Pawn's "stock" function homolog in C/C++ [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Do unused functions get optimized out?
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wonder if some C/C++ compilers implementing something similar to Pawn's stock keyword.
In Pawn, you can declare a function like that:
stock xfunc(a, b)
[...] // Bla bla
The stock keyword tells the compiler to simply not include the function in the compiled binary if it's not called somewhere in the code. This makes the function facultative so to speak, and it won't increase the binary size if its not used.
I would find it useful to have something like this in C/C++ because I want to include some functions I will not immediately use in the first iterations of my program/code. Of course, some people might tell me there's other ways to do this like using preprocessor macros, etc etc. I'm not asking for another way, I want something that permits me to make use of those functions later without having to uncomment them, change a macro to make them get compiled, etc (i.e. seamlessly). BUT... without compiling them and thus increasing my executable size when I don't use them!
A handy feature I would say.
P.S. If the answer is "it's not included in the language standards", are there any compilers that do it with specific pragmas, unofficial keywords, etc.?
EDIT: Should I mention, I'm mostly interested into this feature for virtual function. I'm aware function level linking exists for standard functions, but what about virtual ones? I think normally, if im not mistaken, virtual funcs get compiled even if not used to maintain class layout compatibe with a class prototype? Could you confirm? Thanks

Any modern optimizing compiler/linker will do "dead code elimination" and strip out not just uncalled functions, but also unused bits of called functions.


Can I tell my compiler to "inline" a function also w.r.t. debug/source-line info?

In my code (either C or C++; let's say it's C++) I have a one-liner inline function foo() which gets called from many places in the code. I'm using a profiling tool which gathers statistics by line in the object code, which it translates into statistics by using the source-code-line information (which we get with -g in clang or GCC). Thus the profiler can't distinguish between calls to foo() from different places.
I would like the stats to be counted separately for the different places foo() get called. For this to happen, I need the compiler to "fully" inline foo() - including forgetting about it when it comes to the source location information.
Now, I know I can achieve this by using a macro - that way, there is no function, and the code is just pasted where I use it. But that wont work for operators, for example; and it may be a problem with templates. So, can I tell the compiler to do what I described?
Compiler-specific answers are relevant; I'm mainly interested in GCC and clang.
I'm not compiling a debug build, i.e. optimizations are turned on.

How to put inline functions in the C++ source file?

How can I force the inlining of a function, but define it in a C++ file ?
This is a question that's been asked in the past, for example here: Moving inline methods from a header file to a .cpp files
The answers there, in short, go as follows: "inline used to mean [remove function call overhead at the expense of .text size], now it means [relax ODR], so don't use inline for anything that's not ODR related, the compiler knows better".
I'm aware of that, however in my somewhat exotic case, I don't care about performance.
I'm programming an embedded device and, should someone break through the other layers of security, I want to make it as obnoxious as possible to reverse engineer this part of the code, and one thing this implies is that I don't want function calls (that aren't called numerous times anyway) to expose the function boundaries, which are natural delimitations of pieces of code that achieve something on their own.
However, I would also like to keep my code orderly and not have code in my header files.
I see that I can use __attribute((force_inline)) to force inlining, but then I get warnings if those functions don't have an inline attribute too: warning: always_inline function might not be inlinable [-Wattributes]
Suppressing the attributes warning is an option, but I'd rather only take it once I'm sure there are no clean way to do this.
Hence the question: how can I have a forcibly inlined function whose declaration is in a header, but definition is in a source file, without suppressing all attributes warnings ? Is that impossible ?
Inlining can only be asked. Sometimes a bit forcefully. But you can never guarantee that the function WILL be inlined finally - because reasons, sometimes quite obscure ones.
Here what's MSVC documentation says (I've highlighted the important parts):
The compiler treats the inline expansion options and keywords as suggestions. There's no guarantee that functions will be inlined. You can't force the compiler to inline a particular function, even with the __forceinline keyword. When compiling with /clr, the compiler won't inline a function if there are security attributes applied to the function.
C++ standard says:
No matter how you designate a function as inline, it is a request that the compiler is allowed to ignore: the compiler might inline-expand some, all, or none of the places where you call a function designated as inline.
GCC documentation is a bit less crystal-clear about non-inlinable functions, but cases exists anyway.
The only "real" way to force inlining is quite ugly, since it rely on inlining it before compilation... Yeah, old-style preprocessor macros. The Evil Itself. Or by using a dirty hack with a #include replacing the function call (and inserting C++ code instead)... It may be a bit safer than a macro, regarding double evaluations, but other side-effects can be even worse since it must rely on "global" variables to work.
Does it worth the pain? Probably not. In particular for "obfuscation", because it won't be as "secure" as you think it will be. Yes, an explicit function call is easier to trace. But it won't change anything: reverse engineering don't rely on that to be done. In fact, obfuscation is near never a good (or even working...) solution. I used to think that... a long, very long time ago. I proved to myself that it was near useless. On my own "secured" code. Breaking the code took me much less time than it took me to "protect" it...

