Opencv Images Orthorectification - c++

I'm writing a program in opencv that stitches aerial images taken by a drone. The problem is that the stitch,after a certain point, start to "curving", so my homography matrix will be messed up and I can't stitch anything more.
There's a way in openv to do images orthorectivication without gps or DEM parameters? If not in opencv, there's a library easily integrable with opencv?
PS: I'm programming in C++


Warping : Opencv for image display to curved screen with visual studio

I'm trying to use opencv APIs to warp image so that to dispaly it to a curved screen.
I have gone through the warping apis provided in opencv here.
But all APIS require the camera calibration matrix(K) and the rotation matrix(R).
But my images does not depend on a camera as im not correcting any distortion.
So can someone help me how achieve this kind of warping so that image can be better displayed on a curved screen.
I am using visual studio with opencv library in C++.
My input image will be like this
and output needs to like this
And i have to use opencv apis.
The above shape I have achieved through the code from here
Please give some suggestions.....

Image Retification openCV/C++

I'm starting with opencv and image processing in general. I need to make an algorithm, with opencv in C++, for image rectification, namely to carry out this transformation in the image:
I know there are 3 types of image rectification:
The polar rectification would meet my needs. But I don't where to start. I know a lot of people here know much about opencv, image processing. What are the basics of and what are the pit falls I should avoid with polar rectification?

Is there a way to use Kinect and OpenCV to determine whether the environment is bright or dark?

I'm new to OpenCV and computer vision stuff. We are having a robot project with ROS and Kinect. We want to evaluate whether the room has adequate lighting using Kinect. Is there a way to use OpenCV to process the Kinect camera information and evaluate the environment?
Thanks in advance.
OpenCV has methods for connecting up with the Kinect, so yes, you would be able to pull the Kinect RGB image from the device.
As for determining your lighting conditions, I believe the Kinect has an auto-gain function built into it. In a very dark environment, that auto gain is going to cause a large amount of noise. So if you do some experiments in dark and light environments, measure the noise in the imagery you might be able to tell if the image (and consequently environment) is too dark from the image noise.
You could look for differences in two images, one where you shine a light, and one where you don't. I imagine that the change will be minimal in a bright environment, but there will be big difference in a dark one.
You'd have to elaborate on what would be "adequate lighting" for this to be more than a binary result.

Comparing two face opencv

I am new in opencv. I am trying to make a program which capture video from webcam and show the face on the video is exist in the directory or not. I already complete face detect from webcam. Now i jast need to compare the similarity of detected face with the directory image face. Please help me some one...
I am using
MSVC 2010
OpenCV 2.1
You can use OpenCV's face detection methods. They have a very good tutorial in their website.
You can see to libface. It can detect and recognise faces.

Stitching Panoramic Images

Today I came up with an interesting project from Germany: Throwable PanoramicBall Camera 36 images are captured in a small ball, then they are showed panoramically. The author declares to use OpenCV
Can you give me some idea about creating a model for cameras at fixed position/orientation and stitching images with OpenCV?
Look into Image rectification:
This book also has some good explanations and code examples on how to do it in OpenCV in the later chapters:
The author was probably using the new samples available in OpenCV.
Here are links to the samples currently available in OpenCV...
You may want to start with these samples if you're trying to do image stitching in OpenCV.