Resetting the conditional variable (boost) - c++

I apologize if this question is already asked.
Is it possible to clear the conditional variable which is already set?
The details on what I want to achieve below:
void worker_thread {
while (wait_for_conditional_variable_execute) {
// process data here
// Inform main thread that the data got processed
// Clear the conditional variable 'execute'
NOTE that The worker thread should process the data only one time, and it should wait for main thread to set "execute" conditional variable again
I also thought about having a flag like below
void worker_thread {
while (wait_for_conditional_variable_execute) {
if (flag) { flag = 0; }
// process data here. The `flag` will be set by main thread
But I am thinking this would be CPU intensive as this is nothing but polling of the flag. Isn't so?

Yes. The condition_variable is reset any time wait() is called. wait() blocks the current thread until the condition_variable is woken up so to speak.
You appear to be using the condition_variable incorrectly, however. Instead of saying
while (wait_for_conditional_variable_execute)
You really wanna say
while (thread_should_run)
// wait_for_conditional_variable_execute
This would give you something to the following effect:
void processDataThread()
while (processData)
// Wait to be given data to process
// Finished waiting, so retrieve data to process
int n = getData();
// Process data:
total += n;
Then in your main thread you'd have:
Your thread will process the data, re-enter the while loop then wait for the condition_variable to be triggered. Once triggered (i.e. notify() is called) the thread will process the data, then wait again.


Using a C++ std::vector as a queue in a thread

I would like to have items added to a queue in one thread via in an asynchronous web request handler:
void handleRequest(item) {
There is a background thread that constantly processes these queue items as follows:
while(true) {
for(auto item : toProcess) { doSomething(item); }
Clearly this isn't thread safe ... you might add an item to toProcess right when the for loop finishes and thus have it cleared out without being processed. What would be the best model to program something like this?
I'm going to use std::atomic<T>::wait which is a C++20 feature, there is a way to do it with condition variables too however, and they exist since C++11.
Include <atomic> and <mutex>
You will need a member atomic_bool.
std::atomic_bool RequestPassed = false;
and a member mutex
std::mutex RequestHandleMutex;
Your handleRequest function would then become
void handleRequest(item) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(RequestHandleMutex)
and your loop would be this
while(true) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(RequestHandleMutex)
/* handle latest item passed */;
This way, the while thread waits instead of constantly iterating (saving cpu power and battery). If you then use handleRequest, the atomic_bool gets notified to stop waiting, the request is handled (mutex is locked so no new requests can come while this happens), RequestPassed is reset to false, and the thread waits for the next request.

how to terminates all the preallocated threads in a threadpool?

I have used below structure to create a threadpool, now the question is how do I let all the preallocate threads end properly?
std::vector<pthread_t> preallocatedThreadsPool; // threadpool
std::queue<int> tcpQueue; // a queue to hold my task
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t condition_var = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
void* threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool(void *arg);
main () {
for(pthread_t i : preallocatedThreadsPool) {
pthread_create(&i, NULL, threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool, NULL);
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // one thread mess with the queue at one time
void* threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool(void *arg) {
while (true) {
if (tcpQueue.empty()) { // can't get work from the queue then just wait
pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var, &mutex); // wait for the signal from other thread to deal with client otherwise sleep
task = tcpQueue.front();
if (task) {
// do task
return NULL;
I have been searching for days for this problem still can not find a decent solution, the closest one I have tried is , when the program wants to quit, push a special item into the queue, then inside threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool, when detecting such item, I will call pthread_join, however, when I using gdb tool to debug it , those pre-allocated threads are still there, anyone could help, better with some code, for example, how do I modify the threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool, so that I can quit all the pre-allocated threads properly?
Thanks so much!!!
TLDR: You just need a thread-safe variable that all threads can check for an exit condition in between work items. Use pthread_join to wait for a thread to exit.
First, let's get the while loop in your thread function correct with respect to condition variables.
Instead of this:
pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var, &mutex); // wait for the signal from other thread to deal with client otherwise sleep
task = tcpQueue.front();
Check the state of the queue before before and after waking up on the condition variable. Spurious wake up is a real thing and there's no guarantee another thread didn't wake up and grab the last work item. You definitely don't want to be popping from an empty queue.
while (tcpQueue.empty()) {
pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var, &mutex); // wait for the signal from other thread to deal with client otherwise sleep
task = tcpQueue.front();
With that addressed, we can introduce a new global bool that represents the stop condition:
bool stopCondition = false;
Whenever we want to tell all the threads in the pool to stop, we can set stopCondition to true and signal the condition var to alert all threads of a state change. Reading or writing stopCondition should be done under a lock. (I suppose you could also use std::atomic<bool>)
Putting it all together, your thread function becomes this:
void* threadFunctionUsedByThreadsPool(void* arg) {
while (!stopCondition) {
// wait for a task to be queued
while (tcpQueue.empty() && !stopCondition) {
pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var, &mutex); // wait for the signal from other thread to deal with client otherwise sleep
if (stopCondition == false) {
task = tcpQueue.front();
// exit lock while operating on a task
if (task) {
// do task
// re-acquire the lock
// release the lock before exiting the function
return NULL;
And then a helper function to signal all the threads to exit and also waits for each thread to stop. notice that we're using pthread_cond_broadcast to notify all threads to wake up from their condition variable wait instead of pthread_cond_signal which only wakes up one thread.
void stopThreadPool()
// signal all threads to exit after they finish their current work item
stopCondition = true;
pthread_cond_broadcast(&condition_var); // notify all threads
// wait for all threads to exit
for (auto& t : preAllocatedThreadsPool) {
pthread_join(t, nullptr);
One last bug that I just caught - your main isn't property initializing your preAllocatedThreadsPool vector like you think it is. You're making a copy of the pthread_t, instead of using the handle actually in the vector.
Instead of this:
for(pthread_t i : preallocatedThreadsPool) {
Your loop needs to enumerate by reference:
for(pthread_t &i : preallocatedThreadsPool) {
Send a task that instructs the pool thread to requeue the task and then terminate. The poison-task will then run through all the threads in the pool, killing them all off. I have used a null as the poison, (ie, an illegal task) - it does not need to be destructed when it has killed the last thread. You may wish to purge the task queue before sending the null/whatever. If you use a null, you only need a null check in the threads, just after dequeing the task.
You need very little extra code, you don't need to know how many threads in the pool and it will work:)

