Timeline items on Glass file structure - google-glass

I assume that the cards on the timeline are stored locally on Glass - I was wondering if details about where and how they are stored is available. I see the images are stored in a particular cache folder, but not sure about how they are organized. Or is this something that Google doesn't want played with at this point?
I was trying to reorganize timeline items (via mirror) into bundles by content-type and forgot about the restrictions via oauth, so I assume a native or root application would be required.

The local timeline items are organized by time received.
I think that the timeline items are being hosted somewhere else. GLASS then syncs up(I think using GoogleCloudMessaging) with the hosted timeline and the items are then fetched and stored locally.
I'm not sure if this answers your question, however, I want to bring this thread back up. I was about to ask the same question regarding the hosting of the timeline items of both scenarios.


Retrieving data from AWS S3 too slow in Shiny app

I know that this question can be mostly answered generally for any Web App, but because I am specifically using Shiny I figured that your answers may be considerably more useful.
I have made a relatively complex app. The data is not complex, but the user interface is.
I am storing the data in S3 using the aws.s3 package, and have built my app using golem. Because most shiny apps are used to analyse or enter some data, they usually deal with a couple of datasets, and a relational database is very useful and fast for that type of app.
However, my app is quite UI/UX extensive. Users can have their own/shared whiteboard space(s) where they drag around items. The coordinates of the items are stored in rds files in my S3 bucket, for each user. They can customise many aspects of the app just for them, font size, colours of various experimental groups (it's a research app), experimental visits that are storing pdf files, .html files and .rds files.
The .rds files stored can contain variables, lists, data.frames, reactiveValues, renderUI() objects etc.. So they are widely different.
As such I have dozens of rds files that are stored in a bucket and everytime the app loads each of these .rds files need to be read one by one in order to recreate the environment appropriate for each user. The number of files/folders in directories are queried to know how many divs need to be generated for the user to click inside their files etc..
The range of objects stored is too wide for me to use a relational database - but my app is taking at least 40 seconds to load. It is also generally slow when submitting data as well, mostly because the data entered often modified many UI elements that need to be pushed to S3 again. Because I have no background in proper Web Dev, I have no idea what is the best way to store user-related UX/UI elements and how to retrieve them seamlessly.
Could anyone please recommend me to appropriate resources for me to learn more about it?
Am I doing it completely wrong? I honestly do not know how else to store and retrieve all these R objects.
Thank you in advance for your help with the above.

Can I sync a SQLite.swift database to WatchOS?

I have an application that uses SQLite.swift to save a list of shopping items. It works quite well, and is deeply rooted in the app. But I've been getting asked to make a WatchOS app that has the same items on your wrist.
My issue with this, is that all the ways of syncing the data between two devices is through NSUserDefaults. But doing that would mean uprooting my entire way of saving data, so is there a way to sync my SQL database onto WatchOS by using SQLite.swift?
Yes of course: sync the database (or the shared part of it) yourself.
Read the "Communicating with the Counterpart App" chapter of https://developer.apple.com/reference/watchconnectivity/wcsession and choose the best way to transfer your information.

Sitecore returns incorrect items in multi server farm

I have a Sitecore website deployed in multi server environment. When I make some changes to Sitecore items sometimes they are shown correctly, but sometimes it shows old data.
I understand that sitecore caches items, but it sometimes showing wrong data and sometime its fine. If its caching it should always be same data at least.
For example:
Sitecore.Globalization.Translate.TextByDomain("MyDictionary", "Category");
Sometimes it returns correct data sometimes it shows wrong data i.e. the one before I changed to item.
I am using Sitecore 8.0
Items get cached on the individual servers in memory, and these are not cleared unless you activate event queues. Further content might be cached in the output cache, which needs to be cleared after you publish.
Here is a guide on how to activate event queues and here is also a good description
Here is how to make your sites clear output cache after publish
Thanks Jens for your help. The links really helped me with my understanding of Sitecore farm.
But the issue turned out to be rather silly. For some reason on one content delivery server Application Pool account didn't had permission on the virtual directory.

Using memcached with a dynamic django backend

My Django backend is always dynamic. It serves an iOS app similar to that of Instagram and Vine where users upload photos/videos and their followers can comment and like the content. Just for the sake of this question, imagine my backend serves an iOS app that is exactly like Instagram.
Many sources claim that using memcached can improve performance because it decreases the amount of hits that are made to the database.
My question is, for a backend that is already in dynamic in nature (always changing since users are uploading new pictures, commenting, liking, following new users etc..) what can I possibly cache?
It's a problem I've been thinking about for quite some time. I could cache the user profile data, but other than that, I don't know where else memcached would be useful.
Other sources mentioned using it everywhere in the backend where a 'GET' call is made but then I would need to set a suitable time limit to expire the cache since the app is always dynamic. What are your solutions and suggestions for getting around this problem?
You would cache whatever is being most frequently accessed from your Database. Make a list of the most frequent requests to get data from the database and cache the data in that priority.
Cache the most frequent requests based on category of the pictures
Cache based on users - power users go into cache (those which do a lot of data access)
Cache the most recent inserts (in case you have a page which shows the recently added posts/pictures)
I am sure you can come up with more scenarios. I am positive memcached (or any other caching) will help, even though your app is very 'dynamic'.

Use cookies without sending them back to the server

I need a way to stash some data that is global to the browser. If I open a new window with a URL from my app, e.g. via a bookmark, I need to access some data that was created in another window and never sent to the server.
As far as I can tell the only thing that is global to the browser and not just a window, (like window.name), is a cookie. The problem I'm running into is if I set a cookie the cookie is then sent with every request to the server, but I don't ever want this data on the wire. Is there any way to set a cookie and just use it purely as a bucket for storing some data and never send that data to the server?
The HTML 5 storage API looks like exactly what you want here, but unfortunately it's only supported by a handful of browsers right now.
Is there any way to set a cookie and just use it purely as a bucket for storing some data and never send that data to the server?
You'll need to look into a plugin that provides dedicated offline storage facility, or use the HTML5 storage API and tell everyone to upgrade their browsers
If you decide to go the plugin route, as far as I am aware you have 3 options:
Google Gears
Flash - it has an offline storage facility - you could write a small flash app to store things using this facility, then interop with it from javascript.
Silverlight also has offline storage - as with flash you could write a small app to do the storage, then interop with it from javascript.
I'd probably look into using flash first, as everyone already has it.
Development would likely be a lot easier if you were to use silverlight. It's not as widely installed, but it is spreading pretty rapidly. Last I heard* something like 30% of browsers had it installed which is pretty impressive.
Google gears would unfortunately be a distant third. People are going to be installing flash and silverlight for other reasons, but nobody has gears.
*This is an entirely unsubstantiated quote, but does seem to fit with what I've seen on various people's computers, etc.
Can you mandate that your users install Google Gears? It's a javascript API that lets you store local info- also lets you persist between sessions, which may be useful for your app.
Why not just read a field in the parent window using window.opener ? Or if you've three windows running - parent and two children which I think you might be implying then read/write to a hidden field in the parent from the children.
Sounds like your app is running 100% local, if that is the case the browser isn't the way to go anyway. Cookies can be easily deleted. If your app isn't local the webserver should be the one supplying information. Cookies are never the correct way to store sensitive information or information that should persist over longer amounts of time.