Insert Ember component at cursor in contentEditable element - ember.js

I have a contentEditable div where I want to allow users to type text, as well as insert input elements such as text boxes and dropdowns. The elements will be inserted where the cursor currently is, by allowing the user to click a button outside the editable div.
I got it working pretty well following this general example:
which basically does a
The problem is that it expects HTML to be passed into the function which inserts the element at cursor. For more complex things, I'd like to be able to insert Ember components with full html/js logic available, instead of trying to put all html/js into a string.
Is there a way to programmatically create a component AND insert it into a contentEditable element at cursor, while maintaining its functionality, such as actions, etc.
I'm on Ember 2.5 currently.

I think you could use a ember-cli plugin called ember-wormhole. What this component do is basically move the dom of you ember component to an html element that contains an id attribute.
document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML('<div id="my-component-id"></div>');
use my-component-id to ember-wormhole destinantion attribute:
{{#ember-wormhole to="my-component-id"}}
Regarding that, you could do something like:
click() {
let componentId = 'my-component-id';
document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(`<div id="${componentId}"></div>`);
this.get('components').pushObject(componentId); // components being an array
in your handlebars template:
{{#each components as |componentId|}}
{{#ember-wormhole to=componentId}}


Programmatic component rendering in Ember 2.5 using template in .hbs file [duplicate]

I have a contentEditable div where I want to allow users to type text, as well as insert input elements such as text boxes and dropdowns. The elements will be inserted where the cursor currently is, by allowing the user to click a button outside the editable div.
I got it working pretty well following this general example:
which basically does a
The problem is that it expects HTML to be passed into the function which inserts the element at cursor. For more complex things, I'd like to be able to insert Ember components with full html/js logic available, instead of trying to put all html/js into a string.
Is there a way to programmatically create a component AND insert it into a contentEditable element at cursor, while maintaining its functionality, such as actions, etc.
I'm on Ember 2.5 currently.
I think you could use a ember-cli plugin called ember-wormhole. What this component do is basically move the dom of you ember component to an html element that contains an id attribute.
document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML('<div id="my-component-id"></div>');
use my-component-id to ember-wormhole destinantion attribute:
{{#ember-wormhole to="my-component-id"}}
Regarding that, you could do something like:
click() {
let componentId = 'my-component-id';
document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(`<div id="${componentId}"></div>`);
this.get('components').pushObject(componentId); // components being an array
in your handlebars template:
{{#each components as |componentId|}}
{{#ember-wormhole to=componentId}}

Ember.js: sending actions to components?

I have a mixin for Ember components, named in-view, the job of which is to request that that the element be brought in view. It is provided an attribute whose value is an piece of content to be brought into view, and if that attribute matches the component's content then I call scrollIntoView or the equivalent. The code looks something like this:
// calling template
{{#each items as |item|}}
{{my-item content=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
// mixins/in-view.js
scrollIntoView() {
if (this.get('content') === this.get('inViewItem'))
// components/my-item/component.js
import InView from 'mixins/in-view';
export default Ember.Component.extend(InView,
This works fine. The question I have arises when I want to change the item in view. I can have the in-view mixin observe the inviewItem attribute:
and this also works, but seems like a bit of a code smell.
In addition, my actual code structure is that there is a controller which knows which item is supposed to be in view, and then its template calls a my-item-list component which displays the scrollable div containing the item list, and that in turn calls the my-item component. This means I have to pass the inViewItem attribute from the controller down through two levels, as in
// resource/controller.js
inViewItem: something
// resource/template.js
{{my-item-list items=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
// components/my-item-list/template.js
{{#each items as |item|}}
{{my-item content=item inViewItem=inViewItem}}
I could avoid this by having the my-item template hard-wired to access the inViewItem attribute on the controller:
scrollIntoView() {
if (this.get('content') === this.get('controller.inViewItem'))
but that's another code smell; I don't want to build this kind of dependency on a specific controller field into the mixin. Instead I could possibly pass the component the name of the controller attribute to watch, but this seems unduly clumsy, and it's tricky to observe an attribute whose name is variable. More importantly, I don't think this will work when controllers go away in 2.0.
What I want essentially is a way to "ping" or somehow send a message to a template. I know that in principle this violates the DDAU principle, but in this particular case what I need is exactly to somehow send an "action down"--an action telling the component to adjust itself to bring itself into view.
Of course, I could give up on the entire idea of the in-view mixin and simply have the controller dig down into the generated HTML to find the item to bring into view and issue the scrollIntoView on it directly. However, this seems to violate some principle of separation of concerns; the my-item template would no longer be in complete control of itself.
What is the recommended design pattern for this kind of case?
The solution here is to go the opposite direction that you have. Your component here is a localized scope, and the pain you are feeling is that your localized scope needs to access and mutate global state (the app's scroll position).
Some people use a scroll-service for keeping track of and mutating state, I've used several variations on that myself.
It sounds though like you're dealing with a scrollable list, perhaps a div, and that what item is in view isn't merely a function of page state, but programmatically may change. For instance, a new item has been inserted and you want to scroll the new item into view.
A plugin like jquery.scrollTo or similar (collectively "scroller") would be better for that than simply jumping to the new position as it preserves the user's contextual awareness to where they are on page.
With a scrollable div or list or similar, you might choose to have your top level component control scroll state. The scroll state is still localized in this case, but instead of being localized to each item it's been localized to the scrollable region as a whole, which is where it better belongs.
There are a number of patterns for list items to register themselves with a parent list-component. In a robust scenario, I might do so, but a quick and not very dirty approach is to do something wherein on didInsertElement the new child emits an action to the parent containing it's context, which the parent then uses to check if it's the active item and if so triggers the scrollTo.