C++: condition variable [duplicate]

Suppose I have two threads and one shared c++ 11 condition variable.
What whould happen if thread1 call notify and after that thread2 call wait?
Will thread2 block forever or it will continue it's work due to call of notify by thread1?
enum bcLockOperation
bcLockOperation_Light = -1,
bcLockOperation_Medium = 50,
bcLockOperation_Heavy = 1
class BC_COREDLL_EXP bcCustomMutex
bcCustomMutex(const bcCustomMutex&);
bcCustomMutex& operator=(const bcCustomMutex&);
bcAtomic<int> mFlag;
bcMutex mMutex;
bcConditionVariable mCond;
bcCustomMutex() { bcAtomicOperation::bcAtomicInit(mFlag, 0); };
~bcCustomMutex() {};
void lock(bcLockOperation pLockOperation = bcLockOperation_Medium)
bcINT32 lNewLoopCount = static_cast<bcINT32>(pLockOperation);
bcINT32 lLoopCounter = 0;
bcINT32 lExpected = 0;
bcINT32 lLoopCount = bcAtomicOperation::bcAtomicLoad(mFlag, bcMemoryOrder_Relaxed);
while (true)
while(bcAtomicOperation::bcAtomicLoad(mFlag, bcMemoryOrder_Relaxed) != 0 && lLoopCounter != lLoopCount)
if(lExpected == 0)
else if(lLoopCounter == lLoopCount)
bcLockGuard<bcMutex> lGuard(mMutex);
void UnLock()
bcAtomicOperation::bcAtomicStore(mFlag, 0, bcMemoryOrder_Relaxed);
bcUniqueLock<bcMutex> lGuard(mMutex);
bcBOOL TryLock()
I want to write a custom mutex such that each thread can provide an argument that represents the complexity of operations that the current thread wants to execute.
If the complexity of the operation is low other threads will be in a loop like a spin lock but if the complexity of the operation is medium each thread will iterate 50 times and then will sleep by condition variable and if operation is very complex other threads will go to sleep directly.
now assume thread1 locks this mutex and thread2 goes for waiting due to its loopCounter reaching its end and right before locking the condition variable's mutex, thread1 calls notify on the condition variable. Now thread2 will sleep until another thread locks the custom mutex and then calls unlock on it.
I am new to multithreading and I want to learn. I know that my class may contain errors or may be completely wrong, but is there any way to correct this problem or a good algorithm to write such a mutex.
Thread2 will block until someone calls notify. Calls to notify release threads that are waiting at the time of the call. If there are no threads waiting, they do nothing. They aren't saved.
Usually both the code that decides to wait and the code that decides to notify share the same mutex. So thread2 will never "miss" the notify from thread1.
Here's the classic lock-based concurrent queue example:
void push(int x)
lock_guard<mutex> guard{queue_mutex};
int pop()
unique_lock<mutex> guard{queue_mutex};
not_empty_condition.wait(guard, []{ return !thequeue.empty(); } );
int x = thequeue.front();
return x;
Assume thread1 and thread2 are running push() and pop() respectively. Only one of them will be in the critical section at a time.
If thread2 has the lock, either it never waits because the queue is not empty (so "losing" a notify is harmless), or it sits there waiting for a notify (which won't be lost).
If thread1 got the lock, it will put an element in the queue; if thread2 was waiting, it will get notified properly; if thread2 was still waiting for the mutex, it will never wait, as there is at least one element on the queue, so losing a notify is harmless.
In this manner, a notify is only lost if it was not needed in the first place.
Now, if you have a different usage for condition variables in mind, where "losing" a notification has any consequence, I believe you either have a race condition, or are using the wrong tool altogether.

