How to start Machine Learning with python programming? [closed] - python-2.7

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know the concepts of python programming. And I heard that with python machine learning is more compatible. So, I want to start the machine learning using python. I am a novice in machine learning.(just want to start from scratch)
How will I start towards this??

You will need to learn theoretical sutff including maths/stats/data mining etc...
The best way is - depending on ur current background - probably the very famous Andrew Ng Coursera Course on Machine Learning. I honnestly don't think there's a faster/easier way. Youtube may be a good help as I already found tons on ML/stats related videos.

Having solid knowledge on statistical background of machine learning, I think is more essential. Numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, would be some useful tools in python for machine learning.

One of the best resources I found when I first started using Python for machine learning was Sebastian Raschka's Python's Machine Learning book.
I also used a variety of different Udemy tutorials, such as this one. They're great for building confidence, but they generally only show you generic use cases, with data sets that are typically much cleaner than the ones you'll see in real life.
However, make sure that you are understanding the conceptual basis of what you are doing. Anyone can go import scikitlearn and crank out some predictions, but what separates an amateur from a professional in this being able to write your own custom algorithms, understanding the edge cases, and lower-level nuances (ie. when to use L1 vs. L2 regularization, or whether your data pattern means you can implement a RBK vs linear support vector machine), etc. For that, I'd highly recommend picking up a few machine learning and predictive analytics textbooks, such as Applied Predictive Modeling by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson.
Finally, there are a variety of great podcasts to listen. One pretty accessible one for beginners to familiarize yourself with core data science principles is the The Data Skeptic.


Writing drivers for Windows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I recently asked the question if I could limit bandwidth via a C# WinForms applications much like NetLimiter and NetBalancer. I was told that there's two ways to do this. Either via proper QoS or writing something along the lines of an "NDIS Network Filter Driver". Using QoS isn't the way I want to take. So I've looked up some of the stuff required to write drivers and found some interesting points. Points such as a good understanding of C/C++, because the executed code being very prone to BSODs since it could be run in something called "Kernel mode". I also found a GitHub "dump" which looks interesting and tempts me to investigate and look around in.
As you can see I'm no where near advanced enough to delve into this on a professional level. Ignoring that, what would be a good start to start my adventures into writing drivers to monitor - and further down the line manipulate the network to introduce throttling.
Any help, guides or information that might be of help is always appreciated.
PS: I am unsure as to whether this is (as afore mentioned in a comment to my previous question) too broad a question to be answered on Stack Overflow. If so, where would I go to ask this?
Indeed, this would be too broad. Driver writing is a complicated thing which requires a good understanding of how a computer and the OS works. Also, C# (and .NET itself) indeed isn't available in Kernel Mode, so C/C++ is the preferred way. Although theoretically any unmanaged language (like Pascal) could do, I haven't heard of anyone writing drivers in them. Microsoft's own developer resources are also written with C/C++ in mind.
Which brings us to the question of why you want to do it.
If you need it for work and there's a deadline - forget it. Get someone else who already knows this stuff. Or there might be a library out there that fills the need. Any of these options will be cheaper than your time spent learning all this stuff.
If it's for your own curiosity however - go for it! I'd advise by starting to learn C first. Not C++, that's more complicated and for drivers it will be easier with C anyway. But you can pick up C++ later too, it's good stuff. C++ is mostly compatible with C, so you can start with C and then continue with C++.
In parallel, get a good book about OS design. Not because you want to design an OS, but to understand the basic concepts that it is built upon. You should get a good understanding of things such as Kernel Mode/User Mode, virtual memory, interrupts, process scheduling, etc.
Learning a bit of assembly might be useful too (albeit not required).
Finally, when you feel like you've got a good grasp of the above, head over to MSDN and start reading about driver development. There will be long articles and example programs to get you started. Tweak them and play around in a virtual machine until you get what you need.
And also... read this.

