Insert a link, Search tab, giving wrong ID of the item and link is broken - sitecore

I am using Sitecore 7, in rich text editor I want to add a link to a pdf file, I used "Add a Link" option from the tool bar, I went to "search" tab which I believe is new in this version of Sitecore, I searched my item and inserted a link, Sitecore uses following format for insert the link
But the ID generated by the search function is not correct, it does not exist in the Sitecore database, If I manually edit the ID to the valid ID, it works, Why search function gives me a wrong ID?
See attched image as well.

I've created a ticket to the support yesterday about that issue, i'll edit my answer when i get an answer back (They can reproduce the error on a clean 7.2)
I've make a blog post which talk about the issue and give the ticket number (you can as the patch to the support)


Change the edit link image in oracle apex 5

I created an application with oracle apex, and I want to create an interactive report. So created a page by following the wizard. In one of the steps, it asked me to choose an image for the edit link, as shown in the picture below.
My Problem is that, now, I would like to change the image of this edit link, how can I do this?
If you edit the IR's attributes, under Link Column you will see something like this:
Or if using the newer Page Designer you would see this:
Change the name of the image file (e2.gif here) to the one you want.
If you don't know the name of the one you want, create another page temporarily and use the wizard to get the one you want, then have a look to see what the filename is.

Sitecore 8 Insert link to items in bucket

I am using Sitecore 8.1 and Glass mapper ORM. In page editor mode, I have a link field which can be linked to news article page. The folder structure is
News/News article. News folder is of type Bucket and article is bucketable item.
When I am trying to insert link from other pages to the actual news article I am unable to find search box or expand items under news. Is there any way I can insert link to the news article? Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.
You have 2 options:
In the content editor in the view ribbon you can enable "Buckets". This will make all bucket items visible again (the bucket is expanded and all folders and items can be seen in the tree). This setting is taken into account in the "insert link" window as well.
Use the search tab in the "insert link" window (normally you should have 3 tabs (link, media items, search). The search tab will let you find the bucketed items as well, but also others - it is not restricted to a bucket.
After trying this myself, I noticed that if you edit the link field within the experience editor the search is indeed not provided (not even with the general link with search field). In the content editor the search is present.
A workaround is option1, or use an EditFrame. But I would contact Sitecore Support as well and ask them to add this - I'll do it too.
Edit2 : issue has just been registered as a bug. If you need a fix without waiting for a solution in a future version, you can ask Sitecore Support.

How to better manage versions in Sitecore Page Editor

The way that Page Editor handles versions has been causing issues for in one of our Sitecore solutions for a client. I've posted about them here:
Sitecore instance showing incorrect workflow state in Page Editor
Expected usage of Page Editor's Experience date
I didn't get much response on those and so far I've surmised that this is just how Sitecore works. This is less than ideal for our instance, as when publishing restrictions are set, authors don't know which version they're editing which is causing various issues for them.
I'd like to implement a solution(s) to improve the experience provide the following functionality:
Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed.
A button on the Experience tab that resets the Date to the default (this is not simply setting the date to the current date/time, but resetting it to act as it did before a date was manually set).
A custom button in Content Editor which allows an author to open a specific version in Page Editor...set the date automatically when it opens, I guess.
An any one give me some clues on how much of this is possible and where to start?
For the first bullet "Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed", you can add version item in Core database.
Move to "Core" DB in Desktop Mode
Navigate to "/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Experience/"
Create "Versions" item like this,
Create "Compare" item under "Versions" like this,
The result like this,
The content author can see which version they are using and they can also compare with previous versions.

How to add custom menu in Sitecore menu list

i want to add my custom application name in Sitecore Start Menu List, i'm following this article :
Adding Application Shortcut
it saying use Core database i'm using this, i couldn't find Layout studio, can any sitecore developer suggest me how to find this and finish my job. Thanks in advance.
I think the instructions you've linked to there are out of date. I've not seen that bit of UI in recent releases of Sitecore.
Working in Sitecore 6.6 I've successfully made custom applications using these instructions:
But beware the issue that I've blogged about here. The recent revisions of Sitecore subtly break the configuration defined above, and you have to manually edit out a file extension to make everything work:
-- Edited to add --
Based on the "it doesn't work in 7.5" comment below, I've tried these instructions on a test instance of Sitecore 7.5 rev 141003. It seems 7.5 behaves slightly differently - but I can still make it work.
Create the item under /sitecore/content/Applications using the external link button for the "Application" field. With raw values displayed, it should look something like:
And then create your application shortcut under /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu using an internal link for the Application field. I found this still added the '.aspx' extension mentioned in my blog post, but I also found that editing it out again didn't work - it reappeared as soon as I hit save. I needed to edit out the extension from the link data using the Raw Values view in order to get the data shown below:
With those things set up, refreshing the page caused the test item to appear on my start menu:
Hopefully that works for you too?
-- Further edited to add --
New blog post covering this problem in Sitecore 7.5:
Which version of Sitecore are you using? The Layout Studio is probably one of the least features in Sitecore, and personally not something I have ever used.
Instead you should create the the layout in Visual Studio - which then means your layout can be added to your Source Control System. Then follow the instructions in the link in Jeremy's answer.
If you do need to access the Layout Studio for some reason you can find it under: Sitecore menu > Development Tools > Developer Center. From there you can create new files/open existing files.

Which .XML file are using for Insert Link button of General Link field in Sitecore 7.2

Can anybody tell me which .xml file are using for Insert Link button of General Link field in Sitecore 7.2.
I have tried to update below files but all are not affecting -
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Buckets - BucketInternalLink.xml
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Buckets - InsertLink.xml
I think under Buckets folder files are using in case of General Link field with Search
I have tried for all
If I am updating other files like
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Dialogs.ExternalLink - ExternalLink.xml
then it's showing updates in Sitecore but in case of insert link no one files are working.
Thanks in advance
check out my blogpost about fixing the internal link. It might prove difficult to extend but it is possible. At least I have been able to override the class and pass the preLoadPath.
In Sitecore 7.2 the XML Insert Link Dialog is replaced by the new SPEAK UI Dialog. The actual url of the insert link dialog is located on
The actual file is located in the core database under: /sitecore/client/Applications/Dialogs/InsertLinkViaTreeDialog.
From there you can navigate to the appropriate renderings and modify them (which might affect other windows.
If you want to enable the old style InsertLink that uses the InsertLink.xml you can disable it from /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Speak.config and remove the following line:
<override dialogUrl="/sitecore/shell/Applications/Dialogs/Internal%20link.aspx" with="/sitecore/client/applications/dialogs/InsertLinkViaTreeDialog" />