Mocha - how to check if element exist after ajax call - unit-testing

How to check if select have some option in it after it has been updated by ajax function. My select component is like below
class Select extends React.component(){
.then(function (response) {
// reponse data ['america','singapore','vietnam']
<select> => {
<option value="i">i</option>
Here is my try:
import {expect} from 'chai'
import {shallow} from 'enzyme'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import Select from 'Select'
describe('select list', () => {
it('should have options', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<Select />)
const actual = wrapper.find('option').length
What wrong with this is, I got var actual = 0. It supposes to be 3. So I guess I missing something with axios. What should I add to my spec?

Your GET request might be still waiting for the response but mocha already has completed the test execution.
You could add a timeout and assert after a while and then call the done() callback when you are done with the test. Please take a look at the mocha's asynchronous code section.
describe('select list', () => {
it('should have options', (done) => {
const wrapper = shallow(<Select />)
setTimeout(() => {
const actual = wrapper.find('option').length
}, 2000)
I recommend you to check the axios-mock-adapter which allows you to mock request rather than sending an actual request to the server.


React & React Native Testing Library wait for async state update caused by useEffect on mount

I can't seem to get this simple test to work in react-testing-library & react-native-testing-library. I've tried various combinations of wrapping the render function in act, or using waitFor and other async utils, but the test never waits for the component to re-render after useEffect causes the async api call to set the new state.
Also worth noting I receive the warning: An update to TestComponent inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).`. I'm aware of this issue but no method that I've seen solved it for me.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { View, Text } from 'react-native'
import { render, waitFor } from 'test-utils'
import { rest } from 'msw'
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'
import { useApi } from './index'
const server = setupServer(
rest.get('http://localhost/MOCK_VAR/some-endpoint', (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json({ greeting: 'hello there' }))
beforeAll(() => server.listen())
afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())
afterAll(() => server.close())
function TestComponent() {
const { apiRequest } = useApi()
const [result, setResult] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
const makeApiCall = async () => {
const apiResult = await apiRequest({ url: '/some-endpoint' })
console.log(apiResult.greeting) // <-- 'hello there'
return (
describe('Test useApi hook', () => {
test('test post request', async () => {
const { findByText } = render(<TestComponent />)
const greeting = await findByText('hello there')
await waitFor(() => { // <-- never waits
My issue was awaiting the findBy function. From the docs it says findBy* methods have waitFor already built in. So simply removing the await solved the issue.
What worked for me:
test('test post request', async () => {
const { findByText } = render(<TestComponent />)
const greeting = findByText('hello there')
waitFor(() => expect(greeting).toBeTruthy())

