How to set the left margin length of WebStorm Editor? - webstorm

I spent time looking for answer in Preferences and online and thought of getting help before logging an issue with WebStorm. There is huge left margin in WebStorm and I couldn't find the setting to reduce the length.
Another setting I didn't find but not much bothered about it is background color of the Project Explorer. I would like it to black but don't see the setting option.

Left Margin Length:
There is no way to explicitly change the length. I went into Distraction Free and Presentation Mode and then exited from Presentation and Distraction Free mode (in this order).
Project View Background:
Project view: Settings/File colors, Click +, choose 'project files' scope, select a color. Uncheck the 'Use in editor tabs' checkbox, make sure to check 'Use in project view'


How to change font or color setting of code disabled by conditional compilation?

Let's say I have a code like this:
#define ABC
#ifdef ABC
int foo = 1;
int bar = 2;
I want to modify displaying of the text inside else part of conditional compilation.
I'm using dark scheme in VS2012. Current setting will drop all colors except constants, comments and keywords which will get bit darker. I would like to change it to either drop all colors completely or change everything to different color.
I would really love to have the part which is not complied crossed (or at least italic) but that does not seem to be possible in VS editor at all.
Please excuse me for bringing up a 2 year old topic, but this could better help the community in finding fast answers.
Sigve had provided correct answer but the following is in addition to what he had said.
If you are still not able to change the color of the Display item (Excluded code in this case), go to
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ (e.g.) -> View. Choose 'True' (default is false) to disable inactive code opacity. When you go back to the font and colors, and change the color for 'Excluded Code', the color will be updated.
Select Options from the Tools menu, and in the Environment folder, select Fonts and Colors.
The Fonts and Colors, Environment, Options Dialog Box opens.
In Show settings for, select Text Editor.
Modify the Font and Size options to change the font face and size for all text elements in all editors.
Select the appropriate item in Display items, and then modify the Item foreground and Item background options.
The item you want in Display items is excluded code.

Eclipse dark theme highlight issue

I just switched from geany to eclipse and I have a little problem
How can I change that highlight color which is VERY annoying
As you can see, whenever I highlight anything and click somewhere else, it changes like this. How can fix this little bug?
Open Window>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations
Modify the color for "PHP elements 'read' occurrences" and "PHP elements 'write' occurrences". Obviously I'm using eclipse PHP but you should see similar options in the annotations list for non-PHP eclipse.
Here's what worked for me:
Open Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors ->
Select "Occurrences (PyDev)." The "Text as" drop down box on the right should read "Highlighted," and the color is very light.
Click the color button and change it to something easier on the eyes.
I found the best thing to do is to go into GWindows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations and change everything from Highlighted to Underlined and choose the underline color to suit.
If you are using Python in eclipse (using PyDev) than the above solution won't help.
Than you have to go to
"Open Windows>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors> Annotations"
and change the color of Breakpoints(PyDev).
Once you do that the color of all which are matching your current selection will be in the color you chose and not the annoying yellowish highlight color.
General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations preference
section. Look for C/C++ Occurrences and C/C++ Write Occurrences.
I had to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for an answer to this question. Here is a picture of the Preferences showing which selection is for changing the background color of text you have selected with your mouse in the editor. This is totally different from the Occurrences that people keep pointing out.
If you're using PyDev, use the following:
Open Window>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations
in the list of Annotation types there is the "Occurrences (PyDev)" Option, which is the one you'll want to change.
I found a blue highlight for dark mode works well in PyDev.
For me, this is what did it (seems it's different for everyone):
Open Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations
Under "Annotation Types":
select "Boot Dynamic Info", then uncheck the "Text as" checkbox on the right.
Using the answers above to set the colours, here are some that I found worked in RGB:
(65, 66, 36)
(83, 55, 55)
In my case, Spring Tool Suite 4.14.0 (202203), changing "LSP Read Occurrence" color under Windows -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations solved my problem.
I had the same issue with highlighted inactive code.
I was able to change it in Window>Preferences>C/C++(or other programming language)>Editor under "Appearance color options:" select "Inactive code highlight" and change to the desired color.
Similar post about inactive code in Eclipse.
Also check "Vwrapper Search" color setting if you are using that plugin
Under Open Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
For some reason it overrides other defaults. Tested with the Darkest Dark theme on Eclipse 2022-09.
Annotations is the setting you want to Change (whatever Eclipse you are using - example below is CDT):
annotations / Occurences in Eclipse preferences

Source Insight //TODO comment

I recently started working with Source Insight, and in order to get a proper looking //TODO - comment you need to write // TODO
(with an extra space).
I tried looking around the config for a way to remove this extra space, couldn't find it, and can't get used to writing it with the extra space.
Any way to solve this? Or should I embrace this, and then slowly, learn to cherish it?
Go to Options->Style Properties
Add a new Style for your "todo" comments, set its properties to be whatever you like
Go to Options->Document Options
Click on "Language" button in Parsing section
Select appropriate language (C? C++?)
Click "Properties"
Change to "Comments and Ranges" tab
Click "Add new definition"
Set formatting style to match the new one you created above
For "range begins with" put "//todo" (perhaps one for each type of
Click ok x 3
Yes to "Reparse project"
Click close
It should now be showing up properly!

WebStorm Terminal Color

I'm getting this unbearable white background in my Idea terminal. (WebStorm)
Does anyone know how I can change this?
Open File > Settings, and head to the Editor section > Colors & Fonts section. There, you'll see the Console Colors option.
Here, you'll get an interactive edit screen to determine what you want those console colors to look like. Click on the one that's most afflicted and edit its background color to match that of the console window.
Alternatively, if this is from a vanilla installation of your IDE, consider filing a bug against it.
Perhaps, you've changed color scheme of cmd. Delete the entire HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console key from the registry, it sets your cmd settings to defaults and fixes this bug.
Open Registry and navigate to
and remove
This will reset color settings of your "cmd" window as well. However till JetBrains fixes this issue there is no other way around.

Does ColdFusion Builder have split screen editing like Homesite+, and how do I turn it on?

Does ColdFusion Builder have split screen editing like Homesite+, and how do I turn it on? How do I activate word wrap?
Thanks much!
In order to see 2 files tiled at the same time within ColdFusion Builder 2, follow the steps below:
Open the file
Right click the tab with the file name
Choose Move Editor
You will see the file outlined in black in the interface, it is now attached to your cursor
Click to the right of the Source tab in the open area
This will allow you to view both files at the same time, one above the other
The file you select will be the active file
You can still use the Source and browser tabs, they will reflect whatever file is the active one
Word Wrap:
Go to Window > Preferences > HTML > Editors. Click the Advanced tab and check Enable word wrap. Restart CF Builder.
If you want to compare 2 files, there is an easier way.
Select both files
Right-click one of them
Select 'Compare With --> Each Other
Eclipse will then show you the 2 files side by side, and highlight any differences.
ColdFusion Builder 2016 (AKA 3.1) offers "split view" for both horizontal (CTRL+_) & vertical (CTRL+{), but the hotkeys don't appear to work at the moment. This can be accessed via the "Window | Editor" menu. You can also search the "Quick Access" search box and type "Split" and then choose the toggle options that appear.
In ColdFusion Builder 2016 the keyboard shortcut is: (CTRL+SHIFT+_) AND (CTRL+SHIFT+{)