cassandraunit throws Dataset not found error - unit-testing

I am using cassandra-unit from here but it is throwing dataset not found error
public CassandraCQLUnit cassProvider = new CassandraCQLUnit(new ClassPathCQLDataSet("simple.cql","keyspaceNameToCreate"));
is there any other plugins i need to use or is it a bug in cassandra-unit?
I have run my test in debug mode and found that the getInputDataSetLocation is returning null for me in
protected InputStream getInputDataSetLocation(String dataSetLocation) { //dataSetLocation: "simple.sql"
InputStream inputDataSetLocation = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + dataSetLocation); // inputDataSetLocation: null
//when i run test for cassandraunit-example app i get BufferedInputStream#924 but I am getting null here which is causing error
return inputDataSetLocation;
Please let me know if i am missing anything here. Thanks a ton


Assertion Error While Testing the Pipeline Apache Beam

While testing the pipeline I got this error even the error log shows that the objects are equal:
public void testGenerateUserPageViews() throws Exception{
final PCollection<SessionModel> input = p.apply(Create.of(SESSION_MODEL));
final PCollection<UserPageViews> output = input.apply(ParDo.of(new GenerateUserPageViews()));
java.lang.AssertionError: ParDo(GenerateUserPageViews)/ParMultiDo(GenerateUserPageViews).output:
Expected: iterable over [<com.userprofile.models.UserPageViews#e1688b19>] in any order
but: Not matched: <com.userprofile.models.UserPageViews#e1688b19>
at org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.PAssert$PAssertionSite.capture(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.PAssert.that(
at org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.PAssert.that(
I would guess that com.userprofile.models.UserPageViews does not have a fully implemented equals or hashCode method.
The solution is that I replace String variable with "" value in place of null. But I still don't understand why the object reference are the same in both cases.

How to check a cookie name is “not” present on page using Katalon Studio?

I need to check that a cookie is "NOT" present on-page.
Based on this post, I have tried the following on the scripted Katalon mode:
added these to the standard import from the test case:
import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.driver.DriverFactory as DriverFactory
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver as WebDriver
then I wrote:
WebUI.verifyMatch(driver.manage().getCookieNamed('foo'), is(null()))
and then I get the following error on null pointer
FAILED Reason:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method call() on null object
Is there a way to write a check on "none" existing cookies using the script mode for Katalon Studio?
I have tried this other approach
try {
_fbp = driver.manage().getCookieNamed('_fbp').getName()
catch (Exception e) {
String _fbp = new String('Something went wrong')
System.out.println('Something went wrong')
WebUI.verifyMatch('Something went wrong', _fbp, false)
It fails only on the verifyMatch part. It seems that 'something went wrong' does not really get stored in the variable _fbp.
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: _fbp for class:
WebUI.verifyMatch() is used for checking matching between two strings.
You can do that using the plain Groovy assert. Instead of
WebUI.verifyMatch(driver.manage().getCookieNamed('foo'), is(null()))
do this:
assert driver.manage().getCookieNamed('foo').is(null)

Testing camel-sql route with in-memory database not fetching results

I have written the code using camel-sql which is working fine. Now I have to write test cases for the same. I have used in-memory database H2. I have initialized the database and assigned the datasource to sqlComponent.
// Setup code
protected JndiRegistry createRegistry() throws Exception {
JndiRegistry jndi = super.createRegistry();
// this is the database we create with some initial data for our unit test
database = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
jndi.bind("myDataSource", database);
return jndi;
// Testcase code
public void testRoute() throws Exception {
Exchange receivedExchange = template.send("direct:myRoute", ExchangePattern.InOut ,exchange -> {
exchange.getIn().setHeader("ID", new Integer(1));
MyClass updatedEntity = (MyClass)jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select * from MY_TABLE where id=?", new Long[] { 1l } ,
new RouteTest.CustomerRowMapper() );
// Here I can get the updatedEntity from jdbcTemplate
// Main code
.to("sql:select * from MY_TABLE msg where = :#"+ID+"?dataSource=#myDataSource&outputType=SelectOne&outputClass=com.entity.MyClass")
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"Polled message from DB");
The problem is, as soon as the test case starts, it is saying
No bean could be found in the registry for: myDataSource of type: javax.sql.DataSource
I looked into camel-SQL component test cases and doing the same thing but the code is not able to find dataSource. Please help. Thanks in advance.
After spending a lot of time on this issue, I identified that H2 database was using JDBCUtils to fetch records and It was throwing ClassNotFoundException. I was getting it nowhere in Camel exception hierarchy because this exception was being suppressed and all I was getting a generic exception message. Here is the exception:
ClassNotFoundException: com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
After searching for the issue I found out that It requires one more dependency. So I added it and it resolved the issue.
Issue URL:

ArrayOfAnyType issues when calling the method:GetRangeA1 excel web services in the silverlight 4.0

I create a simple silverlight 4.0 application used to read the excel file data in the share point 2010 server. I try to use the "Excel Web Services" but I get an error here when calling the GetRangeA1 method:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.NetDispatcherFaultException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Error in line 1 position 361. Element '' contains data from a type that maps to the name ''. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add the type corresponding to 'ArrayOfAnyType' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException for more details.
the source code is like:
namespace SampleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ExcelServiceSoapClient xlservice = new ExcelServiceSoapClient();
xlservice.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
Status[] outStatus;
string targetWorkbookPath = "http://phc/Shared%20Documents/sample.xlsx";
// Call open workbook, and point to the trusted location of the workbook to open.
string sessionId = xlservice.OpenWorkbook(targetWorkbookPath, "en-US", "en-US", out outStatus);
Console.WriteLine("sessionID : {0}", sessionId);
//1. works fines.
object res = xlservice.GetCellA1(sessionId, "CER by Feature", "B1", true, out outStatus);
//2. exception
xlservice.GetRangeA1(sessionId, "CER by Feature", "H19:H21", true, out outStatus);
// Close workbook. This also closes session.
catch (SoapException e)
Console.WriteLine("SOAP Exception Message: {0}", e.Message);
I am totally new to the silverlight and sharepoint developping, I search around but didn't get any luck, just found another post here, any one could help me?
This appears to be an oustanding issue, but two workarounds I found so far:
1) Requiring a change in App.config.
2) Indicating to rebuild service reference with svcutil instead of using Add Service Reference:

Null Reference Excepion when saving data on subsonic 3

I am testing subsonic 3, i can query my database but when i am inserting a record i have an exception. Here is my code:
Client lClient = new Client();
lClient.Name = "Peter";
lClient.FullName = "Richards";
And i have a null reference exception on this generated code:
var newKey=_repo.Add(this,provider);
Any help is appreciated.
I am using ActiveRecords
I had a similar problem, with code not unlike the following:
var pending = myTable.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
if (pending == null)
pending = new myTable();
pending.Id = 1;
pending.MyDate = DateTime.Now;
pending.MyString = someString;
This worked the first time I ran it, on an empty table, but not the second time when updating. I got a nullreference exception somewhere inside the subsonic repository. The solution was to add a primary key, as Rob suggested.
Just thought I'd mention it (thanks Rob).
Where does the null reference exception actually happen? Is _repo null?
Try and double check that you don’t have any columns in the “Client” table which are not nullable and you don’t set any value.
Also make sure you PK is handled correctly (check you have the [Property.IsForeignKey=true;] attribute)
Do you have NullReferenceException Checked in (file menu) Debug -> Exceptions (press Find and type NullReferenceException, press OK)?
I downloaded the SubSonic code and used it as reference for my project, the exception is thrown in SubSonic.Core\Repository\SubSonicRepository.cs:209 because prop is not checked for null at line 208, and any exceptions are swallowed as evidenced by line 213.
What happens is visual studio breaks on all the exceptions checked in the mentioned dialog. So in one way, this is the expected behaviour from the code.
What actually causes prop to become null, in my case, the table field name is lower-case, but the property is actually cased properly.
From Immediate:
[0]: {System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[SubSonic.Schema.IColumn] Columns}
// *snip*
[5]: {Int32 PlayerInformationid}
// *snip*
{Int32 PlayerInformationid} // Works!
I hacked this together to "just make it work" (Warning: newbie at 3.5 stuff)
-var prop = item.GetType().GetProperty(tbl.PrimaryKey.Name);
+var lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName = tbl.PrimaryKey.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
+var prop = item.GetType().GetProperties().First<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName);
Does your table have a PrimaryKey? It doesn't sound like it does. If not - this is your problem.