What does this callback function do? - c++

So I started to develope an OpenCV program and the thing is that I don't know what this segment of code do in the whole context. Below is an abstract version of the whole code.
class foo{
friend void callBack(void *param);
void draw(void);
void func(void);
void update(void);
void callBack(void *param){
foo *context = static_cast<foo*>(param);
foo::foo(std::string windowName){
cv::namedWindow(windowName, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
cv::resizeWindow(windowName, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback(windowName, callBack, this);
void foo::func(void){
void draw(void){
//implementation shows here!!
You don't have to explain all the code here. All I need to know is the part where static casting happens. What does it do? Why does a person who implements the code write it this way?

As you can see from the documentation of cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback
The signature is:
void cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback(const String& winname,
OpenGlDrawCallback onOpenGlDraw,
void* userdata = 0
The OpenGLDrawCallback is a function pointer of type void (void* arg): where arg is any pointer type you pass to it. In this case, OpenCV actually passes userdata to it. See How do function pointers in C work? (still applicable to C++)
cv::setOpenGlDrawCallback(windowName, callBack, this);
In your code, passing this implicitly converted (a copy of the pointer) it to void* and held by userdata . And and callback is called to draw on your frame
All I need to know is the part where static casting happens. What does
it do? Why does a person who implements the code write it this way?
void callBack(void *param){
foo *context = static_cast<foo*>(param);
The casting converts the void pointer, param to an object of type foo. it basically gets back the semantics of this that was casted when you passed it as a void pointer.


Pthread and function pointers

I am a little confused on how pthread works - specifically, I am pretty sure that pthread takes in a pointer to a function that takes a void pointer as an argument (correct me if I am wrong), and I have declared my function in that way, but I am still getting an error. Here is the code I am struggling with:
void eva::OSDAccessibility::_resumeWrapper(void* x)
logdbg("Starting Connection.");
void eva::OSDAccessibility::resumeConnection()
long t;
pthread_t threads[1];
pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, &eva::OSDAccessibility::_resumeWrapper, (void *)t);
The error I'm getting is:
No matching function for call to pthread_create.
You don't necessarily have to tell me how to fix the code (although that would be appreciated of course), I'm more interested in why this error is coming up and if my understanding of pthread is correct. Thanks! :)
Your function signature must be void * function (void*)
If called from c++ code, the method must be static:
class myClass
static void * function(void *);
A solution to use methods that are not static is the following:
class myClass
// the interesting function that is not an acceptable parameter of pthread_create
void * function();
// the thread entry point
static void * functionEntryPoint(void *p)
And to launch the thread:
myClass *p = ...;
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, myClass::functionEntryPoint, p);

Casting C++ class into another one to create OpenCV trackbar handle

To not mess around with global variables and functions, I'd like to use a function of a class as a function for a trackbar handle in OpenCV. Following code illustrates the idea:
void cam::set_Trackbarhandler(int i, void *func)
/* This function might be called whenever a trackbar position is changed */
void cam::create_Trackbars(void)
* create trackbars and insert them into main window.
* 3 parameters are:
* the address of the variable that is changing when the trackbar is moved,
* the maximum value the trackbar can move,
* and the function that is called whenever the trackbar is moved
const string trck_name = "Exposure";
char wnd_name[128];
get_Mainwindowname(wnd_name, sizeof(wnd_name));
createTrackbar(trck_name, //Name of the trackbar
wnd_name, //Name of the parent window
&setting, //value that's changed
(int)out_max, //maximum value
this->set_Trackbarhandler); //pointer to the function that's called
I hope that outlines it. The error I get when compiling reads
error: cannot convert 'cam::set_Trackbarhandler' from type 'void (cam::)(int, void*)' to type 'cv::TrackbarCallback {aka void (*)(int, void*)}'|
Is there a way to cast void (cam::)(int, void*) into a simple void (*)(int, void*) or do I have to use a global function, that is
void set_Trackbarhandler(int i, void *func)
? If I have to do it like that, my last resort is to use the void pointer (see http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/user_interface.html) and send a pointer to the class back in, as
set_Trackbarhandler, //now a global function
I guess. In the set_Trackbarhandler function I'd make a cast like
cam *ptr = static_cast<cam *>(func);
Sounds a bit complicated, though.
well. you need some indirection, but it's not that bad...
class cam
void myhandler(int value)
// real work here, can use 'this'
static void onTrack(int value, void* ptr)
cam* c = (cam*)(ptr);
cam::onTrack, //now a static member

error: argument of type ‘void* (Thread::)(void*)’ does not match ‘void* (*)(void*)’

