;
int const n_cols = 5;
using Row = vector<int>;
vector<Row> v( n_rows, Row( n_cols ) );
// E.g. v[1] is a row, and v[1][2] is an int item in that row.
Even if you don't so often use matrices, it can be a good idea to wrap the general notion of a matrix, in a class. A simple way is to use a single std::vector for storage, and provide e.g. an at function or an operator() for indexing from client code. If you don't yet feel like doing this yourself, then e.g. the Boost library provides a matrix class.

Should I use vectors instead of arrays?

If I have a fixed number of elements of class MyClass, should I use arrays or vectors?, ie:
MyClass* myArray[];
std::vector<MyClass*> myVector;
Use std::array or raw arrays for a small, static number of elements.
If you have a lot of elements (more than say 100kb), you hog the stack and are asking for stack corruption / overflow. In that case, or if the number of elements can only be known at runtime, use std::vector.
if you know the number in compile time - use static array.
if the number is dynamic (obtained from the user) - vector is much better to save you the hurdle of managing the memory
"Fixed" has two meanings in this context. The usual one is set once, never change, such as a value read from input. This value is known at runtime and requires dynamic allocation on the heap. Your options are a C-style array with new or a vector; it is highly recommended you use a vector.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int size;
std::cin >> size;
int *myArray = new int[size];
std::vector<int> myVector(size);
"Fixed" can also mean a compile-time constant, meaning it is constant for any run of the program. You can use a C-style array or a C++ array (automatic memory allocation on the stack).
#include <array>
int main() {
const int size = 50;
int myArray[size];
std::array<int, size> myArray;
These are faster, but your program needs to have access to sufficient stack memory, which is something you can change in your project settings. See this topic for more info. If the size of the array is really big, you may want to consider allocating on the Heap anyway (vector).

Return 2d array from C++

Inside a function, I make a 2d array that fills itself from a text file and needs to get returned to main. The array stays a constant size through the whole program.
I know this is something that gets asked a lot, but I always seem to get one of two answers:
Use std::vector or std::array or some other STD function. I don't really understand how these work, is there any site actually explaining them and how they act compared to normal arrays? Are there any special #includes that I need?
Use a pointer to the array, and return the pointer. First, on some of the answers to this it apparently doesn't work because of local arrays. How do I tell when it does and doesn't work? How do I use this array back in the main function?
I'm having more trouble with the concept of pointers and std::things than with the actual code, so if there's a website you know explains it particularly well, feel free to just put that.
Not necessarily the best solution, but the easiest way to get it working with vectors. The advantages are that you don't need to delete memory (happens automatically) and the array is bounds-checked in debug mode on most compilers.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using array2D = std::vector< std::vector< int > >;
array2D MyFunc(int x_size, int y_size)
array2D array(y_size, vector< int >(x_size));
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < array.size(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < array[y].size(); x++)
// note the order of the index
array[y][x] = i++;
return array;
int main()
array2D bob = MyFunc(10, 5);
for (int y = 0; y < bob.size(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bob[y].size(); x++)
cout << bob[y][x] << "\n";
Live example:
Sounds like you are new to C++. If this is indeed the case, I would suggest using arrays for now because you probably won't be using any of the stuff that STL containers give you. Now, let's talk about pointers.
You are correct that if you declare a local array in your function, the main function won't have access to it. However, this is not the case if you dynamically allocate the array using the new keyword. When you use new to allocate your array, you essentially tell the compiler to reserve a chunk of memory for your program. You can then access it using a pointer, which is really just the address of that chunk of memory you reserved. Therefore, instead of passing the entire array to the main function, all you need to do is pass a pointer (address) to that array.
Here are some relevant explanations. I will add to them as I find more:
Dynamic Memory
The easiest way to create a 2d array is as follows:
char (*array)[10];
array = new array[5][10];
Two dimensional arrays can be tricky to declare. The parenthesis above in the variable declaration are important to tell the compiler array is a pointer to an array of 10 characters.
It is really essential to understand pointers with C and C++ unless using the std:: collections. Even then, pointers are widely prevalent, and incorrect use can be devastating to a program.

need to create multiple dynamic arrays in c++

I need to create a number of arrays of a certain object where the number I need is dependent on a separate variable the best way to explain it is with a psudo code example:
int num = 4;
for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
object_type arrayi [dynamic size];
So i need 4 arrays each with the names array0,array1,array2, and array3 and they must all be dynamic arrays.
Is there anyway to do this in C++?
std::array<std::vector<object_type>, 4> array;
for (auto & v : array)
The names are array[0], array[1], etc... instead of array1, array2, etc... But who cares? If you absolutely must have those names, then Cassio's answer is your best bet.
Pre C++11 alternative:
std::vector<object_type> array[4];
for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i)
If you want a variable number of arrays, then you can use a vector of vectors, and actually, the initialization for that is even easier. It doesn't require a loop, you can do it in the constructor.
std::vector<std::vector<object_type>> array(num, std::vector<object_type>(dynamic_size));
Yes, use std::vector<object_type> instead. You can resize to an arbitrary size.
Otherwise for arrays you can use dynamic allocation with
ObjectType* myArray = new ObjectType[number];
but using std::vector instead is recommended.
If there is a way to dynamically create variables like the way you want within C++, I haven't heard of it.
If performance is an issue and you need to construct a bunch of 1-d arrays (rather than an array of arrays or a vector of arrays) then you could do code generation at build time to make as many as you want. That's outside of C++ though; it's a pre-build command that outputs a C++ text file.
If performance isn't an issue, then constructing a vector of arrays like Benjamin has done will work great.
Reading the OP again, it seems to me that the number of arrays is not known at compile time. In this case, you can use a std::vector<std::vector<object_type>>:
#include <vector>
// ...
// int num = ???, dynamic_size = ???;
std::vector<std::vector<object_type>> vs(num);
for (auto& v: vs)
then you can use vs[i][j] to get a reference to the j-th element of the i-th array (vector).
Piece of advise: Don't use this (std::vector<std::vector<double>>) for linear algebra matrices.
Bonus: In C++14 (actually this is a C99 feature that some compilers allow in C++ as an extension) you'll be able to do this:
#include <vector>
// ...
// int num = ???, dynamic_size = ???;
std::vector<object_type> vs[num];
for (auto& v: vs)
For more information see this post.