Does a C++ compiler inline functions based on usage? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
"inline" keyword vs "inlining" concept
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I always read that inlined functions should be short functions because otherwise the executable gets bloated with too many copies of the same code.
However, I try to refactor my code and write small helper functions, which are often not so small (20-30 lines) and often only used by exactly one other function, e.g. to avoid the do{...}while(false); idiom.
Hence my questions:
Wouldn't it be a good idea to inline a long function, if it is only used by exactly one other function regardless of how long it is? The size of the executable would be the same, and one function call would be saved.
Would a good compiler consider this? Or is the length a strong criterion to not-inline a function. Does this depend on whether I explicitly write inline, as compilers seem to ignore this mostly?
Keep your functions small in 40-60 code lines (excluding comments/new-lines).
Pass less number of parameters into functions, if there are many parameters to be passed, pack them into structure, and pass the struct by reference. This reduces call stack space.
Don't nest the functions too much. Max 4-5 nesting level is just good (switch, while, if etc.). If it is getting more than that, try to refactor within function by return, changing conditions, flow-path etc.
Don't pass large objects by value, pass them by reference.
Make methods as static if they aren't using any data members - to avoid this being pushed and popped from call stack.
Don't over optimize any code - let the compiler do it for you. Optimized build will take time to optimize the code in best manner for target platform.
Do code instrumentation, and use/deploy the instrumented code. Code instrumentation will change the flow of code so that program runs faster. For example if(rarely_true) Dothis(); else DoThat(); will be reversed in code instrumentation if instrumentation finds that raraly_true is mostly false. This is simplest example.

What is the purpose of commenting out function argument names? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why comment parameter names rather than leave it as it is
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm working with this sdk that generates a skeleton plugin project, as in, all the functions required by the host application are there, just not filled.
Initially, all the function definitions are sorta like this:
void Mod1::ModifyObject(TimeValue /*t*/, ModContext& /*mc*/, ObjectState* /*os*/, INode* /*node*/) {}
With the argument names commented out, why is that? As far as I can tell, if I'm not using the arguments, it makes no difference whether the names are there or not.
I guess there are two reasons for this:
It's deliberate to essentially only implement what's necessary: Function names and their signatures. They don't define any names, so it's up to you to either pick the suggestions or your own (or none at all).
It's to avoid extra-pedantic compilers complaining about unused variables that are defined as parameters. If you don't need a parameter, it's most efficient to simply drop it (unless you need it in some other implementation, but the compiler won't necessarily know about that). But then again they could also complain about params that are there, but not named (although you could consider that intentionally omitted).
Some compilers will issue a warning about unused named parameters, but not about unused unnamed parameters. GCC is one such compiler, if the -Wunused-parameter option is used, enabled by -Wextra.
The theory behind this is that an unused named parameter is more likely to be a mistake than an unused unnamed parameter. Of course, that theory doesn't apply to all code.
When you turn on treat warnings as errors, and you don't use a parameter, you'll need to comment out its name or delete it entirely.
There are sometimes macros such as Q_UNUSED in Qt, or you can just reference it in code without doing anything to make the compiler shut up.
void foo(int unused) {
(void) unused; // So the compiler doesn't emit a warning.