I'm doing to implement thread class for my own using pthread. So, I create Thread class as below :
class Thread
virtual void* run(void *params) = 0;
void start(void *params)
pthread_create (&threadId, 0, run, params);
pthread_join (threadId, 0);
pthread_t threadId;
After implementing this class and override virtual run function, I do compile this project. But error: argument of type ‘void* (Thread::)(void*)’ does not match ‘void* (*)(void*)’ occurs. What is wrong in my code?
Thanks in advance :)
Exactly what the compiler is telling you.
pthread_create is expecting a function with the signature :
void* (*)(void*)
Which is a function pointer.
However, you are providing something with this signature:
void* (Thread::)(void*)
Which is not a function pointer, but a pointer to member function. There is a difference : a pointer to member function needs an instance of an object in order to work properly (here, it would need an instance of Thread).
A usual solution would be to make your function run static : it would not be a member function anymore - it doesn't NEED an instance of Thread in order to work properly anymore, and you could pass your current instance as the last parameter of pthread_create in order to act on it once the thread is launched.
You would just need to save the parameters in the class itself.
void start(void *params)
this->my_thread_params = params;
pthread_create (&threadId, 0, run, static_cast<void*>(this));
static void *run(void *my_object)
// here, my_object already contains the params you passed to the function start
pthread_create is a C function, and knows nothing of C++ member functions. You'll need to give it a static or non-member function, and pass a pointer to your Thread object via the final argument of pthread_create; something like:
class Thread
virtual void* run(void *params) = 0;
void start(void * params)
this->params = params;
pthread_create(&threadId, 0, &Thread::static_run, this);
static void * static_run(void * void_this)
Thread * thread_this = static_cast<Thread*>(void_this);
return thread_this->run(thread_this->params);
pthread_t threadId;
void *params;
Of course in modern C++, this is rather more straightforward:
std::thread thread;
void start(void * params)
thread = std::thread([this]{run(params);});
(Although of course you shouldn't be using void* to pass your parameters, and there's probably no good reason to wrap the thread up in a class in the first place.)
The error message is telling you that a pointer to a member function in Thread that takes and returns a void* (void* (Thread::*)(void*)) is not convertible to a pointer to function taking and returning the same void*.
While the declaration of the member function may look similar to the type that you need, there is an implicit this pointer of type Thread that needs to be injected on any call to Thread::run

Allocating memory for delayed event arguments

Here is my issue.
I have a class to create timed events. It takes in:
A function pointer of void (*func)(void* arg)
A void* to the argument
A delay
The issue is I may want to create on-the-fly variables that I dont want to be a static variable in the class, or a global variable. If either of these are not met, I cant do something like:
void doStuff(void *arg)
somebool = *(bool*)arg;
void makeIt()
bool a = true;
That wont work because the bool gets destroyed when the function returns. So I'd have to allocate these on the heap. The issue then becomes, who allocates and who deletes. what I'd like to do is to be able to take in anything, then copy its memory and manage it in the timed event class. But I dont think I can do memcpy since I dont know the tyoe.
What would be a good way to acheive this where the time event is responsible for memory managment.
I do not use boost
class AguiTimedEvent {
void (*onEvent)(void* arg);
void* argument;
AguiWidgetBase* caller;
double timeStamp;
void call() const;
bool expired() const;
AguiWidgetBase* getCaller() const;
AguiTimedEvent(void(*Timefunc)(void* arg),void* arg, double timeSec, AguiWidgetBase* caller);
void AguiWidgetContainer::handleTimedEvents()
for(std::vector<AguiTimedEvent>::iterator it = timedEvents.begin(); it != timedEvents.end();)
it = timedEvents.erase(it);
void AguiWidgetBase::createTimedEvent( void (*func)(void* data),void* data,double timeInSec )
void AguiWidgetContainer::addTimedEvent( const AguiTimedEvent &timedEvent )
Why would you not use boost::shared_ptr?
It offers storage duration you require since an underlying object will be destructed only when all shared_ptrs pointing to it will have been destructed.
Also it offers full thread safety.
Using C++0x unique_ptr is perfect for the job. This is a future standard, but unique_ptr is already supported under G++ and Visual Studio. For C++98 (current standard), auto_ptr works like a harder to use version of unique_ptr... For C++ TR1 (implemented in Visual Studio and G++), you can use std::tr1::shared_ptr.
Basically, you need a smart pointer. Here's how unique_ptr would work:
unique_ptr<bool> makeIt(){ // More commonly, called a "source"
bool a = true;
return new unique_ptr<bool>(a)
When you use the code later...
void someFunction(){
unique_ptr<bool> stuff = makeIt();
} // stuff is deleted here, because unique_ptr deletes
// things when they leave their scope
You can also use it as a function "sink"
void sink(unique_ptr<bool> ptr){
// Use the pointer somehow
void somewhereElse(){
unique_ptr<bool> stuff = makeIt();
// stuff is now deleted! Stuff points to null now
Aside from that, you can use unique_ptr like a normal pointer, aside from the strange movement rules. There are many smart pointers, unique_ptr is just one of them. shared_ptr is implemented in both Visual Studio and G++ and is the more typical ptr. I personally like to use unique_ptr as often as possible however.
If you can't use boost or tr1, then what I'd do is write my own function that behaves like auto_ptr. In fact that's what I've done on a project here that doesn't have any boost or tr1 access. When all of the events who care about the data are done with it it automatically gets deleted.
You can just change your function definition to take in an extra parameter that represents the size of the object passed in. Then just pass the size down. So your new function declarations looks like this:
void (*func)(void* arg, size_t size)
void doStuff(void *arg, size_t size)
somebool = *(bool*)arg;
memcpy( arg, myStorage, size );
void makeIt()
bool a = true;
container->createTimedEvent(doStuff,(void*)&a,sizeof(bool), 5);
Then you can pass variables that are still on the stack and memcpy them in the timed event class. The only problem is that you don't know the type any more... but that's what happens when you cast to void*
Hope that helps.
You should re-work your class to use inheritance, not a function pointer.
class AguiEvent {
virtual void Call() = 0;
virtual ~AguiEvent() {}
class AguiTimedEvent {
std::auto_ptr<AguiEvent> event;
double timeSec;
AguiWidgetBase* caller;
AguiTimedEvent(std::auto_ptr<AguiEvent> ev, double time, AguiWidgetBase* base)
: event(ev)
, timeSec(time)
, caller(base) {}
void call() { event->Call(); }
// All the rest of it
void MakeIt() {
class someclass : AguiEvent {
bool MahBool;
someclass() { MahBool = false; }
void Call() {
// access to MahBool through this.
something->somefunc(AguiTimedEvent(new someclass())); // problem solved