Cannot test AsyncTypeahead from react-bootstrap-typeahead with Enzyme

I am trying to test AsyncTypeahead from react-bootstrap-typeahead.
I have a very simple test component :
class AsyncTypeahead2 extends Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
render() {
return ( <AsyncTypeahead
onSearch={query => {
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(json => this.setState({
isLoading: false,
options: json.items,
labelKey={option => `${option.stateName}`}
/> )
const url = ""
items: [
{id:1, stateName:"Alaska"},
{id:2, stateName:"Alabama"}
(Note that the URL is mocked to return two elements)
When I run this in my storybook it looks fine :
But if I want to test it (with Enzyme) it does not recognise the < li > items that pop up.
let Compoment =
<div>Basic AsyncTypeahead Example
const wrapper = mount(Compoment);
let json = wrapper.html();
let sel = wrapper.find(".rbt-input-main").at(0)
sel.simulate('change', { target: { value: "al" } });
expect(wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length).toBe(2) //but get just 1 element "Type to Search..."
Instead of finding two "dropdown-item" items there is just one item with the text "Type to Search...".
Is the AynchTypeahead not updating the DOM correctly with respect to Enzyme?
<AsyncTypeahead> is asynchronous. On the other hand simulate() is synchronous. So at the time you get to expect() AsyncTypeahead not even started to populate the dropdown with <li> elements. You need to wait for it.
It's not specified, but it looks like you are using fetch-mock package.
There is the flush function which
Returns a Promise that resolves once all fetches handled by fetch-mock have resolved
So this:
sel.simulate('change', { target: { value: "al" } });
await fetchMock.flush() // !!!
should work.
...But probably it won't. Because
await fetchMock.flush()
does work, but
setTimeout(() => fetch(...), 0)
await fetchMock.flush()
does not. await fetchMock.flush() returns right away if there was no call of fetch. And probably there won't be. Because <AsyncTypeahead> debounces.
(By the way, you can also try to mock fetch on a per-test basis. Just in case.)
So I see two options:
Use something else instead of fetch-mock package. Where you can resolve your own Promises on mocked requests completion.
import waitUntil from 'async-wait-until';
test("test name", async () => {
let Compoment = <AsyncTypeahead2/>
await waitUntil(() => wrapper.state().isLoading === false);
// or even
// await waitUntil(() => wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length === 2, timeout);
This options if not pretty. But maybe it's your only option - there is not only the fetch-mock you should worry about. setState also asynchronous... and it looks like there is no pretty way to check when it's done updating the state and the DOM without changing the real code (which is quite undesirable).
The exact solution to my problem is in the following code (copy and paste into a JS file to see it work).
Things to note :
I needed to use the waitUntil function from the async-wait-until library. fetch-mock on its own does not provide the functionality to test async code.
I needed to add an ugly hack at global.document.createRange because of some tooltip issue with react-bootstrap-typeahead and jest.
use waitUntil to wait on changes on the internal state of the component
It is very important to call wrapper.update() to update the DOM afterwards.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import waitUntil from 'async-wait-until';
import {mount} from "enzyme";
import fetchMock from "fetch-mock";
import {AsyncTypeahead} from "react-bootstrap-typeahead";
describe('Autocomplete Tests ', () => {
test(' Asynch AutocompleteInput ', async () => {
class AsyncTypeaheadExample extends Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
finished: false
render() {
return (<AsyncTypeahead
onSearch={query => {
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(json => this.setState({
isLoading: false,
options: json.items,
finished: true
labelKey={option => `${option.stateName}`}
const url = ""
items: [
{id: 1, stateName: "Alaska"},
{id: 2, stateName: "Alabama"}
let Compoment =
// ugly hacky patch to fix some tooltip bug
global.document.createRange = () => ({
setStart: () => {
setEnd: () => {
commonAncestorContainer: {
nodeName: 'BODY',
ownerDocument: document,
let wrapper = mount(Compoment);
let sel = wrapper.find(".rbt-input-main").at(0)
sel.simulate('change', {target: {value: "al"}});
//now the async stuff is happening ...
await waitUntil(() => {
return wrapper.state().finished === true;
}, 3000); //wait about 3 seconds
wrapper.update() //need to update the DOM!
expect(wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length).toBe(2) //but get just 1 element "Type to Search..."
I can also compare on wrapper items rather than doing a direct comparison on the state :
//now the async stuff is happening ...
await waitUntil(() => {
wrapper.update() //need to update the DOM!
return wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length > 1
}, 3000); //wait about 3 seconds
This is probably better because it means i dont need to know about the component internals.

mocking api call in vuex action

I have a vuex store with an action.
import api from '#/api.js'
export default {
getAllProducts ({commit}) {
// call the api and return a promise with the products
api.fetchAllProducts().then((products) => {
commit('getAllProducts', products)
Now to test it!
// actions.spec.js
import actions from './actions.js'
import api from './api.js'
describe('shop actions', () => {
it('calls api and fetches products', () => {
let state = {items: []}
let commit = sinon.spy()
let stub = sinon.stub(api, 'fetchAllProducts')
stub.resolves('a product')
actions.getAllProducts({commit, state})
['SET_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'a product']
This is my attempt so far. It doesn't work for a few reasons.
The sinon stub on the api function will not also stub the imported api on actions.js.
The api function returns a promise, so the test instead of waiting for it to resolve just returns the assertion, so commit.args will always be [ ]
Any advice on how I could test the vuex action. I think the main difficulty is in stubbing the api module, and I'm quite stuck. Any advice is appreciated :)
The action getAllProducts should return the promise.
getAllProducts ({ commit }) {
return api.fetchAllProducts().then((products) => {
commit('SET_ALL_PRODUCTS', products)
Then your test code should be like this:
describe('shop actions', () => {
it('calls api and fetches products', done => {
let state = {items: []}
let commit = sinon.spy()
let stub = sinon.stub(api, 'fetchAllProducts')
stub.resolves('a product')
actions.getAllProducts({commit, state}).then(() => {
['SET_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'a product']
Also, we can use async/await if you are not returning promise from the action.
it('calls api and fetches products', async () => {
let state = {items: []}
let commit = sinon.spy()
let stub = sinon.stub(api, 'fetchAllProducts')
stub.resolves('a product')
await actions.getAllProducts({commit, state})
['SET_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'a product']

