Class overhead in C++ - c++

I have a class e.g.:
class Vehicle {
Vehicle(int handle);
// Methods that use the handle e.g.:
Color getColor() {
return VEHICLE::GET_COLOR(handle);
int handle;
I don't know if that example makes sense to you, but I built several wrapper classes around those handles to get a more OOP style of coding.
So my question now is, how much overhead is there when I pass a Vehicle object over just passing the vehicle handle to other methods?

If you split your class in a header and source file and use it in other compilation units there will be a sligth overhead due to the call to the constructor.
To solve this, the definition of your constructor has to be placed within your header file, so that the compiler can inline it.
You can do this with either changing your class declaration:
class Vehicle {
Vehicle(int handle)
: handle(handle)
or by putting the definition inside your headerfile and decorating it with the inline keyword.
class Vehicle {
Vehicle(int handle);
inline Vehicle::Vehicle(int handle)
: handle(handle)
Notice that there is no gurantee that your function will be inlined, but probably every major compiler out there will be able to do it.
Also notice, that additional work in your constructor, e.g handle - 1, will also very likely result in a overhead.
If your class is polymorphic or bigger, there might be additional overhead.

An optimizing compiler would ensure that there is no overhead for such simple call forwards. The core class (used by wrapper) should ideally be in same module (DLL/SO), otherwise linker/optimizer may be of little help.
However, for such thin wrappers around core class, even in shared-library scenario, the compiler would simply call the core method, eliminating the wrapper class method from call site.


Is there a way to overload classes in a way similar to function overloading?

We can overload functions by giving them a different number of parameters. For example, functions someFunc() and someFunc(int i) can do completely different things.
Is it possible to achieve the same effect on classes? For example, having one class name but creating one class if a function is not called and a different class if that function is not called. For example, If I have a dataStorage class, I want the internal implementation to be a list if only add is called, but want it to be a heap if both add and pop are called.
I am trying to implement this in C++, but I am curious if this is even possible. Examples in other languages would also help. Thanks!
The type of an object must be completely known at the point of definition. The type cannot depend on what is done with the object later.
For the dataStorage example, you could define dataStorage as an abstract class. For example:
struct dataStorage {
virtual ~dataStorage() = default;
virtual void add(dataType data) = 0;
// And anything else necessarily common to all implementations.
There could be a "default" implementation that uses a list.
struct dataList : public dataStorage {
void add(dataType data) override;
// And whatever else is needed.
There could be another implementation that uses a heap.
struct dataHeap : public dataStorage {
void add(dataType data) override;
void pop(); // Maybe return `dataType`, if desired
// And whatever else is needed.
Functions that need only to add data would work on references to dataStorage. Functions that need to pop data would work on references to dataHeap. When you define an object, you would choose dataList if the compiler allows it, dataHeap otherwise. (The compiler would not allow passing a dataList object to a function that requires a dataHeap&.) This is similar to what you asked for, except it does require manual intervention. On the bright side, you can use the compiler to tell you which decision to make.
A downside of this approach is that changes can get messy. There is additional maintenance and runtime overhead compared to simply always using a heap (one class, no inheritance). You should do some performance measurements to ensure that the cost is worth it. Sometimes simplicity is the best design, even if it is not optimal in all cases.