How to pass a class method as a GLUT callback?

I know this thing works:
void myDisplay()
int main()
so I tried to include myDisplay() function to a class that I made. Because I want to overload it in the future with a different class. However, the compiler complains that
argument of type 'void (ClassBlah::)()' does not match 'void(*)()' .
Here is the what I try to make:
class ClassBlah
void myDisplay()
int main()
ClassBlah blah
Does anybody knows how to fix this problem?
Firstly, there is an implicit "this" pointer in non-static member functions, so you'll need to change your void myDisplay() in ClassBlah to be static. It's awkward to work around this limitation, which is why the C++ faq lite says don't do it
Then, you should be able to pass the functions as ClassBlah::myDisplay.
Depending on your motivation for overloading (ie are you going to hotswap implementations in and out at runtime, or only at compile time?) you might consider a utility "handler" static class that contains a pointer to your base class, and delegates responsibility through that.
I ran into this problem writing a C++ Glut engine myself. Here's how I worked around it:
I placed these at the top of my program.cpp / main.cpp
// Function prototypes
void doRendering( void );
void processMouse( int, int ) ;
void processMouseClick(int button, int state, int x, int y);
void keyboardInput(unsigned char c, int x, int y);
Assign these functions to glut's callbacks here:
Create my own class which handles these on its own and then make the contents of our static functions simply call methods on the instance of this class. Your main function should create a new instance of the class in main (in my case... App *newApp).
void doRendering( void )
void processMouse(int x, int y)
newApp->processMouse(x, y);
void processMouseClick(int button, int state, int x, int y)
newApp->processMouseClick(button, state, x, y);
void keyboardInput(unsigned char c, int x, int y)
newApp->keyboardInput(c, x, y);
Hope that explains it.
My way to solve this is simple:
First make a pointer before main function.
At the beginning of the the main function set pointer to instance of your class.
Then in new defined function for rendering, You can acces your object with global pointer.
Class argon is defined in external header file.
Argon *argonPtr;
void renderScene();
int main()
Argon argon;
argonPtr = &argon;
glutDisplayFunc( render );
void render()
Hope it works for You, for me it does.
You can use Boost bind for member functions, for example creating a thread on a member function:
class classA
void memberThreadFunc(int i);
void main()
classA a;
boost::thread( boost::bind(&classA::memberFunc, &a, 123) );
You can't. glutDisplayFunc takes a parameter of type void(*)(), not void (ClassBlah::)(). Unless you're willing and able to alter the source of glut, you're out of luck.
Many C APIs that use callbacks pass a user-specified void* parameter to the callback, which you can use to store a pointer to your class. You can then pass a free function which casts the user data to a class pointer and then calls the member function. However, the way glut is designed doesn't allow that.