Should I use a code converter (Python to C++)? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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Let me just say right off the bat that i'm not a programmer. I'm just a guy with an idea taking his first steps to make it a reality. I'm no stranger to programming, mind you, but some of the concepts and terminology here are way over my head; so i apologize in advance if this question was answered before (i.e. Convert Python program to C/C++ code?).
I have an idea to create a simple A.I. network to analyze music data sent from a phone via cloud computing (I got a guy for the cloud stuff). It will require a lot of memory and need to be fast for the hard number-crunching. I had planned on doing it in python, but have since learned that might not be such a good idea (Is Python faster and lighter than C++?).
Since python is really the only gun i have in my holster, i was thinking of using a python-to-C++-converter. But nothing comes without a price:
Is this an advantageous way to keep my code fast?
What's the give-and-take for using a converter?
Am i missing anything? I'm still new to this so i'm not even sure what questions to ask.
Thanks in advance.
Generally it's an awful way to write code, and does not guarantee that it will be any faster. Things which are simple and fast in one language can be complex and slow in another. You're better off either learning how to write fast Python code or learning C++ directly than fighting with a translator and figuring out how to make the generated code run acceptably.
If you want C++, use C++. Note, however that PyPy have a bunch of benchmarks showing that they can be much faster than C; and with NumPy, which uses compiled extensions, numerical work becomes much faster and easier.
If you want to programme in something statically compiled, and a bit like Python, there's RPython.
Finally, you can do what NumPy does: use extensions written in C or C++ for most of your heavy computational lifting, where that appears to be appropriate, either because profiling shows a hotspot, or because you need an extension to more easily do something involving python's internals. Note that this will tie your code to a particular implementation.
Similar to what was already stated, C++ may be faster in some areas and slower in others. Python is exactly the same. In the end, any language will be converted into machine code. It is really up to the compiler in the end to make it as efficient as it knows how to do. That said, it is better to pick one language and learn how to write fast and efficient code to do what you want.
No because significant part of the good C++ performance comes from the possibility to choose the better performing architecture. It does not come magically from the same fact "because it is C".
A simple, line by line translation from Python into C++ is unlikely to increase the performance more than just using something like Cython so I think it is more reasonable to use Cython. It can still be much worse than a good developer can do with C++ from scratch. C++ simply provides more control over everything like possibility to define data type of the minimal needed length, fixed size array on stack, turn off array bounds checking in production and the like.

Writing database software in C/C++ [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been a self taught web developer for a few years now, and usually use C#/ASP.NET, Python, and PHP. But I want to try to advance my skills by doing something more advanced. I am looking to try to build a database program like SQLite, or a mini MySQL sort of thing in C/C++ just to practice and learn new things.
My project doesn't have to be a RDBMS. It can be something like a simple web server or something. Just something to see if I like doing that kind of thing more than web development.
However, I can't seem to find any kind of book or tutorials online that teaches this sort of thing. Does anyone know where I can find resources regarding this? I have a C book that teaches the language itself, but I learn how to think through things a lot better when I try to build something specific like a database engine etc. Thanks for any input.
For literature I could recommend something like Accelerated C++ or Thinking in C++. I also recently got my hands on Code Complete, found it in a shelf at work, and it is as good as people say. Solid language agnostic advice.
Also you should separate C and C++, they may seem similar and people clump them together but it's really two different ways of thinking. Now the new C++11 makes the differences even more important to understand, C++ is just not C with classes.
Why don't you try something a bit smaller like a ray tracer? Its very attainable to write a simple one that can produce some nice images, and its something you can come back to again and again to add features.
You can read the book Learn C the Hard Way by Zed Shaw. He teaches you how to write C using Make and Valgrind. Later exercises have you write your own software package installer and a tiny web server. Best of all, it's free.
Updated broke link
Bookmark this resource,
This is often a great/massive start point for in depth knowledge about everything from algorithms, dbms, graphics to real time systems. Complete video courses/lectures or written course materials. A place to expand knowledge or get ideas.
For example you could check the video lectures about dbms development
...Or why not this one about artificial intelligence ->
No c/c++ examples but they drill down each part, patterns, strategy and algorithms.
...The only sad thing is that most professors speak in really bad English.
Well after #MitchWheat said that even writing something like SQLite was pretty ambitious, I chose to try an do a little web server instead and found this post which included a few links for doing that. Thanks for the input.

