WSO2 BPS - BPMN API not working - wso2

I'm trying to use the REST API for BPMN following the documentation, but even the most basic requests such as
return the following error
I'm using BPS server 3.5.1 with Oracle JDK 1.8.0_77, as it was downloaded, with the only addition of a BPMN process to test its dashboard. The service is run as root (via sudo)
What can be done to fix this?

I tried it on postman and it works perfectly. Please choose the correct request type (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE), if not the following error will be thrown on the server side:;Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response$Status$Family;)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response;


WSO2 ESB (4.9.0) throw out SOAPProcessingException when connecting Salesforce through proxy server

I try to use WSO2 ESB at workplace where Proxy Server is available.
Set Proxy Server settings in axis2.xml,
Install certificate.
Initialize Salesforce connector(Salesforce certificate has been installed).
Test the API, run into an exception - SOAPProcessingException,
Really appreciate if someone can give ideas of solution.
First of all I have tried this type of a scenario using WSO2 ESB 4.9.0 and which was perfectly working fine. By looking at your error messages I can see that there was an Authentication failure, hence Sales Force end point returns some HTML error message. The ESB tries to build this HTML error message using the SOAP builder leading to this situation.
This could be due to some missing configuration in your setting. You may follow [1] to enable HTTP Proxy to Sales Force. Then to setup Sales Force [2] will be helpful.
Couple of thing I need to highlight here. Did you import the Salesforce certificate into the ESBs client trust store using the keytool import command. If not please go ahead and do so. Also is there a particular reason for you to use NHTTP transport here. Ideally we would use Passthrough transport to add the proxy host as given in [1].
If you still get the error after following the above steps please enable the wirelogs and post it here to investigate further. Follow these steps to enable wirelogs.
Open file from a text editor. file is located in $ESB_HOME/repository/conf directory.
Un-comment the following entry.
Hope this helps you.

How to fix WSO2 "Error connecting to the Tryit ajax proxy"

I am very new to WSO2 and I am working through the WSO2 example Cloud to RDBMS using WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus. I have followed the example as closely as I can. When I click "TryIt" for the service I am running into an "Error connecting to the Tryit ajax proxy" I do have the axis2 server started with the command /opt/wso2esb-4.8.1/samples/axis2Server$ ./ and the axis2 server looks to be operating correctly. Please let me know if the example is dated or if there is something else I need to do. It is certainly missing steps that I have had to infer and I may have not known to take a step that it didn't explicitly tell me to take.
Thank you for your help.
Fixed by deleting artifacts from server and re-deploying (no other changes).

WSO2 ESB Identity Server and Web Service Client

I'm refering to the following article
I would like to use the sample echoService from the WSO2 AS over a secured proxy in WSO2 ESB in combination with the Identity Server for fine-grained authorization. All the settings mentioned on this page seem to work, however I am stuck concerning the client part. I use NetBeans and the given client code, but the .jars in the classpath there have older versions then the ones in the current version of WSO2 IS, so I started to exchange them manually. Now I get some exceptions like
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
and I am stuck again. I just want to test the echoService in this constellation and send some string over the ESB via IS and receive the response(if I have the appropriate role) from the AS, is there not another client or how could I test it else?
Thank you!
I can suggest you 3 options:
Use SoapUI to test the service which is the easiest way to test a web service.
Generate the stub for the service and have stub as the dependency in your client. You can use the WSDL2Java tool that ship with AS. Loging to AS --> Tools in left pane --> WSDL2Java --> Provide the wsdl URL and generate the stub jar.
Generate correct dependency libs. Go to [IS-Home]/bin folder, and issue that command "ant" to run the build.xml, this will copy all required libs to [IS-HOME]/repository/lib/ folder. Have them in your class path.

WSO2 API Key Manager

I am configuring our API Manager, but running into troubles authenticating via OAuth, seems to be an issue with the API Key Manager. I haven't dug into it yet, but does this come with the API Manager (as I have assumed) or is this a separate installation?
I had the same issue when using the wso2 api manager on a Amazon hosted machine, turn out that Thrift was not working correctly because some problem with multicasting and broadcasting.
What I did to get it working was to switch from ThriftClient to WSClient. If you have a huge amount of requests coming in then Thrift is the recommended solution from wso2 but in any "normal" case you will not have any differences between thrift and WS.
Here is how you switch:
Shut down the API Manager
Open up <api manager install dir>\repository\conf\api-manager.xml
Find ThriftClient
Change this to
Start the API Manager
You may get some Warnings while starting up but, try it before you jump to the conclusion that it doesn't work.
Hope it helps!
you can use APIM manager product in a distributed setup as keymanger,gateway,store,publisher..but all functionality come in a single distribution.. ..
Go through the documentation for further guides
I was facing the same issue. Everything started when I created my own jks in order to use SSL without a self-signed certificate. I successfully created the jks and changed it in the carbon file. When I started the server, everything seemed ok; but when I used SOAPUI to test an API call, I got this (in the logs of the api manager):
APIAuthenticationHandler API authentication failure due to Unclassified Authentication Failure
I started digging what was the problem by enabling Debug level in the file, and then tried again a tested with SOAPUI and I got:
APISecurityException: Could not connect to <my api ip address> on port 10397
Then, I read the comment of OneMuppet and I checked that file and I found that the Thrift config has a host option, so I uncommented it:
This Line --> <ThriftServerHost>localhost</ThriftServerHost>
Save, restarted the server and everything start working correctly.
I got the same below issue after my installation, when i try to invoke the api service it is throwing below error:
900900 Unclassified Authentication Failure Error while accessing backend services for API key validation
After some random checks i have seen the axis2.xml file in /repository/conf/axis2 there it is refering a differnt ip's instead. I change these ip's to my local ip and restarted. The issue is resolved now.
I was facing the same issue. when I was trying to setup API Manager as an API Gateway in a different machine as per the steps given here,
Once the setup is done and when I am trying to use this gateway URL, I was getting the below response,
{"fault":{"code":900900,"message":"Unclassified Authentication Failure","description":"Error while accessing backend services for API key validation"}}
After changing the KeyValidatorClientType value to WSClient from ThriftClient on the <api manager install dir>\repository\conf\api-manager.xml
It started working fine. And I was able to get the expected response.
If you changed the admin password, then you also have to update the repository/conf/api-manager.xml file with the new password. The 2 places I have changed (so far) are:
but there are other admin usernames in that file. No doubt, I'll get to them....

SOAP Request fails with "Invalid service URL" error

My BlackBerry application consumes axis2 web services. SOAP POST HTTP request constantly fails with this error "Invalid service URL". I launch my app in 8800 simulator with ";deviceside=false" option specified. MDS is running.
I can't test my app on real device for now. Any help?
Problem solved. You need to add specific options to MDS configuration to make it work behind proxy. Here's an artical that describes the solution.