IPv6 black holing packets from a local TCP socket - c++

I'm developing an application for WAN data optimisation, including SQUID (using TPROXY redirect) for web caching. The software modifies the TCP options to negotiate parameters with another remote instance of the software (used in the optimisation algorithm). Since SQUID will establish the TCP connection with the requesting browser and the WAN packets may be sent over an IPSec tunnel the software MUST run between these two components.
I've be able configure the system such that SQUID will correctly handle the LAN side request, and on a cache miss send packets into my software (using a TUN/TAP interface), modify the TCP header (and correct the csum) and send it back into the kernel through a second TUN/TAP interface.
For packets being sent into the WAN after a cache miss:
For IPv4 if I sent rp_filter=2 on the first tap (and manually add the ARP entries) the packets are correctly routed
For IPv6 the kernel seems to black hole the TCP SYN sent from SQUID. This is a packet associated with a socket created locally, received back into the (same) kernel to be routed out to the WAN. If I modify the source or destination ports (i.e. make it look like a different socket) of the packet it is correctly routed out the tunnel/interface.
Are there any sysctl parameters / cleverness in iptables that could explain why these packets are dropped and how do I fix it?


My friend and I are receiving packets from a server in UDP, I am able to receive them but he can't

My friend and I are writing a game in sfml. We wrote both the client and the server in C++. The library we used to handle the networking is SFML. The clients send block update packets to the server and the server sends them to all connected players. This works fine, both my friend and I are able to receive the TCP packets. The problem is with the UDP player position packets. The server receives a UDP packet containing the players x y z (position coordinates) and pitch and yaw(direction the player is looking). Then it sends that information to all other connected clients.(This happens 10 times per second) We put a simple printf() statement to detect whether my friend is even receiving the udp packets but it turns out he was not. And I am obviously receiving the UDP packets since it I am able to see his position.
We thought this was because the server is sending UDP packets to the clients' router's IP but the packet does not contain the local ip of the computer the packet is meant for. Later, we learned that when the server sends a packet to the router, the packet gets sent containing a public ip address and a public port, the router then maps that port to a local ip address and a local port. However this is called port forwarding and requires the routers to be configured.
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Because a connection is bidirectional.
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
There could be a lot of possibilities and there's no way we can know without looking much more closely. Here are a few possibilities:
You aren't behind a router that's doing NAT.
The router that does NAT for you isn't between your client and the server.
Your client sent a UDP datagram to the server and your router recognizes the response UDP datagram as a reply to that, creating the effect of having a "UDP connection".
Your client uses UPnP and your router supports UPnP to get port forwarding without special effort.
The server sets the source and destination UDP ports incorrectly and, by luck, it still works in your case. For example, the source and destination ports might happen to be the same or your router's NAT is especially permissive.
The server sets its source IP address incorrectly and this just happens to work in your case either because your router's NAT is more permissive or because the IP address you send to and the IP address the server sends from happen to be the same in your case.
You send a UDP datagram to the server and your friend didn't, thus your datagrams are seen as replies and your friend's aren't.
You can narrow things down if you can dump packets at the server. Seeing a UDP datagram from your friend as seen by the server followed by a UDP datagram from the server to your friend would help narrow things down a lot.
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
Generally no. If the client sends the first UDP datagram and the server correctly swaps the source and destination ports and the source and destination IP addresses, the UDP reply datagram will usually work.
The client must send UDP to the server first. The server must ensure that the UDP datagram is seen as a reply. That means the server looks at the UDP datagrams it gets from the client and ensures that it responds from the port the client sent UDP to and to the port the client sent UDP from. Similarly, it must send to the IP address the client sent from and send from the IP address the client send to.
Generally, servers offer TCP fallback or some other form of NAT penetration in case things don't "just work".

Debugging Tools/Skills with NAT

When facing below situation what debugging tools/skills can we use to solve the problem? See the flow, we use port forwarding in NAT2 whose type is Symmetric so that the client can communicate with Server. When session between client and server is established, the client can send files to the server via TCP connections. The upload bandwidth is around 2Mbit/s.
The issue is while the client is uploading files to server, we found at some point all the TCP connections will be blocked, the server can't receive any packets from those TCP connections anymore so that all the tcp connections will be dropped by server application because of timeouts. NAT2 is a SO simple router that we can't capture packets from it, to get rid of this issue what can we do?
Client ----- NAT1 ---Internet----- NAT2 ----- Linux Server
Problem also exists in below topology. In this topology, the NAT between client and Linux server is also the NAT2 other than a different one, because the client use DNS name to access Linux server, thus all packets from client will go through NAT2 to the internet, but will come back to NAT2 again and be sent to LINUX Server by Port Forwarding in NAT2.
Here is another question: if there is some application persisting in sending packets to the forwarding port (we set Port Forwarding in NAT2, and suppose the port Number is PortN), then can it cause all the tcp connections which receive packets via this PortN to be blocked or to receive no packets within 3-5 minutes?
Client ----- NAT2 ---Internet----- NAT2 ----- Linux Server