Is it worth learning C/C++ before learning Python? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I want to learn python, but I feel I should learn C or C++ to get a solid base to build on. I already know some C/C++ as well as other programming languages, which does help. So, should I master C/C++ first?
In my opinion it's better to start learning Python.
I found it easier to learn then C or C++. It has libraries to do virtually anything you might need, and can do essentially anything.
The only reason to use a more difficult language like C/C++ is if you need the performance or are writing code for an embedded system. They are not, however, what you should be learning initially.
C# is a fine language, but nothing beats Python for ease of use.
The scope of Python is quite broad, here are some examples:
Create a website (Django, etc.)
Create scripts to do tasks ranging from image manipulation to server maintenance
Create GUIs (Tkinter, etc.)
Create games (pygame)
Scientific computing (SciPy)
Python can interact directly with arbitrary C code, meaning anything which can be done in C, can be done in Python with a little work. Python is popular enough that an interface has been created for virtually everything already.
For a better look at what can be done with python out of the box, take a look at the standard library which comes with python:
In short, if it can be done with a computer, and doesn't require the speed of C/C++, it can be done with Python.
I would say it depends on what you want to achieve (cheesy answer...)
The truth is, learning language is a long process. If you plan on learning a language as a step toward learning another language, you're probably wasting your time.
It takes a good year to be proficient with C++, and that is with basic knowledge of algorithms and object concepts. And I only mean proficient, meaning you can get things done, but certainly not expert or anything.
So the real question is, do you want to spend a year learning C++ before beginning to learn Python ?
If the ultimate goal is to program in Python... it doesn't seem worth it.
Real mastery of a language takes time and lots of practice .. its analogous to learning a natural language like French . you have to do a lot of practice in it. but then different languages teach you different programming methodologies.
python and c++ are all object oriented languages so you will be learning the same programming methodology
The order in which you learn languages doesn't really matter but starting from a lower abstraction to higher one makes understanding some things easier..
In my opinion you should defiantly learn Python before attempting to learn C or C++ as you will get a better understanding of the core concepts, C++ is mush lower level than Python so you will need to make more commands to do something that you can do in one line in python.

What to look for in a candidate with over 8 years of experience in C, C++, Linux Application Development? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to interview a candidate with over 8 years of experience in Linux using C/C++.
What would be the best way to judge such a candidate?
Do I need to test his understanding of algorithms?
Do I need to test his programming skills by asking to write a program?
How should I test his understanding of Linux?
It depends entirely on what you want him to do. You haven't said anything about the position that you are hiring for but if, say, you want him to write C# then you need him to prove his adaptibility.
Do you need him to write (or modify or bugfix) algorithms? If not, then it is pointless determining how good at them he is.
On the other hand, in order to understand his abilities, you may be better off talking to him about a domain that he is familiar with. You should certainly get him to describe a recent project that he has been involved in, what his contribution was, what the challenges were, what went well, what lessons he learnt.
"Over 8 years of experience in Linux using C/C++" is a fairly vague requirement without reasons for the time length. What are the specific reasons for that time length? Would you prefer more C/C++ experience if some of it were BSD or Solaris or other Unix? Would you prefer less time or a wider experience with different distributions; would you prefer 5 years experience with Red Hat or 7 years experience spanning Red Hat, Debian, SUSE, Gentoo, and others. What are you trying to get from the person you hire, that relates to the amount of time?
The best way to judge a candidate, any candidate, is on how well he can do the job, not how good the qualifications are. You mentioned Lead Developer, owning a product feature and eventually new features. What sort of feature? A highly responsive and adaptive UI? A UI-free recursive data mining calculation? Offline document scanning/indexing code? Custom device drivers?
Basic understanding of algorithms is important, but that can be tested easily in a phone interview. The ability to map out an algorithm for problem solving, and clearly state the reasons for preferring one over another is much more useful, and harder to test.
Test his programming skills by asking to write a program is a fairly useful BS indicator test; there are quite a few people who are adept at slinging manure who can't actually write a line of code. Another useful test is to give him some code with a defect and ask him what's wrong with it, and how he would fix it.
To test his understanding of Linux, I would look at a basic BS test; fire up a Linux box and ask him to perform some basic tasks, including maybe write and compile "Hello world". This will identify the BS artists. Then I would just go with some stock test, showing that he understands the basics of the Linux design; some file system knowledge, some knowledge of tools, ask about how he would add removable device permissions for a user using SE Linux, how he'd configure access to an application that needs elevated privileges so users without those privileges can use the application.
But ultimately, these are all pretty generic ideas; IMHO, it's much more useful to think in terms of "what do we want the candidate to accomplish", than "how do we test basic skills".
Maybe you should focus on what you need. Can he help you? Has he solved problems similar to yours? What are his expectations, what are yours?
I interview people like this all the time. The answer is that no matter how much experience he has, you must prove to yourself that he is capable of the job.
Joel Spolsky is right, hiring badly is destructive to a team and organization. It should be avoided at all costs.
The more I think about it, the more I begin to think good professional developers must be good communicators - in their code and with people. Think of the old saying - the more you know, the more you realise you don't know.
That's not to say you want somebody who isn't confident: but neither do you want someone that is cocky and unwilling to interact with others.
Recently someone asked about whether they should become a programmer in this posting. No matter how a programmer starts out they will likely learn from many mistakes they've made and as a result have an element of humility about themselves and development in general.
A good programmer continues to learn and keeps a relatively open mind.