Warping : Opencv for image display to curved screen with visual studio - c++

I'm trying to use opencv APIs to warp image so that to dispaly it to a curved screen.
I have gone through the warping apis provided in opencv here.
But all APIS require the camera calibration matrix(K) and the rotation matrix(R).
But my images does not depend on a camera as im not correcting any distortion.
So can someone help me how achieve this kind of warping so that image can be better displayed on a curved screen.
I am using visual studio with opencv library in C++.
My input image will be like this
and output needs to like this
And i have to use opencv apis.
The above shape I have achieved through the code from here
Please give some suggestions.....


How to create camera calibration opencv dll for Labview

How can I create camera calibration dll for Labview? I'm using Visual Studio. I want to perform calibration that is explaned here:
Soo when dll will be caled from Labview it will take imput image for calibration and calibrate itself and return calibrated image.
Problem discovered so far:
1. My Labview is 32-bit, OpenCV is 64-bit.
2. Don't know much about camera calibration and how to use reference link, so need help here.

Extract object from black background OpenCV C++

First you have to know that I work with OpenCV in C++ in Visual Studio.
I have a picture like : Original image
I want to create a new picture of the hand but with a lot less of black bacground.
So the final image should look like this : Final Image
I know there are some OpenCv functions that could help me but I have really trouble to implement the algorithm because OpenCv can't be used in Debug Mode so it hard to check what I am doing.
Have anyone any idea how to proceed ?
Thanks you very much.
Find contour, find bounding rectangle, crop.
Here is example of finding bounding box: example

Opencv Images Orthorectification

I'm writing a program in opencv that stitches aerial images taken by a drone. The problem is that the stitch,after a certain point, start to "curving", so my homography matrix will be messed up and I can't stitch anything more.
There's a way in openv to do images orthorectivication without gps or DEM parameters? If not in opencv, there's a library easily integrable with opencv?
PS: I'm programming in C++

Hough Circles in OpenCV3.0 vs OpenCV 2.3.1

I have an input image with 4 circles and I want to use HoughCircles function in OpenCV to identify the circles. I'm using C++ version of OpenCV on a Windows x64 machine. Below is the pseudo-code that I used for circle detection:
Read input image
Convert it from RGB to Gray scale
Gaussian blur
I tried the above pseudo-code in OpenCV 2.3.1 and OpenCV 3.0. Even though I used the same parameters for Gaussian blur and HoughCircles, OpenCV version2.3.1 identified only 3 circles while version3.0 correctly identified 4 circles. I understand from the changelog that version 3.0 has a new algorithm for HoughCircles but I don't know enough about the method to understand what has changed.
Is the behavior am seeing an expected one? Is HoughCircle detection in OpenCV2.3.1 inferior to that of OpenCV3.0?

Comparing two face opencv

I am new in opencv. I am trying to make a program which capture video from webcam and show the face on the video is exist in the directory or not. I already complete face detect from webcam. Now i jast need to compare the similarity of detected face with the directory image face. Please help me some one...
I am using
MSVC 2010
OpenCV 2.1
You can use OpenCV's face detection methods. They have a very good tutorial in their website.
You can see to libface. It can detect and recognise faces.