do I need to specify class for every function implementation in c++

If I have a header file that states
class fanStatusManager{
//default constructor
public fanstatus_t setFanStatus(fanstatus_t status);
and a cpp file that implements them:
//default constructor TODOi
fanstatus_t fanStatusManager::setFanStatus(fanstatus_t status){
//TODO: imlement this!
I get a bit tired of typing "fanStatusManager::" before every implementation. Is it possible to circumvent this somehow?
Although it is possible to avoid typing the name of the class if you place implementation in the header, i.e.
class fanStatusManager{
public fanstatus_t setFanStatus(fanstatus_t status) {
//TODO: imlement this!
there is no way to work around this if you are implementing member-functions separately. This is because C++ allows free-standing functions, i.e. this syntax is perfectly valid:
fanstatus_t setFanStatus(fanstatus_t status) {
//TODO: imlement this!
The above defines a free-standing function called setFanStatus which is not associated with any class.
You can inline the member functions within the class definition
class fanStatusManager
//default constructor
//default constructor TODOi
fanstatus_t setFanStatus(fanstatus_t status)
//TODO: implement this!
The downside of this is that, whenever you change the implementation of a member function, you are changing the header file that defines the class. That forces recompilation of EVERY compilation unit (aka source file) which depends on the header file.
In practice, unless your project is extremely SMALL and TRIVIAL (e.g. everything lives in a single source file) you are better off NOT doing this, except for very specific cases (e.g. accessors that will never be changed). The effort of typing fanStatusManager will be incurred exactly once for each member function. That is much less significant than the time and boredom you will experience as you get to watch every source file be recompiled when you change the implementation of ANY member function ..... even compilation units that don't actually use the member function you have changed.
If you don't need that class, you can just put it in namespace
namespace fanStatusManager
fanstatus_t setFanStatus(fanstatus_s status)
then you just put at the top of your file
using namespace fanStatusManager;
It won't create any object like class, but i think the functionality should be same. (If you don't need to create an object or work with any properties in that class)

pImpl idiom - what are the drawbacks of putting the private class implementation in cpp?

