Is there a tool to add the "override" identifier to existing C++ code - c++

The task
I am trying to work out how best to add C++0x's override identifier to all existing methods that are already overrides in a large body of C++ code, without doing it manually.
(We have many, many hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and doing it manually would be a complete non-starter.)
Current idea
Our coding standards say that we should add the virtual keyword against all implicitly virtual methods in derived classes, even though strictly unnecessary (to aid comprehension).
So if I were to script the addition myself, I'd write a script that read all our headers, found all functions beginning with virtual, and insert override before the following semi-colon. Then compile it on a compiler that supports override, and fix all the errors in base classes.
But I'd really much rather not use this home-grown way, as:
it's obviously going to be tedious and error-prone.
not everyone has remembered, every time, to add the virtual keyword, so this method would miss out some existing overrides
Is there an existing tool?
So, is there already a tool that parses C++ code, detects existing methods that overrides, and appends override to their declarations?
(I am aware of static analysis tools such as PC-lint that warn about functions that look like they should be overrides. What I'm after is something that would actually munge our code, so that future errors in overrides will be detected at compiler-time, rather than later on in static analysis)
(In case anyone is tempted to point out that C++03 doesn't support 'override'... In practice, I'd be adding a macro, rather than the actual "override" identifier, to use our code on older compilers that don't support this feature. So after the identifier was added, I'd run a separate script to replace it with whatever macro we're going to use...)
Thanks in advance...

There is a tool under development by the LLVM project called "cpp11-migrate" which currently has the following features:
convert loops to range-based for loops
convert null pointer constants (like NULL or 0) to C++11 nullptr
replace the type specifier in variable declarations with the auto type specifier
add the override specifier to applicable member functions
This tool is documented here and should be released as part of clang 3.3.
However, you can download the source and build it yourself today.
Some more info:
Status of the C++11 Migrator - a blog post, dated 2013-04-15
cpp11-migrate User’s Manual
Edit 2: 2013-09-07
"cpp11-migrate" has been renamed to "clang-modernize". For windows users, it is now included in the new LLVM Snapshot Builds.
Edit 3: 2020-10-07
"clang-modernize" has bee renamed to "Clang-Tidy".

Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its C++11-capable C++ Front End can do this.
DMS is a general purpose program transformation system for arbitrary programming languages; the C++ front end allows it to process C++. DMS parses, builds ASTs and symbol tables that are accurate (this is hard to do for C++), provides support for querying properties of the AST nodes and trees, allows procedural and source-to-source transformations on the tree. After all changes are made, the modified tree can be regenerated with comments retained.
Your problem requires that you find derived virtual methods and change them. A DMS source-to-source transformation rule to do that would look something like:
source domain Cpp. -- tells DMS the following rules are for C++
rule insert_virtual_keyword (n:identifier, a: arguments, s: statements):
method_declaration -> method_declaration " =
" void \n(\a) { \s } " -> " virtual void \n(\a) { \s }"
if is_implicitly_virtual(n).
Such rules match against the syntax trees, so they can't mismatch to a comment, string, or whatever. The funny quotes are not C++ string quotes; they are meta-quotes to allow the rule language to know that what is inside them has to be treated as target language ("Cpp") syntax. The backslashes are escapes from the target language text, allowing matches to arbitrary structures e.g., \a indicates a need for an "a", which is defined to be the syntactic category "arguments".
You'd need more rules to handle cases where the function returns a non-void result, etc. but you shouldn't need a lot of them.
The fun part is implementing the predicate (returning TRUE or FALSE) controlling application of the transformation: is_implicitly_virtual. This predicate takes (an abstract syntax tree for) the method name n.
This predicate would consult the full C++ symbol table to determine what n really is. We already know it is a method from just its syntactic setting, but we want to know in what class context.
The symbol table provides the linkage between the method and class, and the symbol table information for the class tells us what the class inherits from, and for those classes, which methods they contain and how they are declared, eventually leading to the discovery (or not) that the parent class method is virtual. The code to do this has to be implemented as procedural code going against the C++ symbol table API. However, all the hard work is done; the symbol table is correct and contains references to all the other data needed. (If you don't have this information, you can't possibly decide algorithmically, and any code changes will likely be erroneous).
DMS has been used to carry out massive changes on C++ code in the past using program transformations.(Check the Papers page at the web site for C++ rearchitecting topics).
(I'm not a C++ expert, merely the DMS architect, so if I have minor detail wrong, please forgive.)

I did something like this a few months ago with about 3 MB worth of code and while you say that "doing it manually would be a complete non-starter," I think it is the only way. The reason is that you should be applying the override keyword to the prototypes that are intended to override base class methods. Any tool that adds it will put it on the prototypes that actually override base class methods. The compiler already knows which methods those are so adding the keyword doesn't change anything. (Please note that I am not terribly familiar with the new standard and I am assuming the override keyword is optional. Visual Studio has supported override since at least VS2005.)
I used a search for "virtual" in the header files to find most of them and I still occasionally find another prototype that is missing the override keyword.
I found two bugs by going through that.