Ember select element - unable to capture on change event

Ember question - still getting used to Ember, but making progress. Here's my issue: I have a template which references a component; the component contains a select element. The select element displays properly, and I want to update the contents of another select element based on the selection in the first element. However, I have not been able to capture the on change event of the first select element. Here is the component code containing the select:
prompt="Select Type..."
So I'm not sure how to reference the on change event in the component template, or where the function itself should go - the component's component.js file, or in the route.js file of the parent template. I've done much research on this, but haven't been able to make it work yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Check this JSBin. In this example, I had my dependent select use a computed property as its content. This computed property's single dependent key is the value of the first select. If you are doing this with components, your component needs to take the computed property as the attribute that is the select views' content. Any time the first select changes, it will cause the computed property to recompute and thus update the content of the second select. Even in an example using components, this code would probably sit on the controller to keep your component generic enough that it simply takes a content for its select and displays it rather than controlling the display logic itself.
Other options, have a function that observes the first select value and updates a controller variable that is the second select's content. Now if you're example is more complicated in that the changing select's have different option.valuePath and option.labelPath, you can pass pass those values into your component as well.

Cannot read property 'container' of null when using linkTo helper in an Ember template

I am creating an Ember application as an add-on to some HTML returned from the server. I need this HTML so that the site can be indexed by search engines, and also to speed up the initial page rendering for the users.
So my application consists of several Ember Views, appended to different DOM elements of the HTML generated by the server. I don't use master templates for routes, so I set renderTemplate function of each route to do nothing.
My Ember App is bound to body element and I can successfully append a custom view to an element down the tree. It works:
In this JSFiddle three last elements of the list are appended by Ember
But when I try to use linkTo helper in my template, I hit an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'container' of null ember-latest.js:32224
which is in this function:
router: Ember.computed(function() {
return get(this, 'controller').container.lookup('router:main');
In this JS fiddle I just add linkTo to the template, and it breaks everything
In general, can Ember work this way - having many Views scattered
over the HTML rendered by the server?
How can the example code be
I've fixed your fiddle here, Check it out.
Seems like you are starter to Ember,
So here are some tips for you,
You should have an application template, which will be the root template and on which all the templates will be rendered.
You shouldn't access views using this.container.lookup, that is for debugging only.
You shouldn't append views to the DOM, it's the job of the framework to do.
By default your application will be appended to the body of the html, if you want it to be appended elsewhere, give the rootElement property when creating the application. Refer here for configuring your application.
The rootElement can be either a DOM element or a jQuery-compatible selector string. Note that views appended to the DOM outside the root element will not receive events. If you specify a custom root element, make sure you only append views inside it!
Don't access any controllers globally like App.itemsController.set("content", model), if you want to access another controller inside a route, use this.controllerFor, and to access inside another controller, use needs.
You need not create any controller instance like App.itemsController=Ember.ArrayController.extend({}).create();
The framework will take care of all these.
I found that I need to additionally bind the view and the container together to make this fiddle work
App.itemsView.set("controller", App.itemsController);
App.itemsController.set("container", this.container);
So the resulting working code snippet is here:
Again, let me reiterate that I'm building an hybrid Ember application - i.e. I have some HTML returned right from the server, and some appended by multiple Ember views in multiple places. This is why I have to manually create the views and bind them with controllers etc.

itemViewClassBinding in a collectionView

I'm trying to create a reusable component which consist of a textfield and under the textfield, i want to have a collectionView to display a filtered list of elements.
My problem is that I want itemViewClass of the containerView to be customized when creating the component. Currently, I pass a parameter listItemView to the container view and declare
itemViewClassBinding: 'parentView.listItemView' instead of having an hardcoded templates.
This leads me to a problem where Ember assert that itemViewClass must be an instance of Ember.View:
Uncaught Error: assertion failed: itemViewClass must be a subclass of
Ember.View, not function () {
Did anybody ran into a similar problem?
Thank you
Sub-classing your ContainerView class is one option. Here is an example:
This pastie may be a little easier to read:
I have created this functionality very recently in my ember app. The way I did it was by binding to a controller property. When the user types in the textfield it needs to set the filter text as a controller property. Then your controller will have another property that observes the filter field text property and produces a filtered list of the content data based on the filter text. Then your filtered view would be bound to that filtered content of the controller instead of the usual (all) content. This way your two views don't need to know about each other and the controller provides the data.