Qt5 Bind TCP Socket on Multihomed Network

I am having troubling using the new bind feature of the QTcpSocket class in Qt5. Any help figuring this out would be appreciated.
I have a multihomed server that contains two NICs each with a separate IP address. I have setup routing on the servers so that sending from the source address is sent out of the appropriate NIC regardless of the target remote address. That is, sending from x.x.x.0 goes out over eth0 and x.x.x.1 goes out over eth1 regardless of who the data is being sent to. These NICs are connected via ethernet to long range Wifi links that are then connected to a switch. These wifi links act as a transparent bridge and can rather be seen as two ethernet cables (but they are limited in bandwidth). The switch is then connected to a computer. The goal is to transfer data between the server and the computer, and to use the two wifi links in parallel to increase bandwidth. Although the server is physically a server, the software has the computer running as the software server (as others connect to it). That is, the physical server (software client) opens TCP sockets and attempts to connect to the listening computer (software server).
I use the bind feature of Qt5 to bind one TCP socket to the eth0 IP address and bind another TCP socket to the eth1 IP address. I have verified this works with other programs like PING or file transfer via SCP. See http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtnetwork/qabstractsocket.html#bind
When I call bind the call succeeds and subsequent requests for the local IP address returns the correct value. E.g. socket->bind(ip) returns true and then socket->localAddress() equals ip. However, when I call connectToHost the localAddress is lost when it starts the connection attempt and after connecting it has a different localAddress that is not the one I wanted it to have.
Can anyone shed light into what is going on? I am trying to avoid rewriting the software to reverse the roles of software client / server as these programs are quite big. Thanks for the help.
There is an open bug on this in the Qt project bug tracker.

TCP three way handshake fails

I have a C++ application which accepts TCP connections and then reads the traffic sent to it. It has worked very well until I moved it to a new machine. It seems like winsock never accepts the inbound tcp connection. In my code it never returns from the select statement. I can see using netstat/tcpview that the application is listening on port 14005.
I can connect to this port if I just telnet in locally. However, when someone tries to connect in via an outside IP address the TCP 3 way handshake never finishes. I can see the inbound SYN packet in wireshark. It is going to the correct port, 14005. However my system never sends the SYN-ACK back. This is just something that winsock is suppose to handle right? The machine does have multiple NIC cards, but I'm binding with INADDR_ANY so this shouldn't matter. Is there some way I can dig deeper to see why this handshake never takes place?
per ways to dig deeper: nothing more than wireshark / tshark (which you already use, however if you want to play with packets, look at scapy)
what happens if you reduce headache - only use one nic and network, put the client on the same network (ie, no router or smart switch between), (last resort) disable unneeded network services.

Send data over Internet

I have a requirement to send some 100 bytes data over internet .My machine is connected to internet.
I can do this with HTTP by sending requests and receiving responses.
But my requirement is just to send data not receive response.
I am thinking of doing this using UDP Client server program. But to do that I need to host UDP client on internet?
Is there any other way to do that?
any suggestions?
Cheap answer to send 100 bytes of data on the internet.
C:\Windows\system32>ping -n 1 -l 100 -4 google.com
Pinging google.com [] with 100 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=56 (sent 100) time=174ms TTL=233
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 174ms, Maximum = 174ms, Average = 174ms
Anything that happens on the internet requires a client and a server.
One box is in the role of client, the other is in the role of server for your specific transaction.
Usually (but not always) your local box is a client and some other box is the server.
Software MUST be running on both to implement some protocol for exchanging data.
A server can listen on TCP or UDP sockets, with some restrictions. Some port numbers are privileged. Some port numbers are blocked by firewalls.
Port 80, while rarely blocked by firewalls is a privileged port. Generally, you need a web server (e.g., Apache) or privileges to listen on port 80.
"Sending 100 bytes" can be done using a lot of available protocols: Echo, Telnet, FTP, HTTP to name a few.
The big advantage of HTTP is that port 80 is very often open. With other protocols you have to rely on the operators to open the port.
In order to send data but not receive a response, you can simply write your program in such a way that it does not listen for a response. This doesn't mean one won't be sent to you, just that you won't get it.
For example, you can make sure you don't call "recv" on the socket. Also, you can use "shutdown" to disable reads on the socket. Depending on the underlying implementation, going the "shutdown" route might cause all incoming packets to simply be dropped.
As far as how to send the packets, really any sort of protocol will work. Of course, you need to know of a destination server on the Internet, but you've got plenty of options. Perhaps the simplest route to take is what you have suggested: HTTP (perhaps use www.google.com as your destination server).
You need a client (you) and a server (other end). For UDP, you send datagrams over the Internet (using IP). UDP doesn't provide the safety that TCP does, but doesn't require a response (but such responses are part of their protocols, not yours).
I would suggest using TCP to save you some headache.
Also, make sure you're not behind a firewall, else your packets won't make it to their destination as you'd expect.
You want to send short messages over the internet, but without any response.
Your application wouldn't by any chance be some kind of spyware, would it?
Use UDP. Open a socket, send the data, close the socket. That's it. Here is a Python version of the client:
import socket
data = 100*'x'
address = ('', 8080) # Host, port
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
On the Wikipedia page about UDP there is some corresponding WinSock code.
Of course the other side must be reachable, and there must be someone listening there, otherwise the target machine will reply with an ICMP "port unreachable" packet (at least if it complies with standards).
If you want a UDP listener on the internet, it will have to be hosted somewhere.
You can get HTTP hosting much easier, it's everywhere, UDP you may need your own machine or at least a VM.
curl is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, SMTPS, Telnet and TFTP. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, kerberos...), file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks.
See examples here