Eclipse CDT has a working C++ parser and semantic utilities. The latest version IIRC also has markers for overriding methods.
It wouldn't require much code to write a plug-in which would base on that and rewrite the code to contain the override tags where appropriate.

one option is to
Enable suggest-override compiler warning And then write a script
which can insert override keyword to location pointed by the emitted warnings


C++ compile-time un-implemented check

We have several C++ functions that will be implemented in phase 2 of our project that are part of the public interface or their respective classes and modules. Because they are part of the public interface, we think they should be present, at least in the headers, during phase 1 so that we are still thinking about them as we implement the rest of the classes. However, since they are unimplemented, we want no one to call them. We would like this check to occur at compile time, to ensure correctness.
My desires are:
Compile time (could be an error or warning; warnings are better because they are more flexible - we can selectively turn them off)
Works on G++4.8.1 and doesn't kill the build under Visual Studio 2013 (we use Visual Studio/VisualAssistX only as an editor but the refactoring tools don't work without building)
Not too hard to understand what was done and why
Functions are present in class documentation (we can include some \warning not implemented in phase 1 notation for doxygen to pick up)
I am considering three options:
A belt and suspenders approach of marking them as deprecated (which will generate a warning) and throwing a custom exception - this is almost what I want except the compiler warning that it is "deprecated" is opposite of the real situation: a deprecated method works now but won't work later; this method will work later but does not work now
Another answer tells how to forbid using a function while still having it exist - this is good but unreadable and hard to search for. Plus, it is a compile-time error - we can't just let some functions call it if we change our minds - it is all or nothing. And making every unimplemented function a template makes me wonder if the trick will always work. For example, virtual functions can't be templates.
Just putting them in as a comment - Keeps people from calling them, but they also don't show up in auto-generated documentation (and we can't decide later to have selective calling)
Is there a better way? And if not is there a reason to prefer the template or comment options over the deprecated option?
As alternative:
You can just declare them without definition, so you get link error.
You may then provide a library not_yet_implemented with empty definition to allow the premature usage of these functions.
Mark you method deleted: = delete, eventually by wrapping that in a macro
#define NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED = delete

Boost.Spirit adding #include feature into calculator example

Following Boost.Spirit compiler examples I am migrating my Flex/Bison based calculator-like grammar to Spirit based. I want to add a feature #include<another_input.inp>. I have defined the include_statement grammar successfully. Should I follow the way error handling was doing: on_success(include_statement, annotation_function(...)), i.e. for each successful matching of include_statement, get the new input file name and call phrase_parse() again ? or like the Flex/Bison to push/pop the input stack?
Guessing, from the little information that is here, that you meant to ask whether you can reuse the same grammar instance, or it should be better to instantiate a new instance to parse the includes, it depends.
You can do both.
When the grammar is stateless (hint: it usually is if you can use it const) there's no difference. Otherwise, prefer to instantiate a separate instance.
the point is somewhat moot since it appears you already decided to parse the includes after parsing the main document (if I get your comment right)
there's always the danger of global state; Even if the grammar object is const, you could potentially modify external state (e.g. using phx::ref from semantic action) so, this would be an issue, regardless of whether you used separate grammar instances.

Is there a portable wrapper for C++ type_info that standardizes type name string format?

The format of the output of type_info::name() is implementation specific.
namespace N { struct A; }
const N::A *a;
typeid(a).name(); // returns e.g. "const struct N::A" but compiler-specific
Has anyone written a wrapper that returns dependable, predictable type information that is the same across compilers. Multiple templated functions would allow user to get specific information about a type. So I might be able to use:
MyTypeInfo::name(a); // returns "const struct N::A *"
MyTypeInfo::base(a); // returns "A"
MyTypeInfo::pointer(a); // returns "*"
MyTypeInfo::nameSpace(a); // returns "N"
MyTypeInfo::cv(a); // returns "const"
These functions are just examples, someone with better knowledge of the C++ type system could probably design a better API. The one I'm interested in in base(). All functions would raise an exception if RTTI was disabled or an unsupported compiler was detected.
This seems like the sort of thing that Boost might implement, but I can't find it in there anywhere. Is there a portable library that does this?
There are some limitations to do such things in C++, so you probably won't find exactly what you want in the near future. The meta-information about the types that the compiler inserts in the compiled code is also implementation-specific to the RTL used by the compiler, so it'd be difficult for a third-party library to do a good job without relying to undocumented features of each specific compiler that might break in later versions.
The Qt framework has, to my knowledge, the nearest thing to what you intended. But they do that completely independent from RTTI. Instead, they have their own "compiler" that parses the source code and generates additional source modules with the meta-information. Then, you compile+link these modules along with your program and use their API to get the information. Take a look at
Jeremy Pack (from Boost Extension plugin framework) appears to have written such a thing:
3. RTTI does not always function as expected across DLL boundaries. Check out the type_info classes to see how I deal with that.
So you could have a look there.
PS. I remembered because I once fixed a bug in that area; this might still add information so here's the link:
GCC has __cxa_demangle
If there are such extensions for all compilers you target, you could use them to write a portable function with macros to detect the compiler.