Is there a tool to add the "override" identifier to existing C++ code

The task
I am trying to work out how best to add C++0x's override identifier to all existing methods that are already overrides in a large body of C++ code, without doing it manually.
(We have many, many hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and doing it manually would be a complete non-starter.)
Current idea
Our coding standards say that we should add the virtual keyword against all implicitly virtual methods in derived classes, even though strictly unnecessary (to aid comprehension).
So if I were to script the addition myself, I'd write a script that read all our headers, found all functions beginning with virtual, and insert override before the following semi-colon. Then compile it on a compiler that supports override, and fix all the errors in base classes.
But I'd really much rather not use this home-grown way, as:
it's obviously going to be tedious and error-prone.
not everyone has remembered, every time, to add the virtual keyword, so this method would miss out some existing overrides
Is there an existing tool?
So, is there already a tool that parses C++ code, detects existing methods that overrides, and appends override to their declarations?
(I am aware of static analysis tools such as PC-lint that warn about functions that look like they should be overrides. What I'm after is something that would actually munge our code, so that future errors in overrides will be detected at compiler-time, rather than later on in static analysis)
(In case anyone is tempted to point out that C++03 doesn't support 'override'... In practice, I'd be adding a macro, rather than the actual "override" identifier, to use our code on older compilers that don't support this feature. So after the identifier was added, I'd run a separate script to replace it with whatever macro we're going to use...)
Thanks in advance...
There is a tool under development by the LLVM project called "cpp11-migrate" which currently has the following features:
convert loops to range-based for loops
convert null pointer constants (like NULL or 0) to C++11 nullptr
replace the type specifier in variable declarations with the auto type specifier
add the override specifier to applicable member functions
This tool is documented here and should be released as part of clang 3.3.
However, you can download the source and build it yourself today.
Some more info:
Status of the C++11 Migrator - a blog post, dated 2013-04-15
cpp11-migrate User’s Manual
Edit 2: 2013-09-07
"cpp11-migrate" has been renamed to "clang-modernize". For windows users, it is now included in the new LLVM Snapshot Builds.
Edit 3: 2020-10-07
"clang-modernize" has bee renamed to "Clang-Tidy".
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its C++11-capable C++ Front End can do this.
DMS is a general purpose program transformation system for arbitrary programming languages; the C++ front end allows it to process C++. DMS parses, builds ASTs and symbol tables that are accurate (this is hard to do for C++), provides support for querying properties of the AST nodes and trees, allows procedural and source-to-source transformations on the tree. After all changes are made, the modified tree can be regenerated with comments retained.
Your problem requires that you find derived virtual methods and change them. A DMS source-to-source transformation rule to do that would look something like:
source domain Cpp. -- tells DMS the following rules are for C++
rule insert_virtual_keyword (n:identifier, a: arguments, s: statements):
method_declaration -> method_declaration " =
" void \n(\a) { \s } " -> " virtual void \n(\a) { \s }"
if is_implicitly_virtual(n).
Such rules match against the syntax trees, so they can't mismatch to a comment, string, or whatever. The funny quotes are not C++ string quotes; they are meta-quotes to allow the rule language to know that what is inside them has to be treated as target language ("Cpp") syntax. The backslashes are escapes from the target language text, allowing matches to arbitrary structures e.g., \a indicates a need for an "a", which is defined to be the syntactic category "arguments".
You'd need more rules to handle cases where the function returns a non-void result, etc. but you shouldn't need a lot of them.
The fun part is implementing the predicate (returning TRUE or FALSE) controlling application of the transformation: is_implicitly_virtual. This predicate takes (an abstract syntax tree for) the method name n.
This predicate would consult the full C++ symbol table to determine what n really is. We already know it is a method from just its syntactic setting, but we want to know in what class context.
The symbol table provides the linkage between the method and class, and the symbol table information for the class tells us what the class inherits from, and for those classes, which methods they contain and how they are declared, eventually leading to the discovery (or not) that the parent class method is virtual. The code to do this has to be implemented as procedural code going against the C++ symbol table API. However, all the hard work is done; the symbol table is correct and contains references to all the other data needed. (If you don't have this information, you can't possibly decide algorithmically, and any code changes will likely be erroneous).
DMS has been used to carry out massive changes on C++ code in the past using program transformations.(Check the Papers page at the web site for C++ rearchitecting topics).
(I'm not a C++ expert, merely the DMS architect, so if I have minor detail wrong, please forgive.)
I did something like this a few months ago with about 3 MB worth of code and while you say that "doing it manually would be a complete non-starter," I think it is the only way. The reason is that you should be applying the override keyword to the prototypes that are intended to override base class methods. Any tool that adds it will put it on the prototypes that actually override base class methods. The compiler already knows which methods those are so adding the keyword doesn't change anything. (Please note that I am not terribly familiar with the new standard and I am assuming the override keyword is optional. Visual Studio has supported override since at least VS2005.)
I used a search for "virtual" in the header files to find most of them and I still occasionally find another prototype that is missing the override keyword.
I found two bugs by going through that.
Eclipse CDT has a working C++ parser and semantic utilities. The latest version IIRC also has markers for overriding methods.
It wouldn't require much code to write a plug-in which would base on that and rewrite the code to contain the override tags where appropriate.
one option is to
Enable suggest-override compiler warning And then write a script
which can insert override keyword to location pointed by the emitted warnings