Redux action testing with nock and redux-mock-store errors

I am new to redux testing and have been trying to back fill test for an application I made so sorry if this is the complete wrong way to go about testing with nock and redux-mock-store.
//Action in authAction.js
export function fetchMessage() {
return function(dispatch) {
axios.get(ROOT_URL, {
headers: { authorization: localStorage.getItem('token') }
.then(response => {
.catch(response => {
This is the method and it seems to be getting called but normally goes to the catch cause of nock failing cause of the header not matching.
import nock from 'nock'
import React from 'react'
import {expect} from 'chai'
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
const middlewares = [ thunk ]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
import * as actions from '../../src/actions/authActions';
const ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost:3090';
describe('actions', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
localStorage.setItem("token", '12345');
afterEach(() => {
describe('feature', () => {
it('has the correct type', () => {
var scope = nock(ROOT_URL).get('/',{reqheaders: {'authorization': '12345'}}).reply(200,{ message: 'Super secret code is ABC123' });
const store = mockStore({ message: '' });
store.dispatch(actions.fetchMessage()).then(() => {
const actions = store.getStore()
expect(actions.message).toEqual('Super secret code is ABC123');
Even when the header is removed and the nock intercepts the call. I am getting this error every time
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
at Context.<anonymous> (test/actions/authActions_test.js:43:24)
You're not returning the promise from axios to chain the then call onto.
Change the thunk to be like:
//Action in authAction.js
export function fetchMessage() {
return function(dispatch) {
return axios.get(ROOT_URL, {
headers: { authorization: localStorage.getItem('token') }
.then(response => {
.catch(response => {
You may also need to change the test so that it doesn't pass before the promise resolves. How to do this changes depending on which testing library you use. If you're using mocha, take a look at this answer.
Side note: I'm not sure if you have other unit tests testing the action creator separately to the reducer, but this is a very integrated way to test these. One of the big advantages of Redux is how easily each seperate cog of the machine can be tested in isolation to each other.

How to change value of a select box in angular2 unit test?

