How many photos should exist on my MBP? - google-photos

I recently downloaded Google Photos Backup and let it run with default settings. It is currently telling me that I have 76,170 photos to back up. I definitely haven't taken 76K photos on a camera, could this number be correct?


Quota request google drive api exceed, show folders empty when try to get files

I developped a windows program wiches process images in different Google drive folders.
The program uploads and downloads lots of pictures, and it worked fine until before Yesterday.
Now even if it exists some pictures inside google drive folder, api returns always 0 files.
I read a lot, i identified that the problem is the request Quota that exceeded.
I made a request throuh the google drive api page to enlarge Quotas but no answers from Google.
I have a subscription for cloud google service.
Is there another mean to resolve this problem ?
Can you suggest me something to solve this problem ?
I explained the problem of the detail, i expect some good advices

Several Problems with Google SDK Speech-to-text (Transcription) details

I've encountered several fairly serious problems in my efforts to develop a speech-to-text application. Some of them (I hope) may just be my lack of experience/common-sense/in-depth-reading/etc. Here's the list:
Long (>60 sec) transcriptions -- Forces me to use a GS bucket to first upload the soundfile to the bucket. Trouble is:
a. I have to run the "gcloud auth login" on each machine I need to run on. I have well over 50 machines. This appears to be a purely manual operation, as you have to copy a long URL to your browser, hit enter, click on the right account, accept the permissions, then hand-copy and paste the key presented back into the gcloud prompt, and hit enter there. While it does appear to be presistent to some degree, it is subject to one interesting constraint: only 51 machines (maybe 50, I got tired trying to count) are allowed. And the earliest logged-in machine is un-loggedin to make room for the new login. This was very odious. All this hassle is purely for using the buckets. A shorter transcription will not use GS, and complete without complaint. Really!!!! Is there no better way? Do we have to use gcloud auth login? Manually???? The number of servers we can use with GoogleStorage????
Another google storage issue: transcription requires the bucket to be "public". We are pretty worried about security, and the privacy of our customers, whose recordings will be in the uploaded bucket, even if only there briefly.
The transcription app offers transcriptions in multiple languages, but the "phone_call" model is fixed to en_US, and seems to ignore the language setting. If I change the request to es_US, and supply a spanish recording, it behaves the same. (But everything works OK in the 'command_and_search' model). This seems to be in evolution, any idea when/if they will carry the multi-language features over to the phone_call model?
If anyone can help, Oh Wise Ones, please impart of thy wisdom!

AWS CloudFront vs Youtube - what's the faster way to load videos on a webpage?

I need to include 42 tutorial videos on a single web page, between 30-90 seconds each. I'm currently uploading them to S3 in mov format and including them in the page with the video tag. 6 videos in, the page loads fast enough but the videos take ages to load.
It looks like I have 2 options to speed this up from the research I've done -
1 - Upload the videos to Youtube, load thumbnail images on the website and replace them with the video when the user clicks on the thumbnail image.
2 - Use Amazon CloudFront to deliver the videos to the user.
Which of these is a faster way of delivering videos to the user? Youtube seems to be the cheaper option with the added advantage of allowing the user to stream videos on Youtube but AWS CloudFront seems like a service specially built for this purpose.
I will suggest if you want less complexity and fast setup use You Tube. Even if AWS CF is build for this purpose you will have to create a infrastructure for hosting those videos, which in case of you tube you have to just embed the video using the embed code.
As per costing goes Youtube is less cheaper almost free. If you create Cloud Front for the distribution you have to pay for Storage of the Videos, Data Transfer Cost and many more. You will get a very good speed for youtube videos worldwide. Also you have to create a video player in your application for video streaming which is again more work.

Timeline items on Glass file structure

I assume that the cards on the timeline are stored locally on Glass - I was wondering if details about where and how they are stored is available. I see the images are stored in a particular cache folder, but not sure about how they are organized. Or is this something that Google doesn't want played with at this point?
I was trying to reorganize timeline items (via mirror) into bundles by content-type and forgot about the restrictions via oauth, so I assume a native or root application would be required.
The local timeline items are organized by time received.
I think that the timeline items are being hosted somewhere else. GLASS then syncs up(I think using GoogleCloudMessaging) with the hosted timeline and the items are then fetched and stored locally.
I'm not sure if this answers your question, however, I want to bring this thread back up. I was about to ask the same question regarding the hosting of the timeline items of both scenarios.

Managing temp files in web development

I have a question regarding web architecture. I planning to build a website for uploading photos(This is a personal project). Users can upload multiple photos by zipping and uploading it. Photos can be any resolution while uploading but once basic processing is complete, all photos will stored in a standard resolution JPEG format.
Once zipped photos are uncompressed, they will be presented to the user in a web page as thumbnails, where users can do their last touch-ups (Once photos are saved, no modifications are allowed).
My question is this, how can I refer the original file when the user select the thumbnails. How can I best associate the temp file with the thumbnail presented. I know I can store the image in a DB and use it, but the original file will be their only till the user save the images and once it saved it will be standard size image.
Even though I am using python/django, I think this is a general web programming question.
It's certainly reasonable to have a temp_file_location type attribute (or even model) and store the intermediate files in a temporary place. Cron jobs or the like can than be used to clean up both the filesystem and the database.