PayPal transaction id is not display in XCart invoice - x-cart

I would like to know that why XCart have public id instead of PayPal transaction id in their order invoices, And is there any way to displays the PayPal transaction id in invoice after successful order completion through PayPal in XCart .

The reason X-Cart displays internal transaction ID is that if a transaction is not through and you provide a merchant with internal ID, they can go to Orders > Payment transactions section in admin area and will find the transaction details. Paypal's transaction ID would not allow that.
If you want to pull Paypal's transaction ID, you can do that like this:
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '');
$return = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('\XLite\Model\Order')->find(ORDER_ID);
foreach ($return->getEvents() as $event) {
foreach ($event->getDetails() as $detail) {
if ($detail->name == 'Unique customer ID') {


NetSuite REST API with Postman: Record not found while using Suiteql

I'm trying to query some records like vendor and customer using suiteql with REST API using Postman.
The issue is that it return everytime the same error:
"Invalid search query. Detailed unprocessed description follows. Search error occurred: Record 'customer' was not found."
I tried:
differents syntax like Customer, CUSTOMER, customers, Customers, CUSTOMERS
but no change.
I added customer access to the role.
Is there something to activate while using suiteql with rest api?
Can you first try with select * from customer and see if any results are returned and then go on appending your conditions like date created greater than this year start
SELECT id, companyname, email, datecreated
FROM customer
NetSuite doesn't say it but for a record to be searchable, the user needs to have the following permissions:
Find Transaction
All the records needed
Perform search
All the records needed
REST WEB Services
Log in using Access Tokens or Oauth 2.0
SuiteAnalytics WorkBook

Sending customer id in customer registration email opencart 3.0.2

I need to add customer id in customer registration email template. When I looked in mail function in catalog/controller/mail/register.php I could see that $args passing the parameters of customers details. But in that variable. there is no customer id. How can I pass customer ID too to this variable?
In this file:
$data['firstname'] = $args[0]['firstname'];
Add before it:
$data['customer_id'] = $output;
In this file:
Add where you want:
Customer ID: {{ customer_id }}
Then clear caches (twig cache, ocmod cache).

Hyperledger Composer Playground Business Logic relationship

I'm tasked with learning about HyperLedger Fabric, and I'm supposed to build a business network that has many companies (participants), each company has many Outboxes (also Participants?).
Each Outbox can write Messages(Assets) to the Blockchain.
However, only the company to which the Outbox belongs should be allowed to view/edit etc the message.
So far I've managed to get most of this running, but as of now I still can create new transactions where the message belongs to company 1 and is sent by Outbox 2, which should belong to company 2.
How do I resolve this so that it is impossible to create a Message that belongs to a company 1 and simultaneously to an outbox 2 that itself doesn't belong to company 1?
asset Message identified by messageId {
o String messageId
o String text
--> Company writerCompany
--> App writerApp
abstract participant Member identified by memberId{
o String memberId
o String memberName
participant App identified by appId{
o String appId
--> Company company
participant Company extends Member{
participant Auditor extends Member{
transaction Write {
--> Message message
--> App writerApp
function Write(write) {
write.message.writerApp = write.writerApp;
return getAssetRegistry('org.acme.mynetwork.Message')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
return assetRegistry.update(write.message);

OTRS fetch info from url

I've OTRS 5 working fine . I need to retrieve information from web
for example I received emails from support team they put in the subject (customer ID) I need to put in the body message of the Ticket the customer information based on Customer ID which will fetch it from another local system through Url e.x ""
for example I received ticket in subject: customer 23487893 have issue
in body need to be something like
hello team this customer (ID 23487893) have issue
customer info (fetch it from
telephone and more

How do I get the mailbox and the name of all of the participants of an appointement?

I am working with an Exchange web service, and I want to get the mailbox and the name of all the participants of an appointment.
I do this using:
foreach (Attendee participant in appointment.RequiredAttendees)
Console.WriteLine("Attendee {0}", participant.Name);
and it returns me nothing.
RequiredAttendees is a string. You need the Recipients collection.