Is deadlock possible in this simple scenario?

Please see the following code:
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::atomic<bool> terminate;
// Worker thread routine
void work() {
while( !terminate ) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lg{ mutex };
// Do something
// Do something
// This function is called from the main thread
void terminate_worker() {
terminate = true;
Is the following scenario can happen?
Worker thread is waiting for signals.
The main thread called terminate_worker();
The main thread set the atomic variable terminate to true, and then signaled to the worker thread.
Worker thread now wakes up, do its job and load from terminate. At this step, the change to terminate made by the main thread is not yet seen, so the worker thread decides to wait for another signal.
Now deadlock occurs...
I wonder this is ever possible. As I understood, std::atomic only guarantees no race condition, but memory order is a different thing. Questions:
Is this possible?
If this is not possible, is this possible if terminate is not an atomic variable but is simply bool? Or atomicity has nothing to do with this?
If this is possible, what should I do?
Thank you.
I don't believe, what you describe is possible, as cv.notify_all() afaik (please correct me if I'm wrong) synchronizes with wait(), so when the worker thread awakes, it will see the change to terminate.
A deadlock can happen the following way:
Worker thread (WT) determines that the terminate flag is still false.
The main thread (MT) sets the terminate flag and calls cv.notify_all().
As no one is curently waiting for the condition variable that notification gets "lost/ignored".
MT calls join and blocks.
WT goes to sleep ( cv.wait()) and blocks too.
While you don't have to hold a lock while you call cv.notify, you
have to hold a lock, while you are modifying terminate (even if it is an atomic)
have to make sure, that the check for the condition and the actual call to wait happen while you are holding the same lock.
This is why there is a form of wait that performs this check just before it sends the thread to sleep.
A corrected code (with minimal changes) could look like this:
// Worker thread routine
void work() {
while( !terminate ) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lg{ mutex };
if (!terminate) {
// Do something
// Do something
// This function is called from the main thread
void terminate_worker() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex);
terminate = true;

Start and Stop a loop within a Thread in C++

I need to start a loop from an event and then stop it from another event.
My idea was to call the function startDequeuing() when I press the button so that a thread with the loop start and then to terminate this loop putting "dequeuing" variable at false from the function stopDequeuing().
It's the first time I use thread, the program locks when I start the loop I think because the variable 'dequeuing' is locked and inaccessible from outside the thread, am I correct?
How can I solve this problem??
Here there is some code:
void CameraManager::startDequeuing(){
dequeuing = true;
std::thread dequeueThread(&CameraManager::dequeueLoop, this);
void CameraManager::stopDequeuing(){
dequeuing = false;
void *CameraManager::dequeueLoop(){
The whole point of using threads is to get more than one function running in parallel. Here:
std::thread dequeueThread(&CameraManager::dequeueLoop, this);
You start a second thread and put the first thread to sleep, waiting for the spawned thread to return. So you still have just one thread running. If you have so kind of GUI event loop, you might lock for a possibility to add a callback that will get called, when ever that event loop is empty. This might enable you to do what you want without using threads at all.
A solution might look like this:
void CameraManager::startDequeuing(){
dequeuing = true;
dequeueThread = std::thread(&CameraManager::dequeueLoop, this);
void CameraManager::stopDequeuing(){
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( mutex );
dequeuing = false;
bool CameraManager::keepOnDequeuing()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( mutex );
return dequeuing;
void *CameraManager::dequeueLoop(){
while( keepOnDequeuing() ){
Your program deadlocks because join() will block until your thread function completes; And it will never complete at that point because it's effectively executing while(true).
You want dequeueThread to be a member of your class. Why would you want it to survive only for the scope of startDequeuing?
Define dequeing as an atomic bool:
#include <atomic>
std::atomic_bool dequeing = false;
It's much faster than using a mutex and gets you the same synchronization.