What are the disadvantages of the following implementation of the pImpl idiom?
// widget.hpp
// Private implementation forward declaration
class WidgetPrivate;
// Public Interface
class Widget
WidgetPrivate* mPrivate;
void SetWidth(int width);
// widget.cpp
#include <some_library.hpp>
// Private Implementation
class WidgetPrivate
friend class Widget;
SomeInternalType mInternalType;
SetWidth(int width)
// Do something with some_library functions
// Public Interface Implementation
mPrivate = new WidgetPrivate();
delete mPrivate;
void Widget::SetWidth(int width)
I would prefer not to have seperate headers and sources for the private implementation part of the class because the code is essentially of the same class - should they not reside together then?
What alternatives to this version would be better?
First, let's address the question of whether the private variables should reside with the class declaration. The private part of a class declaration is part of the implementation details of that class, rather than the interface exposed by that class. Any outside "user" of that class (whether it is another class, another module, or another program in the case of an API) will care only about the public part of your class, since that is the only thing that it can use.
Putting all the private variables directly into the class in a private section might look like it puts all relevant information in the same place (in the class declaration), but it turns out that not only are private member variables not relevant information, it also creates unnecessary and unwanted dependencies between your class' clients and what amounts to be implementation details.
If, for some reason, you need to add or remove a private member variable, or if you need to change its type (e.g. from float to double), then you modified the header file which represents the public interface to your class, and any user of that class needs to be recompiled. If you were exporting that class in a library, you would also break binary compatibility since, among other things, you probably changed the size of the class (sizeof(Widget) will now return a different value). When using a pImpl, you avoid those artificial dependencies and those compatibility problems by keeping implementation details where they belong, which is out of sight of your clients.
As you have guessed, there is however a tradeoff, which might or might not be important depending on your specific situation. The first tradeoff is that the class will lose some of its const-correctness. Your compiler will let you modify the content of your private structure within a method that is declared const, whereas it would have raised an error if it would have been a private member variable.
struct TestPriv {
int a;
class Test {
void foobar() const;
TestPriv *m_d;
int b;
m_d = new TestPriv;
b = 0;
delete m_d;
void Test::foobar() const
m_d -> a = 5; // This is allowed even though the method is const
b = 6; // This will not compile (which is ok)
The second tradeoff is one of performance. For most applications, this will not be an issue. However, I have faced applications that would need to manipulate (create and delete) a very large number of small objects very frequently. In those rare extreme cases, the extra processing required to create an allocate an additional structure and to defer assignations will take a toll on your overall performance. Take note however that your average program certainly does not fall in that category, it is simply something that needs to be considered in some cases.
I do the same thing. It works fine for any simple application of the PImpl idiom. There is no strict rule that says that the private class has to be declared in its own header file and then defined in its own cpp file. When it is a private class (or set of functions) that is only relevant to the implementation of one particular cpp file, it makes sense to put that declaration + definition in the same cpp file. They make logical sense together.
What alternatives to this version would be better?
There is an alternative for when you need a more complex private implementation. For example, say you are using an external library which you don't want to expose in your headers (or want to make optional through conditional compilations), but that external library is complicated and requires that you write a bunch of wrapper classes or adaptors, and/or you might want to use that external library in similar way in different parts of your main project's implementation. Then, what you can do is create a separate folder for all that code. In that folder, you create headers and sources as you usually would (roughly 1 header == 1 class) and can use the external library at will (no PImpl'ing of anything). Then, the parts of your main project which need those facilities can simply include and use them only in the cpp files for implementation purposes. This is more or less the basic technique for any large wrappers (e.g., a renderer that wraps either OpenGL or Direct3D calls). In other words, it's PImpl on steroids.
In summary, if it's just for a single-serving use / wrapping of an external dependency, then the technique you showed is basically the way to go, i.e., keep it simple. But if the situation is more complicated, then you can apply the principle of PImpl (compilation firewall) but on a larger proportion (instead of a ext-lib-specific private class in a cpp file, you have a ext-lib-specific folder of source files and headers that you use only privately in the main parts of your library / project).
I think there is no big difference. You can choose more convenient alternative.
But I have some other suggestions:
Usually in PIMPL I place implementation class declaration inside interface class:
class Widget
class WidgetPrivate;
This will prevent using of WidgetPrivate class outside of Widget class. So you dont need to declare Widget as friend of WidgetPrivate. And you can restrict access to implementation details of WidgetPrivate.
I recommend using of smart pointer. Change line:
WidgetPrivate* mPrivate;
std::unique_ptr<WidgetPrivate> mPrivate;
Using smart pointers you will not forget to delete member. And in case of exception thrown in constructor already created members will be always deleted.
My varian of PIMPL:
// widget.hpp
// Public Interface
class Widget
// Private implementation forward declaration
class WidgetPrivate;
std::unique_ptr<WidgetPrivate> mPrivate;
void SetWidth(int width);
// widget.cpp
#include <some_library.hpp>
// Private Implementation
class Widget::WidgetPrivate
SomeInternalType mInternalType;
SetWidth(int width)
// Do something with some_library functions
// Public Interface Implementation
mPrivate.reset(new WidgetPrivate());
void Widget::SetWidth(int width)

Handle Body Idiom in C++

I have a class in my library which I want to expose to the users. I don't want to expose the whole class as I might want to make a binary incompatible changes later. I am confused with which of the following ways would be best.
Case 1:
struct Impl1;
struct Handle1
// The definition will not be inline and will be defined in a C file
// Showing here for simplicity
void interface()
struct Impl1 : public Handle1
void interface(){ /* Do ***actual*** work */ }
int _data; // And other private data
Case 2:
struct Impl2
struct Handle2
// Constructor/destructor to manage impl
void interface() // Will not be inline as above.
Impl2* _impl;
struct Impl2
void interface(){ /* Do ***actual*** work */ }
int _data; // And other private data
The Handle class is only for exposing functionality. They will be created and managed only inside the library. Inheritance is just for abstracting implementation details. There won't be multiple/different impl classes. In terms of performance, I think both will be identical. Is it? I am thinking of going with the Case 1 approach. Are there any issues that needs to be taken care of?
Your second approach looks very much like the compilation firewall idiom (sometimes known as the PIMPL idiom).
The only difference is that in the compilation firewall idiom, the implementation class is usually (but not always) defined as a member. Don't forget the constructor
(which allocates the Impl) and the destructor (which frees it). Along with the copy constructor and assignment operator.
The first approach also works, but it will require factory functions to create the objects. When I've used it, I've simply made all of the functions in the Handle pure virtual, and let the client code call them directly.
In this case, since client code actually has pointers to your object (in the compilation firewall idiom, the only pointers are in the Handle class itself), and the client will have to worry about memory management; if no cycles are possible, this is one case where shared_ptr makes a lot of sense. (The factory function can return a
shared_ptr, for example, and client code may never see a raw pointer.)

