How can I implement 'select all' button in Django? - django

I'd like to implement select all button (e.g select all and deleting) in Django 1.9.7 but I can't find any post about it in Google Since, I'm not a non-native-english person, I'm not good at googling in correct english. Could anybody give me advices or keywords so that I can googling based on it?

Well this depends on how you implemented your table with Django. Putting javascript/bootstrap/etc aside, there are some samples on how you can implement select all in javascript. Like this.
Deleting those items requires defining a form and processing it's data in the serverside and deleting your model items. This also depends on how you are passing data between your view and your model.


Is it possible to make 'cart' with django Class Based View?

I am trying to make a simple e-commerce website and followed some tutorials.
However, the author of the book used complicated function based view to make cart function..
there are bunch of session stuffs.. and I don't understand the logic..
and I am trying to think the other way..
what about using database to store all the cart related data, and
use CBV to build it?
for example,
CartListView to see the contents of the cart, and CartUpdateView to change the quantity..
then are they going to be two different pages? separated page that user should go to the
different page to change the value??
please help me T T
You can access the session in any sort of CBV as self.request.session and a "shopping cart" is normally stored therein.
You'll certainly need to implement a CartListView to see what's in it, or possibly a CartEditView to show the cart with options to edit the quantities and delete anything that shouldn't be in there.
Adding products to the cart may well be an "Add" button on a ProductDetailView or lots of add buttons in a ProductListView. You might add a POST handler method to these views which are otherwise read-only (GET-only) bt default. Or you might make them FormViews, even though the form would be hidden and filled/POSTed by JS rather than the shopper doing anything other than clicking "add".
And then there will be a CheckoutView.
Check (put "cart" in the search box). this will throw up several shopping cart things which might be the code you want, or the source of which might be a valuable learning resource before you end up rolling your own.

How to add report section to the Django admin?

I want to implement a report section in Django admin. This would mean adding a custom section in the admin homepage where instead of a list of models I would see a list of reports. I want to use Django's admin tables with filters, sorting, everything if possible.
What would be the "best" way of achieving this? I realize this is a "big" question so I'm not asking for code snippets necessarily, a summary of needed actions would be just fine :)
P.S. Be report I mean a "made up" model by custom queries (queryset or how it's called).
P.S.2 Maybe this question should be something like: How to use Django admin tables functionality in own admin view?
P.S.3 Or maybe there is a way of providing to the existing admin interface my own data. This way I don't have to do anything else. I just want to say instead of a model take this data and display it in a nice table which I can sort, filter etc etc.
So you are attempting to add in new pages into the django admin.
This section explains to you exactly how you can do so -
The basic idea is to add in new urls that you want in your as if you are adding urls for your "front end" pages. The key difference is that these new urls you are adding should start with ^admin/ and would look something like ^admin/my_special_link_in_admin and this url will point to your own custom view function at a location you so prefer.
(r'^admin/my_special_link_in_admin/$', 'my_custom_admin_app.views.special_admin_page'),
So this is the way for complete customization. There's a very good tutorial which I refer to here -
In addition, if you don't want to do too much work, consider using Django Admin Plus -
Or a django-admin-views -

Django admin customization with non-related models

I am a django noob and am trying to figure out how to get the admin module to do something slightly different than the normal operation on a single model. Essentially what I need is to run a query and display the results of the query as a view page and then allow the link to the edit page take the user to an existing model's edit view. 2 of the 3 tables in my query are related, but not all 3.
select, a.second_field,, c.unrelated_field
from a, b, c
where a.primary_key = b.foreign_key
and a.some_value = c.some_value
Note that a and c are not defined as related tables.
I would like to have a view of this query output and have a link to the edit view of the b model as a whole when selected.
I have created a view in the DB for this query and simply created a new model which makes it easy to get the view, but I'm not sure this is even the right approach to start with...but from there I can't seem to figure out how to make this link to the edit page for the B table.
Any pointers or advice on how best to accomplish something like this with django admin would be appreciated!
Using Django 1.3.1 by the way.
You can override change_view in your ModelAdmin so it will construct a list of dicts with all your needed data. Then override change_list.html template to display this data correctly and link it with change_form view for correct model. So it will flawlessly integrate in Django's admin site.
And I don't like DB views as long as it's possible to solve the problem without it. If data can be constructed in Python without massive performance gaps and lots of magic code, it should be processed in Python.

Satchmo: list all active products

I'd like to list all active products (from all or a specific category) in a template. I've looked almost everywhere and I simply cannot find a way to do this.
I want to display them in the footer of the shop (10 products from 1 category). That means show them without selecting product category.
Is this even possible? Products are only listed in the category template...
I'm using Satchmo 0.9.2
EDIT: Somehow I've missed this:
So it's solved...
Thank you!
this is a more general answer since there isnt any answer yet, so dont beat me. You also have to know that I never used satchmo, I never had a look at it.
But despite this, if I had to deal with your situation, I would have a look at the source code.
You might find answers there to develop something custom for your situation. This can be a tricky task but at least its worth a try.
There have to be models which store the data for your product and categories. Have a look at them and the views that retrieve the products from the database to render them. Also a look into the database cant hurt (think of phpmyAdmin to have a nice webbased interface).
It can be helpful to fire up your ./ shell, import your/satchmos product and category models and play around with them.
A possible solution then could be to write a custom context_processor which retrieves the needed products/categories and passes these products from a category to your footer on a more global basis. Have a look here Maybe a custom middleware could also be a possibility.
I hope this helps. At least worth a try :)

Creating an order in Django

Hi everyone I have a few questions about the django admin.
First the relevant details. I currently have Client, Printer, Cartridge, and Order models.
The Printer model has a ManyToManyField to the Cartridge model, which would allow you to select all the cartridges that can be used with that printer.
The Cliente has a ManyToManyField to the printers which they own.
1) I want to create an Order through the Django admin which lets your specify the Client, a dicount, and multiple cartridges through a ManyToManyField. This is getting kinda tricky because I have to do it through another table that specifies whether it's a new Cartridge or a refill.
2) I want the admin to filters the Cartridges to only show the ones that belong to the printers that they own.
3) Also I would like to have a field that holds the total price of their order, but it should calculate it based on how many cartridges they have added to the order. I don't know if this should be done by adding more of the same cartridge to the order or by having another field in the related table that specifies the quantity.
Can this be done in the admin or do I need to use a form? And if so how would I go about adding this to the admin? It seems difficult and probably something I will have to do in multiple parts since in order to filter the list of cartridges I have to know the client beforehand.
As far as I can see, no, it's not really possible. The development version has some methods for limiting foreign keys, but it doesn't seem to me that limiting based on the customer is possible, since it depends on separate foreign keys.
The best suggestion, if you're really bent on doing it in the admin form, would be to use Javascript to do it. You would still have to make AJAX calls to get lists of what printers customers had and what cartridges to show based on that, but it could be done. You would just specify the JS files to load with the Media class.
But I think that's more work than it's worth. The easiest way I would see to do it would be with Form Wizards. That way, you'd have a step to select the customer so on the next step you know what cartridges to show.
Hope that helps!
I've worked similar problems, and have come to the conclusion that in many cases like this, it's really better to write your own administration interface using forms than it is to try and shoehorn functionality into the admin which is not intended to be there.
As far as 3) goes, it depends on what your product base looks like. If you're likely to have customers ordering 50 identical widgets, you probably do want a quantity field. If customers are more likely to be ordering 2 widgets, one in red, one in blue, add each item separately to the manytomany field and group them in your order interface.