I have an Angular2 component that contains a select box that looks like
<select [(ngModel)]="envFilter" class="form-control" name="envSelector" (ngModelChange)="onChangeFilter($event)">
<option *ngFor="let env of envs" [ngValue]="env">{{env}}</option>
I am trying to write a unit test for the ngModelChange event. This is my latest failing attempt
it("should filter and show correct items", async(() => {
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
el = fixture.debugElement.query("envSelector"));
makeResponse([hist2, longhist]);
comp.envFilter = 'env3';
el.triggerEventHandler('change', {});
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
The part I am having trouble with is that changing the value of the underlying model comp.envFilter = 'env3'; does not trigger the change method. I added el.triggerEventHandler('change', {}); but this throws Failed: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: By is not defined. I cannot find any hints in the documentation... any ideas?
As far as the error. It seems like you just need to import By. This is not something that is global. It should be imported from the following module
import { By } from '#angular/platform-browser';
As far as the testing part, this is what I have been able to figure out. When you change a value in a the component, you need to trigger a change detection to update the view. You do this with fixture.detectChanges(). Once this is done, normally the view should be updated with the value.
From testing something similar to your example, it seems this is not the case though. It seems there is still some asynchronous task going on after the change detection. Say we have the following
const comp = fixture.componentInstance;
const select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
comp.selectedValue = 'a value';
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: a value');
This doesn't seem to work. It appears there is some async going on causing the value not to be set yet. So we need to wait for the async tasks by calling fixture.whenStable
comp.selectedValue = 'a value';
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: a value');
The above would work. But now we need to trigger the change event as that doesn't happen automatically.
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: a value');
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
// component expectations here
Now we have another asynchronous task from the event. So we need to stabilize it again
Below is a complete test that I tested with. It's a refactor of the example from the source code integration tests. They used fakeAsync and tick which is similar to using async and whenStable. But with fakeAsync, you can't use templateUrl, so I though it would be best to refactor it to use async.
Also the source code tests does kind of a double one way testing, first testing model to view, then view to model. While it looks like your test was trying to do kind of a two-way test, from model around back to model. So I refactored it a bit to suite your example better.
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { TestBed, getTestBed, async } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { By } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { dispatchEvent } from '#angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
selector: 'ng-model-select-form',
template: `
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity" (ngModelChange)="onSelected($event)">
<option *ngFor="let c of cities" [ngValue]="c"> {{}} </option>
class NgModelSelectForm {
selectedCity: {[k: string]: string} = {};
cities: any[] = [];
onSelected(value) {
describe('component: NgModelSelectForm', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [ FormsModule ],
declarations: [ NgModelSelectForm ]
it('should go from model to change event', async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NgModelSelectForm);
const comp = fixture.componentInstance;
spyOn(comp, 'onSelected');
comp.cities = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
comp.selectedCity = comp.cities[1];
const select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
expect(comp.onSelected).toHaveBeenCalledWith({name : 'NYC'});
console.log('after expect NYC');
I found peeskillet's answer very useful but sadly it is a little out of date as the way to dispatch an Event has been changed. I also found there was an unnecessary call to whenStable(). So here is an updated test using peeskillet's setup:
it('should go from model to change event', async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NgModelSelectForm);
const comp = fixture.componentInstance;
spyOn(comp, 'onSelected');
comp.cities = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
comp.selectedCity = comp.cities[1];
const select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
select.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
expect(comp.onSelected).toHaveBeenCalledWith({name : 'NYC'});
console.log('after expect NYC');
Look this example, from angular source (template_integration_spec.ts)
selector: 'ng-model-select-form',
template: `
<select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity">
<option *ngFor="let c of cities" [ngValue]="c"> {{}} </option>
class NgModelSelectForm {
selectedCity: {[k: string]: string} = {};
cities: any[] = [];
it('with option values that are objects', fakeAsync(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(NgModelSelectForm);
const comp = fixture.componentInstance;
comp.cities = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
comp.selectedCity = comp.cities[1];
const select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select'));
const nycOption = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('option'))[1];
// model -> view
expect(select.nativeElement.value).toEqual('1: Object');
select.nativeElement.value = '2: Object';
dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');
// view -> model
Same problem as raised by OP but slightly different code.
Works in Angular 7.
<select id="dashboard-filter" class="form-control" name="dashboard-filter" [ngModel]="dashboardFilterValue" (ngModelChange)="onFilterChange($event)"
<option *ngFor="let filter of dashboardFilters" [ngValue]="filter.value">{{ }}</option>
Unit test:
it('onFilterChange', () => {
// ensure dropdown is enabled
// spies
spyOn(component, 'onFilterChange').and.callThrough()
spyOn(component.filterChange, 'emit')
// initially the 3rd item in the dropdown is selected
// we want to select the 5th item in the dropdown
const FILTER_INDEX = 4
// the expected filter value is the value of the 5th dashboard filter (as used to populate the dropdown)
const EXPECTED_FILTER_VALUE = getDashboardFiltersData.dashboardFilters[FILTER_INDEX].value
// handle on the dropdown
const filterDropdown = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('select')).nativeElement
// let bindings complete
fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
// ensure filterDropdown.value is stable
// update filterDropdown.value and dispatch change event
filterDropdown.value = filterDropdown.options[FILTER_INDEX].value
filterDropdown.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
// check component data
// check spies