C++ class function in assembly

Hello Community
I am look at C++ assembly, I have compiled a benchmark from the PARSEC suite and I am having difficulty knowing how do they name the class attribute functions in assembly language. for example if I have a class with some functions to manipulate it, in cpp we call them like test.increment();
After some investigation I found out that this function is
represented as:
in assembly, or at least this is what I have found out.
Let me know if I am wrong!
Is there some fixed rule for the mapping? or are they random?
It's called name mangling, is necessary because of overloads and templates and such (i.e. the plain chars-and-numbers name isn't enough to identify a chunk of code unambiguously; embedding spaces or <> or :: in names usually isn't legal; copying the additional information in uncondensed, human-readable form would be wasteful), and it therefore depends on types, arity, etc.
The exact scheme can vary, but usually each compiler is self-consistent for a relatively long time (sometimes even several compilers can settle for one way).
That's called name mangling.. It is compiler dependant. No standard way, sorry :)
C++ allows function overloading, this means that one can have two functions with the same name but different parameters. Since your binary formats do not understand type this is a proble. The way that this is worked around is to use a scheme called name mangling. This adds a whole function of type information to the name used in the source file and ensures one calls the correct overload.
The extra letters etc that are added are governed by the particular Application Binary Interface (ABI) being used. Different compilers (and sometimes even different versions) may use different ABIs.
Yes there's a standard method for creating these symbols known as name mangling.

Static source code analysis with LLVM

I recently discover the LLVM (low level virtual machine) project, and from what I have heard It can be used to performed static analysis on a source code. I would like to know if it is possible to extract the different function call through function pointer (find the caller function and the callee function) in a program.
I could find the kind of information in the website so it would be really helpful if you could tell me if such an library already exist in LLVM or can you point me to the good direction on how to build it myself (existing source code, reference, tutorial, example...).
With my analysis I actually want to extract caller/callee function call. In the case of a function pointer, I would like to return a set of possible callee. both caller and callee must be define in the source code (this does not include third party function in a library).
I think that Clang (the analyzer that is part of LLVM) is geared towards the detection of bugs, which means that the analyzer tries to compute possible values of some expressions (to reduce false positives) but it sometimes gives up (in this case, emitting no alarm to avoid a deluge of false positives).
If your program is C only, I recommend you take a look at the Value Analysis in Frama-C. It computes supersets of possible values for any l-value at each point of the program, under some hypotheses that are explained at length here. Complexity in the analyzed program only means that the returned supersets are more approximated, but they still contain all the possible run-time values (as long as you remain within the aforementioned hypotheses).
EDIT: if you are interested in possible values of function pointers for the purpose of slicing the analyzed program, you should definitely take a look at the existing dependencies and slicing computations in Frama-C. The website doesn't have any nice example for slicing, here is one from a discussion on the mailing-list
You should take a look at Elsa. It is relatively easy to extend and lets you parse an AST fairly easily. It handles all of the parsing, lexing and AST generation and then lets you traverse the tree using the Visitor pattern.
class CallGraphGenerator : public ASTVisitor
virtual bool visitFunction(Function *func);
virtual bool visitExpression(Expression *expr);
You can then detect function declarations, and probably detect function pointer usage. Finally you could check the function pointers' declarations and generate a list of the declared functions that could have been called using that pointer.
In our project, we perform static source code analysis by converting LLVM bytecode into C code with help of llc program that is shipped with LLVM. Then we analyze C code with CIL (C Intermediate Language), but for C language a lot of tools is available. The pitfail that the code generated by llc is AWFUL and suffers from a great loss of precision. But still, it's one way to go.
Edit: in fact, I wouldn't recommend anyone to o like this. But still, just for a record...
I think your question is flawed. The title says "Static source code analysis". Yet your underlying reason appears to be the construction of (part of ) a call graph including calls through a function pointer. The essence of function pointers is that you cannot know their values at compile time, i.e. at the point where you do static source code analysis. Consider this bit of code:
void (*pFoo)() = GetFoo();
Static code analysis cannot tell you what GetFoo() returns at runtime, although it might tell you that the result is subsequently used for a function call.
Now, what values could GetFoo() possibly return? You simply can't say this in general (equivalent to solving the halting problem). You will be able to guess some trivial cases. The guessable percentage will of course go up depending on how much effort you are willing to invest.
The DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit provides various types of control, data flow, and global points-to analyzers for large systems of C code, and constructs call graphs using that global points-to analysis (with the appropriate conservative assumptions). More discussion and examples of the analyses can be found at the web site.
DMS has been tested on monolithic systems of C code with 25 million lines. (The call graph for this monster had 250,000 functions in it).
Engineering all this machinery from basic C ASTs and symbol tables is a huge amount of work; been there, done that. You don't want to do this yourself if you have something else to do with your life, like implement other applications.