Copying Methods from Member

I have a simple, low-level container class that is used by a more high-level file class. Basically, the file class uses the container to store modifications locally before saving a final version to an actual file. Some of the methods, therefore, carry directly over from the container class to the file class. (For example, Resize().)
I've just been defining the methods in the file class to call their container class variants. For example:
void FileClass::Foo()
This is, however, growing to be a nuisance. Is there a better way to do this?
Here's a simplified example:
class MyContainer
// ...
void Foo()
// This function directly handles the object's
// member variables.
class MyClass
MyContainer Member;
void Foo()
// This seems to be pointless re-implementation, and it's
// inconvenient to keep MyContainer's methods and MyClass's
// wrappers for those methods synchronized.
Well, why not just inherit privatly from MyContainer and expose those functions that you want to just forward with a using declaration? That is called "Implementing MyClass in terms of MyContainer.
class MyContainer
void Foo()
// This function directly handles the object's
// member variables.
void Bar(){
// ...
class MyClass : private MyContainer
using MyContainer::Foo;
// would hide MyContainer::Bar
void Bar(){
// ...
// ...
Now the "outside" will be able to directly call Foo, while Bar is only accessible inside of MyClass. If you now make a function with the same name, it hides the base function and you can wrap base functions like that. Of course, you now need to fully qualify the call to the base function, or you'll go into an endless recursion.
Additionally, if you want to allow (non-polymorphical) subclassing of MyClass, than this is one of the rare places, were protected inheritence is actually useful:
class MyClass : protected MyContainer{
// all stays the same, subclasses are also allowed to call the MyContainer functions
Non-polymorphical if your MyClass has no virtual destructor.
Yes, maintaining a proxy class like this is very annoying. Your IDE might have some tools to make it a little easier. Or you might be able to download an IDE add-on.
But it isn't usually very difficult unless you need to support dozens of functions and overrides and templates.
I usually write them like:
void Foo() { return Member.Foo(); }
int Bar(int x) { return Member.Bar(x); }
It's nice and symmetrical. C++ lets you return void values in void functions because that makes templates work better. But you can use the same thing to make other code prettier.
That's delegation inheritance and I don't know that C++ offers any mechanism to help with that.
Consider what makes sense in your case - composition (has a) or inheritance (is a) relationship between MyClass and MyContainer.
If you don't want to have code like this anymore, you are pretty much restricted to implementation inheritance (MyContainer as a base/abstract base class). However you have to make sure this actually makes sense in your application, and you are not inheriting purely for the implementation (inheritance for implementation is bad).
If in doubt, what you have is probably fine.
EDIT: I'm more used to thinking in Java/C# and overlooked the fact that C++ has the greater inheritance flexibility Xeo utilizes in his answer. That just feels like nice solution in this case.
This feature that you need to write large amounts of code is actually necessary feature. C++ is verbose language, and if you try to avoid writing code with c++, your design will never be very good.
But the real problem with this question is that the class has no behaviour. It's just a wrapper which does nothing. Every class needs to do something other than just pass data around.
The key thing is that every class has correct interface. This requirement makes it necessary to write forwarding functions. The main purpose of each member function is to distribute the work required to all data members. If you only have one data member, and you've not decided yet what the class is supposed to do, then all you have is forwarding functions. Once you add more member objects and decide what the class is supposed to do, then your forwarding functions will change to something more reasonable.
One thing which will help with this is to keep your classes small. If the interface is small, each proxy class will only have small interface and the interface will not change very often.